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A View from My Window
A View from My Window
A View from My Window
Ebook128 pages37 minutes

A View from My Window

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About this ebook

In A View from My Window, Marjories poems run the gamut from childlike innocence to adult maturity on through older age. Themes range from skepticism to deep faith, from playfulness to dead seriousness, from admonishing the wayward to acceptance of people in all condition of life.
In the collection of poems, no topic is too mundane or too minute to expound upon e.g., a ray of sunshine or a garden gnome. Marjorie writes poignantly about excessive eating and weight gain, loss of loved ones, relationship problems, loneliness and despair, as well as exuberant joy in nature, friends, family, travel, and memories of bygone days.
Upon reading the poems, one can tell that Marjorie enjoys life, even with its heartache and uncertainty, and that she is a keen observer of people.
Marjorie Curtis was born and raised in Aliceville, Alabama. She presently lives in Greenwood, Mississippi.
Release dateOct 26, 2011
A View from My Window

Marjorie Patricia Brooks Curtis

About The Artist Jesse Hughes, Jr. a native of Greenwood, Mississippi, developed a passion for art at an early age. In his work, Jesse often uses contemporary simple concepts combined with a strong traditional technique. He creates art that evokes human emotion through color, light, and form. Jesse’s artwork has been featured in numerous galleries, festivals, and private collections throughout the Mississippi Delta. In 2005, Jesse was awarded first place in the 2005 U.S. Congressional Art Competition in Washington, D.C. He is a 2005 graduate of Amanda Elzy High School and a 2010 graduate with a Bachelor Degree in Fine Arts with emphasis in sculpture at Mississippi State University. Jesse is well on his way as an artist and is continuing his studies at Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University (FAMU) Graduate School of Architecture in Tallahassee, Florida. Jesse now passes his knowledge on by volunteering at local schools and various youth programs while completing school. About The Author Marjorie Curtis, a native of Aliceville, Alabama, attended Talladega College in Talladega, Alabama and the School of Library Service at Atlanta University in Atlanta, Georgia. She worked as a librarian at Mississippi Valley State University in Itta Bena, Mississippi until her retirement. Marjorie served as a Peace Corp Volunteer in Monrovia, Liberia and she has traveled to Alaska, Hawaii, Africa, Europe, the Middle East, China, and Japan. She is a member of Wesley United Methodist Church, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, the Cotillion Federated Club, and the Bookmarks Literacy Club. She and her husband, the late Joseph W. Curtis are the parents of four children. She is a resident of Greenwood, Mississippi.

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    A View from My Window - Marjorie Patricia Brooks Curtis

    © 2012 Marjorie Patricia Brooks Curtis. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 1/30/2012

    ISBN: 978-1-4567-6930-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4567-6929-1 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4567-6928-4 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2011908345

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    A Window

    Thank God for My Yard

    Amazing Places

    Idle Longings

    Happy in My Skin

    The Next Best Things

    Being With Myself

    Biological Clock


    Putting Food In Its Place

    Eating in Restaurants

    Saying Goodbye to Deadly Brands of Comfort


    Not By



    My Spark

    I Get It Lord

    Toil to Be Worthy

    We Want Him Near

    I Want to Suffer

    Calm Me Down Lord

    A Variable God

    Living Your Faith

    All Gifts Add to the Whole

    Divine Design

    Pharaoh’s Dream

    Dearest Friends



    Glorious Interlude



    On a Son’s 21st Birthday

    To My Mother



    Wedding Anniversary

    Do As

    I Say…

    Gravitate Toward the Light

    Servant Queen

    Her Precious Things

    Coming Out

    Take Pride in Whatever You Do

    Since the Dream



    Biting Back

    Do not Take it Personally

    That’s What They Say

    Negative Friends

    Gross Insensitivity




    Everyone Loves the Day

    Life’s Various Presentations

    Game of Life

    Tests of Life

    The Mile Beyond Midway

    Play Games with Life

    Why Ask, Why Me?

    The World is Beautiful


    The Good Suffer With the Bad

    Aliceville, Alabama ―

    A Nice Place To Be From


    The Old Home Place

    Beloved Industrial High School


    Inner Self


    What Purpose?

    Not a Pretty Sight

    Moments of Bereavement


    Laid Back and Low Key

    I Knew



    Poet’s Story

    A Torn Piece of Paper

    Everyone Wants to be a Poet

    Observing People

    He Can’t Quite Bond

    Not Crazy Crazy

    In Our Midst

    Calm Before the Storm

    Happy Man

    Generation Gap

    Precious Belongings

    Left Behind

    White Elephant

    Artificial Sunlight

    The Forbidden

    Sheep Need Wolf’s Clothing

    Extraordinary Times

    Extraordinary Times

    Blues Makes Me Happy

    Stale Love Blues

    Silly Girl Blues

    Give Me a Good Blues Song

    Rich Man’s Blues

    Good While it Lasted

    List of Illustrations

    About The Artist

    About The Author


    This book is dedicated to my family:










    and to the loving memory of: my parents,

    O. J. and Margaret Brooks

    my stepmother, Lucille Walker Brooks

    my grandmother, Cora Clark

    my brother, Gerald

    and my husband, Joe


    The publication of this little volume of poetry is the end

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