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Know Thy Law: Book 1: the Amendments
Know Thy Law: Book 1: the Amendments
Know Thy Law: Book 1: the Amendments
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Know Thy Law: Book 1: the Amendments

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Know Thy Law Book 1: The Amendments is the first of a three series volume of books, focused on history and the law. In this installment, each one of the amendments in the constitution are analyzed from the point of view of two spirits; who are trying to teach a young man the law. The amendments are analyzed through stories, scenarios, historic guest appearances and much more.

Know Thy Law was an absolute surprise. Reading and understanding the US Constitution is usually reserved for those seeking a career in law and can be downright intimidating to the average reader, however, George Trim is such a skillful storyteller that he makes you forget that youre actually learning invaluable information most people go through life unaware of, but something that can make such a profound difference in a myriad of circumstances. This book has the very real potential to benefit every single person that resides in this country, whose rights and/or responsibilities may come into question at some point in their lives. It is my hope that everyone makes it a priority to secure his or her very own copy of this book.

Karen Bailey, Paraprofessional

In this classic Know Thy Law, the author George Trim is not afraid to go to certain levels to capture and explain each amendment in the U.S. constitution. It is true genius the way Mr. Trim channels the spirit of righteousness of Malcolm X and Medgar Evers to reach and turn the unconscious to the conscious. It is very enlightening the way Mr. Trim gives lessons on history, metaphysics and Kemetic science while at the same time giving the reader an overstanding of all amendments. With a touch of sarcasm that Mr. Trim uses, he gives Know Thy Law a feel of entertainment while being very informative to the reader at the same time, showing that learning can be fun. Without a doubt, this classic should be in every school, library and home. Know Thy Law is a must have and gem to the conscious community because knowledge of the law and how it is used is an essential tool for liberation of the people. HOTEP!!!!!

Ian Kane, Metaphysician
Release dateAug 12, 2014
Know Thy Law: Book 1: the Amendments

George Trim

He is a currently a middle school teacher and proud father of three. He has a bachelor's degree in History and a Master's degree in Urban Education.

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    Book preview

    Know Thy Law - George Trim

    Chapter 0: Know Thy Law

    As the two soar through the air, they enjoy each others silence while they listen to the wind. Listen….Listen….Listen……then the spirit of Malcolm X said This sure is peaceful Medgar.

    An annoyed spirit of Medgar Evers replied Well it was, until you started speaking again. (As they are still flying) We agreed miles ago that we will enjoy the sounds of silence until we come up with a plan to complete our mission. Now unless you have a plan, may we continue using the power of silence?

    Malcolm just smiled, as Medgar’s snarling stare broke down into a huge smile; and they both just started laughing. Okay now brother, I guess that isn’t the first time I was told that I talk too much, but I actually do have a plan; like always Malcolm proudly stated.

    I know you got a plan said Medger that’s why I was really mad at you; you keep beating me to the punch with ideas. What’s the plan?

    Malcolm stared at him and said The Law. Our people must Know Thy Law. Let’s teach the people your strength and help them understand how powerful the law is. If one person can teach another one, and the cycle continues, the law can be used to bring drastic change and help out many in need.

    They both stopped flying and just nodded their heads at each other. Medgar said that’s the best idea you ever came up with brother, if people can really learn the law they can protect themselves and excel themselves in ways that they can’t conceive. But with that being said, the only catch is how we are going to teach people the law, when we can’t make contact with all of them, and even for the ones that we can communicate with, how are we going to convince them to even follow through on our studies?

    Malcolm responded Great question, but those catches have already been caught my friend. First of all we don’t need to teach all of the people at once, we only need to teach one who we know will teach another, who will teach another and will continue the trend. Second of all, although we can’t physically appear before anyone we can communicate with their minds, so all we have to do is be honest like we’ve always been and we’ll be alright. And last but not least, all we have to do is find someone who can benefit the most from learning the law and will be intrinsically motivated (motivated from within) to learn what we have to offer them; knowledge that is useful to their craft. Someone like one of them down there Malcolm points to a street alley where a gang is having some type of meeting.

    Medger, with a confused look on his face, Brother, I think you might want to get those glasses checked out, because someone like one of them down there might be the last people that will bother to acknowledge our communication, let alone follow through on our studies. What are you seeing that im not seeing right now?

    Just watch brother, observe how clever the seemingly ignorant youth operates Malcolm says.

    They both slowly descend down and get closer to the gang. Out from the background of adolescent males and females all dressed up in orange and black; the leader of the gang, H.M. Getit, emerges.

    Okay family; let me tell you all how this is gonna go down. My little homie, is ready to advance to another level in our family. Little Rebbie here is ready to walk the Lane of Pain; the gang forms a soul train line and beats up the initiate as he/she walks up and down the lane. Now you are no longer a little homie, you’re a full fledge Kushite King in our Kounty. As a new gang in this neighborhood, we need to set up shop on these blocks over here and make that money.

    Everyone splits up and leaves. H.M. Getit, who’s real name is Andy Jenkins, is the last to leave the alley; and alone. Malcolm tells Medger okay now’s our perfect chance let’s go. They both close their eyes and start to meditate. Their auras collide and enter Andy’s mind together.

    Andy don’t be alarmed, says Malcolm, Andy this is the spirit of Malcolm X and Medger Evers communicating with you, and we are here to help you.

    Andy thinks to himself What is going on here? Am I dreaming?

    No fool said Medger this is for real Andy, whether you know who we are or not is not the point, the point is that we are here to teach you the law and prove to you that it can and will instantly help you out with your life.

    Sternly Andy spoke okay im listening, how can you help me out with my life? Im no fool, I know who you two are and what type of men you were Malcolm and Medger look at each other in complete shock. I just want to let yall know from the jump that I aint with all of that revolution stuff. Im about my money and my organization.

    But what about when the police try to shake you and your people down, what is your plan to stop that? Malcolm said.

    Andy replies the plan is to just avoid them; what else can we do?

    Learn the law Medgar stated and I guarantee you, at least that mess with them shaking you and your people down, will automatically stop; only if you follow what we teach you.

    Convinced, Andy said okay so show and prove, im not promising anything, but if you can promise me progress in my life; im all aboard and im definitely putting all of my people on as well. Let’s do this.

    Chapter 1: There’s a fire

    The First Amendment Medgar states is for the most part straight forward, but I want to show you the law in practice, so I want you to go to these three locations and follow my instructions to get the full effect of the lesson.

    Medgar led Andy to the first location; The U.S.S. (United Satanist Society) main headquarters. The USS, led by their all mighty ruler Hsub, are giving out pamphlets and chanting in unison.

    There’s a fire in here, there’s a fire in here, there’s a fire in here they repeatedly chanted. Andy with a confused look on his face began to question Medgar Why do you have me here around these crazy devil worshippers? I don’t wanna hear none of this stuff, I’m a Christian and I wont stand here and listen to this blasphemy.

    Medgar and Malcolm laugh amongst each other.

    Have no fear my young brother said Medgar Our only purpose for being here is for knowledge just trust me. Now I want you to go over there and pick up a pamphlet from one of the members.

    Andy cautiously and angrily went over to the group and got a pamphlet. It read…..

    Brothers and Sisters of father’s fiery future Abode, join us in the termination of Christianity as the real rapture approaches to do away with all of the worthless Jesus junkies of the planet…..

    What type of stuff is this? Andy sternly states why are the cops just standing there and letting them do that? That’s that twisted mess i’m talking about. I know that a couple of them cops are Christians, but they just gonna stand there and accept all of this?

    It’s called the Freedom of religion and the freedom of press, two components of the first amendment said Medgar. the freedom of religion allows you the right to practice any type of religion; regardless of how unique, unorthodox, old, new, etc… and the freedom of press allows you the right to print out any type of material and give out information to anyone willing to take it; regardless of how harsh the words are and who is offended by it. Now let’s move on to the next location and get the next lesson.

    Medgar leads Andy to the second location, a KKK rally in the middle of Times Square holding up signs about how they are against gay and lesbian marriage. They all start to follow the leaders words We don’t like the queers, there’s a fire in here, over and over again.

    Andy questions Medgar on the chant that’s the second time I heard there’s a fire in here. What is the meaning behind their fire?

    Well these guys are very devoted Christians, maybe not devoted like many other Christians you may know; but devoted enough in their minds. They are speaking of the world burning down as a result of the new Gay and Lesbian marriage bill. But just continue watching

    Malcolm is observing Medgar and Andy, while he is taking notes. Medgar questions him what are those notes for brother? It’s not like we’re having a debate?

    Malcolm just smiled but kept

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