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What Passes for Love
What Passes for Love
What Passes for Love
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What Passes for Love

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What Passes For Love is an urban tale of love and betrayal. Lust and ambition take over the life of Philadelphia attorney Lachlan Cage. How far will he go to satisfy both of these intense desires? The reader gets a peek behind the mansions of Philadelphias wealthy Mainline through two weddings at the prestigious Ritz Hotel. The characters overlap into a steamy tangle of illicit affairs and corporate intrigue. A quick, entertaining, smart read you won't be able to put down
Release dateJan 19, 2011
What Passes for Love

Greta Chapin-McGill

Greta Chapin McGill is an artist and writer from Washington, DC. Educated at Howard University and the Corcoran School of Art. Working three years as a fashion model in Florence, Italy she indulged her love of renaissance artists and studied their techniques. Writing for the web on art technique and beauty issues, she contributes frequently to beauty trade publications. She has published several short stories; What Passes For Love is her first novel

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    What Passes for Love - Greta Chapin-McGill

    © 2011Greta Chapin-McGill. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    First published by AuthorHouse 1/14/2010

    ISBN: 978-1-4520-9685-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4520-9686-5 (e)

    ISBN: 978-1-4520-9684-1 (hc)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2010917647

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    CHAPTER 10

    CHAPTER 11

    CHAPTER 11

    CHAPTER 12

    CHAPTER 13

    CHAPTER 14


    CHAPTER 15

    CHAPTER 16

    CHAPTER 17


    CHAPTER 18

    CHAPTER 19

    CHAPTER 20

    CHAPTER 21


    CHAPTER 22

    CHAPTER 23


    CHAPTER 24

    CHAPTER 25

    CHAPTER 25

    CHAPTER 26

    CHAPTER 27


    CHAPTER 28

    CHAPTER 29

    Chapter 30


    To everyone who encouraged me

    … especially my daughter

    "….If you could do anything…

    what would you do…?" P

    What Passes For Love



    The early afternoon sun blazed across the dark surface of a shiny black BMW crossing the Admiral Wilson Boulevard. At the wheel, behind heavily darkened windows was Lachlan Cage. He turned right at the second traffic light off the boulevard and disappeared into the streets of Camden near the waterfront. Lachlan turned off into a neighborhood a white man in a BMW should avoid unless he was a cop or a crazy ass motherfucker.

    The streets in this part of Camden are lined with abandoned factories, vacant lots, and unoccupied buildings and houses used by crack smoking prostitutes for their unsavory street trade. People who live here don’t share their business with the neighbors. They are the faceless, nameless people; the kind you hear about on the eleven o’clock news after they are dead.

    Lachlan turned down Chester Street towards #64, a two-story building with graffiti covered garage door on the ground floor, one of only four buildings left on the gutted block. The lot directly across the street was a dumping ground for old refrigerators, mattresses, scrap metal, tires and broken glass. A stray dog was licking at the remnants of a red and white Crown Fried Chicken container.

    The windows on the top floors over the garage of #64 Chester Street were boarded over with plywood. What was once white paint was now mottled gray and peeling away from the window sashes like dry layers of an onion. Green tar siding covered the exterior surface clinging to some places and pulling away in others. A car repair service once operated out of the garage but had closed long ago; the only evidence of life was a rusted sign over the door and old oil stains on the broken concrete.

    Lachlan reached into the glove box. He took out a small remote, activated the garage door and by the time he reached #64 it was open. The Beamer silently slipped into the interior of the garage. Lachlan quickly closed the door and felt his world fall into place. The sound of the door sliding down well-oiled tracks blocked out every stressful thing in his life. It was comforting. It was soothing. At 64 he could finally be Lachlan Cage.

    Meetings with his fiancé about his upcoming wedding caused a need in Lachlan to retreat to this private space. After every discussion of the wedding he found himself receding more and more into the sublime world of 64. It was like putting on the same performance night after night when he had to spend time with wedding plans. June 19th, the date of the wedding, was a year away but it couldn’t come fast enough. He needed this wedding business to be over and wrapped up.

    Lachlan got out of the car, opened the back door and retrieved a navy Armani suit jacket from the back seat. He took a set of three silver keys out of the inside pocket of the jacket. The metal felt cold in his hands. Into the nondescript plywood door on the left wall of the garage he inserted the first key; it opened revealing polished steel elevator doors. He turned the second key, the elevator doors slid open. Inside the small elevator he used the third key to activate the first of two unmarked buttons set deep into the polished steel plate. He took care to touch nothing but the key, and the elevator began its assent.

    64 was Lachlan’s personal sanctuary from everyday life. It took him the better part of a year and $500,000 to complete renovations on the interior of #64. Lachlan was meticulous, indulging every decorative fantasy he ever had. The flooring, white oak, brought light into the space. There were no windows on the inside; a lot of money was spent on the technical aspects of the lighting. It could give the illusion of daylight or nightlight in the space. 64 was a labor of love and a major architectural challenge. There were times his ego wanted to tell the world about the artistic accomplishment of the space but it only lasted a moment. He knew there was no sharing his life at #64 Chester Street with the outside world.

    The great room was decorated in an oriental style. An intense relationship between Lachlan and a furniture buyer for Pier One ended but it left #64 furnished in dark rattan and jewel tones of red, green, and amber. It was elegant and soothing. Large faux antique urns stood in the corners filled with willow bark, the floors were covered with expensive oriental rugs. The rugs were a gift from the owner of the East Indian Import Export Co. Lachlan smiled at the memory of the delivery of the rugs every time he looked at them.

    Lachlan crossed to the kitchen area of the great room loosening his tie and opening the top buttons of his pale blue shirt. He opened one of the cabinets taking out his everyday martini shaker and matching glass. He wasn’t entertaining this afternoon so he made this concession for himself. Picking up the remote from the black marble counter top he switched on the flat screen plasma TV mounted on the wall, sat down on the soft, merlot colored velour couch and put his feet up.

    Meetings with Melody about the wedding always exhausted him. She needed so much attention it was getting difficult to stay in character with her for very long. He made up his mind months ago the success he wanted and needed as a law partner at the firm of Hamilton Hitchcock was worth any price and marriage to the senior partner, Artemis Hamilton’s daughter Melody, was the ultimate price. Women were so easy he thought and Melody Hamilton was as uncomplicated as a peanut butter sandwich.

    Chrissie Hamilton, Artemis’ wife, trained her daughter in the fine art of doing nothing. Chrissie could busy herself spending Artemis money in the most creative ways and Melody took this vocation as seriously as her mother did. She went to college because it was her father’s requirement to keep her allowance coming. At Drexel she paid someone to do her assignments and attend her classes so she could continue the quest for the perfect pair of shoes. In every way she was the perfect compliment to Lachlan’s ambition. Lachlan felt her life was enviable, it was obvious the moment he met her.

    Lachlan Cage was not born into any kind of privilege. He worked hard for everything he achieved. Average height, slim build, he was the guy looked over by everyone. His high school years were hell. Lachlan was different and he knew it. He quickly found he needed money and a lot of it to be completely happy, so he committed himself to getting it. After law school he took a position as Judge Kaufman’s clerk in the superior court. The job allowed him to get close and personal with every major law firm in the city.

    Artemis Hamilton was a guest at a party hosted by the judge. Lachlan did his research about Artemis’ firm and his life.

    He was able to impress him with his knowledge of his history and the history of his successful firm and he lobbied hard for a spot. Three years at the firm and his work was finally paying off. He looked around him. He was a partner, engaged to the bosses’ daughter, and he had #64.

    As an attorney, Lachlan Cage was ruthless and competitive adversary. He made the decision to marry Melody the moment he saw her. She was the key to his future. Melody was beautiful and dumb as a rock. He couldn’t have asked for anything more. As long as she was occupied with shopping, traveling and hanging out with her girl friends, she was happy. He was just as happy to give her the minimal amount of attention she required.

    Lachlan started the renovations at #64 when he realized he needed a private place to indulge himself and his guests. It had to be a place no one would ever associate with him. Who would think Lachlan Cage would be in a rundown section of Camden? The acquisition of #64 made him a major player in the Group. His parties were legendary. In order to be on the guest list, the recommendation of at least three members was required.

    Members of the Group as they called themselves came from all over…New York, Miami, Boston, San Francisco, and Chicago. They were lawyers, doctors, corporate board members, business owners, even teachers. These men lived very respectable lives. Most were married with beautiful unsuspecting wives and children. The only thing they shared was the secret practices of the Group .


    Victor Banker lived life on two levels; he had been doing it for so long he could hardly remember when it started. Victor had dark Latin looks. The popular girls wanted him. He had his choice of whom to date, and he did date. But always the gentleman, he left them intact on the doorstep.

    He felt comfortable in the company of boys, but it was a conflicted life; it began to take a toll on his mental state. As soon as he graduated high school he left home and moved to Miami. The Bankers had family in Miami so his parents supported the decision. He told them he needed to get away from Philadelphia for awhile, to breathe new air and meet new people. He wanted to get comfortable in own skin.

    In Miami he moved in with Aunt Amelia, his mother’s sister, and his three cousins, Magda, Isabella, and Hector. The cousins were close and Hector helped him get a job working with him at UPS. The first year passed quickly. Magda tried to fix up her handsome cousin with some of her friends but she soon became frustrated with his picky ways and after a few tries, she gave up. Victor settled into a life made up of work and play station.

    Victor’s UPS route covered the area of trendy boutiques and spas in South Beach. Del Sol, one of Miami’s most expensive salons, was one of his stops. The women in reception knew him and looked forward to his deliveries. They took bets on who would end up dating him. Victor always remained polite, but uninterested.

    On a sultry day in August he met TD, that day changed his life. TD owned Del Sol and two other Miami salons. He was in the process of building his fourth location. The day he met Victor TD saw through all of his layers right through to his uncertain center. In his brown UPS uniform shorts, Victor’s perfectly tanned, muscled legs made TD’s heart jump.

    We have a delivery?

    Oh, I’ll sign. One of the receptionists volunteered. She was glad for another chance to approach Victor.

    That’s okay, TD said, and he stepped forward to look directly into Victor’s eyes. He held the gaze for a split second, long enough for him to tell.

    I’m expecting something personal today.

    He signed for the packages and in Victor’s eyes saw the unmistakable signs, Victor could be had.

    I’m Tomaso D’Santo. I don’t believe we’ve met, he said shaking Victor’s hand.

    ‘Thanks, my name is Victor… Victor Banker". TD’s hand felt smooth and cool to Victor. TD kept his hand for just a moment; to Victor it felt much longer.

    Are you from Miami? You’ve got some sort of accent.

    I’m from Philadelphia; originally my family is from Cuba.

    Come into the office Victor, I have a package going out.

    All so very casual; that was how it started. TD went out of his way to be at the South Beach location anytime a delivery was expected. He and Victor slowly became acquainted. TD was excited; more excited than he had been in a long time. Victor was young and so ready. He knew it. He had an eye for these things. At 43 he was no baby in the life and Victor was a prize he intended to have.

    TD made a decision to enlist help in getting to Victor. He called one of his pets, a massage therapist from the downtown location and told him to come by his apartment.

    TD used Fernando for a variety of different tasks and knew he would ask no questions. Over coronas at his apartment TD gave him his assignment.

    I need to know where he goes. Where he lives, if he is seeing anyone, male or female, I want know everything.

    Oh TD mi amore, there is nothing I wouldn’t do for you, you know that. This one must be very special. I can’t wait to see the little puppy.

    Well, just remember this is a job you bitch. TD growled back at him. He is not for you to touch, comprende? If I find you have touched him, you will regret it. He took a sip of his beer and walked into the bedroom. When you have finished cleaning up these glasses, I will expect you to be ready to perform your normal duties.

    Fernando realized he was being allowed to spend more time with TD. He scrambled to clear away the glasses. Thank you. Thank you so much.

    Fernando followed TD’s strict orders and watched Victor. His every move was reported to TD. Everything his did in Miami, everyone he saw and visited and there did not appear to be any romantic entanglement. It seemed Victor was waiting for someone, or something. Victor had been living in Miami for two years when TD decided he had waited and watched long enough. Excited by the prospect of taking Victor, he placed an order only he would be able to sign for. When the delivery arrived and TD took Victor to his office to sign for the package, he slid a white linen envelope across his desk to him. A puzzled look on Victor’s face was silenced with one cold look from TD’s dark, black eyes. He didn’t ask, he just turned and left the office.

    Back in his truck Victor opened the envelope. It was an invitation to a party on TD’s private yacht. Don’t disappoint me Victor was handwritten on the bottom of the invitation. The party was on Saturday and it was only Thursday. TD gave him room to think about his decision. The handwritten sentence on the bottom of the note made Victor’s hands feel hot and sweaty. He knew he would go.

    On Saturday evening Victor, in white linen slacks and a tight, light blue wife-beater shirt arrived on the dock in front of TD’s yacht. He stood still; deliberately breathing in the clear night air. Looking over the railing TD turned away from two men who were earnestly talking with him. Ah…Victor, so glad you decided to join us. He greeted Victor at the top of the gangway. We’ll be pushing off very soon. Come in and meet The Group".

    Victor was lead downstairs. He heard the noise of the gangway being pulled up, and felt the surge of the boat as it left the dock and began to make its way out into the darkness of the open sea. In the main salon of the boat at the bottom of the stairs, naked, young, supple male bodies were seated on dark blue satin pillows on the floor, their arms bound behind their backs tightly with blue velvet ties. A pair of tall ebony black women moved about the salon wearing only gold high heeled shoes, their high, erect nipples pierced with gold and lapis hoops, serving champagne to all the guests. When TD entered the men in the room looked up and greeted him warmly with pats on the back talking as if the young men seated on the floor were not even there.

    My friends please welcome our guest of honor, Victor. TD’s arm went around Victor’s shoulder. Victor will be joining us, won’t you Victor?

    TD took Victors arm and gently slid his watch off, replacing it with a black leather cuff with a heavy D ring attached. He then reached into his pocket and took out a length of silver chain and clipped it to the ring. Victor looked down at the floor. A man approached him from behind and lightly touched his neck with the back of his left hand. He gave TD a small thin silver box.

    Victor, TD said opening the box, Here is your costume for your night here. You can change right here, you have no more secrets. TD handed Victor a black mask and a silver package containing a bright blue condom.

    Victor remained in Miami for another three years. TD introduced him to the lifestyle hidden in his soul for a long time. Never had he admitted to himself he was attracted to other men. When he had those thoughts he felt nothing but shame. TD made him understand he could live in both worlds successfully.

    All it requires of you Victor, he said is a small amount of creativity, the right friends and knowledge of yourself.

    He spent his days making his deliveries and catering to his Aunt Ameilia and his nights in TD’s lavish apartment. He spent weekends on TD’s yacht and summers at his villa in Puerto Rico. He accompanied him on buying trips to San Francisco. TD taught him how to dress, and he spent lavishly on Victor’s clothes. Victor learned to appreciate a stylishly decadent lifestyle and he had no wish to return to anything about the past. He was for the first time comfortable with himself.

    The day came when his mother interrupted his new existence. His father suffered a stroke and she needed him home to help her care for her husband. His immediate reaction was he couldn’t leave his new life and return to Philadelphia and all the uncertainty. On a lazy evening on the boat Victor told TD of his Mother’s call.

    Well Victor TD sighed as he sipped his gin and tonic thoughtfully, It is la familia. You must do what you have to do always for your family. Not to worry my pet, I have friends everywhere. You remember I told you to live successfully you need friends to guide you. You have blossomed here with me, but maybe it is time for you to return to help your mother. I will open discreet doors for you. You will be fine. He patted Victor’s tanned sculpted arm affectionately

    Until then, let’s enjoy ourselves.

    TD had been a member of the Group for a very long time. He had a knack for recruiting young men to participate in the activities. Most of the pets came from him. He was talented at training and scouting. Other members would send him names of young men they wanted initiated into the Groups’ activities.

    When Victor returned from Miami to care for his father, he brought with him a telephone number and a letter from TD. The number was the phone at #64 Chester Street. Victor promised himself he would change when he returned to Philly. His Miami existence was over. He convinced himself the activities he engaged in had been a phase. His father began to pressure him. The stroke made him look at his mortality.

    My son, when are you going to find a nice girl, settle. Make me some grandchildren before I die.

    Victor’s answer was always the same.

    Oh Pop, you aren’t going anywhere. We have a long time to be together

    Mi amor, I would love to see you married. It’s time. His mother would chime in.

    There was always some single girl his mother, her friends and the neighbors thought would be perfect for him showing up for dinner on Sunday. Victor began to expect it.

    His job at UPS job transferred him from Miami. He tried to be interested in the women who came for diner but he couldn’t put the sensuality of his days in Miami behind him. He looked at the letter and the phone number TD had given him and he knew what he had to do.

    On his first visit to #64 Lachlan had him picked up by a driver. He took no chances even with a recommendation from TD. Victor rode in silence with a black mask over his eyes in the back of a Lincoln with heavily tinted windows. The ride made him hard with anticipation. There would be pain inflicted on him that night, he knew it. He felt light and longed for the restraints.

    The car stopped and Victor sat unmoving as he heard the driver get out. When his door opened the driver took his arm and led him to the garage door of # 64. He heard the door slide up its steel tracks, and he was lead inside. He heard the click of keys as the driver turned the three locks. His mask was removed and he saw the little elevator for the first time. Okay, The driver said. At the end of your evening I will be taking you back to your car.

    The elevator opened and Victor entered Lachlan Cage’s domain.

    There were about 15 men in attendance. Most of the older men were dressed in expensive business suits. The young men were supple and beautiful, a contrast to their older counterparts. They dressed in black leather and tight black T shirts, and studded collars. The mix of men immediately made him think of parties at TD’s and he was comfortable at once. There were boys circulating with martinis on silver trays and in the kitchen area on the black marble counters were an assortment of hors d’oveures covered in caviar and exotic trays of crab and sturgeon. It was the most sumptuous buffet he had seen since leaving Miami.

    You must be Victor, welcome. It was Lachlan Cage. Let me get you something to drink and introduce you to the friends.

    Lachlan seated Victor next to him on the couch. He looked over his shoulders his tone changed immediately from the welcoming host.

    Wolf! He shouted in what was almost a bark. Get over here, now!

    Victor looked around to see a very young man dressed in black leather shorts, the black T and collar. His collar was made of what looked to be huge diamonds with a blazing shiny silver buckle.

    Two martinis Lachlan said sharply.

    Turning back to Victor, Lachlan again became the gracious host.

    I am so glad you finally decided to contact me Victor

    He placed his hand casually on Victor’s thigh. From the moment he heard Victor’s voice he was intrigued. TD’s finds were always thrilling.

    Lachlan was beginning to tire of his current favorite, Julian. He was becoming a distracting jealous problem and if there was one thing Lachlan regarded with contempt it was a problem in his world. The night he invited Victor, he left Julian’s name off the list.

    Come Victor, let me introduce you around, and then I’ll show you the rest of the house.

    Lachlan took Victor’s hand and guided him around the Group, introducing him. They talked casually to a few of the guests and made their way to an elevator. Lachlan produced his keys. The doors opened.

    Get in Victor.

    In the small, shiny confines of the elevator Lachlan pressed Victor’s hand to his thigh.

    TD tells me wonderful things about you Victor. Do you think you are ready for me?

    Victor found his voice.

    I’ve been back for awhile. Helping my parents, I really haven’t been socializing at all so…

    That’s okay my pet Lachlan smiled No explanations from you necessary. I’m glad you are here with me tonight. You are very attractive to me Victor. A pleasure for my eyes.

    The elevator door opened and Victor saw the second floor of #64 for the first time. The upper floor was cool, dark and painted a bleak shade of grey. The room was mostly bare of furniture except for six huge ornate wing chairs placed next to each other across the front of the room directly opposite the elevator. The chairs were covered in lush grey suede. A well dressed man in a white linen suit and white shoes sat in one of the chairs holding a silver martini glass. Across his lap was long black leather riding crop.

    Six huge square columns in two straight rows of three were wrapped in a soft flowing fabric of the same grey color. They looked to be holding up some dark sky as they disappeared into the blackness of the ceiling. The floor was grey ceramic and it made the room seem to float together. Embedded in the floor were thick round iron rings. There was a slim man bound to the rings on the floor. He wore a thick, black leather codpiece and a black—zippered, leather face mask.

    Rings also hung from the columns and there were long thick leather straps dangling from the dark ceiling. The only light came from track lighting high in the ceiling that splashed circles of light here and there on the floor.

    Well Victor. Welcome to my playroom. Do you think you would like to spend some time with me and my friends?

    Victor’s eyes grew used to the dimness of the room picturing the entertainments that obviously took place there. Imagining what the man on the floor would be feeling or had been feeling. There was not a doubt in his mind he wanted to be intimate friends with Lachlan. He realized how much he was longing for the sensuality TD had opened for him.

    Yes… Yes Lachlan I want to be a part of what happens here. Yes, nothing would make me happier than to spend time with you.

    Saying the words soothed him and made him feel complete again.

    Good Victor, I’m so glad you have made this decision

    Victor’s life began to revolve around what Lachlan wanted it to be. He insisted Victor keep up his appearances with his family. So he did what his parents were wanting so much for him and he married.

    Marisol was the daughter of one of his father’s domino

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