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The Last Epistle: Armageddon
The Last Epistle: Armageddon
The Last Epistle: Armageddon
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The Last Epistle: Armageddon

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The Last Epistle is written with the scriptures and exposes mysteries of the Bible never before revealed, ultimately shining light on prophecy. Christ said he is the beginning [Alpha] and the end [Omega] all of which has been explained in this little book.

Are we headed for WW III? Why is there so much of an uproar in the Middle East? When God is good why is there so much bad in this world? Why did God create mankind? Was it for his pleasure as some claim? Yet there is so much suffering in the world, surly God does not get pleasure from this, does he?

In Proverbs nine, verse ten Solomon tells us the beginning of wisdom is to fear the Lord. Hence where are the wise? Where is the scribe? Where are the prophets?

Release dateApr 12, 2011
The Last Epistle: Armageddon

T. H. Spirit

When a person speaks of them self they seek their own glory. For this reason “The Last Epistle” is not about me, self, or I. and it is for this reason T. H. Spirit is short for The Holy Spirit. I am but an individual who has been taught by The Holy Spirit, and I am unable to take credit or blame for what is written as I am but a messenger and a voice. Yet because iniquity abounds who will believe? And like years gone by I am sure I will be blamed, but because I know who I have believed [and it has not been myself] I know who wins!

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    The Last Epistle - T. H. Spirit

    Part I



    Beware of hypocrisy

    One of the first things Christ told us to do was to get the logs out of our own eyes, prior to worrying about others, and what they are about. [Mt 7:1-5] If you know within yourself that you are double-dealing there is bound to be misrepresentation, hypocrisy, deception, and other unseemly things abounding in your life. Getting a log out of your eye does not mean you will be perfect, but will empower you so you’re capable to reflect and understand your own inadequacies and motives as to why you do the things that you do which makes you less likely to play politics in that you lie and deceive yourself as well as others.

    One of the biggest reasons to be concerned and to understand the depths of hypocrisy is because, since the beginning of time Satan has used religion and even Scripture to deceive man. Paul warned if we did not understand our own motives we too could be persuaded by Satan, who would use the cunningness of man to speak perverse things persuading us to follow after their presumptuous ways [Act 20:29-39]. To some degree everyone knows Satan has used religions to deceive, as there has been the obvious like the Jones cult that drank poison in Africa, to imposters who don’t appear that conspicuous like the religious leaders in Christ’s day [Mt 23:27-28] Comparing the two groups I find the second group more dangerous as they appear unto men to be righteous getting others to follow their unscrupulous ways taking everyone to hell with them, because Christ warned if we follow the blind we will follow them into the pits they fall into [Lk 6:39, Mt 7:13-20].

    The first and really only commandment Christ gave us is to love God with all our heart and our fellow man as our self as everything else will hinge on this, and knowing that you have turned to God via Christ and love him with all your heart you trust, believe, and hope on everything written in his word Mk 11:29-31. Furthermore, if you have turned to God via Christ in love, you would realize God is not a hypocrite; neither, is he the author of confusion and it is for this reason you would understand the pages of the Bible are not interpreted in a mixed up, that being, a contradicting fashion. In other words one verse would not mean one thing, while another verse would be interpreted another way and contradict the previous verse; God forbid He is double-dealing! People would not believe a witness in a court room if their recollection portrayed a contradictory, mixed up, disarrayed testimonial, yet people believe others who claim to be a witness unto God; nonetheless, suggest a mixed up message when conveying Scripture, being God’s Word.

    Of course I believe in the God of Heaven who created the world and everything in it, and because, I am convinced, God is all omnipotent being he has virtually unlimited authority and influence, and for this reason I know it would be a small challenge for Him to keep His Word intact. And because I believe in the God of heaven who created the world and everything in it, I do not believe mankind was granted Lordship over God and his Word, enabling them to change it. For the God I believe in is God and again I turned to him because I love him, and have put all my trust in him so if I claim He can raise me up from the dead in that last day to reside with him, plus everything else written in His Word, I believe Him.

    Sure I realize there are some who have tried to rewrite the Bible, as we find in this day there are many versions of the Bible available. Other groups have gone so far as to write their own holy book and use it as a replacement for the Bible while others use it with the Bible. Nonetheless, I hold to the King James Version of Scripture, as the King James Version, was the first Bible transcribed into English from Greek, Hebrew, and Babylonian, and those who transcribed it basically converted the words from a particular language into English.

    The Bible being the Word of God means it was written by Holy men of God as they were moved and inspired by the Holy Spirit. I think a good way to understand how Scripture was written is to understand how the Spirit of God in a man of God works. As an example in this day we are able to understand how a tree grows as we have been taught it is the DNA, in the tree that determines what the tree will look like, the fruit it bears, or even what healing powers that lay within. By the tree’s appearance it is able to tell us what the DNA has revealed to it; however, the tree does not become the DNA and enforcer of how it grows; neither, does the tree become greater than the DNA. Obviously, this is hypothetically speaking, but if you are able to grasp this concept, you should be able to understand what it is like when a person is joined unto the Lord; because, the Holy Spirit is like the DNA found in a tree [Zec 4:12]. The only difference is the DNA in a tree, or anything else for that matter, is present at conception; whereas, the Holy Spirit is conceived at rebirth into God’s Kingdom, but upon this rebirth and receiving the Holy Spirit it is similar to DNA because this person is capable to reveal the words instructed of the Holy Spirit unto others; subsequently, this was how the Bible was written.

    And obviously if the Bible was written by the Holy Spirit none of the books of the Bible would contradict, because in essence it would have been written at different times but by the same author. Furthermore, if a person is born of God and has received the Holy Spirit, his (her) understanding would not contradict those who instructed and wrote the Scriptures, because God is not the author of confusion [1 Cor 14:33]. And by His power He established the Bible to be kept forever or like Christ by the Spirit of God put this, heaven and earth would pass away, but his words would never pass away as his words would be established forever [Mt 24:35]. And how could his words have been established on earth unless a book had been established?

    So essentially when a person receives His Spirit they are from the same tree, and in essence will produce the same fruit due to they are from the same Spirit, which also means they would be of the same heart and understanding. For it is written God hath revealed His Words unto [his prophets] by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God [1 Cor 2:10], and he that is of God heareth God’s words [Jn 8:47]. [Jn 3:21]. And what all of this amounts to is a true prophet is one who preaches his Word, [found in the Bible] and these cannot be in contradiction with his Word [the Bible] because the spirits of the [true] prophets are subject to the prophets [1 Cor 14:32].

    Additionally, if God’s Spirit is residing in you, and it is the same Spirit that wrote the same material that you are reading, you would be able to understand what is meant without double meanings and many interpretations.

    On the other hand a person without the Spirit of God would not be capable to comprehend, accurately, all that is written in the Scriptures, and in a lot of cases the Bible is like a foreign language unto them. In fact this was one of the reasons some decided to re-write the Bible or a form of their own Bible; however, it is not because the Bible is difficult to understand, but when a person is void of the Spirit they are considered spiritually discerned. And when a person is spiritually discerned they interpret things and change things into their own personal understanding. This, of course, causes many interpretations and it is also the reason we are able to find many denominations that believe many different things.

    And on top of all that when a person is spiritually discerned yet starts to proclaim to the world they are of the truth, God sends them strong delusion; insomuch, they believe a lie [1 Cor2:14] [2Thes 2:9-11]. And it is for this reason you can have a whole population thinking they are off to paradise, and another group that thinks there are virgins that await them in heaven, or even still others who think they will just keep coming back by reincarnation. Whereas, it seems most beliefs are basically adopted by the environments they were raised in and not a God they necessarily believe in.

    However, Scripture reveals the reason people adopt a belief of their peers is because the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned [1 Cor 2:14]. Or like Christ quoted unto his generation and the religious leaders of that day when he said "Well hath Elijah prophesied of you hypocrites as it is written, This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching the doctrines and commandments of men, so they had some sort of Sunday Schools and theological studies going on [Mk7:6, 7]. Nonetheless by a man teaching them, they know the things of a man [1 Cor 2:11] and because of this we find many denominations that uphold many different beliefs.

    So far I have mentioned several things written in Scripture and it is a good idea, important, as well as necessary to understand when reading the Bible you have to search thoroughly through the pages of Scripture to understand the true meaning of what it says, as even Scripture admonishes, it is for proof and reproof [2 Ti 3:16]. Basically what this is telling us is, when you read Scripture every ‘I’ has to be dotted and every ‘T’ crossed. In other words if there is a Scripture that contradicts what you or I have understood then what we have understood is not correct [Mk7:6, 7]. And it is for this reason you may have to dig deep for what it means, because all scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness [2Tim 3:16].

    In this day there are many interpretations of Scripture and for this reason there are many denominations, some pray to statues, others believe one thing, yet others hold to other beliefs. And Christ forewarned when a kingdom being that of any household is divided against itself it cannot stand [Mk 3:23-26]. But what are the Scriptures [Word of God] to them? They think if they run around and give each other a kiss it just won’t matter how you interpret the scriptures, and have agreed to disagree.

    Christ said in John chapter twelve, verse forty-eight that those who rejected him, and refused to believe what he taught, had one that would judge them: due to the word he gave us, the same word would judge them in the last day. However, for them, according to what I hear many of them say, it doesn’t matter what the Word of God proclaims; because the blood of Christ saves them. And it is for this reason we will investigate the difference, and what it means to be saved by Christ’s blood compared to those who are drunk in his blood [Rv 17:6]. And I hope you understand because the word of God is not to be used for your toilet paper!

    Additionally, the Bible informs us in the last days iniquity shall abound which means false teachings would abound. Yet and still, we know many different denomination subscribe to the Bible nonetheless they believe many different things. Hopefully, by now, you realize God is not the author of confusion. So why has this happened? As an analogy, many esteem a doctor as being wise, and if a man by his wisdom developed an ink blot test; insomuch, the picture one sees enables a Psychiatrist to determine the intent of one’s heart. Yet, God is wiser [1 Cor 1:25]! And subsequently the reason people can interpret the Bible with many different interpretations, is because the Bible can be compared to an ink blot test; wherein, God is capable to determine what motivates an individual by the way he interprets Scripture [Rv 2:23]. Hence an individual whose heart is full of deceit will read lies; one who is covetous will read covetousness; one who is incapable of love will not read love.

    Subsequently when covetousness or any other profane thing is found in an individual God sends them strong delusion; insomuch, they believe a lie [1 Cor2:14] [2Thes 2:9-11]. And like the religious leaders in Christ day they claim to the world they uphold the Scriptures, but because their reasons for being religious were not the works God desired. The works God desired, as explained is to love God with your entire heart. I have no idea why some people become religious, but when love is not the bases they are incapable of coming to the light, being his truth; hence, not everyone that says Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven. In fact many would claim to have prophesied in his name, and to have cast out devils, and to have done great works in his name. Yet Christ says unto them, I never knew you; depart from me, ye that work iniquity [Mt 7:21-23].

    Now the Bible is a roadmap for our life and if you are capable to believe He is and believe Scripture was written by Holy men of God and through God’s Spirit, and was not of any private interpretation of men [2 Pt 1:20], meaning what is written was inspired by God’s Spirit, and because God is a Spirit, and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth [Jn 4:24]; furthermore, we realize no lie is of the truth [1 Jn 2:21]. This is reiterated in Titus 1:2 when we are told God is not a liar. So in fact, if what is written is inspired by God’s Spirit and what is written is truth and because it is truth it obviously can’t contradict itself because it cannot lie. In fact, when I looked up the word contradict it means to refute or disprove so in essence when a person understands the scriptures in a mixed up contradicting fashion they are disputing and trying to disprove its validity, but we know man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God" [Lk 4:4], and obviously there would not be a way for us to live by every word of God; if, Scripture had double meanings, contradicted itself, and lied.

    To help safe guard us from those who would deceive us Jesus warned to "Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sad’-du-cees" [Mt 16:6], as the Pharisees and the Sad’-du-cees were the religious leaders in that day, and the leaven Christ referred to was their teachings. Like mentioned in a previous paragraph, we find many instances where it is written in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John how the religious leaders, in that day quoted Scripture; yet, their understanding was rooted in hypocrisy [Lk 12:1]. This book will explore the depths of Scripture, and in doing this it will reveal the dangers of being a hypocrite by dissecting doctrinal teachings or that of leaven compared to what is written in Scripture.

    And the reason this is true, is because when people want the admiration of other people like the religious leaders in Christ’s day and their sole purpose is to get people to follow their presumptuous ways, they indisputably will turn the Bible, being God’s Word, into a huge contriving message like God is a liar. When this is the case, Scripture will reveal how they have mixed up messages coming from various levels and denominations, contradicting messages coming from various sources and denominations.

    Others if honest within themselves have to look upon those who do this and question, How can the Word of God be true? When there are so many interpretations, others may ask, What is truth? Is truth found in the interpretation you agree with? By understanding this chapter I hope you are beginning to understand how many have perverted the scriptures insomuch they have caused confusion. Thereby, I hope you can begin to understand this is their fruit and it is, by their fruit ye shall know them [Mt 7:20].

    And it is for this reason this book will examine Scripture to the fullest because there is one lawgiver [Jms 4:12], and that is God. This means if what a person believes and if what they do is not according to what is written then they are a liar and the truth is not in them [1 Jn 2:4]. I might hurt some feelings but I will tell you the truth because if we have been allowed to be put in trust with the gospel, even so we speak; not as pleasing men, but God, which trieth our hearts [1 Th 2:4, because it is only the truth that will save any of us.

    Hence if you are able to believe Scripture was inspired by God, this book will show you God is not a hypocrite, and reveal all of Scripture will work in agreement without any contradictions and the mysteries of the Bible shall be revealed.

    And I tell you by the Spirit of God, believe Christ who told us there is nothing covered or hidden that would not be revealed [Mt 10:26]; because if you believe those who tell you to wait until you die before you are capable of knowing anything, don’t you think after you die it might be too late?

    The Reason God Required a Sacrifice

    This chapter will investigate the reason God required a sacrifice and is meant to help you understand the difference between a person who is saved by Christ’s blood compared to those who are drunk by it.

    One of the first things you have to understand is God is not like the sorcerers; wherein, they use the sprinkling of blood to cast some sort of spell thinking it has some sort of magical power. Besides this, I found on the net, most Satanists in America today, including most theistic Satanists, do not practice animal sacrifice, however, some do.

    God forbid, the blood of Christ is like the sacrifices of the heathen; however, this is what I have heard many if not all proclaim in a roundabout way. And for these reasons it is going to be imperative to understand what significance and why it was commanded unto Moses to offer a sacrifice which was reported in the Old Testament and known throughout the world today.

    Upon God creating mankind and placing them in the Garden of Eden there was no sacrifice required. However, after Adam and Eve decided to disobey God, some years later during the time of Moses, the sacrifice was established. Most people are aware the sacrifice was established for a sin offering after Adam and Eve but, for the most part don’t understand the total implication of why God required one. However after Christ came, and because he is the light of the world [Jn 8:12] especially unto those who are in him, they are enlightened and granted to understand the reason God required a sacrifice.

    So what we find, when Christ came he was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin [Heb 4:15], because when God sent his own Son it was in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh [Rom 8:3].

    Not jumping off into a tangent as to what this means or assuming the reason God required a sacrifice can be determined by one verse written in scripture we will have to investigate all of Scripture; because, we live by every word of God, and like Paul wrote in first Corinthians four, verse four I know nothing of myself due to it is not my own intellect that inspires or teaches me. So to determine what was meant by sinful flesh and how the blood of Christ was capable to condemn this, we will have to consider several stories found in the Bible.

    One thing that helped me to understand this great mystery, is after I began to study the Scriptures one of the first things I realized is found in Genesis when, "there came two angels to Sodom at evening; Lot sat in the gate of Sodom; and Lot seeing them rose up to meet them; and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground. And he said, Behold now, my lords, turn in, I pray you, into your servant’s house, and tarry all night, and wash, your feet, and ye shall rise up early, and go on your ways [Gn 19:1, 2]. Persuaded by Lot these two eventually went to Lot’s home but before they went to sleep that night, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, all people from every quarter: And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night?, so what I want you to see from this story, at this point, is those from heaven in appearance look like men.

    Another example of how those in heaven resemble people on earth is found in Daniel when he spoke to an angel meaning a messenger from heaven, and in Daniel’s description of the angel he tells us, "there came again one like the appearance of a man [Dn 10:18].’ So again we find those who are sent from heaven in appearance resemble those of us upon earth; furthermore, even when we search the New Testament and in Hebrews we are told not to be "forgetful to entertain strangers; for thereby some have entertained angels unawares [Heb 13:2]," and obviously it is because in appearance those from heaven look like you or me.

    The point I want you to see from this is found in Corinthians; whereas, "There are also celestial bodies; and bodies terrestrial; but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another [1 Cor 15:40]", so those of us on earth in appearance look like the heavenly but the flesh of mankind is not somehow the same, and this is going to be an important factor to understand not only in this chapter but the next few chapters.

    Then what I found fascinating was the definition of sin, because I think everyone like me associates the word ‘sin’ to the Ten Commandments, or a similar type of transgression, but to my amazement when I looked the word sin up in the concordance it is transgressions like all of us assume, but it also means ‘at fault’ which is a defect or imperfection and that of a flaw. Obviously understanding what sin means in its entirety brings a whole new meaning due to it can be our body, our life, our actions being our transgressions, as well as who, and what we are, obviously all of which Christ became and died for.

    It is noted; when Christ was crucified it was on Passover, which is a Jewish Holiday; wherein, they would sacrifice a lamb for sin. Passover was a holiday that God appointed for the Jews as it was when he led them out of Egypt and slavery. Nonetheless, Passover was but a mirror casting a reflection of what God’s true intentions would be. Due to the Messiah coming would offer himself for a sacrifice eliminating the need for an animal sacrifice which could not really save people anyway. Wherein he would lead his people out of bondage which means he would deliver us from sin in that he would explain what God the Father desired from us and deliver us from death which had been a sentence we had been held hostage to, ever since the days of Adam and Eve.

    So it is for this reason when Christ was crucified; it was not a coincidence, it was during Passover. In fact he informed everyone the grave would not hold him and, after they committed this atrocity and crucified Christ, the chief priests and Pharisees [religious leaders] came together unto Pilate. Saying, "Sir, we remember what that deceiver said, while he was yet alive, ‘after three days I will rise again."’ Command therefore that the sepulcher be made sure until the night, and [his apostles don’t] steal him away, and say unto the people, He is risen from the dead: so the last error shall be worse than the first. Pilate said unto them, Ye have a watch; go your way, make it as sure as ye can. So they went, and made the sepulcher sure, sealing the stone, and setting a watch [Mt 27: 62-66].

    Christ was not a heretic as these had claimed, and of course they were incapable of restraining Christ to the grave, so at the end of the Sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Mag-da-le’-ne and the other Mary to see the sepulcher. And behold, there was a great earthquake; for the

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