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Mansion in the Woods
Mansion in the Woods
Mansion in the Woods
Ebook63 pages44 minutes

Mansion in the Woods

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About this ebook

The book is about a man who adopts nine children and the adventures that take place when he brings them to America to his home. the people that know him how he cares for the children the lady he meets and marries. A three year adventure into the lives and hopes of this man and these children.

Release dateMar 16, 2011
Mansion in the Woods

Sal Chillemi

My name is Sal Chillemi I work as a mental health counselor I wrote a book sometime ago and decided to have it published. I am originally from Long Island New York and reside in Sherwood OR. I am a graduate of Marylhurst University here in Oregon my degree is a B/A in Human Studies. I have worked as a counselor with children and teens for almost twelve years. I enjoy my work currently I am a residential and detox counselor. I also volunteer as a foster kids camp counselor in summer time.

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    Mansion in the Woods - Sal Chillemi

    © 2011 Sal Chillemi. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    First published by AuthorHouse 3/11/2011

    ISBN: 978-1-4567-4082-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4567-4081-8 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2011902561

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    The story begins

    In the beginning

    Venturing Out

    William Taylor Tanya

    What’s one more?


    The Mail

    Elokovia (number nine)

    House Renovation

    The party and the big surprise

    The Airport

    Name Change

    Trip to the beach

    School begins

    Halloween and the bump in the road

    Things have a way of turning around for the better

    The date

    The two brots!

    The ice cream parlor


    First Christmas

    Christmas morning

    The engagement ring?

    New Years Eve

    Spring break

    Trip to the resort

    Home again

    The wedding

    A turn for the worst


    The next day

    Grief and pain

    Not feeling so good

    The brots strike again!

    Time to go home

    Life goes on

    Mansion in the woods


    I dedicate this book to every child in the world who has known abandonment, and who has suffered the loss of a mom or a dad and ended up in an orphanage. Even though some get adopted there are so many who do not.

    The story begins

    This is the story about nine orphans who spent the better part of their childhood in an orphanage. These nine children were adopted by a man who always wanted a family. Sahlee his name brought them to America to raise them in his home and give them a better chance at life and new hope. This story is about the lives of these children.

    In the beginning

    The story begins with Sahlee a man who has a tender heart and disposition living in a mansion nestled on a twenty five acre piece of property which was mainly wooded. Sahlee was brought up in a good Christian based family. Sahlee was an only child and he lost his parents when he was very young. He was raised by a guardian who taught him well. He would never have to worry about money because his folks made sure he would be well cared for.Sahlee was a hard working man, his business was in candles and incense, and he also owned a book store. One of his desires was to have a great big family, being an only child Sahlee never had the privilege of a brother or a sister. So Sahlee had an idea to adopt some children. He had no wife either he always dreamed of being married but it seemed like there was no one who fancied him. Sahlee was handsome but his demeanor leaned more toward a person who liked to be creative. Focusing more on his candle and incense business than worrying about being married most relationships he had were with women who cared only about one thing, money. The mere mention of children scared most women away.

    Sahlee getting on in years, thought if I don’t do something soon I might be too old to raise a child.

    Venturing Out


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