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Mystery and Meaning: Christian Philosophy & Orthodox Meditations
Mystery and Meaning: Christian Philosophy & Orthodox Meditations
Mystery and Meaning: Christian Philosophy & Orthodox Meditations
Ebook1,523 pages22 hours

Mystery and Meaning: Christian Philosophy & Orthodox Meditations

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About this ebook

"MYSTERY and MEANING" is a compilation of inspirational quotes, mystical prose, philosophical polemics, and poetic verse from the mind and heart of GEBRE MENFES KIDUS ("Servant of the Holy Spirit"). The authors words provide a unique and valuable perspective on many of the vital religious, social, and moral issues of our time. Gebre Menfes Kidus balances contemplative reflections with impassioned argument, leaving the reader both challenged and inspired. These essays and aphorisms provide edification for the philosopher, the theologian, the spiritual seeker, and the lay Christian.

The author addresses a variety of topics, such as:

+ Orthodox Theology

+ Spiritual Warfare

+ Mysticism

+ Social Justice

+ Metaphysics

+ Christian Pacifism

+ Biblical Commentary

+ Human Rights

+ The Teachings of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church

This book was written with the permission and blessing of the author's Priest, Tsebate YemaneBrhane Asrat GebreMariam. All opinions and views contained within are subject to the scrutiny and correction of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church.
Release dateAug 5, 2011
Mystery and Meaning: Christian Philosophy & Orthodox Meditations

Gebre Menfes Kidus

As a 19 year old college freshman, Gebre Menfes Kidus (birth name, Reynolds Wood) had a mystical encounter with Christ. This experience awakened a heart and soul which had long been captive to the clutches of a fallen world. For the first time in his life the author felt that his existence on earth had meaning, and he resolved to fulfill that meaning by devoting himself to Christian truth. But this righteous resolve was often deterred by doctrinal division, theological confusion, and the author's many personal failures, disappointments, and sins. The Protestantism that led him to initially embrace Christianity was unable to lead him to experience Christ in His fullness and depth. For almost 20 years, the author struggled to find peace and security in his Christian calling. His heart for ministry, his passion for social justice, and his intense contemplative mind were left without adequate spiritual accommodation. After years of failing to find consistent Christian truth in Protestant sects and denominations, the author eventually became disillusioned with organized religion. His spiritual journey had at times seemed to take him through the very corridors of hell itself. But the Christ he met at the age of 19 had not abandoned him; and through divine providence he discovered the ancient, authentic, and true Christianity of The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Faith. The author finally entered his spiritual home on earth when he and his family were baptized into the Ethiopian Orthodox Church in 2008. He received the baptism name "Gebre Menfes Kidus," which means Servant of the Holy Spirit. Having endured many trials, failures, and struggles - and now striving to work out his salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12) - Gebre Menfes Kidus offers powerful spiritual insights and provocative social commentary that will leave readers edified, challenged, and inspired.

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    Mystery and Meaning - Gebre Menfes Kidus

    © 2011 by Gebre Menfes Kidus. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 04/12/2013

    ISBN: 978-1-4520-5148-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4520-5150-5 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2011908939

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    Second Edition

    Gebre Menfes Kidus



    1.   God Is Truth

    2.   Great Art Is The Product Of Great Faith

    3.   Morality And Orthodox Faith

    4.   Attack Ideas, Not People

    5.   True Liberation

    6.   A Perfect Love

    7.   Intellectual Error And Moral Error

    8.   Social Problems / Spiritual Solutions

    9.   Two Types Of Darkness

    10.   Adoration Eviscerates Pride

    11.   Violence Victimizes The Innocent

    12.   Beware Of The Whisperings Of The Senses

    13.   Material And Spiritual Realities

    14.   An Open Mind

    15.   Righteous Commitment Brings Evil Opposition

    16.   Was The Pacifism Of Christ Immoral?

    17.   The Impotence Of Hate

    18.   Light And Darkness

    19.   The Devil Wants To Drive Us To Despair

    20.   Miseducation Is Worse Than Ignorance

    21.   Rationalism

    22.   Relationship

    23.   God Of The Darkness And The Light

    24.   Convenient Condemnations

    25.   The Purpose Of Science

    26.   What Is The Emphasis Of The Gospel?

    27.   The Impotence Of Empiricism

    28.   The Error Of Egalitarianism

    29.   Ambition Without Morality

    30.   Effective Apologetics

    31.   Science, Materialism, And The Occult

    32.   Fulfillment

    33.   Supreme Logic And Reason

    34.   On Rights

    35.   On Authority

    36.   Do Not Debate The Devil!

    37.   The Bullet, The Bomb, And The Ballot

    38.   Superstition And Narrow-Mindedness

    39.   Faith

    40.   The Paragon Of Righteousness

    41.   A Spiritual Law

    42.   On Ecumenism

    43.   The Wise Man Is The Learner

    44.   Evangelical Irony

    45.   Intellectual Impotence?

    46.   Spiritual Rebellion

    47.   A False Dichotomy

    48.   Mystery And Meaning

    49.   Christian Perseverance

    50.   The Most Revolutionary Force

    51.   Faith And Works

    52.   Personal Peace

    53.   Utopia And Hell

    54.   To Truly Love Peace

    55.   The Idolatry Of Violence

    56.   Revolution Or Righteousness? Pray For Ethiopia!

    57.   Study The Wise, Not The Fools

    58.   Equality

    59.   No Solution

    60.   On Spiritual Effort

    61.   The Faith And Fate Of Freethinkers

    62.   The Gates Of Hell

    63.   Confronted With Mystery

    64.   A Doctrine Of Demons

    65.   Hate, Violence, And Politics

    66.   A Parable About Prejudice

    67.   Martyrdom And Militancy

    68.   Is Apostolic Succession Essential To Salvation?

    69.   Understanding Mysteries

    70.   Standing On Principle

    71.   We Are All Susceptible

    72.   Truth And Reason

    73.   The Essence Of Revolution

    74.   The Heart And The Mind

    75.   The Ultimate Naïveté

    76.   Art

    77.   Forgiveness

    78.   Individual Liberties And Divine Rights

    79.   The Preservation Of The State

    80.   No Escape From The Eternal

    81.   Desiring Lies More Than Truth

    82.   War And The State

    83.   The Best Form Of Government

    84.   God And The World

    85.   The Spiritual Significance Of The Days Of The Week

    86.   The Seven Times Of Prayer

    87.   Mercy And Severity

    88.   Mysteries And Humility

    89.   Crime And Capitalism

    90.   Great Hearts / Brilliant Minds

    91.   Defending Truth

    92.   Two Conditions Of The Heart

    93.   Two Views Of Holy Scripture

    94.   Reciprocity

    95.   War’s Victor

    96.   Defending The Faith

    97.   A Question Of Inheritance

    98.   A Hellish Fate

    99.   The Greatest Name

    100.   Entertainment Is Elevated Above Knowledge

    101.   Life And Love

    102.   A Destructive Word

    103.   The Limits Of Science

    104.   Facts And Truth

    105.   Real Prayer

    106.   God Is Known With The Heart, Not The Mind

    107.   Our Three Great Enemies

    108.   Intellectual Courage

    109.   Strong Woman / Weak Woman

    110.   Revolutionary Studies

    111.   Just War Theory

    112.   God’s Transcendence And Immanence

    113.   Apophatic Theology

    114.   Confidence

    115.   Do Not Mistake My Pacifism For Weakness

    116.   Conservatives, Liberals, And Humanity

    117.   Meaningless Religion

    118.   War Will Establish Peace?

    119.   Follow Me

    120.   Politics And Pacifism

    121.   Truth, Division, And The Church

    122.   To Live Is To Struggle

    123.   Violence Against God

    124.   The Confusion Of Man

    125.   Demonic Pressure

    126.   A Cause Of Chaos, Confusion, And Injustice

    127.   On Church Tradition

    128.   Destroying Evil

    129.   Concerning The Eating Of Meat

    130.   Vain Rebellion

    131.   The Demonic Origins Of Violence

    132.   A Question About God’s Judgment

    133.   Chaos, Order And Responsibility

    134.   Grace

    135.   The Essence Of True Spirituality

    136.   The Ability To Choose God

    137.   Comparing Ourselves To Others

    138.   Remember Those Whom The World Ignores

    139.   Dangers Of The Spiritual Realm

    140.   To Seek And To See God

    141.   Understanding The Incomprehensible

    142.   The Foundation Of Spiritual And Physical Health

    143.   The Endurance Of The Church

    144.   A Sick Society

    145.   Compromise Is Not Peace

    146.   Those That Condemn Pacifism…

    147.   Revolution Is A Process

    148.   Reformed Theology?

    149.   Theodicy

    150.   Consistent Pacifism

    151.   Capitalism And Spiritual Socialism

    152.   Philosophy And Christianity

    153.   Violation

    154.   The Ultimate Measure Of Our Spirituality

    155.   Experiencing God In This Life

    156.   Casualties

    157.   Embrace God / Flee Idolatry

    158.   Threats To Social Stability

    159.   Don’t Fear

    160.   Demonic Answers From Demonic Sources

    161.   Children Teach Us The Greatest Lesson

    162.   Right Religion

    163.   Tolerance

    164.   The Fulfillment Of Wisdom

    165.   Orthodoxy And Aesthetics

    166.   The Creativity And Influence Of Woman

    167.   Guns And Guilt

    168.   Real Solutions Are Spiritual Solutions

    169.   Science And Consciousness

    170.   Antidotes To Despair

    171.   The Fire Of Grace

    172.   Peace, Tolerance, And Human Rights

    173.   The World Wages War Against Life

    174.   The Concessions Of Faith

    175.   Female Power

    176.   The Ruin Of Civilizations And Societies

    177.   Understanding Divine Mysteries

    178.   Education As The Answer?

    179.   What Great Artists Teach Us

    180.   Do Not Despise The Truth!

    181.   Look To The East

    182.   Once Saved Always Saved?

    183.   True Repentance

    184.   An Evil And Idolatrous Nation

    185.   Individual Development

    186.   Defeating Evil

    187.   How Can We Shun Our Brother?

    188.   Our Worst Enemy

    189.   Choosing Our Destiny

    190.   The Greatest Act Of Worship

    191.   Humanity’s Futile Attempt

    192.   Confessing Our Unknowing

    193.   The Most Profound Apologetic

    194.   The Invisible And Universal Church?

    195.   Prejudice And Pride

    196.   What To Seek

    197.   The Synthesis Of The Subjective And The Objective

    198.   Love And Expectation

    199.   God Is Not A Tyrant

    200.   Our Value In God’s Sight

    201.   Being Right Or Being Righteous?

    202.   No Escaping God’s Truth

    203.   Destruction Is Weakness

    204.   Truth Is The Judge

    205.   The Essence Of Orthodoxy

    206.   Unconditional Love

    207.   The Verification Of Faith

    208.   Our Deepest Desires

    209.   A Superficial Peace

    210.   A Christian Evaluation Of Violence

    211.   Study The Children

    212.   Taking Up Arms

    213.   Protestant Problems

    214.   Sin Has Corrupted A Good Creation

    215.   Authentic Pacifism

    216.   God And Guns

    217.   Anarchy And Democracy

    218.   Balance And Harmony

    219.   Pragmatism And Pacifism

    220.   Light And Darkness

    221.   Apostolic Tradition Trumps Individual Opinion

    222.   The Ultimate Hypocrisy

    223.   Wisdom

    224.   Blaming The Devil

    225.   Africa: The Origin

    226.   Creativity

    227.   A Taste And A Feast

    228.   The Wiles Of The World

    229.   The Arrogance And Ignorance Of Man

    230.   The Divide Of A Desk

    231.   Truth Over Conformity

    232.   The Whole Counsel Of God

    233.   Belief In Vampires?

    234.   Support Righteousness, Not Evil

    235.   Righteous Judgment

    236.   Bob Marley: Spiritual Revolutionary

    237.   Thoughts On Tolstoy And Kierkegaard

    238.   Lucifer Falling / Christ Rising

    239.   The Mystical Properties Of Mountains

    240.   Knowledge Of God / Knowledge Of Self

    241.   The Essence Of True Religion

    242.   Intuition And Perception

    243.   Theology And Psychological Comfort

    244.   Fighting Witches And Demons

    245.   Understanding God?

    246.   Reconciling Divine Paradoxes

    247.   On Our Christian Confidence

    248.   On Our Lady The Virgin St. Maryam

    249.   Protection From Evil Metaphysical Forces

    250.   The Result Of Evolutionary Theory

    251.   The Whispering Of Witches

    252.   Prejudice And Patriotism

    253.   Protection Against Nightmares

    254.   The Book Of Answers

    255.   Logic, Philosophy, And The Apophatic Approach

    256.   True Reverence

    257.   Good Over Evil

    258.   Revolutionary Endeavors

    259.   Divine Knowledge Comes By Faith

    260.   On Aquinas And Necessary Cause

    261.   Evil And Utopia

    262.   When Philosophy And Poetry Wed

    263.   The Christian Mystic

    264.   Witchcraft And Sorcery

    265.   An Excerpt On Math And Metaphysics

    266.   Are We Inherently Good?

    267.   Peace On Earth

    268.   The Mystical Power Of Words

    269.   Fear, Sin, And Faith

    270.   Our Destiny Is Determined By Our Reach

    271.   The Balance Of Logic And Emotion

    272.   The Unity Of Love And Pain

    273.   Is God Knowable?

    274.   The Enemy Of Our Own Sin

    275.   Fires Of Love / Flames Of Fear

    276.   A Personal Relationship With Christ?

    277.   Anger Is Not A Defense

    278.   Politicians Idolize The People

    279.   Orthodoxy And Mystery

    280.   Who Are The Children Of God?

    281.   Science Verifies What The Human Soul Knows

    282.   The Light Of Haile Selassie I

    283.   The Highest And Lowest Of Creatures

    284.   A Peaceful World

    285.   Against The Doctrine Of Total Depravity

    286.   Evangelicals And Liberation Theology

    287.   To Speak The Truth In Love

    288.   Lose The Argument And Win Your Soul

    289.   Divine Darkness

    290.   Friendship

    291.   Self-Reflection

    292.   Arising From Failure

    293.   Fanatics

    294.   Hatred For America?

    295.   Peace, Prophecy, And Judgment

    296.   Pleasure And Pain

    297.   Mind, Heart, And Mysteries

    298.   God Bless The Women Of The World

    299.   The Key To Human Fulfillment

    300.   Against A Schizophrenic Christology

    301.   Logic And Mysticism

    302.   On Suffering

    303.   Easter Reflections

    304.   The Demonic Origins Of Abortion

    305.   Psychic Vampires

    306.   Nonviolence Is A Metaphysical Morality

    307.   Are We Saved By Faith Alone?

    308.   Why I Believe In God

    309.   Human Methods And Eternal Values

    310.   The Demonic War Against Children

    311.   Evil And Responsibility

    312.   Christianity And Existentialism

    313.   Who Is Mary?

    314.   Protestantism And The Orthodox Church

    315.   New Ageism And Demonic Spirituality

    316.   Synonyms

    317.   War Rationalized

    318.   The Gospel Means Struggle

    319.   The Heart Of Justice

    320.   Can Christians Become Demonically Possessed?

    321.   The Impotence And Arrogance Of Violence

    322.   Faith And Rationalism

    323.   Love Of Truth

    324.   Interpreting Dreams And Visions

    325.   Friendship And Family

    326.   Sola Scriptura?

    327.   Over Our Heads But Within Our Hearts

    328.   The Battle For Our Minds

    329.   God Is Not Understood; He Is Known

    330.   Despair And Hope

    331.   Foolish Men

    332.   Mortal Reason Must Submit To Eternal Truth

    333.   Prioritize The Children

    334.   Creativity And Corruption

    335.   Subjectivism And Pragmatism

    336.   Politics Precludes Social Justice

    337.   Disappointment

    338.   Evil Spirits And Human Will

    339.   The Plain And Simple Truth

    340.   On Apophatic Theology

    341.   Fate

    342.   Friendship

    343.   To Side With Christ

    344.   Encouragement For Those Who Fall

    345.   Nonviolence Relies On Christ And His Truth

    346.   Mysticism And Morality

    347.   Let Us Not…

    348.   What The World Values And Esteems-9/24/1998-

    349.   Authentic Freedom

    350.   The Doctrine Of Theosis / Deification

    351.   Justice Is Not Achieved By Violence

    352.   The Tapestry Of The Universe

    353.   Our Christian Duty

    354.   Prayers For The Dead?

    355.   Facts About Emperor Haile Selassie I

    356.   Order And Responsibility

    357.   The Infallibility And Inerrancy Of Scripture?

    358.   To Truly Love God

    359.   Pacifism And Vengeance

    360.   What Disturbs Us More?

    361.   Social Ills And Personal Responsibility

    362.   Orthodoxy Is One

    363.   Land Of Mysteries

    364.   Martyrdom

    365.   The Cancer Of Apathy

    366.   Something From Nothing

    367.   The Sedative Of Superfluous Information

    368.   The Fallacy Of Democracy

    369.   Enlightenment And Attachment

    370.   A Dearth Of Creativity

    371.   Orthodoxy And The Reformation

    372.   Science To Be Praised, Not Worshiped

    373.   The Choice Of Suffering

    374.   The Seven Elements Of Man

    375.   Serpentine Voices Of Satan

    376.   Against The Denigration Of Human Personality

    377.   Orthodoxy And Reason

    378.   The Efficacy Of Intercessory Prayer

    379.   Evolution, Immorality, And Pseudo-Science

    380.   Christian Hope

    381.   The Sign Of The Cross

    382.   Rejoice In Mystery

    383.   Idolatry And Child-Sacrifice

    384.   Objective Truth And Subjective Experience

    385.   Humility

    386.   To Those In Prison

    387.   Tewahedo Truth

    388.   Spiritual Discernment And Spiritual Shields

    389.   The Sacred Revolution

    390.   Meditations On Bob Marley

    391.   The Body Is Either A Servant Or A Slave Of The Mind

    392.   Agonizing Intoxication

    393.   Art And Creativity

    394.   The Power Of The Psalms

    395.   Confidence And Insecurity

    396.   Stand Firm In Faith

    397.   Prosperity, Poverty, Prejudice, And Paranoia

    398.   Antichrist On The Rise

    399.   Brazen Arrogance

    400.   Can Women Serve In The Church?

    401.   Illusions

    402.   Necessary Evil?

    403.   On Prayer, Fasting, And Feelings

    404.   First Principle Of Theistic Religion

    405.   Our Suffering Is Not In Vain

    406.   Aristocracy In Danger!

    407.   If Peacemaking Is Wrong, Persuade Me

    408.   Cowardly Excuses

    409.   The Bitter-Sweet Call Of The Prophet

    410.   Defining Worth

    411.   Real And Lasting Pleasures

    412.   The Struggle According To The Spirit

    413.   Ignoring The Present Evil

    414.   Necessary Evil And The Mind Of Christ

    415.   On Prayer

    416.   Free Will And Conscience

    417.   Pacifism And Opposition To Evil

    418.   Vain Pursuit

    419.   Finding Reasons Not To Kill

    420.   The Error Of Western Epistemology

    421.   Blindness And Beauty

    422.   Natural Reason And Unnatural Lives

    423.   Do Not Divide The Nature Of God

    424.   Brainwashing

    425.   For Peace In The Middle East

    426.   Freedom And Slavery

    427.   Christian Relevance

    428.   Rebellion

    429.   Evolution And The Sanctity Of Human Life

    430.   The Beginning Of Love Is Truth

    431.   Refusing Divine Grace

    432.   Prophets

    433.   Taking Sides

    434.   Sanity Is Contingent Upon Morality

    435.   The Church And Individualism

    436.   Religious Superstition

    437.   Cowardly Condemnation

    438.   Praying For Our Own Needs

    439.   God Transcendent

    440.   Attack Ideologies, Not Individuals

    441.   Justice For The Judges

    442.   Christian Fellowship

    443.   Prejudice

    444.   Is Orthodoxy Nonsensical?

    445.   The Mysteries Of The Kingdom

    446.   If There Is No God, There Is No Good

    447.   The Path That Leads To Hell

    448.   Sin Itself Is Our Greatest Punishment

    449.   Hedonism Is The Enemy Of Mysticism

    450.   Divine Affirmation

    451.   The Hubris Of Humanism

    452.   Joy

    453.   Within Evil And Within Righteousness

    454.   Don’t Argue With Satan’s Surrogates

    455.   No Tolerance For Evildoers!

    456.   Wisdom

    457.   Humanity And Environmentalism

    458.   Capital Punishment, War, And Romans 13

    459.   Strength In Weakness

    460.   True Leaders / False Leaders

    461.   Volitional Deception

    462.   Analyzing The Existence Of God

    463.   True Spiritual Freedom

    464.   Why…?

    465.   Theistic Evolution?

    466.   Wisdom Conquers Evil Minds

    467.   The Consequences Of Sin Are A Means Of Grace

    468.   True Female Power

    469.   Objective Efforts And Pre-Suppositional Truth

    470.   Why God Hates Sin

    471.   Honoring The Gift Of Scripture

    472.   Luciferian Spirit Of Post-Modern Man

    473.   Capitalism, Violence, And The Church

    474.   Approaching God

    475.   The Tyranny Of Tolerance

    476.   Rationalizations Of The Rich

    477.   Natural And Spiritual Metamorphosis

    478.   History

    479.   Spirituality And Science

    480.   America Is Not A Chosen Nation

    481.   Falling Off The Ladder

    482.   Faith In God, Not In Humanity

    483.   On The Supernatural

    484.   To Fight For Women’s Liberation

    485.   7 Principles For Peace

    486.   The Obstacle Of Obstinacy

    487.   Subversive Spiritual Powers

    488.   The Pagans’ Biblical Knowledge

    489.   Spiritual Work Takes Time

    490.   Save The Dream

    491.   Community Crippled By Globalization

    492.   The Roots Of Real Knowledge

    493.   Disturbed By Injustice And Evil?

    494.   They Attack Themselves

    495.   The Vision Of The Spiritual Mind

    496.   Christian Profession

    497.   Ethiopia And Egyptology

    498.   Moral Solutions From A Materialistic Worldview?

    499.   Curious Atheistic Attacks

    500.   A Divine Opportunity

    501.   The Spirit-Formed Life

    502.   Broken Swords

    503.   Man’s Two Great Errors

    504.   Holidays / Holy Days

    505.   Spiritual Surgery

    506.   Finite Views And Infinite Realities

    507.   The Philosophers’ Pursuit

    508.   The Idolatry Of Human Reason

    509.   Beauty Is Born From Hardship

    510.   The Bravery Of Accepting Truth

    511.   God Above And Within

    512.   Objectivity

    513.   Transubstantiation?

    514.   To Live Is Holy, And To Be Is A Blessing

    515.   How The West Will Fall

    516.   Desire And Desperation

    517.   Faith And Hope

    518.   Endeavors Of The Spiritual Soul

    519.   Do You Recognize The Truth?

    520.   Just War And Unjust Action

    521.   The Crucial Questions

    522.   Faithfulness

    523.   The Façade Of False Christianity

    524.   No Peace

    525.   Successful Parents

    526.   Repentance And Hope

    527.   The Basis Of Western Theology

    528.   The Spiritual Courage Of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

    529.   Subjective Despair And Objective Hope

    530.   Deep Prayers / Great Praise

    531.   American Equality

    532.   Perseverance

    533.   Drifting From Reality

    534.   Struggle

    535.   Insult Is Not An Argument

    536.   Utopian Dreams

    537.   Spirituality And The Status Quo

    538.   Let Us Begin With Ourselves

    539.   Divine Justice Tarries At This Temporal Hour

    540.   Simple Spiritual Acts

    541.   Truth Cannot Be Confined

    542.   On Holy Icons

    543.   Consciousness Of The Eternal

    544.   The Agony Of Beauty

    545.   Intelligent Minds / Open Minds

    546.   To Forsake God Is To Forsake Ourselves

    547.   How To Nourish Our Souls

    548.   Divine Pleasures

    549.   Salve For The Soul

    550.   To Accept War Is To Mock God

    551.   The Blessedness Of Suffering

    552.   Violence Or Faith?

    553.   To Effectively Fight Evil

    554.   Developing The Total Person: Body, Mind, And Soul

    555.   The Image Of God

    556.   Reflections On Black History Month

    557.   Social Victory Through Spiritual Sacrifice

    558.   A Prayer For Woman And Child

    559.   Can Religion And Science Coexist?

    560.   Approaching The Apocalypse

    561.   Knowledge Without Love

    562.   A Word Of Hope

    563.   We Are Our Brother’s Keeper

    564.   Engaging A Fallen World

    565.   The Idolatry Of Individual Rights

    566.   Words Reveal The Soul

    567.   Pain And Sin

    568.   Cultivating A Consistent Pro-Life Ethic

    569.   Affluence And Violence

    570.   Infinite Heights

    571.   Faith

    572.   Getting And Giving

    573.   Delusional Knowledge

    574.   Divine Light

    575.   The Power Of Grace

    576.   The Truth Brings Enemies

    577.   Love

    578.   Success And Failure

    579.   Blind Faith

    580.   An Act Of Worship

    581.   Struggles Endured

    582.   This Is What I Ask Of You

    583.   Collective Acknowledgment

    584.   A Miracle Of St. Abba Matewos

    585.   Motivations Of True Repentance

    586.   Love Of Country?

    587.   Man / Fool

    588.   Superstition And Ignorance

    589.   Pray For The Prophets

    590.   Faith, Repentance, And Hope

    591.   Community, Social, And Individual Development

    592.   It’s Hard To Be A Christian

    593.   Pharisees And Pagans

    594.   Manifestations Of Gnosticism

    595.   Politics, Protests, And Love

    596.   Unity, Ecumenism, And Truth

    597.   Christ Or The Crowd?

    598.   Objective Realities And Subjective Experiences

    599.   Support The Troops?

    600.   The Struggle And Result Of Spiritual Revolution

    601.   They Teach That There Is No Truth

    602.   How The World Receives Healing And Hope

    603.   Atheists Prove God’s Existence

    604.   Ironic Idolatry

    605.   A Question Regarding Sola Scriptura

    606.   Government And The Good

    607.   Christmas Is Our Daily Celebration

    608.   Desiring God

    609.   My Hope

    610.   Transcendence

    611.   Lucifer And Enlightenment

    612.   The Subjectivity Of Secular Science

    613.   Violence And Righteousness

    614.   On Hypnotism

    615.   On Freedom Of Religion

    616.   We Are What We Choose

    617.   Enlightened Man And Absolute Truth

    618.   Truly Righteous Works

    619.   Pleasure And Pain Both Teach Spiritual Truths

    620.   The Age Of Antichrist

    621.   My Human Value

    622.   Mankind Accepts The Wrong Answers

    623.   Wisdom And Foolishness

    624.   Do Not Seek To Suffer; Learn To Suffer

    625.   Battles I’ve Lost

    626.   Bothered More By Failure Than By Sin

    627.   Respect

    628.   Fairness Or Justice?

    629.   An Objective Point Of Reference

    630.   Open Minded Oppression

    631.   Fact-Filled Fools

    632.   The Specter Of Contradictions

    633.   Leadership

    634.   Amazing Arrogance

    635.   Christian Love Is Not A Sentimental Love

    636.   Forgiveness

    637.   Orthodoxy Is Ortho-Praxis

    638.   What We Can Control

    639.   The Seamless Garment

    640.   On The Killing Of Abortionist George Tiller

    641.   War Is Hell

    642.   Truth In All Religions?

    643.   Capitalism And Economic Colonialism

    644.   Logic And Mystery

    645.   Balanced Prayer

    646.   Zealous Promotion And Poor Practice

    647.   Politicians And True Leaders

    648.   What I Know

    649.   We Cannot Run From God

    650.   The Orthodox Emphasis

    651.   Orthodox Objectivity And Schizophrenic Society

    652.   Criticism Apart From The Political Process?

    653.   Freedom, Justice, And Truth

    654.   False Leaders

    655.   Pray For Peace

    656.   The Least Of These

    657.   America Ruled By Two Pro-Death Political Parties

    658.   Fools For Christ

    659.   Orthodoxy And Ethnocentricity

    660.   Unconditional Love

    661.   Suffering And Creativity

    662.   Immunity From Societal And Cultural Influences

    663.   Faith Alone Or Works Righteousness?

    664.   Wake Up!

    665.   Siding With Truth

    667.   Aspiration From Adversity

    668.   Christianity And Social Agendas

    669.   Temporal And Eternal Torment

    670.   Dissecting Divine Truth

    671.   A Portrait Of The Gospel

    672.   Preserving Human Icons

    673.   For Those Considering Orthodoxy

    674.   On Poetic And Artistic Expression

    675.   Man Has The Truth

    676.   Circular Reasoning

    677.   Soteriology And Justice

    678.   Breath, Blood, And Fire

    679.   Faith

    680.   The Foundation Of All Good Works

    681.   Expectation, Preparation, And Hope

    682.   Theological Implications Of Evolutionary Theory

    683.   Suicide

    684.   Blessings Returned

    685.   The Church, Government, And Provision

    686.   To Pray For The Devil?

    687.   Collateral Damage And Necessary Evil?

    688.   The Mysteries Of The Universe Lie Within

    689.   The Olive Branch And The Freedom Fighter’s Gun

    690.   The Urgency Of Action

    691.   A Deep Well

    692.   Violence Stems From A Lack Of Faith

    693.   Progressive Orthodoxy?

    694.   Time For America To Examine Itself

    695.   Where There Is Life There Is Hope

    696.   Logic Is Irrefutable But Impotent

    697.   Easy Profession, Difficult Practice

    698.   The Art Of War

    699.   Holy Tradition And Human Tradition

    700.   America’s Tolerance For Christians

    701.   A Matter Of Perspective

    702.   Violence Cannot Establish Peace

    703.   Answering An Evangelical Fundamentalist

    704.   Empty Rhetoric And Hollow Persuasion

    705.   Human Rights

    706.   Evolution And Church Teaching

    707.   The Focus Of Our Fasting

    708.   Good And Evil

    709.   The Mystery Of Evangelical Atheists

    710.   Discerning The Source Of Spiritual Phenomena

    711.   Holy Treasures

    712.   Character And Choices

    713.   Sincerity And Truth

    714.   The Arrogance Of Evolutionary Theory

    715.   If We Cling To Our Cross, We’ll Rise To Eternal Life

    716.   An Empty World

    717.   Reason And Truth

    718.   Socialism And Capitalism

    719.   God And Good

    720.   The Epitome Of Foolishness

    721.   Arrogance

    722.   Considering Human Nature

    723.   3 Gifts That I Desire

    724.   Heresy And Piety

    725.   In The Absence Of God

    726.   How Fools Are Born

    727.   Joy Or Pleasure?

    728.   Salvation

    729.   Naïve And Simplistic?

    730.   Don’t Give Up!

    731.   The Glory And Depravity Of Man

    732.   Coming Into Orthodoxy

    733.   Mystery And Intimacy

    734.   Morally Eviscerated

    735.   The Veneration Of Icons

    736.   The Struggle To Reconcile Relationships

    737.   Mystery And Paradox

    738.   Love And Pain

    739.   The Spiritual Revolutionary

    740.   Consequences Of Misguided Pursuits

    741.   May God Grant You Peace In Your Orthodox Quest

    742.   The Validity Of Church Tradition?

    743.   God Is Not A Puzzle

    744.   Faith In God

    745.   Arguments, Love, And The Kingdom

    746.   Victims Of The Status Quo

    747.   Life, Meaning And The Afterlife

    748.   To Suffer Injustice

    749.   A Christian Nation?

    750.   Pragmatism, Utilitarianism, And Christian Action

    751.   Pacifism And Logical Consistency

    752.   Truth And The Truth

    753.   The Rich Liberal

    754.   Perception And Reality

    755.   Pacifism And Justifications For Violence

    756.   Scripture And The Church

    757.   Grace And Struggle

    758.   Political Thievery

    759.   Hollow Outcries And Empty Laments [September 2011]

    760.   Speaking Of Peace

    761.   Is Voting Our Christian Duty?

    762.   On Economic Justice

    763.   Extraterrestrial Life?

    764.   Don’t Tell Them They’re Not Free

    765.   Democracy And Lesser Evil

    766.   The Purification Of Heresies And Poisons

    767.   Savages And Fools

    768.   Burning Babylon

    769.   Condemning The Homeless

    770.   Oppressive Language

    771.   Speak Of The Devil

    772.   Scientific Objectivity In A Fallen World

    773.   Mississippi Votes Down Human Rights

    774.   Laughter And Tears

    775.   Bootstraps, Self-Made Men, & Self-Sufficient Souls

    776.   Orthodoxy And Grace

    777.   Sola Scriptura And Human Tradition

    778.   Why I Condemn Violence

    779.   Bow, Prostrate, Humble, And Fight

    780.   A Gentle Heart

    781.   Winning And Losing

    782.   Giving Freely

    783.   Babylonian Enemies [October 2011]

    784.   The Orthodox Church Is An Ark

    785.   Faith, Suffering, And Uncertainty

    786.   Cowardly Curses And Shameful Attacks

    787.   Confessions Of An Arrogant Man

    788.   Are We Holier Than Christ?

    789.   Presumptive Judgment

    790.   Futile Searches / Faithful Endeavors

    791.   Abortion, Capitalism, And Human Rights

    792.   Honoring The Scriptures

    793.   Resentment And Betrayal

    794.   Poetry, Art, And The Christian Life

    795.   Bearing Our Cross

    796.   The Idolatry Of The Apotheosis Of The Individual

    797.   The Preservation Of The World

    798.   Salvation

    799.   To Love And Attain The Truth

    800.   Loyalty, Friendship, And Idolatry

    801.   The Sword And The Cross

    802.   Casting Judgmental Stones

    803.   Burn Ism/Schisms!

    804.   Teach Me To Pray

    805.   Mind Of The Pharisees Or The Mind Of Christ?

    806.   Guilt And Innocence

    807.   World Peace

    808.   Indifference To Evil Is Evil Itself

    809.   The Faithful Few

    810.   Delayed Justice And Rash Judgment

    811.   Thoughts On Charismatic Experiences

    812.   Material And Spiritual Realities

    813.   Who Will Stand?

    814.   Seeking Crowns Or Seeking Christ?

    815.   Orthodoxy And Individual Interpretations

    816.   A Meditation For Election Day

    817.   To Live And To Love And To Suffer

    818.   Seeking Mystical Experiences

    819.   Babylon

    820.   Divine Justice

    821.   Unlocking Divine Mysteries

    822.   Nonviolence, Non-Resistance, And Nuclear Weapons

    823.   Biblical Preaching

    824.   Psychiatry, Psychology And Sorcery

    825.   This Is Not The Church

    826.   Christians In Babylon

    827.   Homosexuality, Addiction, And Christian Identity

    828.   Compassion Of The Christian Mystic

    829.   Self-Control

    830.   Christ Is Born! Glorify Him!

    831.   The Seeds Of Evil

    832.   Weeping For Sins

    833.   Compassion Is The Bridge To Communication

    834.   Finding True Christians And Faithful People

    835.   The Weight Of Enlightenment

    836.   Pains Of The Poetic Soul

    837.   Exalting Wisdom

    838.   Christ Is A Shepherd, Not A Tyrant

    839.   Christianity And Pagan Ideals

    840.   Cling To Christ!

    841.   Philosophy And Truth

    842.   Determining Why We Have Enemies

    843.   Christian Compassion And Revolutionary Injustices

    844.   Stoic Virtue And Solomonic Wisdom

    845.   The Answer To All War And Human Conflicts

    846.   Unraveling Mysteries

    847.   Babylon Slave

    848.   Trials Of Original Thought & Conformity To Christ

    849.   Anti-Religion Pharisees

    850.   Causes And Rights

    851.   Do We Deserve Hell?

    852.   Seeds And Roots

    853.   Struggling With Justice

    854.   Our Orthodox Concept Of God

    855.   Wise Words From A Fool’s Lips?

    856.   The Mind Of The Conqueror Or The Mind Of Christ?

    857.   Simple Pleasures Ad Simple Truths

    858.   Communism And Capitalism

    859.   The Evangelical Apologetics Movement

    860.   Religion

    861.   The Irrationality Of Violence

    862.   How To Search The Scriptures

    863.   Final Solutions Of The Secular State

    864.   Trust And Freedom

    865.   A Wake Up Call To American Christians

    866.   Struggling To Understand

    867.   No Weapon Shall Prosper

    868.   Remember Paradise

    869.   Frightening Thoughts

    870.   The Road Of Compromise

    871.   The Lies Of Abortion

    872.   Christian Focus / Christian Progress

    873.   Selective Truth

    874.   Enslavement And Change

    875.   The Roots Of Racism

    876.   The First Step Towards Christ

    877.   Discerning Spiritual Writings

    878.   Idealism And Idolatry

    879.   A Brief Critique Of James Madison’s Quote

    880.   It Is Not Easy To Stand For Truth

    881.   True Christian Prophets

    882.   Rastafari And The Orthodox Christian Faith

    883.   Arrogance Of The Western Mindset

    884.   To The Leaders Of Protestant Congregations

    885.   A Shared Idolatry

    886.   Orthodoxy And Social Justice

    887.   Fools

    888.   Revolutionary Jesus?

    889.   Evil By Any Other Name

    890.   Poverty

    891.   Christianity And Safety

    892.   Playing Chess With The Devil

    893.   Marxism And Capitalism

    894.   Our True Identity

    895.   The Illusion Of Democracy

    896.   Share Your Wisdom

    897.   Hell

    898.   Abortion And Justifiable Violence

    899.   Sin Nature?

    900.   Thought, Love, Truth, And God

    901.   The Profit Motive

    902.   Tact And Truth

    903.   The Devil’s Prey

    904.   Judgment And Unconditional Love

    905.   Liberation And Enslavement

    906.   Voting And Complaining

    907.   Creativity And Scientific Truth

    908.   Undermining Women’s Empowerment

    909.   Perpetual Oppression

    910.   Illusions And Ideals

    911.   The Oceans Of Orthodoxy

    912.   Bullets And Love

    913.   Demonic Political Distractions

    914.   The Culture

    915.   Harsh Judgments

    916.   A Strange Love

    917.   Gun Control?

    918.   Freedom And Order

    919.   Capitalistic Crime / Capitalistic Choice

    920.   Is This How We Shall Win The World?

    921.   Blessings And Pain

    922.   Monasticism

    923.   Liberal, Conservative, Or Christian?

    924.   The Challenge Of Love

    925.   Receiving The One I Refused

    926.   It’s What God Thinks About You That Matters

    927.   Nonviolence, Obedience, And Church Authority

    928.   Splinters And Scars

    929.   Vulnerability And Faith

    930.   The Lie Of The Political Process

    931.   Finding And Facing Truth

    932.   Predators And Prey

    933.   Guilt And God’s Love

    934.   The Way Of Cain Or The Way Of The Gospel?

    935.   Is The Bible All That Is Necessary?

    936.   A Man’s Confession

    937.   Seeking Solutions

    938.   Thoughts On Abortion

    939.   The Devil’s Lies

    940.   Thoughts On The Great Commission

    941.   Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. And Communism

    942.   Consensus Of Fools

    943.   The First Step Towards Christ

    944.   Eternal Security And St. John 10:27-28

    945.   Idolatrous Achievements

    946.   The Priority Of Self-Sacrifice

    947.   Educated Fools

    948.   Grace, Truth, And Love

    949.   If You Fast And Feel Far From God…

    950.   Forsaken By Blood

    951.   Villains And Vision

    952.   Violence And Worldly Justifications

    953.   Blaming God

    954.   Hierarchy And Authority

    955.   Serving Our Country?

    956.   Salt, Light, And Oil

    957.   A Free Man In Babylon

    958.   Strengthening Our Vision

    959.   Carrying Our Crosses

    960.   Political Idolatry And Demonic Deception

    961.   Please Don’t Ask, So What Do You Do?

    962.   Evil Fruits Of An Evil System

    963.   Evangelicals And Abortion

    964.   Healers

    965.   Searching And Salvation

    966.   Ethiopia’s Hour Of Decision [8/24/2012]

    967.   Preserving Freedom?

    968.   War On Women?

    969.   Flawed Foundations Of America’s Political System

    970.   Lies Of The State

    971.   How To Get Elected In Babylon

    972.   The Individual And The Collective

    973.    Social Justice

    974.   Why I Don’t Vote

    975.   The Greatest Lie Of All

    976.   The Sword And The Cross

    977.   Robbing Babylon

    978.   The Epitome Of Spiritual And Social Sickness

    979.   Feelings, Faith, And The Christian Struggle

    980.   Understanding Holy Mysteries

    981.   Politics And Cultural Influence

    982.   Evil And Apathy

    983.   On The Anniversary Of The Terrorist Attack Of 9/11 [September 11, 2012]

    984.   To Suffer For God Or To Suffer From God

    985.   Emmanuel And Imago Dei

    986.   Two Dangerous And Idolatrous Extremes

    987.   Christianity And Pacifism

    988.   Political Abstention

    989.   Embracing The Difficulty Of Truth

    990.   Justifications For Killing / Justifications For Peace

    991.   Christian Faith In Democracy?

    992.   Against A Patriotic Elitism

    993.   Profound Truth

    994.   A Question Of Idolatry

    995.   Notes On Evolutionary Theory

    996.   Searching For God

    997.   Satanic Soothing And Prophetic Discomfort

    998.   Bullets And Prayers

    999.   Johnny One Note?

    1000.   A Revolutionary Example

    1001.   Pride And Humility

    1002.   Life Conquers Death

    1003.   Precious Worthlessness

    1004.   At The Center Of Eternity

    1005.   Love And Fear

    1006.   Theological Purity And Human Oppression

    1007.   A Stranger’s Feet, A Stranger’s Blood

    1008.   Dr. Martin Luther King And Human Dignity

    1009.   I Tried To Do Some Good Today

    1010.   If The Gospel Teaches Violence, Then I Ask For Proof

    1011.   Means And Ends

    1012.   Self-Oppression

    1013.   Babylon Witches And Grandma’s Hands

    1014.   The Evolution Of Warfare

    1015.   God Is My Judge, Christ Is My Commander

    1016.   If We Really Understood Divine Love…

    1017.   Oppressive Deception

    1018.   The Unfailing Mercy Of God

    1019.   Opposition To Injustice

    1020.   Winners And Losers

    1021.   Expectations Of Justice?

    1022.   No Easy Answers [December 2012]

    1023.   Oppression And Economic Reform

    1024.   Creative Evidence For The Existence Of God

    1025.   Violence Is Not Visionary

    1026.   The Cross Conquers

    1027.   The Resolute Voices Of Humanity

    1028.   Slavery And Freedom

    1029.   The Epitome Of Divinity

    1030.   Foolish Knowledge

    1031.   The Mindset Of Mercy

    1032.   Our Willingness To Practice The Christian Faith

    1033.   The Indispensible Honor Of The Virgin Maryam

    1034.   Worthless Works And Fraudulent Faith

    1035.   The Lordship Of Christ

    1036.   Focusing On The Positive

    1037.   Babylon, Gun Control, And The Christian Faith

    1038.   American Democracy?

    1039.   The Proper Preeminence

    1040.   Equivocating The Language Of Evil

    1041.   Overwhelming Truth

    1042.   A Self-Defeating Preservation

    1043.   The Violence Of Unbelief

    1044.   Convictions And Hope

    1045.   Orthodox Asceticism

    1046.   Simple Servants Of Christ

    1047.   Discerning Spiritual Experiences

    1048.   Citizenship

    1049.   Exposure To Truth

    1050.   Thoughts On Gay Marriage

    1051.   Self-Enlightenment

    1052.   Salvation And Grace

    1053.   The Experience Of God Is The Purpose Of Life

    1054.   Organized Rebellion Against God

    1055.   The Strength Of The Meekness Of Peace

    1056.   Before The Cross

    1057.   The God I Serve

    1058.   Rejoice In The Lord Always

    1059.   In The Midst Of Eternity

    1060.   How I Fight

    A Fist For All The Flowers

    Eternal Mercy

    Sunset / Sunrise

    Burn Election Day!

    A Fragile Thunder

    When I Bowed

    Make Room


    The Cross I Love

    Fight For Freedom

    Struggle, Pain, Sorrow, And Faith

    Babylon Fourth Of July



    Don’t Tell Me


    Come Follow Him

    Labor And Capital

    Cemetery Belly

    Hold My Hand

    Open The Doors


    Flesh Turns To Salt

    Rising Tide

    A Faith That Found A Home


    Biographical Notes

    Recommended Reading

    About The Author

    We speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our glory, which none of the rulers of this age knew; for had they known, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.

    Corinthians 2:7-8

    For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, taking every thought captive and making it obedient to Christ.

    Corinthians 10:3-5

    …that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, and attaining to all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the knowledge of the mystery of God, both of the Father and of Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

    Colossians 2:2-3

    For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in high places.

    Ephesians 6:12

    …to make all see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the ages has been hidden in God who created all things through Jesus Christ.

    Ephesians 3:9

    And be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.

    Romans 12:2

    Great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifested in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen by angels, preached among the Gentiles, believed on in the world, and received up in glory.

    I Timothy 3:16


    Hosanna Maryam

    Welete Mikael

    (Daughter of St. Michael)


    Hosanna’s precious life epitomized the life of Christian struggle. She struggled in the womb, and struggled for her 11 weeks on earth thereafter. She never complained, but only cried a little when she was hungry. She fought to live until she could be baptized, then peacefully departed this world with the escort of St. Michael the Archangel. She was pure and innocent, and lived every moment of her life in the full awareness of the presence of God. I have no excuse for my sins, for Our Lord gave me a shining example in our little daughter, Hosanna Maryam / Welete Mikael.

    Memory Eternal

    This book is dedicated to my Priest and Godfather, Tsebate YemaneBrhan Asrat GebreMariam, and to the faithful Christian community of St. Gabriel Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church in Atlanta, Georgia.

    And to my wife Christi (Amete Menfes Kidus): I am a better man because of your love, your support, and your presence in my life. This book would never have become a reality without your patience, prayers, and encouragement. I love you deeply.

    He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from God. [Proverbs 18:22]

    To my children: Noah (Wolde Menfes Kidus), Zion (Haile Menfes Kidus), and Adayah (Wolete Menfes Kidus): You are the greatest proof of the existence and goodness of God. Every day, I experience His Light through your presence in my life. Your joy, your beauty, your kindness, and your love radiate the reality of Our Lord and His infinite grace. I know that the Holy Spirit will guide you always. Papa loves you!

    To my Papa, who passed away before the second edition of this book was printed: His unconditional love and constant support enabled me to overcome many sins, struggles, and failures throughout my life. His spirit of integrity, kindness, and decency will guide me always.

    To my Aunt and Uncle, Tante Alice and Uncle Lee: You are very special to me, more than you will ever know. Thank you for all of your love and support. I love you very much.

    To my Father in Law, Mr. Toby Hite III: It would take an entire book in itself to convey my admiration, respect, and love for you. The Light of Christ radiates from your heart, your mind, and your soul. I cannot thank you enough for the countless hours you have spent listening to me, teaching me, and providing me with profound wisdom and much needed words of encouragement. The love I have for you is the love that Jonathan surely had for David.

    To Dr. Wynn Kenyon: my college philosophy professor, whose patient Christian mentoring had an indelible influence upon my life. Unfortunately, God called him home before I had the chance to ask his critique of this book. May his memory be eternal!

    To all my true friends: Thank you for enduring my arrogance, selfishness, sins, and mistakes. Thank you for believing in me, for keeping me honest, and for loving me even in disagreement. Thank you for making me believe that I have something of value to offer this world.

    To Father Andrew Koufopoulos and the faithful community of Holy Trinity St. John the Theologian Greek Orthodox Church in Jackson, Mississippi: Thank you for welcoming and accepting our family with so much kindness and love. You have been a divine gift to us, providing a spiritual home away from home. Truly, our Churches are One!

    To Abba Gebre Tsadik: Thank you for the prayers, guidance, and instruction.

    To Mama Berhane Dorothy Allen: Give thanks for your light Babushka!

    To Rasul: You are my brother. Your soul radiates with truth, beauty, and strength. Deepest thanks for drawing the wonderful portrait of Bob Marley for this book!

    To Jim McCafferty and Tanya Britton: Thank you for your wisdom, grace, and friendship. I am eternally grateful for your patient mentoring and encouragement over the years.

    To Eddie James (International Farmer): You are the conscience of the community!


    True religion is the discovery and fulfillment of the meaning of life through the acceptance of divine mystery. The God who created us is infinitely transcendent, yet He nevertheless reveals Himself to finite human beings.

    We catch glimpses of God through His universal creation. We glean a partial knowledge of God through His universal laws. We hear the voice of God speaking through our consciences. And we feel His omnipresent existence through mortal expressions of love, mercy, justice, and compassion.

    Yet in spite of these things, God is still holy mystery. He is not a riddle to be solved, but an Infinite Reality to be worshiped and adored. And with humble hearts, human beings can experience the Lord of creation in mystical depth. For through the simple but sublime message of the Gospel, God has made it possible for finite human creatures to enter into His eternal embrace. By the power of the Cross, we can indeed know* Him Who surpasses all knowing.

    The Cross of Our Lord Eyesus Kristos (Jesus Christ) is the gate through which sinful man can approach divine holiness. We cannot fathom the profound grace that has made this salvation possible. All we can do is accept the love and mercy of Our Lord with gratitude and thanksgiving. And we will never be able to fully accept the grace of the Gospel if we remain isolated from God’s true Church; for it is through the Church-the mystical Bride and corporate Body of Christ-that we receive the holy Sacraments, Teachings, and Truths that bring us salvation and sanctification.

    We cannot rationally explain the glorious essence of God’s holy nature. Therefore, the ancient and holy apostolic Orthodox Church has been divinely instituted to convey infinite mysteries to the finite mind. The holy icons are windows through which we can glimpse transcendent truths. The Sacraments are supernatural graces through which our bodies and minds are edified and strengthened. The Divine Liturgy is the apex of our worship, the culmination of the power of the Gospel, through which we receive the actual Body and Blood of Jesus Christ into our lives.

    The Orthodox Faith does not try to explain these ineffable mysteries to the satisfaction of human logic. Instead, the Church simply offers herself to the world as the purest earthly expression of holy Truth and divine grace. And "Whosoever thirsts may come and drink the water of life freely." [Revelation 22:17]

    Christian faith is first and foremost the humble acceptance of the infinite, incarnate Christ and His Church. Secondly, it is the volitional endeavor to labor in this world on behalf of Christ and His Truth. This means submission to and participation in the life of His Church. It means reaching out to a broken world with the message of Our Lord’s love for suffering humanity. It means engaging society in order to proclaim God’s message of peace, justice, and human rights. It means being ambassadors of Christ (II Corinthians 5:20), showing compassion and mercy to the weak and the sinful, and opposing those forces that prey upon the weak and the sinful. For as Our Lord said, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. [St. Matthew 25:40]

    So, this book is a compilation of philosophical** reflections and spiritual meditations that essentially deal with Mystery and Meaning. Herein are some of the various thoughts and opinions that I have put into writing over the years. With the power of the pen, I have tried to express the spiritual ideals and social convictions of my mind, my heart, and my soul. Admittedly, many of my views are unconventional and perhaps even controversial, but I trust they are Orthodox nonetheless. I have tried to keep a clear distinction between the established Teachings and Traditions of the Church and that which I assert as my own personal opinions. I have prayerfully labored to make sure that my own views do not contradict Orthodox truth; but if I have in any way failed in this intention, then I ask forgiveness both from Our Lord and from the reader. I cannot emphasize strongly enough that my own personal beliefs are always subservient and submissive to the theology of Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church. Where I err, the Church does not. Therefore, I urge the reader to sift the philosophy and opinions contained herein through the trustworthiness of Orthodox inerrancy.

    I dare not presume to speak for God. I am not His prophet, only his sinful servant. But within these pages, I have tried to reflect the divine harmony of grace, mercy, love, and harsh truth. Our Lord was born in a manger, meek and mild; He was the Lamb that was slain for our sins; but He shall return as a conquering lion. The consequences of sin are not gentle, and the severity of divine discipline is sometimes the greatest act of mercy. I do not wish to convey wrath, but I do feel the need to convey unvarnished realities and expose the raw truth of certain matters. However, I have tried to balance zealousness with compassion-incorporating gentle, encouraging, and uplifting meditations that provide necessary water for the provocative fires that I sometimes burn.

    I am who I am, and my writing is shaped by my experiences and my convictions, all of which find coherence and stability in the Truth of Christ and His Church. Some of the meditations herein are indeed infused with anger. And I am not afraid to confess my anger-anger at false doctrines that confused and led me astray for many years; anger at injustices and evils like abortion that claim the countless lives of innocent human creatures; anger at the arrogance of worldly power structures and false leaders that deceive and harm sincere God-fearing people; anger at the various manifestations of the ideology of violence which result in the desecration of human beings created in the very image of God; anger at the profound betrayals of friends and family that I have personally experienced at crucial times in my life. And I believe that many people in this world also share a similar anger. I want to give voice to their laments and show them that someone else shares their pain and their struggles. I want my fellow sufferers to know that somebody else cares. I want them to know that there is solidarity in common suffering, and that there is healing and comfort in the common communion of authentic Christian worship.

    St. John Cassian lists anger as one of the eight deadly sins, but St. Paul says, Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath. [Ephesians 4:26] I can only hope that my anger errs on the side of devotion rather than pride, and I supplicate the Son of God to burn away any self-righteous passions that reside in my heart. I pray that this book will uplift the faithful, give hope to the hopeless, and bring inspiration to those who sincerely search for God and His truth.

    We know that Love conquers a multitude of sins. [I Peter 4:8] So, if my revolutionary zeal obscures my efforts to promote the unfailing love of Our Lord, then I have failed. The writer’s curse is that what he prints is usually irrevocable, so it has been a prayerful challenge for me to discern what I should actually include in this book. Numerous texts were omitted or excised because I believed they ultimately reflected my egotistical emotions rather than the true Spirit of Our Lord.

    The tone, tenor, and topic of these meditations varies from page to page, and from text to text-sometimes drastically so. Therefore, I encourage the reader to continue reading even though he may encounter a text or meditation with which he strongly disagrees or finds particularly unpalatable. I sincerely believe that there is something edifying and uplifting for everyone somewhere within these pages. I certainly hope so. Yet I echo the thoughts of Miguel De Cervantes, who wrote in his Prologue to Don Quixote:

    I am not interested in saying things just because everybody else does, or in begging you, dearest reader, with tears in my eyes, to please overlook my child’s (i.e., my book’s) faults. Your soul sits in its own body, you can make up your mind for yourself, with the best of them; and by God, you’re the boss in your own house. Which means you are under no obligation at all, so you can say anything you like about this; you don’t have to worry about being insulted if you don’t like it or rewarded if you do.

    It is not easy to gaze directly into the light of spiritual truth, and it is never pleasant to disclose the dark realities of social injustice. But we have a Christian duty to proclaim the truth, regardless of whether that truth is comforting or convicting. I dare not pretend that my finite opinions constitute the truth; but I pray that they are in conformity with Truth, and I hope that they point to Truth. For I seek only to honor Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who alone is The Way, the Truth, and the Life. [St. John 14:6]

    My words flow from a heart that struggles to love God more than sin. They stem from a finite mind whose arrogance often needs to be humbled by divine omniscience. They emanate from a soul that longs to see the realization of peace, love, and justice in this fallen and sin stained world.

    Everything contained herein I have written to myself first and foremost; and there is no profit in these words unless I diligently seek to heed and apply them to my own life and to my own spiritual struggle. As St. Maximus the Confessor(r) said, Our devotion lies not in words, but in realities. I have learned that the actions do not come so easily as the ideas, and that it is easier to preach the Cross than to actually take it up and carry it. I am mindful of the exhortation of St. John Climacus(a), who writes:

    Not all of us are required to save others. The divine Apostle says: ‘Everyone shall give account of himself to God.’ (Romans 14:12) And again he says: ‘Thou therefore that teachest another, dost thou not teach thyself?’ (Romans 2:21)This is like saying: I do not know whether we must all teach others; but we most certainly should teach ourselves… Words betray a soul’s ignorance; but the law of love is an incentive to attempt things that are beyond our capacity. [The Ladder of Divine Ascent; Step 3:4, 25]

    The topics within this book are many, spanning the themes of spiritual warfare, mysticism, Orthodox theology, human rights, metaphysics, social justice, Christian pacifism,*** biblical commentary, cultural criticism, and the teachings of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. I have also included my Testimony of Baptism into the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, which I have placed at the end of the book.

    It is my hope that God will be glorified through what I have written. It is my desire that these words will inspire spiritual devotion, social consciousness, and an interest in the Orthodox Christian Faith. And it is my prayer that the Christian ideals I know in theory will eventually become the praxis of my heart and the example of my day to day life.

    If within these pages I have expressed ideas or opinions that are errors of faith or theology, then I defer to the authority of the Holy Orthodox Church, whose Teachings, Traditions, and Truth shall rightly correct them. Lord have mercy.

    This book is not divided into chapters, and it is not arranged according to specific topics. Therefore, it does not need to be read sequentially from beginning to end. These composed texts may serve as a manual for spiritual reflection, as a devotional guide, or as stimulus for philosophical and theological contemplation. I believe most readers will find opinions with which they may wholeheartedly agree, as well as views that they may adamantly oppose. If everything in this book is either pleasing to everyone or offensive to everyone, then I have failed both as a Christian and as a writer.

    Humility is the evidence of courage. Servitude is the sign of strength. The willingness to see the truth indicates a desire for the Divine. My prayer is that the message of these pages will lead you to Truth, lead you to God, and leave you with abiding peace, love, and hope.

    May Our Lord Jesus Christ be glorified, may humanity be edified, and may this writer continue to be sanctified through the power and grace of the Holy Spirit and the guidance of the Holy Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church.

    One who is poor and does not possess the wealth of Christ in his soul, even if he wishes to offer a word of truth to gladden others, yet does not possess within himself the word of God in power and reality, but only repeats from memory and borrows words from various parts of the book of Scripture, or what he has heard from spiritual men, and relates these things-see, he seems to gladden others. But after he has gone through it, each word goes back to the source from which it was taken, and he himself remains once more naked and poor. For this reason, we should seek first from God with pain of heart and in faith, that He would grant us to find this wealth, the true treasure of Christ in our hearts, in the power and effectual working of the Holy Spirit. In this way, first finding in ourselves the Lord to be our profit and salvation and eternal life, we may then profit others also, according to our strength and opportunity, drawing upon Christ, the treasure within.

    -St. Macarius the Great-(b)

    Besime Ab, WeWolde, WeMenfesQidus, Ahadu Amlak.

    In the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, One God



    Servant of the Holy Spirit

    *Known-Many Orthodox theologians teach that since God cannot be comprehended by mortal reason, it is therefore erroneous to even speak of such a thing as the knowledge of God. Although I agree with this view to a certain extent, I nevertheless use phrases such as knowing God, knowledge of God, etc. throughout this book. Many sections herein discuss this very issue of the knowledge of God, and elaborate on what this means. For example, see text #316.

    **Philosophy-Philosophy as an end in itself is thoroughly condemned in Orthodoxy. In fact, because of the numerous heresies and falsehoods that philosophy has produced, some Orthodox theologians have rejected the use of the term philosophy altogether. But everyone has a philosophy (or worldview), whether they realize it or not. Thus, I maintain the use of the word philosophy and attempt to articulate a sound Orthodox Christian worldview throughout this book. (Whether or not I have succeeded is for the reader to decide.)

    Tertullian(c) famously said, Search that you may believe, then stop. In other words, the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom should lead us to faith in Christ, and any philosophical endeavor that does not facilitate the experience of God is nothing more than human vanity. And Clement of Alexandria(d) wrote, Philosophy was a schoolmaster to the Greeks, as the law was to the Hebrews, preparing the way for those who are perfected by Christ. Therefore, true Christian philosophy is concerned with analyzing ideas, condemning that which is opposed to Christ and His Church and striving to conform one’s life to those ideas which comply with Christ and His Church. As St. Paul writes: We demolish arguments and every pretension that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, taking every thought captive and making it obedient to Christ. [II Corinthians 10:5] (Also see text #152)

    ***Pacifism-Orthodoxy eschews the ideology of isms, and therefore usually speaks of peacemaking rather than pacifism. But for the sake of clarity, I have consistently incorporated the terms Christian pacifism and theistic pacifism throughout this book. I specifically use these terms in order to differentiate my position from both secular pacifist ideology and from Catholic just war theory. Rather than abandoning the term pacifism because of its various misconceptions and fallacious connotations, I hope instead to reclaim this label and infuse it with the spiritual vitality of Orthodox Christian meaning.

    Do not pry into the mystery, but humbly accept what God has revealed, and do not be curious about what God keeps hidden.

    -St. John Chrysostom-

    The Cross is Our Power

    The Cross is Our Strength


    The Cross is Our Redemption

    The Cross is the Salvation of Our Souls

    "And the Queen of Ethiopia said unto her subjects: ‘Ye who are my people, listen to my words for I desire wisdom and my heart seeketh to find understanding. I am smitten with the love of wisdom, for wisdom is far better than treasures of gold and silver, and wisdom is the best of everything that hath been created on earth. Unto what under the heavens shall wisdom be compared? It is sweeter than honey and it makes one to rejoice more than wine; it shines more than the sun and it is more beloved than precious stones. It fattens more than oil, and it satisfies more than dainty meats, and it gives more fame than thousands of gold and silver. It is a source of joy for the heart, a bright and shining light for the eyes and a giver of speed to the feet; a shield for the breast and a helmet for the head.

    It maketh the ears to hear and hearts to understand, it is a teacher of those who are learned, and it is a consoler of those who are discreet and prudent. It giveth fame to those who seek after it. And as for a kingdom, it cannot stand without wisdom, and riches cannot be preserved without wisdom; the foot cannot keep the place where it has set itself without wisdom. And without wisdom that which the tongue speaks is not acceptable. Wisdom is the best of all treasures. He who heaps up gold and silver does so to no profit without wisdom, but he who heaps up wisdom no man can snatch it from his heart. That which fools heap up, the wise consume. And because of the wickedness of those who do evil, the righteous are praised; and because of the wicked acts of fools the wise are beloved. So I will follow the footprints of wisdom and it shall protect me forever.’

    Then the Queen of Ethiopia set out on her journey with great pomp and majesty, and with great equipment and many preparations. By the will of God her heart desired to go to Jerusalem so that she might hear the wisdom of Solomon. And her heart had confidence in God."

    The Kebra Nagast* 22

    Ethiopia shall continue in the Christian faith until the coming of Our Lord, and she shall in no way turn aside from the word of the Gospel, and it shall be so even as we have ordered until the end of the world.

    The Kebra Nagast 100:7

    *The Kebra Nagast-The Kebra Nagast, or the book of the Glory of Kings, is an account originally written in ancient Ethiopic language of Ge’ez. It details the origins of the Solomonic lineage of the Emperors of Ethiopia. This sacred work is at least seven hundred years old, and is a divinely inspired text of holy Church Tradition in the Ethiopian Orthodox Faith. It contains an account of how Makeda, the Queen of Sheba, met King Solomon and how the Ark of the Covenant came to Ethiopia with Menelik I. It also describes the conversion of the Ethiopians from the worship of the sun, moon, and stars to the monotheistic worship of the Lord God of Israel. Professor Edward Ullendorff explains, "The Kebra Nagast is not merely a literary work, but-as the Old Testament is to the Hebrews or the Qur’an is to the Arabs-it is the repository of Ethiopian national and religious feelings."

    Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.

    Psalm 19:14

    Pray for me, that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the Gospel.

    Ephesians 6:19

    1.   GOD is TRUTH

    God is truth, and all truth is a manifestation of God. We do not know all truth, but the truths we do know are sufficient to give us an awareness of the Creator. Although in this life we see through a glass darkly [I Corinthians 13:12], God’s eternal truths can nevertheless be recognized and embraced even in our temporal, physical state of existence. But while all truths in some way enlighten us to the existence of God, it is only through the Truth that we can actually experience God. As Our Lord clearly said: I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. And no man can come to the Father except through Me.

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