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Plundered Passion
Plundered Passion
Plundered Passion
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Plundered Passion

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This book has the ability to port you into another time and world. It contains rich character that will fascinate your imagination and has cover to cover appeal with a fast moving storyline. Although rugged pirates, these sailors are men one would love spending hours dreaming about a pulse-pounding romance. The story contains steamy love scenes, a villain one loves to hate and laugh out loud moments that will titillate your reading pleasure. Although a new series it has already formed a faithful following and is the precursor to our US Navy and the first of many books that will soon follow.
In the late 1700s a new generation of American pirates different than any others had emerged. They were a group of southern gentlemen known as The Brethren. Cole Lairt a notorious pirate The Raven had been persuaded to attend The Masquerade ball by a fellow pirate, Jock Clavinet, in his hometown of New Orleans.
On the day of the event the Remineuel household is in a tizzy preparing their fair-haired Julianne to accept a queens crown of the festival. She is considered the most stunning saut after Miss in the City. On the other hand the second daughter Monique has yet to experience a suitor of her own. Her daily existence is filled caring for a sickly mother and the rearing of her twin brothers but what pains her life the most, is the spiteful hatred of her sister Julianne.
At the ball the chestnut-haired Monique meets Raven a dashing stranger and they are instantly drawn to one another. Using his title The Marquis Cole Lairt to hide his true livelihood they dance and later kiss under an oak. Unknowingly, the embrace binds them against sound judgment. Upon discovery of the attraction Julianne flies into a rage and gleefully plots their misery. To maintain her social standing the spiteful Julianne is determined to keep Monique in the shadows to live a spinsters existence.
Raven is then compelled to flee back to sea and free himself from the unwanted entanglement. Crossing paths on the high seas Monique is devastated to discover that her prince charming is non-other than a pirate. Even so, the flames of passion still thrive compelling their two worlds to become one. Will love survive on the treacheries waves of the warm Caribbean? Come and read for yourself.
Release dateOct 15, 2009
Plundered Passion

KarenJean Noack

KarenJean Noack grew up in a small town of Ripon in the San Joaquin valley of California. Although a California girl she was blessed with a southern name by her Texan father. She’s been told to embrace her southern roots and has done so with pride. KarenJean has traveled most of her adult life as a navy wife supporting her veteran husband. The combination of her love for the sea and southern passion is what has motivated The Brethren series. She has spent the last few years writing several books soon to follow.

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    Plundered Passion - KarenJean Noack


    The golden era of piracy had just come to a close. The Colonialist wanted to avoid high tariffs from England. Our waters were filled with free traders and blockade-runners sneaking in illegal loads of goods. Most renegade pirates such as Blackbeard, Ann Bonny, and Calico Jack were a thing of the past when the Golden Era of Piracy died away.

    Plundering what sailed was still taking place in the Caribbean while letters of Marque were handed out by France and the Secretary of the State James Madison in America for free traders to attack English ships.

    The dynamics of piracy rapidly changed. Free trading and privateering were becoming acceptable professions in most circles. Even our own government hired such sea captains to protect our shorelines pre 1776 to just prior to the Civil war.

    New Orléans enjoyed the Masquerade Celebration before what they now call Mardi Gras. The governor would open the season of carnival with a grand ball. The array of balls and parties that followed was held by key plantations in the parish and made up the festivities of the Masquerade Celebration. It wasn’t until the Spanish moved into Louisiana that the celebration moved into the streets and was renamed Mardi Gras.

    Soon a new group people called Cajuns were formed in the territory of Louisiana. They were a mixture of Indian, Caribbean slaves, and French settlers. They formed a new language called Cajun French and favored the cypress swamps and bayous for their homes.

    Creoles were considered the cream of Louisiana French society. These affluent families created the flavor of the crescent city that we love so much today. Their food and old world customs were weaved into the fabric our southern history.

    Cole Lairèt was one of a number of gentlemen that grew up with titles in Europe. By the time they were young men, due to war, plague and bad circumstances a large portion found themselves with no means of financial support. The family fortunes and ancestral homes were lost to them forever. A number of these high bred gentlemen set out to sea for a life of adventure and to make their own fortunes.

    The Lesser Antilles in Venezuela were a chain of islands that a number of pirates claimed as homeports. They would stay landlocked during the hurricane season or when the English made it difficult to safely sail. This extraordinary group of sailors formed brethren of pirates. They lived and died by a set of Articles, the rules and laws they pledged a blood oath to uphold. The Captain and officers of the ships were responsible to carry out the enforcement of these rules.

    A few of these unusual men lived a fruitful life, but most of them died young. Some of these captains were ruthless, while others had a hard time shaking the fact they were gentlemen. It was an interesting time in our history; we were a young rebellious country trying desperately to grow into maturity.

    The Sea Queen

    The sea is a demanding mistress. She has claimed the souls of numerous men. The salt air she exhales flows through the veins of those who are bound to her. It prevents these sailors from remaining absent from her for too long. It’s a hard life at sea but a life that once surrendered, one can’t live without. The Sea Queen forever calls to her souls, leaving them restless and urging for peace until they reunite with her. The turbulent sea can be unpredictable at times. She woos you from land and returns you at her whim. When angered the Sea Queen will claim a ship as well as the air in the lungs of those who sail her; she holds the souls jealously within her keep forever. She consumes them all for her pleasure, residing at sea within her arms for everlasting eternity.

    KarenJean Noack


    The turbulent sea pushed the waves upward into walls of dark towering monsters that threatened their very existence. The strapping winds whipped around the menacing gray clouds that loomed in the angry sky. Raven Lairèt stood on the quarterdeck guiding his ship, The Vengeance into their unknown future .

    They were sailing out of familiar French waters for the last time. The crashing elements of the Sea Queen’s temper mimicked the storm that raged within the displaced sea captain. The Vengeance was currently sailing on a southwestern course for their new homeport, Cutlass Cove, in the Lesser Antilles off the Venezuelan coastline.

    After the fall of Tortuga a new pirate haven needed to be created. A group of pirates in the recent years had formed The Brethren and founded Cutlass Cove to aid in their endeavors. Although it had become a safe haven for the majority of pirates prowling the Caribbean, it wasn’t the Frenchman’s idea for a homeport.

    The crew fought most of the night to stay afloat so they could live to sail another day. The timbers creaked and moaned under the enormous pressure of the battering waves. The powerful winds pummeled raindrops to sting like needles and tossed the ship around like a cork.

    It wasn’t Raven’s first storm at sea and surely wouldn’t be his last. By the time the gale eased and the waves lowered to a manageable size, the captain’s body felt frozen to the bone and he ached from head to toe. Even though Raven rolled into his bunk, grateful they had survived soundly enough to reach their destination; it didn’t diminish the fact that he was already homesick.

    At first impression Raven was usually considered a highly complex individual and at times even appeared to be a cold, unfeeling person. As the impression wore off one, would see he was a contradiction, a gentleman tortured by the educated brain that allowed him to see clearly the things denied in other men, the need for respect and dignity that he possessed. Since he found the outside world difficult to bear, Raven created a world for himself. His ship allowed him to be master and to rule with supremacy. His ego had to be fed constantly and reassured by the degradation of the English, who had robbed him of everything dear. The English had the cruelty he now administers. Raven is weary of the twisted hatred that has controlled his life since he went to sea. His yearns for the peaceful serene world he once had.

    A week later, The Vengeance joined up with the majority of sea wolves that prowled the Atlantic. The newest member of The Brethren had berthed at Cutlass Cove, ready to explore the new homeport. Their sights for pillaging were now set towards the Colonies, England, and Spain.

    Hatchet gladly volunteered to stand the first-watch encouraging his Captain to depart the ship. Raven liberated his crew, allowing shore leave for all except the ones on duty. The Captain felt unusually anxious to plant his feet on solid ground. Raven stepped down the gangplank as Swede ran too catch up. Cap, let’s go see if ve can find us some female company. Your mind vould serve better on comforting thoughts. You’ve been a bit gruff, Cap’n. The crew figures an entertaining evening vith a dockside doxy vould help smooth over your ruffled nerves, yah?

    The exiled pirate’s boots pounded the earth towards the nearest pub. Raven needed a cool beer to wash away the annoyance twisting at his gut. It gnawed at his spirit to be banished from his beloved homeland. As of late, his temper was unpredictable. It had been endured by all, especially his First Mate, Swede.

    To be given advice by his own crew did not bow well with Raven. Tell the crew that I can handle my own affairs just fine without their meddling. I just want to chug down a well-deserved beer away from the ship in peace and quiet. Move along! Raven barked with his usual gruff tone of authority.

    A few notorious pirate ships were docked along the piers such as The Barracuda and The Scottish Maiden. Their black flags of piracy fluttered in the sea breeze on their main mast to proclaim their commanding presence.

    While walking down the pier, Raven glanced over his shoulder at his own banner. The crossed bones and golden Fleurs-de-lis broadcasted his arrival. He was proud of his lineage and his countries’ waters they sailed in for the last four years. The Fleurs-de-lis proudly announced his ship’s origins.

    Wanting to be left alone, he verbally sent Swede packing. Raven couldn’t help but feel Hatchet also had a hand in Swede’s attempts to help change his unpleasant disposition.

    Francis Peterson, known as Hatchet, served as the Quartermaster and oversaw the decks. A name like Francis forced the seasoned seadog to learn the art of defense. Knives and war hatchets were his weapons of choice. A veteran seaman, he had sailed with Raven from the start of his endeavors. As an old salt of the sea, Hatchet preferred to rule over the decks than take on the responsibility of captain to his own ship. The Vengeance ran smooth and orderly under the direction of these two irreplaceable officers.

    Noticing that Swede was still lurking a few steps back, they entered The Sea Breeze. It was the first pub at the end of the pier on the waterfront called Pirate’s Row. The dankness of the room felt welcome as it imitated his sentiment.

    Sailors from numerous ships and countries along with stale smoke and sour spirits were like an invisible fog in the room. The sawdust on the floor was a month overdue of exchange. Swaggering up to the mahogany bar, Raven ordered. The majority of faces around him were new and belonged to The Brethren, only a couple was familiar. He recalled how King George swore to seek out and rid the ocean of all piracy in his waters between their countries and across the pond.

    The treacherous waters had forced Raven to follow the bulk of The Brethren further into the Caribbean to their hideaway. The pewter mug clutched in his fist made a loud thud on the bar, when a firm hand unexpectedly grabbed his shoulder. Raven leaped to his feet in a defensive stance ready for whatever trouble was threatening to befall him.

    "Il est bon de vous voir mon ami. It has been too long since I’ve seen you, Phantom Jack."

    Jock Clavinet was one of Raven’s oldest friends. As a colleague pirate he also had his family’s fortune stolen before the pleasure to enjoy it. He too was displaced from their homeland during the English-French war. The titled gentleman embraced the sea as a pirate, three years prior to Raven.

    This known pirate was the influence that convinced Raven piracy was a life able to provide him with the means to reclaim his wealth. Phantom Jack’s ship, The Shark, had the reputation of advancing upon its prey out of nowhere; hence the name, Phantom Jack.

    Jock where have you been, you old plague of the sea? You sailed out of France and I haven’t heard from or crossed paths with you since.

    They relocated and settled at a near-by table to renew their friendship. They hadn’t shared a tankard with one another for at least two years. I discovered the colonies; you should sail with me, Raven. There is an abundance of rich land to possess; you can earn honest money as well as booty. A number of my crew and I own land and have built homes. Louisiana is our homeport during the winter and safe haven when the British prevent us from running blockades. Attack the British and Spaniards if you desire, Raven, but leave the colonies alone. Heed my words and you will always have a safe harbor in my new country.

    Looking over the rim of his tankard of beer Raven noticed a small group of pirates from The Barracuda had entered the pub. He lowered his mug and averted his eyes back to Jock. I see Blackheart Cutter is in port. His men appear to be looking for trouble.

    Yes, you can say that. They’ve been bragging about sinking two of the renegade pirates that threw you and Swede in that dungeon of a jail in Africa. The blackguards won’t be capturing their own kind and selling the crews back to King George for reward money ever again.

    Raven couldn’t help but feel relived somehow. Lars Swenson and Raven had been thrown into the same cell on the gold coast of Africa waiting to be transported to London. The sea Captains had been sentenced to death by the local magistrate. King George had ordered their execution to be a public spectacle in London. The Swedish Captain had lost his ship and most of his crew during a fierce sea battle.

    The pair of sea captains concluded that if they joined forces freedom could be achieved. Raven’s only possession, The Vengeance, was still docked in the harbor. Once the prison relinquished its hold and confinement on both Captains, as well as half of both crews, the band swam out to The Vengeance and sailed it to freedom, cheating the eager executioner. Raven and Swede have been together ever since.

    Swenson had earned the respect of the crew he now ruled over, known as Swede. "Leave it for one renegade to find others. It was unusual for Cutter to act in the best interest of The Brethren. His renegade practices usually care less for the welfare of others."

    They claim he has started to mend his unscrupulous habits. I cannot imagine anything taming such a heathen. Snakes can shed their skin but their color remains the same. I will never trust the man.

    Raven couldn’t argue with Jock’s tainted view. Blackheart Cutter had proven he was untrustworthy many times in the past. He wanted to move on to a safer subject. Say, Jock, where did you say that you now reside?

    "I live in a territory called Louisiana. It is near a large city called New Orléans. Mon ami, there is a large settlement of Frenchmen living there. This new land even possesses French individuals called Creoles. It is so fascinating, the way we live in this new world. Come see for yourself, yes? I am sailing for home in a couple of days. Return with me. A season of celebration is about to start and the city is one large carnival with balls and masked parties, one after another for a number of days. We can walk the streets and attend elegant balls without fear."

    The idea sounded wonderful, feeling free living a normal life for a while. It would be a welcome diversion not to worry about the next throat he must cut to survive. Raven couldn’t remember the last time he had danced with a proper lady and not a strumpet. His head spun with the thought of such an evening.

    The weather beaten sea captain reveled in the life as a pirate but at times, missed the former life as a gentleman. He was raised with a title and position after all. "We will talk of this adventure again, mon Ami. Hopefully there will be no need to part ways. I will contemplate what you said with considerable forethought."

    The pair spent the majority of the day reminiscing about their families and homes they had lost. Out of nowhere a pewter mug whizzed by and grazed Jock’s ear. A fight had erupted within the confines of the barrel house. Chairs soon took flight and sailors did the same. Raven and Jock didn’t know who started the ruckus or the reason but the captains were determined to finish the brawl.

    Raven’s fist’s worked their way from one face to the next. Jock was heaving bodies out the door, ridding the pub of unnecessary rubbish. They later walked out with arms draped over one other’s shoulders, laughing and well satisfied with the outcome. They had managed to exercise a fair share of bashing heads and removing men from their paths. There is nothing like a feisty brawl to get a man’s blood pumping, huh Jock?

    His head reared back, cutting loose with a deep belly laugh. Aye, Raven, it is satisfying to work up a healthy appetite. I am familiar with such a location to fulfill these craving. They walked between two buildings heading towards town.

    They ribbed one another while shuffling down Anchor Street, leaving Pirate’s Row behind them. They turned the corner at the Weapon Shop on Main Street and walked up and over to Stern Street. After a short distance a large, two story manor came into view. Climbing the steps they entered the front doors. The two walked into a stylish parlor decorated with a large, crystal chandelier and tasteful furniture.

    Jock pointed up and bragged at his friend, "I commandeered that crystal babul off of a Spanish galleon last year. Mademoiselle Fifi immediately commandeered the bootie the moment it was drenched with light when leaving my cargo hold."

    A rather rounded, dark haired woman rushed towards them with her arms opened wide to Jock. The madam was in her later years of life but still wore a painted face of her former profession. The harshness of life had robbed the well-dressed lady of the stunning beauty one could still see blessed her at one time. By the Madam’s expression she was happy to see a familiar face.

    Jock greeted her warmly, displaying due respect. "My handsome Jock has returned to me. You have been a naughty boy to stay away from your Fifi for so long. Now, you come with me and tell Fifi who is this tall drink of cool water is you have brought me, oui?"

    They strolled over to a highly polished rosewood bar polished to a mirror finish. It stood in the back of the main sitting room. The trio made themselves comfortable on red velvet covered barstools. Drinks were served as polite conversation flowed back and forth. "Fifi, this is Raven. He is an old friend of mine and I wanted him to meet you. You show him your kindness or I will become cross with you."

    A purring sound escaped her throat, nuzzling up to Raven and running a hand up his arm, delighting in her visitor. Raven hoped he was wrong about what was running through the female’s mind at the moment. Even if he was two sheets to the wind, Raven was not about to become personal with this woman.

    A stricken appearance could be seen on Raven while Jock laughed and slapped him on the back. "Weigh anchor there, matey, and follow me.

    Two wooden doors slid open and disappeared into the walls, revealing an array of striking ladies from a variety of countries. There sat fair to dark ebony, round eyes to slanted, large, roundly soft, to the most slender and finely boned.

    A fine gentlemen’s place of entertainment had not been visited by Raven since before his sailing days. Jock, what in the devil is a gentleman’s quality house of ladies doing here on this small island?

    Nonchalantly, Jock shrugged. "You will find mon ami, that this side of the pond has a multitude of surprises that will delight you. Be thankful that it is here to discover and enjoy. There are an elite number of gentlemen that reside here. This house is where officers frequent to allow their desires to be fulfilled. Fifi’s ladies are more to our taste then those at Lottie’s or a few of the pubs along the row. They are more suited for our crews. I assure you; tonight will be a memorable one, mon ami."

    Gesturing with a sweeping wave of Mademoiselle Fifi’s hand, the ladies eagerly stormed their gentleman callers. The scandalously dressed ladies joyfully called out Jocks name; he laughed while soaking up their attention and enclosing both arms around as many as they would hold.

    Raven also enjoyed a number of tantalizing women competing for his affections. They were intrigued with this new, attractive, sea Captain in their mitts. "Raven, this is Suzette, Mary, Katherine, Ruby, Chastity, Jewel, Rose and Sugar.’’

    A devilish grin filled Jocks face as he pointed. You hold Bonnie, Sara, Brigitte, Sue Ann, Meko, Kim, Daisy, and Hope. You can consider one or all if it is your wish.

    Leisurely, the cautious pirate became acquainted with the variety of ladies. He knew these willing creatures were there for his pleasure. It was still important for Raven to become somewhat acquainted with his partner. If he was to share a block of time with one of the feminine persuasion, it was important that they could enjoy a flowing conversation. That meant the lady had to be fairly intellectual and interesting before intimacy would be allowed. He chose a Chinese beauty aptly named Jewel for the evening.

    Raven had never shared company with a lady from an Asian country and he felt adventurous. What first caught his attention was her long, coal-black hair that partially hung to the floor. Her slender but shapely form also intrigued him.

    Together they ascended the stairs to her room. He was captivated to find it was filled with black lacquered furniture from her homeland. Each piece was delicately hand painted with colorful designs of golden dragons and flowers.

    An interesting bed came into view that he had never seen in all his years of travel. The bed was designed in detailed carvings and cut outs from top to bottom. A canopy of hand-polished wood adorned the top with enclosures on three sides, leaving only a singular side open to enter the bed. It kind of reminded him of a bunk built into the bulkhead on a ship. Sheer red silk lined the sleeping inclusion. The matting was covered with a comforter of additional red silk adorned with a number of embroidered golden mums. The strangest item in the interesting room was the red paper Chinese lanterns that illuminated the space.

    Jewel, why the red lanterns?

    She encouraged him to sit down on a high back chair that resembled a throne and removed his boots. In my country, it means I am entertaining the master of the house. That is you, my master. Her fingers were busy initiating a relaxing foot rub.

    Indulged in the luxury, Raven’s body surrendered to her commanding fingers. Come, you must be in harmony with your body before you can enjoy the pleasures it will bring you.

    The surroundings of the strange unfamiliar world his host had created totally fascinated Raven. He willingly allowed himself to be led by his lady’s desire. The well-traveled sea captain was curious to see what next she had in store for him.

    After relieving her gentleman of his clothes, she replaced them with a long, silk robe. Jewel led him to a long, narrow table that sat close to the floor. Raven was positioned face down.

    The exotic beauty worked his tight muscles until they were soft clay in her hands. Closing his eyes, Raven drifted away as his body relaxed until the weight on him changed. Bones in his back popped and shifted within him. Peeking over his shoulder he observed Jewel walking up and down his back. What in the seven seas are you doing, Jewel?

    A childlike voice answered, I am almost done, Master, just a few more steps. You will be glad Jewels did this. One more pop in his lower back and she was again standing beside him. Rising slowly, the Asian beauty helped her guest back onto his feet.

    After twisting and stretching Raven was amazed how revived and stimulated his body truly felt. It was as if he had been scraped and the barnacles removed from his hull leaving it sleek and ready for action

    Jewel’s magical feet were astounding. Now, Master, you are ready for Jewel. Pulling a ribbon on the left shoulder caused the thin garment she wore to pool around her ankles. Her skin was flawless and the color of golden sand with a black haze from her free flowing long hair hugging her body.

    Heat instantly invaded his loins. An overwhelming sensation of drooling like a schoolboy caught Raven by surprise.

    Deep brown eyes trailed up his chest, while slipping a hand inside his robe. A slender petite hand held his now engorged, hard wantonness. Wide eyes along with a large smile filled her oval face as her free hand untied the robe for her to view the stranger. Their eyes met. Yes master, you are very ready for Jewel. Come. Raven was led to the bed while she still held his aspiring hunger. She seductively prompted him onto his back and caressed his eager body.

    It was difficult for the self-assured pirate to maintain control under such stimulating conditions. Jewel sat astride on her temporary master for the evening. Leaning forward she raked her hair over his nakedness sending pulsating waves of heat throughout his frame. Before Raven could regain control, the Asian vixen impaled herself onto his shaft.

    Immediately Raven sat up and engulfed his golden sand beauty in his arms. His head bent forward claiming one of her nicely, rounded breasts in his warm mouth and feasted on its tight rosebud nipple.

    Crying out she responded to his cresses by bucking and bringing him to a consuming eruption. His body quaked as it released the energy that had been pinned up in him for the last three months. He felt totally content and consumed in the afterglow of their joining. Raven’s muscles relaxed as his head hit the pillows.

    The pressure of Jewel’s weight lifted off his body as she left him and walked to a corner of the room. She returned with a warm, wet rag in her hand to bathe and make him comfortable.

    Afterwards she disappeared for a short time then reappeared, clean and smelling sweet. Climbing into bed her long locks brushed lightly against his side. The mistress of seduction cuddled his relaxed body.

    They slept for a while. Later, when Raven awoke, he rolled above Jewel and indulged himself in his customary fashion. Jewel enjoyed the rare gentleness of a man’s touch, crying out as Raven granted her the infrequent pleasure of her satisfaction.

    As morning rolled around he happily woke up refreshed. The pair bounced down the stairs to rejoin Jock.

    Jewel smiled with lively eyes as she asked, You come back and see Jewels again, yes?

    It was amusing to see that Raven was still breaking hearts in every port.

    He tapped the tip of her nose. Aye Jewel; I will return to see you at least one more time before I leave. The pair of captains walked out the door and stepped onto the street, content and in a better frame of mind than when they entered.

    Jock eyed his comrade up and down inquisitively. Raven stopped dead in his tracks and glared back at him. What are you giving me grief about now, Jock? If she is one of your favorites, just say so and stop sulking about it, would ya?

    He belly laughed. "Don’t unfurl your sails just yet, mon ami. You can savor her pleasures while we are docked. Jewel is only one of many. My hands are full with a couple of the other ladies I currently favor, thank you. She is a special, gem oui. I knew she would capture your adventurous side; you are a scurvy dog, Raven. Those feet of hers should be known as lethal weapons. Did the wench do that hair thing of hers with you? It about drove me mad the first time she did that with me!"

    Raven’s eyes narrowed to mere slits. You’re really enjoying this, aren’t you, you no account?

    "Yes, I am but you definitely appear calmer today than you did yesterday. You needed a night with Jewels when you pulled into port. You were a bit frayed around the edges that be the truth of it. Now we will sail in two days for New Orléans and I won’t hear any arguments. We will dance until our feet drop off from sheer pleasure. Let’s eat. I am hungrier than a man just released from jail and forced to live on bread and water."

    Chapter 2

    Prior to pulling out of port, Raven returned to Mademoiselle Fifi’s accompanied by Swede to keep his promise to Jewel. The second visit was just as surprising as the first.

    When the ladies were introduced to the size of Swede, he almost didn’t escape from the house intact. A couple of the ladies actually started a catfight over the giant Viking. A man of his size had never visited their home before. The ladies wanted to be the first to sample him.

    Mademoiselle Fifi was forced to separate the unruly pair. The unlucky ladies were sent to their rooms to cool off, forbidding them to keep company with the towering Swede. Raven sat back totally enjoying the display and Swede’s frustration. At times he even looked apprehensive. When they stampeded him Swede backed up a few steps. He didn’t know what to do with so many at once. Raven thought at one point he was going to rabbit like a schoolboy. The picture of one like a bull ox afraid of women was amusing.

    The unwanted episode provided another lady a lucky break; he chose Brigitte. She was an Irish lassie with huge, round, emerald eyes; like the lush country from which she hailed. Brigitte was a voluptuously shaped young lady with porcelain skin and new to the island.

    An enamored Viking found the trail of light rust freckles across the bridge of her nose charming. She donned a wealth of scarlet red hair. The rich color made her skin porcelain and clustered down her tapered back. The hue of her hair and eyes drew Swede to this ravishing beauty instantly.

    The following day as they trucked back to the ship, Swede walked with an extra bounce in his step and a wide smile on his large Nordic face. "I see you enjoyed your night at Mademoiselle Fifi’s. Brigitte owns a pair of striking emerald eyes?"

    He angled his body in Raven’s direction. Aye, Cap, I never seen such a lady so young and pretty vike her. The vay she does things to a man might not be proper in society but it sure feels good. I vill take improper any day, Cap. He couldn’t stop thinking of her deep emerald eyes as they smiled at him. Her freckles delighted Swede, he thought them fetching and had fun trailing kisses following the tiny blemishes.

    While totally agreeing with Swede, he merely laughed. I am with you; proper ladies are just too much work. The more you give the more they want. It is never ending with that kind of wench, if you ask me. A man needs to keep control of his life and that just isn’t possible with ladies of breeding. Besides, they don’t fill the needs for sailors such as us.

    They stepped on deck of The Vengeance and Raven inventoried the crew. He needed an account of what men stood in formation and who was still ashore. They were scheduled to pull out of port but Raven wanted to make sure everyone was accounted for first.

    Two crewmembers were still missing, Spider and Stump. It was unlike them to return late to the ship. The pair had been sailing with Raven for a long time. They both knew better than to rile their captain and miss movement. Raven was somewhat alarmed but yet irritated at the pair. Does anyone know where the pair of them could be? He stood on the quarterdeck looking down at his crew.

    A voice rang out from the complement of sailors in assembly on deck. I saw them earlier in the Fox & Crown at the end of the row, Captain. Sheets couldn’t believe his brother was missing. He was going to kill him when he returned.

    Pacing back and forth Raven was thinking. He didn’t need this irritation in his life instead he should be preparing to get under way. Alright! Forest and Sheets, go drag their sorry asses back on board posthaste! We will cast off at noon whether you are on board or not!

    He delegated the task to Sheets because Spider was his sibling and if anyone could find the wayward sailor, it would be his older brother. Usually they were together at every turn and didn’t understand why they were apart when it mattered.

    Aye, Captain. We will be back with them in hand; you can be sure of that. It would be damaging if The Vengeance lost Spider but she couldn’t afford to lose Sheets as well. The siblings were top notch boatswains that were irreplaceable to their captain.

    Raven couldn’t dismiss the countless times competing Captains have tried to steal the brothers away. The ship sailed smoothly with speed if her sheets were handled properly. Every time he required an expert tempo in battle, the Laurel brothers scampered up the ratlines, like monkeys in a tree, adjusting the sails to provide Raven with what he requested.

    They served as riggers on a French merchant until the English attacked them. They would of perished with the rest of their crew had it not been for the fact that their aggressors was shorthanded. Hatred between the countries caused the Frenchmen many hours of abuse from their jailors. It was obvious that their time alive was per determined once no longer needed. They were grateful for a reprieve from Raven when he attacked. They eagerly swore allegiance to the almighty Raven and have never regretted their decision.

    Leaning into Swede, a worry line appeared across Raven’s forehead. If we lose those two we will have a hard time ever replacing them. I hope they make it back or we will be vulnerable to the British for a spell. The concern as well as the annoyance was perceptible on Raven’s face. He worried that there was the possibility that another ship might have Spider.

    Sheets and Forest hastened down Pirate’s Row towards the pub where his younger brother was last seen. They entered the dark dank, musty filled room of the Fox & Crown. Once their eyes adjusted to the dimness, there sat the two wayward shipmates near the end of the bar. They were hunched over with a tankard of beer in their fists.

    The senior Boatswain stomped up to his brother, Spider and tugged his shoulder roughly. Come on you worthless jack-tars you’re late returning to the ship. The Captain’s is in a foul temper makin’ us fetch ya sorry asses. We will miss the sailing, you dimwitted gadabouts. Get on your feet you lazy, good for nothing, sea slugs. Sheets had his brother by the shirt collar.

    Four sailors sitting on the opposite side of Stump stood like a protective shield and snared at the new comers. Leave them be. They are with us. These blokes don’t want to sail with your frog of a captain any longer. Our Captain will pay them much more to sail under our flag. He was an unwashed snarling bloat that reeked of cheap spirits.

    A large, meaty fist immediately pummeled Sheets’ face. The Boatswain flew across the room, crashing into a wooden table, shattering it with his back. He shook off the stunning effect of the battering. He was going to pound the sonofabitch into the dirt.

    Forest stood his ground as the fight started with a swing to his head. He ducked in time for the fist to hit nothing but air. The fog instantly cleared in Spider’s head when he realized that his brother was laid out on the dirt floor. Stump was eagerly in his wake.

    The four sailors of The Vengeance quickly banded together. Bodies were crashing onto tables and chairs were broken against backs. They were not about to stand by and allow anyone to assault their buddies. Individually they were weak but as a unit they were a force to be reckoned with.

    A knife suddenly appeared so Forest answered the call. The two men paired off and lunged forward, slashing at each other. The larger man from the pirate ship, The Barracuda, thought he had an easy prey with the small frame of Forest.

    Forest was small in stature, stocky physique and wiry as they come. Knives were the one weapon he was proficient. The naïve man had no idea who he had just challenged.

    The lengthy man lunged forward as Forest crouched downward with a quick spin. At the pirate’s side Forest easily slid his knife between a pair of ribs administering a devastating blow.

    Wounded, the man hugged his side as blood gushed and streamed down his body. Anger saturated the injured pirate. Between the pain and rage, the wounded bear of a man’s judgment became impaired. He wildly slashed at the air hoping to find his prey and even the odds or end the encounter all together.

    Fighting too close for another clean hit, Forest failed and was sliced on his left forearm instead. Thrashing around the room the larger sailor foolishly wore himself out.

    Now the injured pirate became less of a threat. Between the loss of blood and energy, Forest hit his prey hard and low. The knife breached his chest, piercing the heart as the opponent twice Forest size slowly sank to the floor like a cut tree falling to the ground.

    The band of four spent close to a half hour fighting their way out back of the pub. A small pile of groaning bodies and one dead laid about the sawdust of the now quite Fox & Crown. A bag of coins was tossed at the proprietor for the damages and mess as the sailors fled to The Vengeance.

    Once outside in the light of day, Sheets thrashed Spider for breaking a few articles to The Raven. What was that idiot taking about you jumping ship? I cannot let you out of my sight for a second, can I, Spider? I should kill you myself for even thinking of leaving The Raven.

    Spider and Stump stumbled along trying to keep up. We weren’t going to jump ship, Sheets; we would never do such a thing. We were just letting those sailors buy us a few drinks, that’s all. We must of lost track of time. We didn’t even know the sun was up yet. They shuffled along the dock.

    Sheets glared at the pair. "I hope you’re satisfied a man had to die before we could reclaim you. The Captain has to make amends to Captain Blackheart of The Barracuda because you wanted free drinks. You know how he hates even speaking to the renegade. You also managed injure to a shipmate in the process. The pair of you will surely pay with your backs when the Captain finds out what trouble you caused. This time, brother, I will not protect you. Maybe next time you will think clearer with a raw back." Sheets cuffed his brother in the back of the head to display his annoyance.

    Just as Raven was ready to pull up anchor, the four ragged looking sailors materialized on the pier. It was obvious a fight had broken out. Raven was not happy in the least with their appearance. Get your sorry asses up here! I won’t tolerate waiting for lost lambs and you damn well know this, men! You’ve had the entire ship waiting for you.

    They hustled aboard and stood humbly before their leader. Spider and Sheets appeared sound enough but Forest was bleeding on his deck. Stump’s face was fairly beat up and he walked with a limp. I ordered healthy men to bring back two wayward crewmates and this is what shows up on my ship? Forest, take your haggard carcass below to the doc and stop bleeding on my blessed deck! Spider and Sheets, are your heads clear enough to man the sails?

    Sheets sized up his brother and swerved back towards his captain. I am, Cap, but Spider’s head is still filled with strong spirits. I can manage without the likes of his worthless help. We will leave this port behind in short order.

    Raven glared and gestured at them. Fine; Spider and Stump, you best stow below before the cat of nine cries for the taste of blood and I give her yours. Go on, Sheets, up with you. Man the capstan and weigh anchor, pull in the forward and aft lines. Ease her to starboard. I want to see nothing but ocean around me, men.

    Both troublemakers did as they were told and knew this wasn’t the end of their careless transgressions. Their captain just didn’t have time to punish them at the moment. The deckhands heaved to as the Quartermaster made sure the captain’s orders were followed to the letter.

    The Vengeance slipped from her berth. Top and gallant sails were released from the crosstrees. Once clear of land her full sails were unfurled and bowed as they caught the wind that filled them to their capacity. The Vengeance sailed to the aft and slightly behind The Shark, following her to this new port of its captain.

    A little over three weeks a series of waterways and swamps appeared at the inlands of this new land. Raven understood how a ship could easily become lost in these strange, unfriendly waters. On the other hand, it was a cunning place to hide from the menacing English. Tall Cypress trees and thick vegetation covered the land and most of the water. The deeper they made their way into this strange but interesting new land the more the waters flowed from salt to fresh.

    It was past the noon meal before a large boat dock appeared almost out of nowhere. The two ships tied up and released their anchors into the murky water.

    Both captains met on the dock and Raven absorbed his surroundings, burning it to memory. Raven, I am ordering my Quartermaster to instruct your crew. There are a few important facts they need to observe in this unusual land. For one, no swimming under any circumstances in these waters! We have snakes that can kill a man with a signal bite. Most importantly, there lurks in these waters a large, lizard like creature called an alligator. It can grow larger than a full grown man and has the teeth of a shark. It owns a long nose and body with the capability of eating an entire man. This unusual animal would like nothing more than to enjoy your crew for a meal, and I do mean your entire crew. They’ll be shown one of these ferocious beasts so they can recognize the danger and learn how to avoid them. Raven agreed and passed on an order that no one was to leave the ship until the task was completed.

    The two captains along with their First Mates moved with an even pace up a wide path lined with interesting foliage and trees. After a short distance the path opened up to well-manicured grounds.

    Across the colorful garden sat an impressive white columned square house. It was adorned with black lacy ironwork in between oversized white columns. A wide veranda encircled the entire house on the ground level as well as the second. The house was large enough to be considered a small palace. It was a structure unfamiliar to Raven. Jock, what is this place?

    Captain Jack recognized the look of disbelief on his comrade and remembered the first time he had arrived in this curious land. "It is the house I spoke to you about. I was informed it once was owned by a Spaniard before he was forced to leave under suspicious circumstances. These are comfortable and interesting dwellings built around New Orléans. They are large enough to make a man feel like a king and are called Plantations instead of castles or estates. The locals name them like we do our large manors. I call her Rentree. It is the only place on land I can feel at home. Let’s go, I will show you around."

    Key points of the mesmerizing property were brought to Raven’s attention by his host. I remember the day you told me that the sea was the only home worth owning. You expressed the ownership of a home, Jock, not the title of Lordship.

    Jock stopped cold in his tracks. His proud eyes hardened. Watch your tongue, Raven, with such insults. I am in no fashion a stinking Lord.

    Scanning their proximity, Raven shrugged. You could have fooled me by the size of your so called home. I wonder what else is lurking about, you scurvy dog? What’s next, Jock, a family, perhaps with a rug rat, or two?

    Balking at the statement, "I am not the one breaking hearts around the world. That, mon ami, is your style, not mine."

    "That is rich, Jock; the way the Ladies at Mademoiselle Fifi’s stormed you and called your name. Is your wife aware of your carousing?" He stated with laughing confidence.

    Tied down to only one wench? My entire life?….. A shutter chilled Jock’s body. There is no wife! After what we shared in port, I cannot believe you would think me married.

    So, all of this is for you alone, ha, Jock?

    After pivoting on his heels Jock continued towards the impressive house. All will be revealed shortly.

    Raven wanted to understand Jock’s peculiar new world. Where does your crew stay when you are in port?

    The distinguished pirate shrugged, "I always keep a watch on board. It is good practice for the men. It reminds them

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