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Eternal Life in Heaven
Eternal Life in Heaven
Eternal Life in Heaven
Ebook154 pages2 hours

Eternal Life in Heaven

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This Book will give you my literal interpretations of the Prophecies , Scriptures ,and the events , which will occur during the seven year Tribulation Period . Approximately two thirds of all people living on Planet Earth , during this period , will die . At the end of this Period , Jesus Christ will make his Glorious return to earth , for the Second time . During the Holy Judgement Day ,all those Righteous Believers names that have been entered in the Lambs Book of Life by Jesus C hrist, will be admitted to Heaven and all non-Believers will be cast directly into the Lakes of Fire . Following Judgement Day , our Lord will rule the World , with an Iron Fist , for 1000 years ( The Millennium ). My Book will also give you the answers to many, many questions , such as---
* Are you a Believer or a Non-Believer ?.
* On a persons death , the soul/spirit leaves the body, where does it go ?.
What is the main differences , between daily life in heaven compared to our life here on earth ?.
* At the Battle of Armageddon , how does Jesus , and his host of Angles defeat 20 million Antichrist Forces , with only the use of a single sword ?
I encourage all my readers , should you doubt any of my interpretations or statements , please open you Holy Bible and make you own literal interpretations .
Release dateMay 3, 2011
Eternal Life in Heaven


Perry Pearce's early knowledge about the Bible and his religious beliefs , began with his grandfather , who was a missionary to the early settlers in Oklahoma . His mother, Hallie , decided to follow in her father's foot steps, and attended a religious college . She was a deeply religious woman and devout Christian . Perry decided to study engineering and enrolled at Southeastern University . While attending college , the USA declared war on Japan . Perry immediately enlisted in the US Army's new Aviation Pilot Training Program and completed 27 meritorious years an served with distinction in all three wars . He became one of the first Pioneers to help develope and launch the USAF 's first Ballistic Missiles . As the USAF 's new Operational Test Director he directed the launching of one of the Air Forces first surveillance satellites . This new System was able survey every sq. ft. of the earth's surface . This System is now providing valuable military information on a daily basis to our Military Services . After retirement , Perry started getting nightly dreams/visions . That revealed to him what life in heaven might be like. These dreams/visions were so powerful that he felt compelled to write a book about his literal interpretations of what he thought life beyond the Heavenly Gates might be like .Since He had always been interested in the prophecies , Perry decided to study the Book of Revelations and the many scriptures that forecasted future events . He was particularly interested in the Rapture , the Tribulation , and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ .His book contains the literal interpretations he thinks these events will have on all the people living on Planet Earth, at some time in the future . Because of the knowledge he has , of the capability of the surveillance satellites , He devised an Operational Plan that will assist Jesus Christ defeat the massive Antichrist Forces , at the Battle of Armageddon .

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    Eternal Life in Heaven - peckney


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    Chapter 1. My Entrance into Heaven

    As soon as I arrived at the entrance to heaven, my unclothed soul/spirit received a beautiful clothed heavenly body, and I was welcomed by a lovely, smiling angel

    Chapter 2. My Welcome to Heaven

    One of Christ’s apostles, Elder John, greeted me as I walked through the gates to heaven. My new mentor proceeded to escort me to my new, furnished apartment. He then gave me a detailed briefing on what my daily life would be like.

    Chapter 3. Rules of Conduct

    The next day, Elder John chaired a meeting for all new residents. He informed us of all the commandments, rules, and specific orders that we must obey during our eternal lives here in heaven.

    Chapter 4. Daily Activities

    Prior to closing the meeting, Elder John summarized all the daily activities which residents were expected to participate.

    Chapter 5. Geography, Transportation, and Real Estate

    As a result of Elder John’s weekly briefings, I learned of the vastness of God’s kingdom and how we were able to move around by using water transportation to visit our friends and relatives. There is no other form of transportation in heaven.

    Chapter 6. My New Job

    Upon arriving at my construction site job, my new boss gave me a complete run-down, on how he wanted me to carry out my foreman’s job. My work week will be five days a week, from 7am to 4:00 p.m.

    Chapter 7. Communications

    It was sort of a shock, to find out, that there was no electric service in heaven. All communication is by mental telepathy. All written communications is by hand- written notes, letters, and heavenly directives.

    Chapter 8. The Rapture

    The Rapture will be one of the most important prophecies that will occur on planet earth. God will bring to heaven, all those Believers, that he determined have lived their day-to-day lives, devoutly, according to the teachings of Jesus Christ. Those Christians left behind, are doomed to extreme suffering and even dying, during the Woe Judgments that occur for the seven years of the tribulation.

    Chapter 9. Reunited In Heaven

    Each day in heaven, I kept hoping my former wife, Mary, would join me. At last, one day when I checked my mail slot, there was a long white envelope, with very large letters written on the outside of the envelope . Very, very, important. I quickly tore it open, and in large letters was written. Mary is now arriving, go immediately and meet her, she is with Elder John.

    Chapter 10. Work Assignments

    Elder John led us back to his office, and gave Mary her new work assignment.

    Chapter 11. Jim’s Award

    Since I had gone directly to heaven, I had missed receiving my award, which would normally be given, upon Jesus Christ’s, Second Coming to Earth. I was suddenly notified, to go meet with Jesus, at 10:00 am the next morning. I was then, to receive my award, for the good works I had done, while living on planet Earth.

    Chapter 12. A Surprise Announcement

    The next day after receiving my award, Mary and I were summoned by a silver -edged envelope, which always contained very, very, important messages. Elder John had invited only Mary and me to his office, for a private meeting. During the meeting, we received the shock of our lives. Elder John informed us that we had been chosen to return to planet Earth and to perform a top- secret mission.

    Chapter 13. Our Mission Defined

    The next day, Elder John introduced us to the other twenty Team members, which would accompany us on our mission to planet Earth. Suddenly, Jesus Christ walked into our meeting and put his hand on each of our shoulders, blessed us, and then wished us all a safe and pleasant journey to planet Earth. Our mission criterion was very detailed, and it took Elder John four hours to cover all the details.

    Chapter 14. Return to Planet Earth

    On departure day, I was appointed Mission manager. I would be given the only satellite phone, which would connect me at all times, with Elder John in heaven. Our Mission, was also given a fund, of $300 million American dollars to support our Christianaiders Movement , We then all stood up went to the hanger building, boarded our spacecraft, and departed for planet Earth.

    Chapter 15. The Tribulation

    On 2200 AD, Mary and I arrived on planet Earth. We both awoke in a large king- size bed in New York City. A long time had gone by, since we’d had a breakfast such as this. We turned on our television (TV) to get the latest news, and we were informed, by the Newscaster, that a Muslim, by the name of Abdul Hessen, had been appointed chairman of the Antichrist movement, which was then named the World Peace Organization (WPO). I decided to name our Christianaiders movement the World Religious Reformation Organization (WRRO). Today, I was informed by Elder John that the seven-year Tribulation period had begun.

    Chapter 16. Security Compromised

    Chapter 17. Destruction Begins

    The Antichrist forces have defeated the world wide peace effort forces. Desolation has descended on planet Earth. God will soon inflict, on every earthly being, seven years of sickness, fire, earthquakes, poverty, famine, plagues, and death.

    Chapter 18. The Antichrist’s Revenge

    I instructed all Christianaiders to take safety in their local churches, which God has shielded from all the Woe Judgments. The destruction and devastation ended within the thirty-day period that we had been warned about by Elder John. I ordered the church doors to be opened, so the Christianaider families could return to their homes. They were all afraid that they would find their homes completely demolished. Our local minister invited all of them to come back, and stay in the church, until our WRRO could restore/refurbish their homes.

    Chapter 19. Christianaiders Success

    The Christianaiders effort that is being carried out on earth I described in detail to our Jewish family. I convinced them they should become Christians. So on the following Sunday, Dr. Cohen, and his family, accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior, and by a Baptismal service, they joined the church.

    Chapter 20. The Woe Judgments

    Elder John issued a warning to all Christianaiders, declaring that in fifteen days a multitude of burning meteors would strike all the earth’s seas. This will then turn them into blood, which will kill all creatures, living within the seas. The meteors will also destroy one- third of all ships, sailing in the seas. On the eighth day of this woe judgment, multitudes of comets will strike all freshwater rivers, turning their waters into blood. All those drinking those waters, will die. Multitudes, upon multitudes, of people, will die during this forty five-day destruction period.

    Chapter 21. Project Zap

    God has sent forty-two, exceptionally qualified missile technicians, and engineers, to help design, manufacture, and launch, thirty Surveillance Satellites, and place them in orbital positions, so they can scan, and photograph, every square inch , of planet Earth’s surface. This Mission has been named Project Zap .The project is classified top secret. The members, of your tightly knit group, are the only ones on Earth, that know that each Satellite, is equipped with a laser gun that can kill and evaporate, anything within its scope of coverage. Upon the Second Coming of Jesus Christ’s ascending to planet Earth, he will use these weapons to kill and destroy the Antichrist’s twenty million soldiers, at the battle of Armageddon.


    The information contained within the first one-third of this book comes from interpretations of the Biblical Scriptures which are contained in the Holy Bible. Also it contains the descriptive information that was received by me at night. This information came to me during a series of dreams that occurred over several years. All this information makes up the reading material of the first one third of my Book.

    In addition, I randomly selected the year 2200AD, as the year that God sends a team of twenty-two Administrators and Guidance counselors from heaven back to planet Earth. Their mission will be to assist those Believers, that remained, following the Rapture, and to offer them God’s protection, during the violent perils, that will occur during the Tribulation Period. However, this protection and security will only be given to those Believers that become Reborn Christians. God will then give them a new name, Christianaiders.

    The rest of the chapters, are my literal interpretations of those Biblical Scriptures, which contain the story of the Prophecies that are called, the Rapture, and the Tribulation .Together with the many Events in the Book of Revelations. I also confirm, and describe, the Glorious Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

    I will consider my book, a big success, if readers find a Biblical Passage, in my book, that he or she disagrees with. In that event, I would encourage those readers to please open their Bibles, reread the subject passage, and form their own interpretations. I will also consider that I have received a sufficient reward, for my five years of devoted effort, if the Day-to-Day Living, which I have described in this book, is a kind of Heavenly Life that readers would like to enjoy during their eternal life in Heaven.

    In addition, the fictional future, which is contained in the last two- thirds of my book, is primarily taken from the scriptures that are contained in the Book of Revelations. I tried in my literal interpretations, to simplify the very complex Prophecies, which God has promised the inhabitants of planet Earth. Unfortunately, these prophecies will be inflicted on Believers and Nonbelievers alike. In closing, I would like to leave this one final thought with my readers.

    For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life. Holy Bible, (John 3:-16 NKJV).


    I believe that it’s important for the reader, prior to starting my book, to read the following important definitions and terms..

    The Antichrist: Is Satan, returning to planet Earth, in earthly form, so he may take over world leadership. His purpose is to destroy all Believers and those of the Jewish faith.

    Believers: Are all those who believe that Jesus Christ is their savior and their Messiah. They are all so called Christians.

    Non-believers: Those who denied that Jesus Christ ever existed.

    Book of Life: Each person, as they are born their names are entered by God in this heavenly kept Book. The entries confirm date of birth and date of death.

    Lamb’s Book of Life: Prior to death, Jesus Christ enters the name of a Believer who will be admitted to heaven. At Judgement Day, those not in this book will be cast into the Lakes of Fire.

    Christianaiders: All righteous Christains were snatched-up to the atmosphereic

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