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Brother, Please: A Guidebook to Life & Leadership: Tools for the Sane, Advice for the Crazy
Brother, Please: A Guidebook to Life & Leadership: Tools for the Sane, Advice for the Crazy
Brother, Please: A Guidebook to Life & Leadership: Tools for the Sane, Advice for the Crazy
Ebook65 pages39 minutes

Brother, Please: A Guidebook to Life & Leadership: Tools for the Sane, Advice for the Crazy

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About this ebook

Have you ever asked yourself, what am I missing to take my family, career and personal life to the next level? If you have, this is a book designed for you! It's time to take control of your life and get everything that you have always dreamed of. Rhett introduces unique ways of thinking about everyday circumstances and putting the best you have to offer into practice. The time is NOW. No longer will you let opportunity pass you by, but you will learn to seize the moment and gain the slight edge.
Release dateMay 18, 2011
Brother, Please: A Guidebook to Life & Leadership: Tools for the Sane, Advice for the Crazy

R.R. Burden

Author, Entrepreneur, Motivational, Passionate, Energetic, and Outgoing are but a few choice words to describe Rhett R. Burden. This innovative business minded young professional inspires all those he encounters through his passion for life, learning and leadership. Mr. Burden has been inducted into and serves on several scholastic, fraternal and social organizations. His unique perspective on life and leadership has been his tool to sharpen the minds of other professionals young and seasoned. Mr. Burden gives honor and glory to his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ because at birth he was diagnosed with a rare cranial disease, known as Craniosynostosis. This particular disease can cause seizures, diminished intellectual capacity, and blindness but through the grace of God, Rhett never suffered from any of these side effects. As a proud Alumnus of the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Mr. Burden currently serves his Alma Mater and community through his work as a Residential Director and substitute professor for Sociological and Human Developmental courses. Mr. Burden currently resides in Princess Anne, Maryland where he is earning his Master's Degree in Conflict Analysis and Dispute Resolution. Rhett loves having the opportunity to work with college students and has dedicated his life to helping others pursue their dreams.

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    Brother, Please - R.R. Burden

    © 2011 R.R. Burden. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    First published by AuthorHouse 5/12/2011

    ISBN: 978-1-4567-6426-5 (e)

    ISBN: 978-1-4567-6427-2 (sc)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2011907438

    Printed in the United States of America

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    Acknowledgements & Dedication


    Chapter 1:


    Chapter 2:

    Education is not everything, Exposure is

    Chapter 3:

    Taking the I out of me

    Chapter 4:

    True Grit: Leading at the Highest Level

    Chapter 5:

    Closet Millionaires

    Chapter 6:

    Fair exchange Ain’t robbery

    Chapter 7:

    Two very helpful and harmful words

    Chapter 8

    Fashion Savvy: Nothing beats a well dressed man


    I Love Bananas


    Acknowledgements & Dedication

    No matter what you do in life, strive to do it so well, that, no man living, no man dead, and no man yet to be born can do it any better

    – Dr. Benjamin Mays

    Sin isn’t just the wrong actions that we commit but the right actions we omit.

    - Joyce Meyer

    Writing a book, whether it is a guidebook on life and leadership like this one, a novel, autobiography, fiction story or fairy tale requires a lot of time, energy, and patience. I am writing this book in hopes of revealing some of what it takes to create and sustain a successful relationship in contemporary society.

    I first want to thank and give all Honor and Glory unto God. It is because of the presence of the Holy Spirit in my life that I have made it this far and will continue on living a Blessed and prosperous life, according to His purpose. I remember dedicating my life to Jesus Christ over sixteen years ago and I have become a better person each and every day because of my relationship with Him. Though, like most people, I have attended and been a part of some phenomenal and well, not so phenomenal congregations, it has not been religion that has sustained me this long, but my personal and intimate relationship with Christ that has taken me places I never would of dreamed of. Thank you, Father!

    Next, I want to thank all of the incredible authors, public speakers, and motivators whom I have either encountered through reading or listening to their material or meeting them in person. Having positive people with knowledge and wisdom speak blessings and prosperity instead of defeat and negativity into my life has propelled me to heights I never thought imaginable. This is such an important life lesson to learn. "Don’t ever let anyone speak into you’re life, unless your positive what they have to say will lift you up instead of

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