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The Eiffel Tower's Daughter: The Truth Behind the Lies
The Eiffel Tower's Daughter: The Truth Behind the Lies
The Eiffel Tower's Daughter: The Truth Behind the Lies
Ebook152 pages1 hour

The Eiffel Tower's Daughter: The Truth Behind the Lies

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About this ebook

The Eiffel Tower's Daughter is written by 10-year-old Bethany Huang. The book is ranked No.1 on SBEP Reading List 2011 from Boys Hope Girls Hope of Colorado, a non-profit organization.

Bethany Huang and her book were reported by over 100 media, such as Thomson Reuters, MSNBC TV, Fox News, PBS, PIX11 TV, Voice of America (VOA), Sino TV, Shanghai TV, DragonTV, Hong Kong TV, Italy TV, Spain TV, Thai TV, World Journal and China PeopleDaily-Abroad Edition, around the world. The book was distributed in 100 major online bookstores in 30 countries around world in North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Pacific Islands and Latin America.

The Eiffel Towers Daughter is a story about love, compassion, family and life. A girl who has to face it all with no one to help her. She runs away from home the day after her divorced Mother unknowingly marries a spy. Swanilde has to deal with rivalry and vengeance on her way to warn her father and ask for help. Swanilde thinks shes on a quest for truth, but her family reveals all of the secrets and lies they have been hiding from her for years. As Swanildes world crumbles under her, she realizes how precious life is and how short it is. She tries to deal with all of the obstacles in her way to find who she really is-until disaster strikes and shes running again.
Release dateOct 7, 2010
The Eiffel Tower's Daughter: The Truth Behind the Lies

G. Witherspoon

Bethany Huang published her debut novel “The Eiffel Tower's Daughter” at 10-years old. The Eiffel Tower's Daughter is ranked No.1 on SBEP Summer Reading List 2011 from This book is a story about love, compassion, family and life for children of 7-12 and teens. The book is distributed in 100 major online bookstores in 30 countries and regions around the world in North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Pacific Islands and Latin America. She inspires children and teens around the world. Bethany Huang and her book have attracted tremendous media attentions. She were reported by over 100 media around the world, such as Thomson Reuters TV, MSNBC TV, Fox News TV, Voice of America (VOA), PBS (USA), Journal News (USA), World Journal (USA), China News Service, Xin Hua Net(China), China People Daily – Abroad Edition, Dragon TV, Spain TV, Italy TV, France, German DOLC, Canada, New Zealand China News, Australia Chinese Times, Thai TV, Pakistan TV, Hong Kong TV, Taiwan SET TV, Taiwan FTV, Taiwan Next Media, Shanghai TV(China), Iqilu TV (China), Malaysia China Press, Singapore Zao Bao, San Diego Chinese Tribute (USA), Sino TV (USA), PIX11 TV (USA), USA KFRO Radio (USA), and WIBC Radio (USA). Bethany Huang is not only a writer, but also a scriptwriter and a director. She completed a script for a drama based on her book “The Eiffel Tower’s Daughter”. She is also co-director for the drama and brought “The Eiffel Tower’s Daughter” alive on stage at the end of March 2011. Bethany Huang was born in St Louis, Missouri, and grew up in New York in USA. Bethany Huang is in sixth-grade at Blue Mountain Middle School, New York, USA. She has a wide range of interests. She writes book reviews, participates in Girl Scouts, sketches and plays piano and flute. She not only enjoys reading, writing and mathematics, but also loves fashion design and business. Bethany Huang has already begun to write her second novel. She is currently writing her second book. To learn more about Bethany Huang and her novel, visit her website at

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    The Eiffel Tower's Daughter - G. Witherspoon

    The Eiffel Tower’s Daughter

    The Truth Behind the Lies


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    1663 Liberty Drive

    Bloomington, IN 47403

    Phone: 1-800-839-8640

    © 2010 Bethany Huang. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    First published by AuthorHouse 10/4/2010

    ISBN: 978-1-4520-7625-6 (e)

    ISBN: 978-1-4520-7623-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4520-7624-9 (hc)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2010913419

    Printed in the United States of America

    This book is printed on acid-free paper.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any Web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    V00_9781452076232_TEXT-5.jpg This book is dedicated to my loving grandparents and my devoted parents. It is also dedicated to my wonderful younger brother David. V00_9781452076232_TEXT-5.jpg

     §Words from the Author§

    When I was in fourth grade, I loved to write poetry. I never considered writing a story, much less a book. My teacher, Mr. Hill, encouraged me to try. I tried numerous times; they would all turn out to be fantasy stories full of made up cities, fairies and magic. During the last month of school, I still hadn’t written a story that I felt was good enough to present.

    I was eight at the time when my mother bought me a book-The Most Fascinating Places on Earth. I looked through it briefly, until one caught my eye - The Eiffel Tower. I was amazed. After a second of thought, I bolted up from my seat, grabbed an index card and pen, and came out with something like this…

    Swanilde runs across the country to her Father because her stepfather is a spy.

    That’s how I started my book-The Eiffel Tower’s Daughter. Taking trips to places like Washington D. C., Boston, and Newport Mansions had given me great inspiration. Most of the plot I came up with was during after school activities at the town’s youth center, and for that, I am forever grateful. Some other fragments of my plot were developed before I went to sleep. I would just lie still in my bed, thinking what I should write for my story next. Then all of a sudden, I would jump out of my bed and jot down every single idea that I had. The name-Swanilde was inspired from the ballet Coppeila because it sounded French.

    One of my greatest influences was Nancy Yi Fan, a 13-year-old writer at the time, published her first book-Sword Bird. I read her book when I was about 7. I was enthralled and encouraged to do the same.

    It took me about a year to write the book. I wanted to prove to myself that I could write a short story. After countless months of hard work and effort, my dream came true. This is my American dream-to get my book published at the age of ten.

    Through the process of writing my book, I hope to convey this message to the world-especially young people, as long as you work hard for what you want to do and put your heart into it, you will succeed in whatever you do.


    Words from the Author



    Chapter 1: The Five Most Dreaded Words

    Chapter 2: My Stepfather the Spy

    Chapter 3: The Dinner Disaster

    Chapter 4: Mother Verses Father

    Chapter 5: Visiting the Eiffel Tower

    Chapter 6: Meeting Val

    Chapter 7: The Intricate Spider Web

    Chapter 8: The Clear Glass Vial

    Chapter 9: Plant Extract

    Chapter 10: Butterflies

    Chapter 11: The Wish

    Chapter 12: Emotions

    Chapter 13: Unconsciousness

    Chapter 14: Temper

    Chapter 15: The Dress of Memories

    Chapter 16: Preparing the Capture

    Chapter 17: The Deal

    Chapter 18: The Story

    Chapter 19: Fleeing From the Dungeon

    Chapter 20: The Lies in the Darkness

    Chapter 21: Walking in the Fog

    Chapter 22: Egypt

    Chapter 23: A Safe Place

    Chapter 24: Life in Dungeon

    Chapter 25: Dalila

    Chapter 26: Secret

    Chapter 27: Escape

    Chapter 28: Enslaved by Looters

    Chapter 29: Found

    Chapter 30: Herb Healing

    Chapter 31: Awakening of the Heart

    Chapter 32: Flying to Freedom

    Chapter 33: Definitely Wrong

    Chapter 34: Secluded Area

    Chapter 35: Maturity Test

    Chapter 36: Feigning Death

    Chapter 37: Dalila’s Plot

    Chapter 38: Fire

    Chapter 39: Tantrum

    Chapter 40: Regret

    Chapter 41: The World Is My Oyster

    Chapter 42: Falling From Above

    Chapter 43: Final Breath

    Chapter 44: Hallucination

    Chapter 45: Survival

    Chapter 46: Questions

    Chapter 47: Flashback

    Chapter 48: Horrible Realization

    Chapter 49: A Mother in Distress

    Chapter 50: Forgive and Forget

    Swanilde’s Journal



    My father named me Swanilde because swans are beautiful and graceful, and I was like one when I was young. Father was always fond of me since my birth. We spent a lot of time together around the Eiffel Tower ever since I can remember. When I was eight years old, my mother Roseanne divorced my father. Since then, I’ve lived with my mother.

    Life was something utterly mysterious to me. I had dreams that haunted me, dreams that would happen in real life even though I did not know just how soon disaster would strike.



    What my father was saying couldn’t be true. Of course this was a joke! It’s nothing of importance, I assured myself. As Andreyev turned to me with an evil grin, my hope flickered like a flame about to be blown out.

    …And you are the descendant of French royals… my father said in his deep voice. No! How could

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