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Young Man: Ageless Fatherly Wisdom to Hold
Young Man: Ageless Fatherly Wisdom to Hold
Young Man: Ageless Fatherly Wisdom to Hold
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Young Man: Ageless Fatherly Wisdom to Hold

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Founding Fathers and Proverbial style wisdom and instruction to prepare todays Young Men to face lifes challenges. The best men ever known have always stood for bigger causes than just themselves. The book includes duty to God, duty to Family, duty to Country, and duty to self. Also included are the rewards of diligence, obedience, and the rewards of disobedience. In addition the importance of being purposeful not wasteful in ones business, education, and religion is examined carefully including the dangers of despising authority and living a wasteful existence. Great for any young man leaving home to start life on their own, graduating, facing fatherhood, marriage, desiring guidance, or struggling with purpose and meaning in life and relationships.
Release dateDec 10, 2010
Young Man: Ageless Fatherly Wisdom to Hold

Arthur Queen Jr.

The Author is a honorably retired Veteran with 25 years of faithful military service in the Intelligence Community with three young adult sons.

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    Young Man - Arthur Queen Jr.

    © 2010 Arthur Queen Jr.. All Rights Reserved

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    First published by AuthorHouse 12/02/2010

    ISBN: 978-1-4520-9190-7 (e)

    ISBN: 978-1-4520-9189-1 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4520-9188-4 (sc)

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    A Quick Note to Fathers

    Chapter 1.

    A Father’s Role

    Chapter 2.

    Life Without Guidance

    Chapter 3.

    It Takes a Man to Raise a Man

    Chapter 4.

    Be Your Own Man

    Chapter 5.

    Money, Money, Money

    Chapter 6.


    Chapter 7.

    A Moral Dilemma

    Chapter 8.

    Getting on Track

    Chapter 9.

    Your Peace, Overcoming Life

    Chapter 10.

    The Better Man




    I dedicate this book to my Sons Quinnton, Solomon, Jordan, and my Nephew Kemp. My heart goes with each of you as you seek your lots in life. To all of my children and grandchildren, I pray the Lord be with you. I also pass along this wisdom to all the young men in my family and every man who comes across this book desiring wisdom.

    Special Thanks to my Mother and Fat Daddy, My Dad and Mama Sandy, Mama Choochie, Aunt Poochie, all of my Aunts and Uncles especially my Aunt Anna Holmes and Sarah Richardson who are truly inspiring. To all of my brothers and sisters in flesh and also in Christ, God has not forgotten! Finally to my Wife Mia, my glory and my best friend in life who happens to have the most beautiful smile a man can behold. I Love you all!

    In Memory of my Lord and Savior, my grandparents the late Reverend Dr. Arthur Luckett Sr. and Mable Luckett and my cousin Daniel Morrison.



    The Words of a Father to His Son

    Young man, now that you have reached manhood and prepare to exit the door of your parent’s house to achieve your lot in life, what is it you ponder? Who am I? What am I to be? Where do I begin? How do I manage my affairs? These are great questions! How do you view yourself? Are you clear who you are and who you would like to become? Do you understand your role in life and the roles of others around you? We will see if you are able to answer these questions clearly with confidence for yourself and others as we begin to consider each of these questions and much more on manhood. It is a fact that every nation that has ever existed on the Earth has wrestled with these same questions that you now ask yourself as an individual man. Young Man, Consider my words!

    How you view yourself says everything about who you are and who you are seeking to become. It shows what you believe in. I’ve often heard it said by one of my closest mentors Pastor Clarence Demory, If a Man will not stand for something, he will fall for anything. The same is true for any nation. Is this what people see when they look at you or is this what you see when you look inward at yourself? Do you stand for something or do you fall for everything?

    Are you going in the right direction or down the wrong roads in life? Are you easily shaken like a leaf in the wind when your beliefs are challenged or do you stand firm in your beliefs? What has value to you and what does not? Do you know who to lead and to follow, and who not to let lead in your life? Reading and understanding what I’ve written on these pages may open your eyes to that which you need most, an understanding. It will be like God has opened a book for you and there it all was as plain as light.

    A Quick Note to Fathers

    Fathers if you don’t want to raise your children, then the streets will raise them for you; However, you should know that the streets will teach your child what the streets want to teach them, things such as how to get over, how to deal drugs, how to abuse and disrespect others including authority, and how to hate as a result of the cold world they face. In nearly all cases, their own ruin will result. Is this what you offer a child? Is this what you present to the world? At birth you hold the child up for all to see, what will we see when he is grown?

    The streets will teach the child many things in ways you may not have wished the child to be taught, for the benefit of the streets and the streets only! Consider how many young men have turned to gangs and other role models because the model they should have had defaulted! He either was not there or did not take the time to guide his own child. Many fathers don’t even know what’s important to pass on. The world is a cold and cruel place without guidance. It is cold and cruel because someone or many have chosen to close their heart of compassion for another. "For a lack of knowledge, the people perish." (KJV) Correct thy son, and he shall give thee rest; yea, he shall give delight unto thy soul. (KJV) Even the youngest of children must be given constant guidance and teachings in order to survive in society. This is true for both the young and old women and men. A young man must be given instruction and correction in life.

    Chapter 1.

    A Father’s Role

    "…That this nation under God shall have a new birth of freedom

    -and that government of the people, by the people, for the people,

    shall not perish from the Earth."

    (Abraham Lincoln)

    A Father is an essential part of any Man’s development. It is a Father who can show both compassion and issue firm discipline. A Father teaches morality, hard work, and the pleasures and dangers in life. He is guided in life by his wisdom and convictions. A father is by position a leader and role model in the home and community. He also knows how to discern what leaders to follow in the community, on his job, and in the church for the good of all.

    There must be a father. How can we follow if there is no one to lead? How can we learn if there is no one there to teach? Consider such a great host of Men in America’s past such as those that led the Civil rights movement, or the Civil War, and Revolutionary war, to include those who laid the foundations of the U.S. Constitution, who we call our forefathers. They are called founding fathers because they led in the hard work of laying down the foundations of freedom and equalities that we all so richly enjoy today and we now continue the fight today for future generations of Americans and all mankind. In short, our fathers are our guide.

    Our forefathers did indeed ponder much on life. Things such as what government is most effective for the people, the cause to protect civil liberties, just pursuits, the right to bear arms, the morality of slavery, the endowment to all mankind of being created equal in the eyes of their Creator, the depravity of man, social justice, economic justice, the right of every man to be heard, the right to due process of law, the lessons of the past, freedom of religion, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness to name only a few. A young man could learn much by taking the time to see what our founding fathers concluded in their written beliefs available on the internet, national memorials, and in the public libraries. I offer a few of their thoughts throughout this book. Their words and deeds have inspired our nation throughout every succeeding generation.

    What is clear is that America is a great nation which symbolizes an independent free mind and spirited people of liberty and opportunity and evokes the admiration and envy of countless millions of men and women around the world. It embodies the true spirit of every man. American Men and Women of all races, who themselves or their ancestors before them came to America with purpose, hope, dreams, and endeavors of all fashions whether business pursuits, social opportunities, religious practices, political dialogue, and other capitalistic ventures to build for themselves and loved ones a more just, secure and prosperous future. To these Americans the values and traditions they share are more than just a symbol. It is the way they choose to live.

    It is a land where one and his family can rise from humble beginnings to amass considerable prosperity and fortune through ingenuity, dedication and beliefs. Many are fortunate enough to cast their life dreams and ambitions amongst the freest most powerful industrialized nation

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