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Is It Still There: Part 1 & 2
Is It Still There: Part 1 & 2
Is It Still There: Part 1 & 2
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Is It Still There: Part 1 & 2

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Novia loves Avon. Christian loves Novia. Kemora loves Christian. This is a love story about two couples who are struggling to stay together. Novia loves Avon but Christian wont give up pursuing her. How does she get him to understand that whats in the past should stay in the past? They are both married now. Novia and Avon have a strong relationship and Avon is secure in his relationship with his wife but there are only so many times that he can clean up Novias mess. Kemora loves Christian and she understands his weaknesses but her family is the most important thing and shes not giving up without a fight. Will Novia and Avon make it? Will Kemoras love for Christian be enough to keep him home?

Release dateDec 2, 2005
Is It Still There: Part 1 & 2

Nycolette Blanks

Nycolette Blanks is the author of Is It Still There part 1 and HALF. She loves writing and plans to add a children''s series and a teen series to her collection of stories soon.

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    Book preview

    Is It Still There - Nycolette Blanks

    Is It Still There?

    The Beginning

    God created shopping just for Novia. If she was stressed or feeling anxious, just going to the store and smelling the clothes would calm her. Was she obsessed? No, she just loved the smell of fashion. The one thing she loved as much as shopping was traveling with her husband. Avon was a wonderful man and she loved traveling with him, especially when they visited one of her favorite cities. Fashion flowed through her veins and there was no better place to go for shopping than New York. The sound of the busy streets, the hustle of the people, and there was so much to see and do. Even the weather in New York was great: warm in the summer and cold in the winter. Novia just loved New York. A wonderful husband, fashion on every corner, and hanging out in NYC. Could life be any better?

    It was Friday and while Novia was enjoying one of her usual NYC vacation rituals, a strange feeling came over her, as if something was about to happen. Her life was about to change and she didn’t know what it would be.

    Ooooh, I’ve got to go in there! Novia said to herself when she happened upon a jewelry store that she just had to visit. Novia was still enjoying all the goodies that the store had to offer when she heard an all-too-familiar voice.

    I know that voice. I would know it anywhere, she thought.

    Desmond, come here! a man yelled.

    She had to go to the door to see who it was. She had to be sure, even though deep down she already knew. When Novia got to the door and looked out it was him, Christian Andrews.

    Oh my God, I haven’t seen him since college. She couldn’t let him see her. Now how do I get out of here without being noticed?

    She wasn’t ready to face him after all this time.

    Miss, are you okay?

    The snooty little man behind the counter thought she was going insane.

    Oh, I’m fine, thank you for asking.

    How embarrassing. I can’t believe this. What are the odds of running into your first love on the streets of New York?

    She looked out the door, and to her surprise he had two children with him. Her heart fluttered for a moment because he still looked the same after all this time.

    Novia just had to get out of that store; she felt the walls closing in on her.

    Calm down, Novia, she said to herself while getting up enough nerve to walk out of the store.

    She put on her sunglasses and quickly walked to the street to flag down a cab. She needed to get away. She needed to gather her thoughts.

    I can’t believe this; seeing Christian after ten years. Get it together, Nov; you are a happily married woman. She wondered if he was as happy as she was.

    Probably not and good for him, breaking my heart the way he did.

    She laughed to herself as she thought, You know, God don’t like ugly, and you reap what you sow. Why do I care anyway?

    Where to, lady? Don’t have all day! Novia tried to gather her thoughts.

    Oh, the Ritz.

    New York cabbies are so rude. Get a better job if you hate yours so much, she thought to herself.

    Just then she heard her cell phone ring.

    Hello? a friendly voice said on the other end.

    What’s up Chyna?

    It was her sister Chyna. She was Novia’s rock, her counselor, and her spiritual advisor.

    You were on my mind. Is everything okay?

    Chyna knew something was wrong. She always had this feeling when something was going on with her little sister.

    Chyna you will never guess who I just saw.

    Who, some star or something? Chyna asked with excitement.

    Christian Andrews.

    No way. Oh my God. What are the odds of that happening?

    Tell me about it.

    Novia put on a good front, though inside she was falling apart.

    Does he still play for the Giants? Chyna asked, trying to figure out why he would be in New York.

    I guess so, Novia responded with a low-key voice.

    So what did he say when he saw you?

    He didn’t see me.

    What do you mean he didn’t see you? Chyna began to laugh. Her baby sister was still a baby even though she was grown and had a husband.

    I was in this jewelry store and I heard his voice outside so I— Before she could finish Chyna butted in.

    Wait, you heard his voice? I can’t believe you are still sprung over this guy after all this time.

    No I’m not! Chyna, I am a happily married woman, thank you, Novia responded, feeling insulted.

    Whatever. I just know that I don’t have any ex-boyfriends that I would recognize simply by hearing their voices. And especially on a busy street in New York City.

    Chyna knew she was plucking a nerve but she knew this could be a problem. She worried about Novia and she didn’t want Christian worming his way back into her life.

    Listen, he was right outside the store when I heard him. It’s not like he was a block away, Novia responded, defending herself.

    Sure he was, Chyna whispered with a note of sarcasm in her voice.

    Anyway he has two kids now.

    Novia’s heart sank when she said those words.

    Two, wow; so are you all right?

    Chyna was concerned about Novia; she knew what their breakup did to her.

    Yeah, I guess so. The oldest one looked to be about nine years old.

    Novia was trying not to think of the horrible day she found out Kemora was pregnant.

    Well, the time fits, Chyna responded, trying to be supportive.

    Novia’s cab pulled up to the door of the hotel. Novia was glad to get back to her hotel and away from the busy streets.

    I’m at my hotel so I’ll call you back later.

    Chyna knew she was trying to get off the phone.

    Novia, talk to me. I know you; whenever you start cutting me off, something’s wrong. Novia didn’t respond.

    That’ll be ten dollars, lady. She paid the cabbie and tried to get Chyna off the phone. She just didn’t feel like talking anymore.

    Chyna, I’ll call you back, I swear.

    Nov, it’s okay if you feel a little funny. You haven’t seen him in what, ten years?

    Chyna tried to console Novia. Chyna knew she was hurting.

    Please. I don’t feel anything for him, Novia responded, trying to hold back the tears.

    Yeah, right. This is your big sister you’re talking to, not that ghetto friend Semaj.

    Chyna began to get impatient with Novia. Novia hated lying.

    Maybe I do feel a little uneasy, Novia confessed.

    You feel a lot uneasy.

    I shouldn’t feel this way. I love Avon and I wouldn’t trade him for the world, but…, she said hesitantly.

    But nothing. Christian broke your heart and that’s that, Chyna scolded, falling into her motherly role.

    If you say so.

    Novia knew when she got that tone in her voice there was no need to respond.

    "Yes, I do say so and now I have to go."

    Chyna tried to calm herself. She couldn’t believe her sister was still having such strong feelings concerning her decision to leave him. Why didn’t she just say, I saw Christian today and that’s it, instead of, I saw Christian today; he has two kids and he still looks the same? Chyna smelled trouble and it bothered her that she couldn’t protect Novia from him.

    Well, if you need me, you know where I am.

    Thanks, Chyna. I love you.

    Novia knew Chyna was looking out for her.

    All right, talk to you later. Bye.

    They hung up and Novia fell out of bed. She couldn’t believe it. She couldn’t get those kids out of her head.

    They look just like him, she thought while holding back tears. Novia guessed she never thought of him having children with anyone but her. Well, those days were over now. She started going through her bags to take another look at the things she had picked up. Just then her cell phone rang.

    Hey, baby, where are you?

    It was her loving husband, Avon.

    In the room.

    She was so glad to hear from him. Just the sound of his voice was like a breath of fresh air.

    Why so early?

    He could tell something was wrong.

    I got a little tired.

    You, tired of shopping? What’s wrong? Avon knew his wife and she never got tired of shopping.

    Nothing’s wrong, I just wanted to come back to the room.

    Are you feeling all right?

    Yes, she responded. I just wanted to lie down.

    You’re not getting sick on me, are you? Avon said, sounding concerned.

    No, I just need a nap.

    Do you want me to take one with you? he said in his sexy voice.

    No, you’re here on business, so take care of your business and I’ll talk to you later.

    Although Novia appreciated the gesture, she wasn’t in the mood to play.

    Do you still want to go out for dinner?

    Avon could tell his wife wasn’t in a playful mood.

    Yes, Novia responded.

    Okay. Well, I’ll see you in about an hour or so. I love you.

    I love you too. Bye, Knight.

    Dream about me.


    Novia thought about how she was betraying Avon even though it was all in her head. How could she? He was her knight in shining armor. That’s what she called him. Just as Novia lay down, she heard a knock on the door.

    Who could this be? she thought while walking to the door. She looked through the peephole and to her surprise, it was the bellhop.

    What could he want? she thought. I have a letter for a Miss Novia.

    She opened the door to see a short man holding an envelope.

    Thank you.

    She took the letter as he stood there looking at her as if he wanted a tip.

    Thank you, she said again as she closed the door.

    Goodness, you have to tip for everything. I have a tip for him: wear heels!

    Novia laughed to herself a little. She needed some humor after the day she’d had so far.

    Now what is this? Who would leave me a letter? Did Knight do this? He’s always doing these crazy romantic things. How could I allow myself to think about that no-good Christian?

    She opened the envelope and to her surprise, the note was from Christian.

    Dear Novia,

    Your skin like dawn, mine like dusk. One paints the beginning of a certain end. The other, the end of a sure beginning.

    Maya Angelou. He remembers that I love her poems, she thought.

    It’s been a long time. I saw you today and before I could say anything, you were gone. You are just as beautiful as ever. You look like a woman now. I heard you were married and I don’t want to cause confusion, but I need to see you. I would like to talk to you about some things. I hate the way things ended between us. I know it was all my fault and I really need to talk with you. If possible, I would like to see you tomorrow at noon. There’s a place in the city called Justin’s. I’ll be there for one hour. If you don’t come, I’ll understand, but I hope you do.




    It was a cool afternoon when Christian went to gather his two children from their mother’s house. He could here Kemora’s mouth from outside the door.

    Get your stuff together, Christopher. I’m not telling you again! she yelled to her five-year-old son. Christian stood outside the front door, taking a deep breath before entering. He knew it was going to be along day; dealing with Kemora was no picnic.

    Kenyotta screamed as he entered the front door. Hi, Daddy!

    Hi, baby, he said while hugging and kissing his ten-year-old daughter.

    Well, it’s about time you got here, Kemora hissed at him.

    Christian tried not to get upset. Are they ready yet? he asked, annoyed.

    Why, you got a date or something? she snapped back. Kemora had a hard time hiding her anger from Christian. After all he’d done to her, she had a right to be mad at him.

    I have plans to take them shopping. Christian hoped the children would hurry so he wouldn’t have to deal with Kemora and her mouth any longer.

    Well good, because they need some clothes. And oh yeah, I heard that somebody got a raise, she said, looking at Christian.

    Who? Christian asked, worried, hoping she didn’t here about his new contract and take him back to court.

    You. Don’t act funny with me. My lawyers will be calling you soon.

    Let’s go, Christian yelled. He wanted to get as far away from Kemora as possible.

    He gathered his children and left.

    Where are we going, Daddy? Christopher asked.

    Shopping, he responded, trying not to sound as angry as he felt.

    Kenyotta could see something was wrong with her father but she dared not ask.

    You look nice today, Daddy, she said, smiling, trying to better his mood.

    Thanks, baby; you look nice too, he said, now smiling.

    With that comment the mood was broken. Christian and his children began shopping and having a good time. Christopher saw a toy in the window of a store and took off running. When his son got away from him he yelled for him to come back.

    Desmond, come here, he yelled. Desmond is his son’s middle name and he knew when Christian called him Desmond he was in trouble. He stopped in his tracks and waited for his father to catch up with him. When Christian got to him, before he could scold him for getting away, he looked up and saw a woman walking toward a cab.

    Couldn’t be, he thought, but he had to be sure. He got the kids and rushed to the car.

    Daddy, where are we going? Kenyotta asked.

    He continued to follow the cab to the Ritz Hotel, where he saw her get out of the car. It was her, Novia Banks.

    Oh my God, he whispered.

    What is it, Daddy? Who is that lady? Kenyotta asked, looking suspicious.

    Nobody, baby, just an old friend of Daddy’s, he said as he pulled off.

    Does Mommy know her too? she responded, being protective of her mother.

    Ah yes, Mommy knows her, Christian said as he laughed.

    What’s her name? Kenyotta asked, investigating this woman her father followed.

    By this time Christian found himself laughing at his little girl.

    Nobody to worry about; you will always be Daddy’s number-one girl, he said as he grabbed her hand and kissed it.

    What about me? Christopher asked from the back seat.

    You know you are Daddy’s man.

    He smiled and sat back in his chair. Christian was not prepared to see her even after all this time. It was as if time was standing still. He was so distracted that he couldn’t take the children to dinner and a movie like he planned. Instead, he took them home; he knew that Kemora would fuss but he had to contact Novia. It’d been years since he’d seen her and there were some things he needed to say. Christian drove up to the house and walked the children to the door. Kemora was walking out as he was walking in.

    What’s this? she asked, looking at Christian.

    Hi, Mommy, were back, Christopher yelled.

    I see, Kemora said, trying to hold her tongue, looking at Christian, and waiting for an answer.

    Come on, Chris, Kenyotta said, knowing there was going to be an argument. Kenyotta took Christopher upstairs and out of her mother’s way.

    What are they doing here? Kemora asked, frustrated and tired of her husband’s immaturity.

    Something came up and I have to make a run, Christian said, trying to explain.

    Something came up that’s more important to you than your kids? Kemora yelled.

    Lower your voice! Christian said, trying to whisper so the children wouldn’t hear them.

    Don’t tell me to lower my voice; you said you would take the kids. It’s your turn!

    Christian took a deep breath, trying not to get angry; he knew she was right.

    I’m sorry but I have to do something. Look, I’ll be back to get the kids.

    Do I look stupid to you? Do I have dummy written all over my face? What do you think I am? Some kind of stupid woman who has nothing better to do with her time than baby-sit your children? Oh no, honey, you will take these children and you will spend the day with them. I don’t care what you planned.

    But I can’t take them with me, he argued.

    Then it sounds like you need a babysitter.

    So it’s like that? he said, frustrated and angry and unwilling to budge. He wasn’t going to get his way today.

    Yes, it’s like that, Kemora said, standing her ground.

    Kenyotta, come on; you’re leaving with Daddy, Kemora yelled.

    Kenyotta came back downstairs with Christopher, looking at her parents and feeling disgusted. She wished they could get along.

    I don’t want to go, she said, standing at the bottom of the stairs.

    What? Kemora asked, surprised.

    I want to stay home.

    Why? Kemora asked.

    I just do, she said then ran up the stairs.

    See what you did! Kemora yelled, looking at Christian. Get out, you bastard. I hate you. Your own kids don’t want to be around you. Come on, Chris, Kemora grabbed him and walked upstairs.

    Christian stood at the bottom of the stairs, looking up the staircase, where his daughter was crying and his wife was angry.

    I’ll be back, he yelled as he walked out the door. Though he felt bad, he got his way and was able to go and see Novia. He got a piece of paper and wrote a note to her. He took it to the hotel were she was staying and gave it to the bellhop to give only to her. Do you understand? She is the only one to get this, Christian said, looking at the young man.

    I understand. Not a problem, Chris; she will get the note. I promise.

    Christian wasn’t sure if he was doing the right thing but he wanted her to know how he felt.

    Maybe she’d be happy to hear from him, and maybe she wouldn’t. He was driving himself crazy, but he had to let it go. The young lady whom he loved more than his own life was at home in her room crying because she felt her daddy didn’t want to be with her.

    Christian stopped by the store and bought some flowers for his daughter.

    Then he went back to the house, where he found Kemora lying on the sofa watching Sponge Bob with Chris.

    Where is she? he asked in a humbled voice.

    Without turning around, Kemora responded, In her room.

    Christian walked up the stairs to his daughter’s room and knocked on the door.

    Baby, I’m coming in, he said as he entered.

    He walked in to see his little girl lying on her bed.

    I brought you some flowers, he said, holding them out.

    Thanks, she responded with her head buried in her pillow.

    He laid the flowers on her desk then he sat on her bed.

    Daddy’s sorry. I know I made a mess today. I am sorry, he said, rubbing her back.

    You said I was your number-one girl, she said, pouting.

    You are. Christian knew Kenyotta was insecure and he hated it. It began when he and Kemora separated. Kenyotta felt he was leaving her as well as her mother.

    Then why did you bring us back home? she said as she turned around and looked into his face.

    I had to do something, Christian said with his head hung low.

    It couldn’t wait until tomorrow? she asked with eyes full of tears.

    Kenyotta, please understand.

    You don’t love us anymore. Mommy has to yell at you to come get us, and then when you do, you bring us right back home. Why don’t you like us anymore? she said as she started to cry. Christian held his little girl and kissed her on the cheek. He thought of coming back home for her and Christopher, but he couldn’t do it knowing this was not where his heart was.

    I love you and your brother, but Daddy is busy and I have lots to do. I have to make sure that you and your brother and your mom have all the things that you need.

    Like what? she asked.

    Like clothes, a home, cars, and lots of money.

    What about a dad? That’s what I need. Kenyotta missed her father. She loved him and wished he would come back home.

    You have that! What do you want from me? You have everything you need plus more. You should be grateful.

    Kenyotta could see her father wasn’t getting it. She was only ten but very smart.

    You can be so spoiled sometimes; you don’t know how blessed you are.

    Christian was getting upset and feeling unappreciated.

    You’re right; I’m sorry. Kenyotta took it all in and let her father

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