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Pass It On: A Journey of Thoughts
Pass It On: A Journey of Thoughts
Pass It On: A Journey of Thoughts
Ebook188 pages42 minutes

Pass It On: A Journey of Thoughts

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About this ebook


Pass It On is a personal journal of your thoughts and feelings expressed in a book that you may share with someone. Its a simple tool that allows someone else of your choosing to get to know you better and know your thoughts and feelings.

Pass It On is book of poetry and questions that will help you to document what you believe and feel. What you think about the world around you. And what you know about yourself.

Pass It On is an exercise to increase your communication skills by documenting your thoughts and memories.

Pass It On is a creative process that can be used in many ways to educate others about you. It can bring a better understanding of who you are. It can also bring about a closer bond between you and who you allow to read it.

Pass It On is easy to use, but can be as challenging as you would want it to be- depending on how you decide to answer the questions. Trying to figure out what you want to say and then allowing someone to read your thoughts can be challenging to some.

Pass It On is about bridging gaps and developing new wonderful relationships. Its about bringing positive supports to the table-for the sole purpose of growing closer to those you love or enriching a new relationship.

Pass It On is a creative way to express who you are!
Release dateJun 21, 2013
Pass It On: A Journey of Thoughts

Gregory Boyer

I grew up in Oak Ridge, TN. when Kennedy was President, Martin Luther King was alive, gas was cheap, you got 3 channels on TV, and a vinyl record wasn’t a collectable item. I was extremely shy in my youth and most people saw me as being a “quiet, funny and likeable kid”. I have always had a love for the arts and can’t remember not drawing or being creative. I remember my kindergarten teacher from Scarboro Elementary School being amazed by my ability to draw even before I could really write. But it was my English teacher from Jefferson Jr. High (Ms. Nolan) who thought I had a talent for writing. She wrote me a note back in 1969 expressing her view on my writing abilities and planted a seed that stayed with me about writing a book of poetry. Since then, I have written 2 children’s book called “My Little Red Book” and “My Little Green Book” (both written and illustrated by me), and took part in a book project of 39 other writers called “Ordinary Men, Extraordinary Lives: Defining Moments”. I have always had a great love for people and understanding human behavior. I love connecting with people. My sense of humor and how I see life has always made me different from those around me, which I know I got from my mom. She was well-known for being a person who really lived, loved, and laughed no matter how bad the situation was in life. I, too, tend to be the same way. I am the CEO and founder of UNDERCONSTRUCTION: Life Coaching For Men ( Underconstruction is a life coaching tool to help men discover and increase their own creative nature. I really hope you’ll enjoy your journey with PASS IT ON!

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    Book preview

    Pass It On - Gregory Boyer

    © 2013 by Gregory Boyer. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 06/28/2013

    ISBN: 978-1-4817-5306-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4817-7864-0 (e)

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Thinkstock.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.


    How Can This Book Be Used?

    About The Author

    A Word From The Author

    A Journey’s Breath

    A Cloud I Am Not

    Another Page Turned

    American Soldier Rise

    Bingo Lesson




    Family Roots

    Got God?

    History Made

    I Look To The East

    In The Middle Of Nowhere

    Look Beyond The Clouds


    Never Forget

    One Thing I Know

    Optical Illusion


    Pass It On

    Speck Of Hope

    Riches Found

    Road To Family

    Road To Somewhere

    To Laugh

    What If

    Words That Dance

    Gurl Pul-leeze

    The End and Beginning


    Pass It On is a personal journal of your thoughts and feelings expressed in a book that you may share with someone. It’s a simple tool that allows someone else of your choosing to get to know you better and know your thoughts and feelings.

    Pass It On is book of poetry and questions that will help you to document what you believe and feel. What you think about the world around you. And what you know about yourself.

    Pass It On is an exercise to increase your communication skills by documenting your thoughts and memories.

    Pass It On is a creative process that can be used in many ways to educate others about you. It can bring a better understanding of who you are. It can also bring about a closer bond between you and who you allow to read it.

    Pass It On is easy to use, but can be as challenging as you would want it to be- depending on how you decide to answer the questions. Trying to figure out what you want to say and then allowing someone to read your thoughts can be challenging to some.

    Pass It On is about bridging gaps and developing new wonderful relationships. It’s about bringing positive supports to the table-for the sole purpose of growing closer to those you love or enriching a new relationship.

    Pass It On is a creative way to express who you are!


    Here are just a few creative ways you can have fun with "Pass It On"

    1. You can start a book club. Each person can write inside the other person’s book.

    2. You can complete the book and hand the book to a love one as a gift or have them read later in life when you feel the time is appropriate.

    3. You can exchange books with a sibling, spouse, or friend.

    4. You can give one or several books to those who you would want to know better when they returned the book for you to read.

    5. You can use it as a new way to journal your personal thoughts. Especially if you’ve never written a journal before.

    And you probably can come up with several other ways to use this

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