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Creator of My Heart: A New Heart Is What I Need
Creator of My Heart: A New Heart Is What I Need
Creator of My Heart: A New Heart Is What I Need
Ebook179 pages2 hours

Creator of My Heart: A New Heart Is What I Need

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About this ebook

Did you know that God has told us that other people would envy us?
Reasoning is, because of our Spiritual wisdom and knowledge that we obtain from Him.
We have an advantage over those who do not understand this secret.
If you have not yet tapped into this profound wealth of truth, come along
With me and travel this joyous journey filled with abundant information.
The impressive facts you will gain from this study will capture your
heart to soar to a horizon of exuberant inspiration.
The information compacted into Creator of my Heart will enhance
Your life for:
1. A crystal clear understanding of who you are
2. Supreme Relationships
3. Ultimate Guidance in every decision you make
4. Tremendous growth to improve your life for success
5. A simple understanding of how to talk to God
6. A golden awareness of what God thinks about you
Of all His creation, we are His favorite, because after all, He is the Creator of our Heart.
PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateJan 6, 2011
Creator of My Heart: A New Heart Is What I Need

Elizabeth Gordon

Elizabeth Gordon is the founder and owner of Betsy & Claude Baking Company, a mail-order gluten-, dairy-, egg-, soy-, and nut-free bakery. She trained in cake decorating under Toba Garrett at the Institute for Culinary Education. For more information, visit Elizabeth's Web site:

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    Book preview

    Creator of My Heart - Elizabeth Gordon




    Appreciation * Honor * Adoration


    Chapter One

    Shade of Red

    Chapter Two

    Shade of Lavender

    Chapter Three

    Shade of White

    Chapter Four

    Shade of Yellow

    Chapter Five

    Limitations To Liberty

    Chapter Six

    Created for Character

    Chapter Seven

    Created for Character

    Chapter Eight

    Commune and Connect

    Chapter Nine

    The Valiant Bridegroom and Virtuous Bride

    To my grandfather Jordon Romo,

    who has gone home to be

    with Jesus.

    I love you welito,

    you are my hero.

    Thank you for giving me happy

    memories that will be eternally etched in my heart.

    I will see you someday soon

    and we can sit by the crystal sea

    and reminisce.


    I will always remember the first day I met Elizabeth. We were sitting in the lobby of a restaurant in San Antonio waiting to be seated. A darling little girl was chatting away and I could not help noticing her. So, I began to talk with this lovely woman who was with her. From that very moment, we both connected and God blessed me with the wonderful friendship and love of Elizabeth.

    Elizabeth is a very strong woman of God. God brought us together as He knew I would need her desperately to guide me through a very difficult time in my life. I was so blessed to have her love, sharing laughter along with the tears, having words of encouragement, and most of all her assistance in growing my walk with the Lord. Elizabeth was always so insightful, feeding me the words of God. Holding my hand, sharing her deep love and devotion to our precious Lord.

    Today, I write this so others will know Elizabeth’s love and devotion for God. Her heart is so beautiful and belongs to our loving God. The anointing of God is upon her life. I know firsthand how much prayer, hard work, sacrifice and diligence has gone into the writing of this book. She shares so much of herself to help heal others. I know that whoever reads this book will be blessed with healing. I pray that its wide distribution will bring many into the kingdom of our wonderful God bringing all honor and glory to Him.

    Truly blessed,

    Nora Hughes


    I want to give God glory and praise for my wonderful husband. He has been there for me when I was unlovable. He stood the test of longsuffering and helped me become what I am today. He has been a support in all my ventures and he has become a man of God in my life, which I never thought I would see this day. He is committed and faithful to God, therefore I must say, he has become my best friend and hero.


    To all of my faithful friends who kept me in their prayers. Their encouragement throughout this project was inspiring to my heart.


    Thank You God for my children and grandsugars, Julianna, and Jade for enriching my life to an abundant joy they will neve

    Appreciation * Honor * Adoration

    For this is God, Our God forever and ever; He will be our guide even to death

    Psalms 48: 14

    Dear Dad,

    I want to tell you how much I appreciate You, and how grateful I am that You love me. In spite of all my short comings and the times I have let you down. As you know, I don’t have an earthly father or mother, regardless of my loss, I must say I’ve never known anyone like You who has loved me when I was alone and broken. As our relationship has grown deeper over time, You have shown me what true love really is and that I never need a cheap imitation to satisfy my heart, because I have You!

    Today, I can honestly say I’m so impressed with the way You have taken care of me. I have full respect for Your opinion and I wouldn’t want to go through life without Your guidance and love. I’ve cried many tears on Your shoulder during my midnight hours, and You never pushed me away. In fact You held me close and You showed me what a real father is.

    I’ll never be able to write all the wonderful moments we have shared together. I’ll never be able to thank You enough for all the times You have fulfilled my dreams. Your loving hand has carried me in this life and I know I’ll always have that throughout eternity. Thank You for being a dad to me that I would have never known without Jesus, who is now the love of my life. And thank You for being my protector, and provider, but most of all thank You for loving me.

    I can’t thank You enough for healing my broken heart and for showing me that Your heart will always want me and value me because I am Your daughter. I’ll never forget the night the Holy Spirit connected our hearts and we became one, I was eight years old. I must have soaked Your chest with all my tears, thank You for never letting me go!

    I didn’t comprehend then the journey we would travel together, but You have proven to me Your faithfulness and your love. I wouldn’t trade the rich memories I’ve shared with You for anything else I could ever own. I love You, adore You, and I want to be the best daughter to You that I can be so I will make You proud. Thank You dad for creating me in Your perfect image, for that I am grateful.

    Your daughter,



    The human life and personality is unpredictable in many ways. Just when we think we know someone, they veer in a different direction. This mystery can drive us to marvel at the other personalities as well as the opposite sex. How will we ever be able to sort-out the questions in our minds and resolve some of the views we have concerning the human race?

    With each passing day, we encounter the human personalities. What a multi faceted splendor. Each of our lives is uniquely influenced by the diverse cultures, religions, nationalities, and life styles by which we were raised. Yet, despite our differing thoughts and beliefs we were all created equal by our eternal God.

    Many times when we enter into a relationship with someone we begin to try to change them. We begin to demand what we desire. This can be very harmful to any relationship. On the contrary, the first thing we should always remember to do is find out about the person. What are they made of, where did they come from, and under what influences were they raised?

    When I married my current husband, I had no clue how to get along with this man. I had no comprehension of how to progress with his personality or have a healthy relationship. My days turned into weeks, my weeks into months, and the years were extremely miserable for both of us.

    I recognize now that I was so centered on myself and my needs being met that it confounded my mission. Truthfully, I needed to know more about my husband and what made him who he was. I had no idea how strong willed he was when I met him. In conjunction with his strong will, he had not allowed God to develop his character. I was equally as crippled as he, but, I made up my mind that I was going to stay with him and figure this out. I can honestly say it was a lot of work, but God made it worth my efforts.

    My search for peace had begun when I gained awareness of the human personalities this gave me hope that I could have a healthy relationship with my husband, friends, and family. I not only gleaned tremendous insight about him, but about myself as well. I learned that we were perfectly compatible; I just needed to put this knowledge into action. I endeavored to become familiar with my husband and types of people I worked with, and tried to build relationships with.

    In my ministry I have counseled multiple women and I have realized the struggle is on when women don’t know about the personalities, and the spiritual insights that exist in conjunction with these diverse personalities. I am convinced that women have an inner beauty (character) that can be developed from the Father, God, to reach their purpose for their God given relationships.

    I perceive that women have an inner power, a strength that has been given them by God to influence their world. If you have struggled with any person that you are in relationship with, and have yet to identify the cause which seems to set you back, I encourage you to read, and learn all you can about the spiritual side of the four personalities and how they should be developed to bring beauty to each and every relationship.

    The road I traveled could have been prevented if I had only known then, what I am going to share with you now.

    Chapter One

    Shade of Red

    In the beginning, God formed two hearts which became one flesh. Although unified into one flesh, each individual none the less maintained his uniqueness. Anyone who has entered a relationship has surely experienced their phenomenon. While we are drawn into unity in many areas, we eventually experience diversity to some degree. It is Obvious, we are not all the same, therefore it is logical to conclude that God must have intended for us to complement one another while maintaining our individuality. Unfortunately, many of us struggle at one time or another because we have not yet learned how to appreciate and embrace our differences. To lay a foundation for improving the quality of our relationships, we will start with describing four basic personality types which are identified by a color, flower, and descriptive word. Each personality type will be elaborated upon to include, first, the abilities of a healthy person, followed by the limitations as expressed in an unhealthy person. Don’t get discouraged—the limitations will be addressed next with an in-depth look at how we can be transformed into the image of Christ through the development of our character. In conclusion, you will learn how to apply what you have learned to enhance your relationships.


    The Red personality exudes strength. Their tenacity carries them wherever they desire. They do not give up, embodying the expression, Where there is a will, there is a way! God’s intention for them is to encourage others to do the same through the example of their life. Red is represented by the rose because, while it is beautiful to look at, it can prick you when touched. The word strong was selected because of the Red’s bull-dog tenacity and determination. While reading about the Reds, you may relate to some or all of the virtues, or you may recognize them in someone you know.

    Red *Flower-Rose *Word-Strong

    Abilities: The Healthy Red

    Individual Abilities:

    •   Natural leader

    •   Energetic and direct

    •   Rational thinker

    •   Enjoys productive tasks

    •   Thrives on independence

    •   Extremely resourceful (strong survivor)

    •   Productive in crises

    Communicating Abilities:

    •   Conversations are practical and productive

    •   Opinions are straight forward

    •   Functions in a rational manner

    •   Communicates opinions well in conversation

    •   Verbalizes position in relationships

    Spousal Abilities:

    •   Devoted

    •   Extremely protective

    •   Financially responsible (hard worker)

    •   Encourages interesting family activities and togetherness

    •   Dependable

    Parental Abilities:

    •   Encourages children’s activities

    •   Outstanding decision maker

    •   Excellent provider

    •   Undeniably the leader in the home

    •   Presumes accountability for protecting family

    •   Promptly directs and gives excellent advice

    •   Content being alone with children or great with organizing group fun

    Goal Setting Abilities:

    •   Substantially productive (follows through and follows up with their project)

    •   Very perceptive (sees the whole picture)

    •   Decisions are made easily and quickly

    •   Disciplined

    •   Comfortable and confident (comes naturally)

    Career Abilities:

    •   Self Motivated

    •   Excellent organizer

    •   Blossoms in leadership positions

    •   Dynamic and aggressive

    •   Thrives on power (as long as they have it)

    •   Invigorated by competition

    •   Strives for promotion

    •   Initiates goal setting

    Friendship Abilities:

    •   Deals with conflict directly and comfortably

    •   Enjoys solving problems

    •   Encourages group activities and arranges them

    •   Great in emergencies or tragedies

    •   Makes good quality suggestions

    Abilities as a Child:

    •   Turns tragic situations around

    •   Extremely vocal

    •   Sustains high self-esteem (confident)

    •   Gifted to recover from negative situations

    •   Takes charge of circumstances when parents are away

    •   Enjoys new experiments and risky ventures

    •   Desires to be independent

    •   Corresponds well and speaks their mind

    Reds are the leaders of the world. They thrive on power and have strong survival skills. They are creative in crises and operate in a logical, sensible manner. They set high goals and are disappointed in themselves if they fail. They are excellent organizers, dependable and self-motivated. When they commit to something they follow through and expect as much from others. As a healthy Christian,

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