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The Limits: A Collection of Insanities
The Limits: A Collection of Insanities
The Limits: A Collection of Insanities
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The Limits: A Collection of Insanities

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About this ebook

The Limits is my first work in English, with English as my second language. It dates back to1994. It has been my first intellectual attempt since I came to the U.S. in 1985. My first try in 1994 was a very hard work which, at that time, went nowhere, because of my language limitations, and because my general knowledge was not to the level of this task. However, at the beginning of 1995, I abandoned this writing as a literary work and turned toward upgrading my scientific knowledge through personal study. In 2000, I made a new attempt, and the result was the original draft of the Seven Essays on Creation, which is my second book with AuthorHouse. In 2001, I abandoned this new work and continued with my science study. A special conjecture in 2003 made me publish the first book with AuthorHouse, which was Multiple Harmonics Create the Patterns of Real World from Chaos.

After publishing this at the beginning of 2004, when I threw away mountains of old papers, I discovered the Seven Essays, and I decided to give to it another chance. In three months, it became another book, which was the Seven Essays on Creation, which was also published in 2004. In September 2005, while searching among some old papers, I discovered the original draft of The Limits, and I decided to do something about it. I have to say that The Limits has been on my mind for more than ten years, and I adored this old work. However, I was afraid that I would never be again be capable of writing the way I did in 1994. In the meantime, I was happy that, at the present, I had the answer to the philosophy that I wondered about eleven years ago. It was the nonlinear thinking that changed me a lot over the years. It was real, and I decided to rewrite The Limits. I tried to preserve as much as possible from the old draft, and I inserted in each chapter some nonlinear wisdom.

Release dateFeb 20, 2006
The Limits: A Collection of Insanities

Dan M. Mrejeru

MS in Geology and Geography, Independent Multidisciplinary Researcher, member of academia. edu, member of U.S. and UK authors organizations

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    The Limits - Dan M. Mrejeru

    © 2006 Dan M. Mrejeru. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    First published by AuthorHouse 4/26/2006

    ISBN: 1-4259-1683-X (sc)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2006903870

    Printed in the United States of America

    Bloomington, Indiana


    In the Beginning

    - Part One - The Limits

    The Bridge

    The Contact

    A Fantastic Voyage

    The Quest

    A Vision (the Past)

    Another Vision (the Life River)

    Journey’s Final Grounds

    The War and Peace of Thoughts

    An Inside Story (on Victory)

    An Inside Story (on Consequences)

    The War of Being

    The Looking Glass (of Peace)

    A Too-Small World

    - Part Two - Other Limits

    Day One The Reasoning

    A Springtime Symphony

    The House of Winds

    An Old Zodiac

    Day Two The Outer World

    In the Darkness

    A Mind Play without Perceptions

    A Becoming through Collapse

    The Labyrinth

    Another Looking Glass

    - Part Three - Mind’s Enigmas

    Another Bridge

    More Solaristics

    - Part Four - The Illusion

    One More Bridge

    The Illusion

    The Muse (A Mind Game)

    A Quest For Reality

    The Sacrifice Of The Illusion

    Activating Circuits

    Instead of Final Argument

    In the Beginning

    Does humanity have a well-marked beginning? In the natural world, every change is sharp, and it shows a specific adaptation to an inner change of conditions. However, the change leads to adaptation and transformation, and this is abrupt.

    Then, if we have a sudden change, we have an abrupt beginning, which manifests as new behaviors produced by an occurring transformation. Humanity certainly has a beginning, which is totally distinct of the humanoid type of evolution. When we say humans, we talk about what science calls moderns, or real humans. Today, science accepts that certain relationships can be drawn between moderns, or simply humans and their primitive ancestors; in the meantime, the differentiation is so wide that no one can call the primitive ancestors humans anymore. Where could we place in time the origination of these moderns? It should be the time when our ancestors begin to do something very different than what the humanoids or their close relatives have ever achieved.

    Again, when did they begin to manifest the behaviors of new humans? The archaeologists have unearthed at the peak of South Africa the first skeletal remains with modern characteristics, which are 120-125,000 years old. These first humans are described with body characteristics almost identical to the present population. However, for the following 50-55,000 years from this alleged origin, the modern appearance has not produced anything that we can define as the product of a human mind.

    Many scientists tend to consider that around 125,000 years ago, or even before this time, a particular mutation occurred, which created a revolutionary change in the shape and functioning of the humanoid body, generating the body of the moderns that is similar to our contemporary body; nevertheless, in no way has this change created a human mind. In other words, the brain of the moderns has been very little affected by this mutation. However, these scientists consider that the real mutation, creating the genetics of current human mind, occurred 40-70,000 years ago.


    Something on this planet has changed, and this change has caused mutation in the brain of some humans. Why would all humans not change at the same time? For instance, the ozone hole acts over a particular region of this planet, and the hole has no influence over any other region.

    Why do we talk about the ozone hole? As the science of climate explains, during specific cycles, the ozone hole appears over particular zones, like those placed in the extreme south of the Southern Hemisphere. They are connected to phenomena produced by the alternating climatic cycles and electromagnetic phenomena. The ozone holes allow the UV radiation to penetrate and reach to the austral biosystems.

    Undoubtedly, such holes would allow an unusual amount of radiation to interfere with the biological activity, causing mutation at various levels. Such an ozone hole may have been present 120-125,000 years ago in the Southern Hemisphere, and it has generated a mutation responsible for changes in the shape and functioning of the body of those humanoids living at the peak of South Africa. However, this ozone hole can be correlated with a particular influence produced 10-25,000 years before the time of this ozone hole by two excursions, or even short-term reversals of the geomagnetic field. Eventually, the excursions or reversals have contributed to certain genetic changes, but the final change appears only 120-125,000 years ago, and it can only be placed at the peak of South Africa.

    Some 50-55,000 years later, an ozone hole has occurred again over the same region at the peak of South Africa, inciting another mutation responsible for significant changes in the activity of the brain. However, this mutation in the brain of those moderns, living at the peak of South Africa has not created the complexity of the human brain that we can disclose today.

    Here, we can consider the sum of many other geomagnetic events, which have occurred from 70,000 years ago to the current era, and which have induced changes in the activity of the brain in the form of new circuits. Or we can consider that the ozone hole from 70,000 years ago has had a minor genetic influence at the peak of South Africa, inciting to a local rock engraving; by contrast, a stronger radiation has been effective in other regions of the same hole and greatly influenced other moderns living somewhere in the extreme south of the Southern Hemisphere. Such stronger radiation can be the case, which has created some extra-sensorial circuits in the brains of these other moderns.


    However, in the Antarctic regions, current presence, evolution, and influence of the ozone holes is well documented. In the meantime, the accumulation of chemical substances in the ice shelves of the Arctic region is a contemporary reality, which produces its own type of radiation, and which has visible mutational powers. In short, the unusual levels of radiation recorded in various planetary environments (like the ice shelves, some coastal seawaters, many lakes and rivers) are documented to produce large, sharp mutations in the biological systems. The amphibians of these waters, along with several species of mammals, have suffered genetic changes, affecting their sex and their body shape.

    There is no doubt that the previous occurrences of high levels of radiation have influenced the biological systems present in humans, and they have produced mutation in the human brain. The moderns, or new genetic type of the human race, have archaeologically appeared around 120,000 years ago; hence, one has to consider the influence of several radiative alterations, which have occurred during the last 120,000 years. In these 120,000 years, we have the end of the previous interglacial, a full stage of the glacial era, and current interglacial. Several processes of flipping of the magnetic field, named excursions, along with alleged short-term reversals of the geomagnetic field, have been accompanied by major geological and geophysical events, like the dramatic eruption of the Mount Toba in Sumatra. All these events, taken in isolation or in their totality, have influenced human evolution.

    Each of the aforementioned causes can be responsible for creating a particular alteration in the functions and the mechanism of the human brain; each alteration can produce an adaptive routing and processing in the brain. Such adaptation in functioning becomes a particular circuitry.


    Today, we have multiple proofs that our brain has numerous circuits which are not currently active; however, some of these circuits can be reactivated by a variety of procedures and substances. The term reactivation indicates that those chemicals reaching the brain remove a particular suppression on certain circuits. Thus, the human brain applies suppression on its own circuits, and we are not quite sure why this process of suppression occurs.

    However, several circuits, being described as currently suppressed or inactive, are responsible for distinct interpretations of the reality. The nonlinear interpretation is produced by several circuits, which currently are totally or partially suppressed. A long-term process of education can gradually remove, at least in part, this suppression. Other circuits can produce spiritual and/or esoteric interpretations; these circuits are also influenced by a steady education.

    As it appears, different electromagnetic, radiative, and geophysical events have been responsible for creating a large variety of circuits, where each circuit seems focused toward a particular activity; when a particular circuit is activated, certain types of behaviors are generated.

    One can say that, for the last several thousand years, the active circuits in the human brain have been those producing a linear type of thinking. However, analyzing human behaviors of the last 15,000 years, one can observe that, in different eras and among the population of different regions of this planet, a partial activation of the circuits in charge with nonlinear thinking has occurred.

    Subsequently, one can assume that, for a well-defined period of time, certain natural events which have occurred in specific regions have produced the reactivation of the event-correlated circuits. If one considers natural events as cyclic occurrences, one finds a cyclic reactivation of the brain circuits. However, the feedbacks alter the cycles, and the absolutely identical cycles never occur.


    Almost all scientists have agreed that a significant mutation in humans has occurred in the past 40,000 to 70,000 years. Most arguments from distinct scientific domains seem to place this sharp mutation around 70-75,000 years ago. So we talk about a moment in time, when human behaviors have radically changed. What particularly happened during this moment?

    As we know, since around 120-125,000 years ago, the physiognomy of humans has changed, becoming very similar to our current one. But here, this change in physiognomy and body shape has not produced new functioning at a mental level.

    However, around 70,000 years ago, the mutation in the brain functioning manifested as the first expression of art and symbol-making. The rock engraving became the primary expression of the new thinking pattern, which was followed by rock painting.

    Who were the actors of this beginning? They were the regular primitives of this era, who began to behave according to their new mental skills. What were those skills? We could speculate about new circuits in the human brain, which become attuned to interpret the reality in a distinct manner.

    However, the change affected a reduced group of humans. Why do we talk about a reduced group? As aforementioned, the events with influence over the human brain have been placed in particular regions of this planet, like the regions affected by the austral ozone hole. Certainly, the whole planet could not be affected by an ozone hole.

    Thus, we talk about some primitives, no different from the rest, who suddenly begin to perceive or analyze the reality in a distinct manner. How would this process be? Without doubt, such change could be terribly abrupt, and the individuals affected by this alteration would be highly stressed and confused. However, the accommodation to the change would take an undefined but eventually long interval of time. The adaptation would eventually be associated with the tendency to suppress some of the new and old circuits. Nevertheless, during the time of this adaptation, some other natural events would have their role in shaping this new mental product. This product could be a brain capable of dealing with the dynamic world and its continual changes.


    For instance, very recent research at the University of California at Irvine (2005) has discovered that, in humans, the male and female brains are very distinct. The woman’s brain uses for intelligent processes mostly white matter from frontal lobes, while the man’s intelligence uses gray matter from all over the brain. The woman’s brain uses mostly newly formed neural tissue that has networking abilities, like the white matter, saving on many traditional brain connections.

    In current terminology, networking represents a particular sharing of information and support with most members of a group. Within the same terminology, a process is a series of progressive and interdependent steps by which an end result is obtained. The term processing may show the developing of those ideas, which could have end results.

    This distinction appears quite large, but when it has been tested, the performances have been similar. Sexual differentiation in men and women programs the emergence of distinct brains, while the intelligent achievement of both brains remains similar.

    The research on the same topic at several universities in the U.S. indicates that, during the tests, the woman’s and man’s brains are using distinct regions and circuits in the brain for the same tasks. During the same tests, but for quite different tasks, the woman’s and man’s brains use the same area of processing. This differentiation in the use of the brain’s circuitry is evident. Even then, the results of the aforementioned tests have been similar, indicating a similar IQ, and it proves a similar ability of women and men to solve the same problem by employing distinct circuits.

    Since both brains, the woman’s and man’s brains, are producing equally intelligent behaviors, it appears that inside the same species have emerged two distinct types of brain, which are the expression of different energetic constraints. However, the behaviors are equally intelligent, but they clearly reflect this sexual differentiation; in the end, the behaviors of each sex remain different.


    What has forced human brain to split into two such different products? Peter T. Ellison with Harvard University shows in an article (2003): "It appears that the ovarian function varies

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