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So, You Have a Dream...Now What?: It’S Time to Get Your Head out of the Clouds and Make Your Dreams a Reality!
So, You Have a Dream...Now What?: It’S Time to Get Your Head out of the Clouds and Make Your Dreams a Reality!
So, You Have a Dream...Now What?: It’S Time to Get Your Head out of the Clouds and Make Your Dreams a Reality!
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So, You Have a Dream...Now What?: It’S Time to Get Your Head out of the Clouds and Make Your Dreams a Reality!

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About this ebook

Do you have a dream?

Are you pursuing it?

Is there a man in your life who has a dream, but they are simply waiting for it to happen?

This book may be just the inspiration that you or that special someone needs. In "So You Have a Dream...Now What? A Man's Guide to Dream Pursuit.", Michael Ford II discusses practical ways to move closer to dream fulfillment while applying scriptural references that will help dreamers in their pursuit.

Within the pages of this brief, yet engaging manuscript, you will find humor, personal testimonies, and inspiring dialogue that will certainly help any reader propel themselves to the fulfillment of their dreams; all while pleasing God in the process.

The first step in the process is opening this book. Go ahead; turn the page and begin the journey.
Release dateSep 19, 2011
So, You Have a Dream...Now What?: It’S Time to Get Your Head out of the Clouds and Make Your Dreams a Reality!

Michael Ford II

Michael Ford II, minister and CEO of give God glory Apparel (, is just an ordinary man with an extraordinary vision; to see men from all walks of life achieve their dreams of success and prosperity. Michael has come to a place in his life where he realizes that his dreams are solely his responsibility, and no one, except himself, can set the ceiling for how high he can reach. Over the past few years, it has become his passion to help other men turn their potential to effort, and their effort into success. Hence, this book. Michael lives with his wife, La'Shon, and their two children, in Saginaw, MI. He enjoys reading, writing, singing, playing basketball, and video games. To contact Michael, please visit his official website at

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    Book preview

    So, You Have a Dream...Now What? - Michael Ford II

    So, You Have a Dream…Now What?

    It’s time to get your head out of the clouds

    and make your dreams a reality!

    By Michael Ford II


    1663 Liberty Drive

    Bloomington, IN 47403

    Phone: 1-800-839-8640

    © 2010, 2011 Michael Ford II. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    First published by AuthorHouse 10/10/2011

    ISBN: 978-1-4567-4221-8 (ebk)

    ISBN: 978-1-4567-4222-5 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4567-4223-2 (sc)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2011902401

    Printed in the United States of America

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models,

    and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Thinkstock.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.




    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Extra Tips for Dreamers



    Contact Michael


    I sincerely believe that in the course of human events, everyone will be offered an opportunity to be a part of something great. Not only that, but every great thing that has happened has involved at least three elements. First, there was a void, a need, and an empty place to be filled. Second, there was a desire to meet that need, a push to make something happen, and an inspiration. Thirdly, there was action. Something was done.

    It is this last element that makes me think of Michael Ford II more than the other two. When I first met Michael, there was no indication of his final status, just as even now, it doth not yet appear… There was, however, every indication that there was something great in him, just waiting to be released.

    Michael comes from a good, solid, and stable family. His parents are examples of investors in human capital. His siblings are go-getters and successful. His wife is the perfect yin to Mike’s yang. I watch his children grow and know that they possess the same potentials. But Mike’s real strength is his ability to take action. It is that action that has produced this wonderful book.

    As the scripture suggests, with strength, Physician, heal thyself! this book is a healing balm for Mike and his generation. He is a part of a demographic that has lately been described as The Millennials. This group will provide leadership for the next century, based on a set of beliefs that include making a difference in the lives of others, unselfish investment in the lives of others, and success that is not simply defined in dollars and cents.

    This book will help every reader because it is an honest presentation of the soul of an inspired individual. I am proud to be a part of his life and destiny. I know that joining the journey toward success will enhance your life as well.

    Pastor Hurley J. Coleman, Jr.

    World Outreach Campus of Greater Coleman Temple Ministries


    Are you a wide-awake dreamer? Do you find yourself dreaming while on the job? Dreaming while doing work around the house? Dreaming while walking through the mall? If your answer is yes, to any of the questions above, you, my friend, are a wide-awake dreamer! And, this rare ability makes you a powerful person! Author T.E. Lawrence once said, " All men dream but not equally. Those that dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes to make it possible." YOU ARE DANGEROUS!

    Some may consider wide-awake dreaming a deficiency. I consider it a blessing as long as you know how to harness the power of being a dreamer and make the most of it. I have personally seen how dreaming during the day can cause problems. But, to try to completely squash your dreams during the time when your brain is most active, would be utterly absurd. As a wide-awake dreamer, you must begin to take hold of your dreams and work to see them become reality.

    Let’s face it; if you only dream of better days, and better things when you close your eyes to sleep, you are absolutely powerless to make them happen. But you, as a wide-awake dreamer, have the power to make your dreams come true simply because you allow yourself to dream during the day.

    Don’t allow your dreams to simply spoil in your mind. Instead, turn your dreams into well thought-out and deliberate actions, and you will begin to see through the mirror of your potential and realize that objects in your dreams are closer than they appear.

    First step; as wide-awake dreamers, we’ve got to learn to plan our days, and take advantage of our moments. Now, read chapter one, and let’s figure this thing out together.

    Chapter 1

    Plan Your Day

    A well-known, beloved, man of God passes away suddenly in the middle of the night. Several children are killed in a house fire. When tragedies like these happen, oftentimes we feel our own mortality more than ever. We recognize that life is not promised and that while today we live; tomorrow, we could be gone. As a matter of fact, the only moment of life that we truly own is the moment that we are living in right now. In the next second, if God does not provide us with another breath, it will be all over.

    After reading those words, many people would say, If life is so fragile, what’s the sense in dreaming of better days ahead? Indeed, life is not promised to us. However, because tomorrow is not a guarantee does not mean that we should forget about our dreams and concede to live a life of mediocrity. Actually, it’s quite the contrary. Because life has no guarantees, we should be more concerned with living in our moments. Many times, we look at life in days, weeks, and years instead of moments. For the dreamer, this is a mistake. The dreamer must learn to take life one moment at a time.

    If you’ve ever watched a ball game, undoubtedly, you’ve heard a broadcaster say something like, "The momentum has shifted to the home team with that huge play!" Momentum is something that can shift an entire game in the behalf of one team or the other; many times, based on one play. In a football game, all it takes is a timely interception. In a basketball game, it may only take a steal and a fast-break dunk that brings the home team crowd to their feet, and turns a close game into a blow-out. One play. One moment. All you need is one momentum-shifting play! One play can make all the difference!

    Remember, it’s all about the moments. When we take advantage of our moments, we begin to shift momentum in our favor. One immediate and deliberate change can be just the thing that you need to draw yourself closer to the success that you envision for your life.

    In all actuality, if we don’t take time to appreciate and make the most of our moments, we run the risk of eventually losing days, weeks, and years of progress.

    Let’s think about this a little closer. In a day there are;

    24 hours

    60 minutes in every hour

    60 seconds in every minute

    Nothing groundbreaking there right? I know. But sometimes we need to see things in good ole’ black and white in order to put them in the proper perspective. Now, just for a little fun, let’s add those numbers together; 24 + 60 + 60 = 144. Now, let’s

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