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Chaos Rise of Darkness
Chaos Rise of Darkness
Chaos Rise of Darkness
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Chaos Rise of Darkness

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The second book of the Chaos series. Same heros, new villains, qestions answered, new questions arise. The action continues in this story. Find out the secret behind the Demon items and the secret behind Roy and Tony's power.
Release dateOct 28, 2011
Chaos Rise of Darkness

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    Book preview

    Chaos Rise of Darkness - Roy Narine

    Chapter 1

    It’s been five years. Five years since the darkness was destroyed. They all thought it was gone forever, but in a world where change is constant, nothing lasts permanently. A different evil is lying in the shadows waiting for its chance to plunge the world into darkness. The story begins with renewed vigor.

    A phone rang loudly almost five times until a man stumbled over to answer it. Hello? He shouted slightly in his adrenaline rush.

    Hey Tony! It’s been a while, a voice said from the other side of the phone.

    David!? How’ve things been? the man known as Tony asked eagerly.

    David sounded hesitant in his next reply. They’ve been good. We were wondering, since we were in the area, if-

    If you could come over? Tony interrupted, smiling a little at the idea.

    Yeah, we should catch up, David replied, his tone a touch softer.

    Sure. It’s been a while since we’ve just sat down and talked. You know how to get here. I’ll be waiting. With that, silence awaited Tony once more.

    An hour later, the doorbell resounded throughout the house. Tony swung open the door to his expected guest, greeting him with a toothy grin.

    Long time no see! David gave Tony a hug.

    You haven’t changed, Tony said.

    I guess not. David let him go as he chuckled and walked in. Tony searched for another familiar face that should’ve accompanied the man, but only caught sight of his empty lawn.

    Where’s Ermine? He asked, puzzled.

    She and Sara went to the mini mart down the street, the visitor responded off-handedly.

    Sara? Tony tilted his head at the new name.

    Oh, right, I didn’t tell you. We had a daughter not too long after all of us went our separate ways. David blushed as a smile stretched across his face.

    How old is she? Tony questioned.

    She’s going to be five in two months. David said, holding up five fingers triumphantly.

    Heh, that’s nice. Tony replied sincerely, as he had related to his friend’s pride once upon a time.

    David’s voice suddenly dropped to a serious tone. Have you heard?

    About what? Tony asked back, all smiles forgotten. David pulled a news paper clipping out of his jacket and tossed it to Tony. The headline read: Man And Woman Save L.A.

    Seems like the two of them are still together, David stated unsurely.

    And they’re still fighting, Tony added.

    Yeah. David motioned for him to turn the page.

    His vision was met with two pictures: one of a monster which stood eight feet tall and was covered in blood, and the second being on all four, speckled with eight eyes.

    Demons… ! Why isn’t this surprising? Tony narrowed his gaze at the page, hoping to scrape some more info out of the photographs.

    It’s been five years since Dark has been kicked the crap out of. Now all of a sudden these things pop up out of nowhere! David exclaimed.

    It looks like it. Hopefully those were just random demons trying to cause a little chaos. If they have a master, then it could become five years ago all over again, Tony gritted out.

    I really doubt that. An elegant feminine voice joined the conversation. As she walked into the house, a little girl waddled closely behind.

    You’re finally here, Ermine! What do you mean, though? Tony asked.

    Dark’s gone. He couldn’t have been brought back. There is nothing on Earth that has the power to pull off a stunt like that. Not even the Emeralds of Light can do that, Ermine explained, as if daring the men to challenge her logic.

    That may be so, but how do we know that he didn’t have other followers in hiding? Tony shot back.

    If that were the case, those two would have found the perpetrator by now. David and Ermine looked at Tony.

    They’ve been investigating for nearly five years, so who’s to say that they didn’t take them out already? If such a being existed in the first place, of course.

    You have a point, but I think we should still be on guard. David included.

    What are you talking about? A tiny girl took clumsy steps towards the grown-ups.

    This little one must be Sara, Tony said.

    Yes. This is our daughter, The mother stated happily.

    I’m not little, I’m almost five. Sara thrust her hand into the air, holding all five of her pudgy fingers up.

    It’s funny, Tony said sadly.

    What is? David asked.

    Sara is a symbol of the future; a world without evil. Tony took a deep breath. Kathy was born in our past hell, he sighed.

    Who’s Kathy? Can they play with me? Sara asked innocently.

    She’s nothing but a memory. Tony slowly walked to the other room as the other three looked on silently.

    Did I say a bad thing? Sara asked, visibly upset. Ermine kneeled down next to her.

    No. Tony is just a little sensitive when it comes to talking about Kathy. She said, although her reasoning was lost on the child. David walked into the room where Tony was sitting.

    What’s up? He asked.

    I’m not sure. Sara is free from the wickedness that Kathy was caged in. I should be happy for all of you. Tony said with a long sigh.

    None of what happened all those years ago was your fault. She wanted to protect her family, and she took a lot after you in that aspect. David consoled him with a sorrowful smile.

    To protect you from myself, Tony countered, turning away from David. If Dark didn’t bring me back, Kathy would still be alive.

    If anyone is to blame for Kathy’s… passing on, it should be Dark. Things will get better for you, just watch, David said cheerfully.

    The moment he said that, everything began to shake. Lights flickered uncontrollably, shelves toppled over, glass was shattered, and an explosion could be heard within the house. A part of the house that was much too close to David’s precious family. Emitting strangled yelps and various curses, both David and Tony sprinted out of the room. A pitch-black figure stood at the door. Thankfully, Ermine had carried their daughter to the opposite side of the building the moment it began to rumble.

    Who are you?! David shouted.

    Your demise. The demon said nonchalantly, shrugging as if its appearance was typical in the lives of normal human beings.

    What do you want from us? Tony asked, fists clenched and steadily rising into a fighting stance.

    My master wants you dead. Our attack on California failed, so your deaths will make up for that failure, the intruder clarified.

    You’re the one who’s behind the attack in L.A?! Tony shouted.

    Not me, other demons. Those friends of yours killed them! The demon shouted.

    Friends? They’re not our friends! Now tell me about this master of yours. Who is he? Tony asked.

    I can’t tell you that. I was sent here to kill you, nothing more. The foe shook its head in mock sorrow before ruining the performance with a blood-thirsty grin. Tony turned his head slightly to David, glaring daggers out of the corner of his eyes.

    Things will get better, huh? he said, scowling.

    David scratched his head sheepishly, thinking he jinxed the situation. With an exasperated sigh, Tony turned his attention back to the demon.

    Things just got a hell of a lot more interesting.

    Chapter 2

    Two days earlier in Los Angles, a huge monster was terrorizing the city. It lifted a car and threw it at the people. Tanks rolled up the street as people scurried in the opposite direction. A man in a green and gray uniform jogged along with the beastly machines, shouting commands.

    Fire at will! The tanks began firing at the monster without delay.

    The tank shells struck the monster. Yet once the smoke cleared, it seemed as if the creature hadn’t budged at all.

    Retreat! There’s nothing we can do here! The man in the uniform shouted.

    The tanks tried to pull back as abruptly as they could. Seeing its prey attempting to escape, the creature let out an ear-piercing howl that was unlike that of any earthly creature. While charging at the tanks, it nabbed one off to the side and threw it at the cluster trying to roll away. The tank landed on its brethren, unleashing a massive explosion. Fire, smoke, and death filled the air.

    There has to be a way to kill this thing! the uniformed man wailed in despair. Tired of hearing the human yell, the monster slammed its foot into the ground. This sent a bolt of lightning through the ground, channeling itself up through the man. He ruptured into hundreds of pieces. His surrounding comrades could only stare in utter shock, wondering if their country’s colossal military budget could afford the technology to kill this atrocity.

    An army helicopter fired bullets at it in desperation. The creature put its hands in front of itself to deflect the bullets and promptly let out a shriek of rage. It turned to the helicopter, a red orb rapidly forming in the space between its horrific teeth. The orb shot up at the helicopter, hitting it head on and making it combust in the air. The remains slammed into one of the buildings.

    High on a building overlooking the destruction, two people in fluttering black cloaks were calmly observing the slaughter.

    Do you want to handle this, or should I? one asked.

    Go head. This demon isn’t worth my time, the other replied with a casual nod. A disgruntled growl could be heard.

    You make no sense. You complain that we never find anything interesting, and when we do, you don’t even want to deal with it. With a resigned sigh, the speaker jumped off the building and landed behind the demon. Hey ugly! The person shouted.

    The creature snapped its head towards the cloaked newcomer. It let loose a low and rumbling growl in warning as it raised an arm to strike with.

    Go back to hell. The concealed humanoid burst forward and jumped high. They seemed to prepare for a kick until the last minute where it transitioned smoothly into a devastating punch. The smaller figure landed on their feet, eyes never straying from the opponent.

    Enraged, the demon shot a beam from its mouth. Without hesitation the mysterious fighter put their hand in front of them. As the beam made contact with their hand, it was deflected at this very instant. The gargantuan beast roared loudly and slammed its foot on the ground as if it were throwing a fit. A lightning bolt coursed its way full speed through the ground towards the person.

    Gracefully jumping into the air over the bolt and above the creature, the lean figure fired a golden beam of energy. In the intense spotlight of the attack, all that could be seen of the city-destroyer was its silhouette breaking away into nothingness. The victor landed nimbly on both feet.

    A group of people that were hiding saw the creature was destroyed. They cautiously stepped out of the darkness, revealing their weary and frightened forms to the combatant cloaked in shadows.

     . . . T-thank you so much for saving us! one man cried, still trembling from the experience. Their savior removed the hood of their cloak, revealing a female face with gentle and sorrowful eyes.

    It was nothing, she said. Her companion hopped down from the top of the building to her side.

    Good job Terra. Now let’s go. The cloaked figure with the deeper voice spun around started walking away. Just then the ground began to crackle and tear apart. Whipping back around, Terra’s concealed partner watched as the earth ripped open, allowing another demon onto its surface. A giant four-legged creature with leathery, dark crimson skin had the eyes and fangs of a spider. Once its body was completely freed, it let out a gargling hiss.

    Roy! Terra shouted, I took care of the last one! It’s definitely your turn, she said with a smirk.

    I guess I can’t refuse this time, he sighed, submitting to her request.

    The hellish spider-thing spewed forth a crimson laser. Roy slowly passed his hand in front of him, forming an invisible wall of wind that dissolved the attack into mere sprinkles. With great speed Roy drew his sword, the force of which unleashed a gust from the blade that sliced through the demon in an instant. The wind pushed Roy’s hood back to unveil his face. Split into gruesome halves, blood showered out from the monster until it ran dry and the body shriveled into ashes.

    That was simple. Roy returned his sword to its sheath. Let’s go, Terra. She nodded and started walking toward Roy.

    Wait! One of the survivors yelped suddenly. Terra stopped and stared at the speaker.

    What is it? She asked.

    I’m the owner of a hotel in Little Tokyo, and it has its own hot springs… as thanks, I’d like to let you stay the night for free, the man said with utmost gratitude. Terra turned her head to Roy, her gaze questioning him.

    We haven’t slept indoors in a while, so… why not? We can stay the night, Roy said with a stern face even though his tone was light-hearted.

    Good, follow us then! By the way, I’m Paul of The Hot Springs Hotel. Sensing no malevolence in the man’s intentions, the pair followed closely behind.

    Is that all?! a voice bellowed from behind. Roy stopped sharply and revolved one hundred and eighty degrees on a heel, staring directly at the source of the voice enshrouded in shade.

    Show yourself! Roy commanded. He smiled in response and allowed a black globe of fire to consume him. When the fire fizzled away, the man was gone as well. He then reappeared a few yards from Roy.

    What are you? Roy asked as he glowered at the visitor. He was a sickly pale man with jet black hair whose eyes were the same shade as the abyss.

    You two should be proud of yourselves. Slashing through my demons like they were nothing; what a sight to behold! the man exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air theatrically.

    Those were yours! Terra spat out.

    "Why yes, princess, they were." The corners of his lips curled up wickedly.

    What. Did. You. Just. Call. Me? She snarled, ready to charge at the ringleader when Roy raised a hand.

    Calm down Terra. Roy glanced back at her before turning his attention back at the man.

    I know all about you two, the rest of your allies included. You have grown stronger in the last five years, but then again, what should I expect from one of the people with tampered blood?

    What are you talking about? Roy asked.

    Ignoring him, the man pressed forward in his inquiry.

    Tell me, Terra. Where are the last two demon items?!

    Bastard, how do you know about those?! Terra asked.

    Like I said, I know everything about you two. When I have the last two demon items, I will have enough power! he cackled sinisterly.

    Enough power for what?! Roy shouted back.

    You shouldn’t concern yourself with such insignificant details. I will tell you this, however; the Darkness will return. This time around it will grasp hold of everything in sight and crush it into oblivion. Swallowed in the black fire once more, his cryptic grin was the last part to fade away into streams of smoke.

     . . . What was all of that about? Paul asked, totally lost but not unshaken.

    I’m not sure, Roy shrugged.

    Let’s not worry about it for now. Being in a hotel sounds better than sticking around here, Terra said. Upon hearing her words, Paul headed onward with renewed vigor.

    "If you say so! You’re the one who took out

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