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Greatest Habit: 7 Battle-Tested Principles to Make the Most of the Greatest Practice for Meaning, Happiness and Power
Greatest Habit: 7 Battle-Tested Principles to Make the Most of the Greatest Practice for Meaning, Happiness and Power
Greatest Habit: 7 Battle-Tested Principles to Make the Most of the Greatest Practice for Meaning, Happiness and Power
Ebook279 pages3 hours

Greatest Habit: 7 Battle-Tested Principles to Make the Most of the Greatest Practice for Meaning, Happiness and Power

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During a Masters of Education research project that compared the findings of two of the most important research projects into the nature of personal greatness - which sought to identify the key practices in the lives of the happiest, healthiest and highest achievers in history - one habit towered above all others, prayer.
Yet according to Brandeis University, up to 90% of Americans pray and more than 50% pray daily. There's similar figures all around the world. There's actually no shortage of prayer; but there's a vast and distinct shortage of results.
What makes the difference?
This question began to intrigue. If prayer is the greatest habit for living our best life - and the research overwhelmingly pointed that it is so - why is it that most that pray, live a life far below their real potential?
True to the form of the research findings, much prayer was applied as looking over the studies, and a dangerous calling emerged:
"Go into the wilderness for 40 days. Contemplate the principles of effective prayer and they shall be revealed. "
For 40 days on the remote island of Tasmania - in total isolation, solitude and silence - nothing was done but to think about these principles.
Stepping back from the mountain of researched ideas - the question of what makes prayer effective became a positive obsession, a subject of constant contemplation. The principles were distilled and set up into a logical and learnable system.

Returning back home, one more question still remained. That's all fine and good in theory, but what about in practice? Can these principles be learned and can they affect real changes?
So with a select group of practitioners, the ideas were put into action. There results were outstanding.
Here are the 7 most important principles.
Release dateJun 21, 2012
Greatest Habit: 7 Battle-Tested Principles to Make the Most of the Greatest Practice for Meaning, Happiness and Power

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    Greatest Habit - John Cornelius

    © 2012 by John Cornelius. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 06/15/2012

    ISBN: 978-1-4772-1103-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4772-3305-4 (ebook)

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    In Loving Dedication To

    My Wonderful Parents,

    Maria And Ion,

    Whose Praying Hands

    Made This Project Possible



    How to Use This Book


    The Question of Desire
















    Cultivating Your Total Good:

    Prayer is a force as real as terrestrial gravity.

    It is the most powerful form of energy that one can generate.

    Dr Alexis Carrel

    (Nobel Prize Winner in Medicine)



    How to Use This Book

    Dear Friend,

    This invitation here isn’t for cynics, for those that think they ‘know-it all’ or for those that do not believe in life-long learning and becoming all they can be . . .

    It’s for the rest of us.

    It’s for those beautiful souls who yearn to express their full potential. It’s for those who want to make the world a better place. For those who understand that in order to create positive changes in the world, we must become the change we want to see.

    It’s for those men and women who love lifewho see it as a miracle, a marvel, a mystery . . . It’s for those great souls who understand that ‘the spiritual is stronger than any material force and that thoughts rule the world’, as Emerson put it.

    Welcome! I feel privileged to be talking with you here. I believe that literally, ‘heaven on earth’ is created by self-aware and spiritual people like you, and I want to thank you for reading this book right now. It is my hope that I can offer you practical, intelligent and trustworthy insights to breakthrough any limitations and reach real answers, real solutions to your prayers.

    So thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve you. I’m grateful that you have chosen to take up the challenge of this book, and that we will spend some time together. You are actively seeking wisdom and knowledge about the most important habit in our lives—and that is truly a noble and beautiful cause.

    So here is what you need to know about this book in brief, and how to make the most of it:


    In a sense, Greatest Habit is more than just a book, but a project has been in development for over five years. It first emerged out of a Masters of Education research project that compared the findings of two of the most important researchers into the science of self-actualization and high achievement.

    My project re-investigated and compared the findings/ observations made from the lives of some of the happiest, healthiest and highest achievers of the twentieth century—i.e. what common practices and principles they shared, and how it affected the total good.

    Although we will go more in depth into the roots of this project and what brought me to write this book in the upcoming preface, I would like to clearly state here at the outset—what is the purpose of this book, what you’ll discover, what are its strengths and what are its limits.

    The purpose of this book is to support you as a reader with the application of a number of important principles that were measured and rationalized based upon the assessment of history’s greats, as involved in the practice of prayer. It is a practical book, which you may use directly in your own spiritual and mental development program.

    You may therefore like to know that the Great Habit book emerged as looking at the effects (the lives of the great men and women), and then rationalizing backwards into their causes (their life principles and practices). Unlike most books on the subject, it did not emerge just from personal interpretations of sacred texts, or just from anecdotal stories, or just my personal experiences.

    This knowledge has emerged from an extensive research into the natural world and its chief protagonist—i.e. the human being as the observable architect who designs for himself or herself, the life of joy or sorrow. (there’s more on this in the preface)

    As such, this by definition this is essentially a work of practical philosophy or wisdom—derived from within the natural powers of reason—as examining with detachment, the self-evident facts of what leads to the ‘good life’.

    These 7 principles here were inferred from the effects that God seems to produce in the lives of the greats. Authentic with its creative origin and limits of its authorship, this book simply seeks to share with you these self-evident findings—or what we can call 7 naturally derived truths to principled prayer.

    The Greatest Habit does not therefore delve into areas that are beyond the scope or capability of this project—like considerations of ‘supernatural knowledge’ or ‘mysteries of faith’. For this kind of revelation in relation to the subject of prayer, it is best to consult and contemplate on the sacred texts directly, or those who have been best endowed with the capability to interpret their meaning.

    Although this book does mention scriptures throughout, it is only used to illustrate the alignment between the natural and the supernatural knowledge. As such, this book positive complements the appreciation of the mysteries and it is recommended that you read them in conjunction. Reason and faith are powerful allies and there is no genuine conflict between the two, as all truth is one.

    This book therefore does not delve into doctrinal differences and dogmas that emerge as interpreting the mysteries of faith, but simply asserts certain self-evident principles, as observed in the lives of the greats, across denominations, and even across faiths.

    Greatest Habit is a unique book. It showcases the common high grounds—the mutually agreeable and rational positions—in the application of effective prayer.

    It is my hope then, that just like when rational observations placed the sun at the center of the solar system, instead of the earth—faith got more fully integrated in light of reason—these rational prayer principles too can support in seeing the ‘more mysterious’, more clearly.


    In light of this ‘preamble’ regarding the contents of this book, I’ve also sought to stay true to its function, in form. This book is consequently structured in a practical manner—to best support you to apply and integrate these principles into your prayer life, as you read, chapter by chapter.

    The goal here is not to give you just an abstract theory about the Greatest Habit, but for us to work together to practically implement these principles into our daily rituals. For as Jesus explained, the one who puts principles into practice, is like a man who builds a house, and digs down deep and lays the foundation on solid rock. By putting principles into direct practice, our house can stand the test of time.

    This book looks at the house of prayer as it relates to us personally and in actuality—in what we desire, in what our prayer is like, and how it is affecting the results we seek.

    For this purpose, these principles are structured as a series of ‘coaching experiences’ or lessons that are to be integrated into your daily habits, one day at a time. It my recommendation therefore that you read and apply this book according to the schedule below:


    Furthermore, to make the most of your learning experience, I highly suggest that you also sign up to this course online. This book extends beyond its written form here, and online you’ll find additional free videos, resources and the ability to interact with me and other practitioners. Just register at

    For the purchase of this book entitles you to the eBook version and all its multi-media resources. After you register, we will forward you these chapters, one day at a time, as the schedule above illustrates. You can also get there a printable edition of this schedule, which you can print and tick off, as completing the lessons set.

    From trial and experience, having this eBook delivered to you one day at a time into your email inbox, is 3-4 times more effective in ensuring that you apply these principles than just having the whole book to read at once. This guided experience will keep you focused, on-track and continually practicing what you learn.

    So set aside a particular time in your day to access your inbox and this book, like with a short course. Keep up this daily progression as set up here. The automated email system will send you the links to the lessons, at around the same time, along with your bonus resources.

    It is important to understand that to merely read about these principles, will make little difference to your prayer life. What will matter most is their direct application on a day to day basis. That’s the rock foundation.

    So go to and register there. It will take just one minute.

    In addition, please note that skipping through the lessons is not recommended. It will be like watching a movie where you jump from scene to scene arbitrarily. Just read and practice this book in order. There’s a logical sequence to the lessons and the principles presented. They build on one another. If you skip ahead or pick and choose your own reading, you’ll probably misunderstand the principles as set out in the context here.

    There’s always a danger—especially when reading spiritual material—to misplace the meaning, without the proper context. When someone is pointing at the moon, as the proverb goes, we have the foolish tendency to just see the finger. With this book, I’ve made a conscious attempt to counter this effect.

    So start with principle 1 and move forwards, in the sequence intended. It will be worth it. :-)

    Remember, that like with all ‘principles’, they cannot be ‘crammed’ or quickly assimilated into our understanding. Authentic growth takes time and diligent cultivation.

    Just like we cannot go to the gym and develop strength by packing all the exercises in just one session—we cannot grow mentally and spiritually, just by reading about all these ideas, all at once. These lessons have been specifically organized so you take one idea and apply it one day at a time—so that each principle becomes a part of your prayer habit.

    During these two weeks we will therefore balance theory with practice—i.e. integrating faith with action.

    But regardless of whether you choose to register at or not—before we startplease complete the following three tasks, in order to make the most of your learning experience:


    If you don’t have a prayer journal, here is your first prerequisite homework task for today: get yourself one. As each lesson will have a set of exercises and a prayer for you to compose in relation to a principle covered for the day—go out and purchase (if you haven’t got one already), a hard-bound exercise book. You can find these at most stationary shops and even in most supermarkets.

    In this journal is where you’ll write out your personal notes on any insights gained, complete the daily exercises, and write out your personal prayers.

    As such, I do recommend investing in a beautiful, well-made journal. There are many quality designs to choose from today and it is worthwhile spending a bit extra on something that you can reference years or decades from now.

    Journals can be one of the most valuable things that you can pass down to your children or grandchildren in years to come too. When filled out with your highest thoughts—i.e. when journaling your growing relationship with God, your personal insights and your poetic prayerful expression—this will be worth so much more than its material cost.

    It will also serve you well beyond the completion of this coaching program, as I hope this is a habit you’ll want to continue for life.


    When you get your journal, open it up and write on the front page—like Benjamin Franklin used to do in his own personal journals—one of your favorite prayers or quotes that fills you with faith, courage and hope.

    You can choose your own quotes or prayers, or to get you started, have a read through the following quotes below and select 3 that you find most inspiring, most hopeful, and most relevant to your present prayer requests:

    • ‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’ Jeremiah 29:11

    • ‘If you can?’ said Jesus. ‘Everything is possible for one who believes.’ Mark 9:23

    • I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.

    Matthew 17:20

    •   The Lord will guide you always, he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land. You will be like a spring whose waters never fail.

    Isaiah 58:11

    •   But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today.

       Deuteronomy 8:18

    •   Thou shall decree a thing and it shall be established unto thee and a light shall shine upon thy ways.

       Job 22:28

    •   Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and don’t lean on your own understanding. In all things acknowledge him, and he shall direct your way.

       Proverbs 3:5, 6

    •   For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.

       1 John 5:4

    •   Ask, and it shall be given you; seek; and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

       Matthew 7:7-8

    •   Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. Proverbs 16:3

    •   Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord and has made the Lord his hope and confidence.

       Jeremiah 17:7

    •   I delight to do thy will, O Lord, for I know Thy will for me is supreme good in my present and in my future.

       Psalms 40:8

    •   Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.

       III John 2

    •   I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.

       Philippians 4:13


    On the next page, please write out your purpose in your learningwhy you are reading this book. This may seem like a simple question to ask yourself, but please reconsider and answer this question along the lines suggested here.

    A friend of mine once told me to listen to a comedian named Bill Hicks because he was an intellectual and he thought I might like him. Bill opened his comedic act, with an observation that apparently there is a lot of anti-intellectualism in Texas/ in America. And to prove his point, he described a scenario, where he was sitting alone at a table in a cafe, when a waitress asked him, "What are you reading for"?

    Bill began to mock this line of questioning. Apparently for him, a question like, What are you reading? is a logical one, but to ask, What are you reading for? is a sign of deep anti-intellectualism. So he replied that he was reading, so he didn’t have to work as a cocktail waitress.

    Beyond the arrogance of his attitude, had Bill actually stuck with the question that this waitress presented him with, he might have found something truly profound. For the question, what are you reading for? is one of the most important questions we can ever ask.

    This exact same question framed the wisdom of both Saint Augustine and Leo Tolstoy for example. When they asked themselves this question, it literally turned their lives around! According to both their autobiographical confessionals they written, it was this line of questioning that began their enlightenment.

    Both authors in fact wrote two profound transformational books based on the considerations that emerged from this question. As a result, Augustine’s confessional book arguably made a bigger difference in the philosophy of Christian thought than any other, while Tolstoy’s confessional was the direct inspiration to Mahatma Gandhi’s choice of leadership and that of Rev. Martin Luther King.

    So as we begin, let’s seriously consider this preliminary question in your journal:

    What is the point of your knowledge pursuit?

    Why invest your time in reading a book like this? Why listen to any other lecture for that matter? Why attend a course?

    Why seek knowledge in the first place?

    These questions may seem simple or self-evident, but they’re really not. For all of our learning experiences, actually aim towards something. Ordinarily, this aim is implicit and hidden. The scope for today is to make this pursuit explicit and clearly visible.

    In having this knowledge pursuit clearly defined in front of you, you will now know what it is that you are looking for, how to make sure you recognize it, and in turn, how to make the most of it.

    For there are millions of books to choose from, and unless we understand why it is that we are pursuing knowledge, we will most likely be reading, listening, and attending to the wrong things. Furthermore, even if we read the right things, even if it is right in front of us—the right way of processing may still not be quite there—because our attention, our focus, our internal line of questioning may be misdirected.

    So in your journal, write out your immediate answer to this question, Why are you reading this book?. But don’t just stop with the first thought that pops into your mind like Bill did. Continue to ask, why?. Take whatever is your first answer, and probe deeper, why do I want to learn about that? And continue with this line of questioning, considering the whole range of thoughts that emerge, and what is at the core of your learning motivation.

    Once you have written several answers that probe deep and wide into your knowledge pursuit, reflect back on these ideas. Make the connection on what it is that you’re truly wanting and how you are approaching this pursuit.

    Answer in your journal: What do these ideas reveal? What kind of knowledge should you be pursuing based on these considerations? What is really important that I ought to pay attention to?

    That is all that I will say on the matter for now. While we could get into the revelations that Augustine or Tolstoy derived from answering these questions, I believe it’s something that we all can work out. If you complete this exercise as stated here, you will have your own light bulb moment on your own—and you will value this insight that

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