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The Power of I Believe: A Book of Motivation, Encouragement, and Inspirational Throughts After a Stroke
The Power of I Believe: A Book of Motivation, Encouragement, and Inspirational Throughts After a Stroke
The Power of I Believe: A Book of Motivation, Encouragement, and Inspirational Throughts After a Stroke
Ebook117 pages1 hour

The Power of I Believe: A Book of Motivation, Encouragement, and Inspirational Throughts After a Stroke

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About this ebook

This book is based on my writings in the journals I kept over six years. I have always had a strong belief in God. These writings reflect my spiritual nature.

I wrote this book because many people who have had a stroke do not find the motivation they need during recovery. Family members do not know what to do for them. I thought about my own self and how I was motivated during my recovery. These writings are from my journals that have helped me with my recovery.

I am Author & Motivational Speaker for post-stroke recovery to help and inspire
others and a Small Business Enterprise:

The Power of I Believe, A book of motivation, encouragement and
inspirational thoughts after a stroke, a Christian-themed book
written to help stroke survivors and others touched by a disability regain
their faith and strength as they recover and move forward with their lives. Though
I wrote this book with stroke survivors in mind, the feedback I have received
through my blog and Facebook page has shown me that The Power of I Believe
is a source of inspiration for anyone who needs it.

Everyone experiences doubt at some pointwhether in themselves or
in Godand this is especially true after a sudden and traumatic event. I
know from experience. In December 2006 I experienced a sudden stroke, which
left me battling aphasia. As part of my recovery, I returned to the journals I
had kept for many years to find the same inspiration that had motivated me
throughout my life. Through these meditations, I came to understand The
Power of I Believe.

Many people who have a stroke simply do not find the motivation
they need during recovery. And this is not an experience unique to stroke
survivors; anyone struggling with a disability, or even a difficult time in
their life, can find it hard to muster the strength they need. The
Power of I Believe is written for these people.

The Power of I Believe means making the choice to accomplish your goalsit means having
the determination to keep striving and the faith to know that you will succeed.
In this book, I share the thoughts and the inspirations that gave me the
determination and faith to keep working to overcome my aphasia and recover from
my stroke. My reflections focus on the power of God, the power of faith, and
the power of the mind. Through these inspirational words and thoughts and
through my faith, I found the personal strength preserve. I am now back riding
my bike, playing golf, swimming, and going to the fitness center.

While most books for stroke survivors focus on specific exercises and
tasks that will help a survivor to recover and regain functioning, The Power of
I Believe is focused on instilling the strength and faith necessary during the
recovery process.
Release dateApr 13, 2011
The Power of I Believe: A Book of Motivation, Encouragement, and Inspirational Throughts After a Stroke

Robert Lee Fields

I was the President of Robco Industrial Waste Management, Inc for 20 years. I have 30 years of environmental services professional with experience and have successfully completed over 50 environmental courses and workshops. I am an internationally published author and have written several articles. I have investigated urban sites in 22 states that have been contaminated with substances ranging from oils and PCBs to chromium and other metals. I was doing fine and all of a sudden, December 13, 2006.. ."I had a stroke" due to high blood pressure on. I am working on my recovery. I am walking and thinking just fine. I have trouble talking and using my right hand. I have what's called "aphasia." It is a communications impairment that makes talking difficult. I go to the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, Northwestern University, University of Chicago and Rush U. Medical in Chicago to assist in my recovery. I have a new mission statement which helps me live with aphasia: To walk on the water, you've got to get out of boat! Many people who have a stroke don't find the motivation they need during recovery. Family members don't know what to do for them. So I was thinking about my own self and how I was motivated during my recovery. I have kept a journal for many years that has helped me with my recovery. I hope my journal will help others with their recovery from a stroke. I re-read my journal and I'm sharing with you some parts of it and some biblical passage that helped me. I was thinking about my own experience and the source(s) of my motivation during my recovery.

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    The Power of I Believe - Robert Lee Fields

    © 2011 Robert Lee Fields. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    First published by AuthorHouse 04/05/2011

    ISBN: 978-1-4567-3651-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4567-3652-1 (e-b)

    Printed in the United States of America

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    I would like to acknowledge Doreen Kelly Izaguirre, Leora R. Cherney, PhD., and Robert BT Trierweiler for all of the thoughtful guidance and assistance that has been given me over the course of my recovery and writing this book.


    When Bob first asked me to prepare a few words on his behalf to be included in his book, I was overjoyed. It allowed me to reflect on our first encounter and stand in awe of the man I know today. I had the pleasure of first meeting Bob in early 2007 while I was doing some work at Schwab Rehabilitation Hospital in the outpatient department. He was assigned to my speech therapy caseload, as a part of his ongoing rehabilitation following his stroke. Even though Bob’s aphasia was quite significant with very few words available, it was amazing just how much he communicated. From the minute he walked into the office, his determination was evident and I knew immediately that I had my work cut out for me!

    With long term goals ranging from being able to order independently at McDonald’s to being able to live on his own, Bob worked tirelessly at his speech therapy program to achieve these goals. When Bob’s therapy coverage was coming to an end, I provided him with information regarding aphasia support groups, as well as the possibility of participating in research opportunities. He took the list home that day and the next day he came to my office very excited with even more information. He went directly to the Center for Aphasia Research and Treatment at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago and met Dr. Cherney.

    I still see Bob periodically and I continue to see his determination in all that he does. His communication is rich and his language is clear. His collection of inspirational thoughts over the years will now come to help others. I am thankful for being asked to be a part of this book and I am proud of everything Bob has accomplished. I anxiously await his next adventure!

    Doreen Kelly Izaguirre, MA, CCC-SLP

    Speech-Language Pathologist

    Manager, Internal Staff Development

    Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago

    January 3, 2011

    It is with great pleasure that I write a few words of introduction to a man who has shown great strength of character and resilience in the face of personal adversity. I first met Robert Lee Fields in 2007, approximately nine months after he had a stroke that resulted in aphasia. At that time, Mr. Fields spoke slowly and haltingly. Although he always knew exactly what he wanted to say, he had difficulty finding the exact words and putting them together to formulate complete sentences. And his writing was even more impaired consisting of occasional words with many spelling errors. Imagine the frustrations that this well-educated professional gentleman must have felt! Nevertheless, he always had a smile on his face and a positive outlook on life.

    Over the past years, Mr. Fields has taken part in many of the opportunities offered in the Center for Aphasia Research and Treatment at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago. This has included participation in several treatment research studies for aphasia as well as several aphasia community classes. One of these classes was a biographical writing class, and I would like to think that this was the impetus for, at the least, the motivation to share his life story and the spirituality that has helped him through his own rehabilitation and recovery.

    Today, Mr. Fields speaks with confidence! His message is clear. Improvement comes from hard work, persistence and perseverance. A strong belief in oneself and in a higher being also helps. And life can be good, even with aphasia.

    I extend my congratulations to Mr. Fields on his accomplishments. He has painstakingly typed out many parts of the journal passages that he wrote and the biblical quotations that he enjoyed reading in the years before his stroke. These have kept him motivated in the years since his stroke. This is certainly a book of motivation, encouragement, and inspirational thoughts and we are grateful to Mr. Fields for sharing his reflections.

    Leora R. Cherney, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, Board Certified-ANCDS

    Director, Center for Aphasia Research and Treatment,

    Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL

    Professor, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,

    Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago IL

    January 11, 2011

    The creation of this book is an outstanding illustration of self determination after having acquired a disability. To be self-determined is to be motivated to accomplish a goal by making independent choices, having opportunities to display competence, and being able to form connections with others. In writing this book, Bob Fields displays all of these principles to the highest degree. On his own, Bob chose to record his thoughts and excerpts from his journals to share with others so they may relate to the power of what one person can accomplish.

    Writing this book is an ultimate act of becoming connected with others. Bob made the decision to share his feelings so other individuals could find encouragement and support. By sharing his life story and reflections with his readers, Bob is helping each individual who reads this book make connections with their inner resources. It is through the power of connecting with inner resources of that individuals can set their own course in life to achieve their goals. This book can also serve as a forum for any individual whose life has been touched by a disability to make personal connections with others.

    Over the years as a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, I have been connected with many individuals who have acquired a disability and the significant other individuals in their lives. As Bob has demonstrated with this book, everyone has a light to share with the world. By writing this book, Bob has lit a light that others can study and use a guide for creating their own radiance.

    Robert Trierweiler, MS, CRC, LCPC

    Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor

    Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago

    In The Darkness Of Human Ignorance It Seems Hopeless To My Untutored Brother…

    But, In The Reality Of The Father-God…He Is A Prince Of the Kingdom…

    And, I Believe…Is the Power Of Has Birth-Right….

    -Author Unknown

    And he spake this parable unto them, saying:

    What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he

    Loss one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine

    In the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until

    he find it?

    -Luke 15:4


    Who is Robert Lee Fields?

    I was born in Inverness, Mississippi, the Delta land , in 1951. When I was five years old, I moved to Chicago. This was my first Christmas in Chicago.

    missing image file

    Richard, Jr., Geraldine, and me

    I grew up on Chicago’s West Side on Gladys Street at 4049. Good times were spent there around the kitchen table. Here is a picture of my grandfather, my father, my uncle and my oldest sister talking in the kitchen on Gladys St. The picture was taken in 1967; I was 16. Growing up on the West Side, I was a sheep in wolves clothing. I was in a gang called the Pee Wee Warlords and fighting was the way of life. However, I found God at an early age in life.

    missing image file

    My church life began at the age of 16, when I gave my life to God. I was a bad boy turned good. I began to follow the law of the

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