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My Wonderful Life
My Wonderful Life
My Wonderful Life
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My Wonderful Life

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About this ebook

Kevin Mitchell thinks he's got the worst lifestyle. He has to catch a kindergarten bus to his high school everyday, his father looks down on him, his siblings take advantage of him and his godmother and uncle drive everyone crazy with their antics. To top it all off the family is always moving from place to place. These things make Kevin want to rip his hair out. However when he meets some other people, he begins to see things in a different view.

Release dateNov 17, 2010
My Wonderful Life

Tyler Harris

Tyler Sinclair Harris was born September 4th 1987 in Dover, New Jersey. He lived in North Jersey for most of his life, but has lived in Central and South Jersey. He currently resides in Dover. Tyler initially wanted to be an engineer but developed a passion for writing. After graduating from Morris Knolls High School, Tyler went to Mercer County College for one year and studied Liberal Arts. Instead of continuing college he decided to pursue a career as an author. He has written a number of books and aims to get them published.

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    My Wonderful Life - Tyler Harris

    © 2010 Tyler Harris. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    First published by AuthorHouse 12/17/2010

    ISBN: 978-1-4520-2721-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4520-2722-7 (e)

    Printed in the United States of America

    This book is printed on acid-free paper.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any Web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    This book is dedicated to all those

    dealing with rough situations.


    Another Fresh Start

    The First Day




    The Basketball Story

    Sneaky Feet

    A Happy Week Away

    My Night at the Roller Rink

    In Somebody’s Shoes

    The Father Figure

    Running Away

    Helping Someone Else

     Chapter 1

    Another Fresh Start

    We were in the car heading toward our new home. My mom was driving, my brother was in the front seat, and my sister and I were in the back seat. I sighed as I looked out the window.

    Don’t worry, Mom said to me. We’ll soon be at our new hometown.

    Whoopee, I said sarcastically.

    We start school tomorrow, right? asked my brother.

    Yes, replied Mom. I’ve got everything set up so you guys should be straight.

    Great, I said, still in a sarcastic tone. Moving to another new town and starting another new school in the middle of the semester is a good way to make a fresh start.

    Don’t start, Kevin, Mom said, glaring at me. I already told you why we couldn’t stay in Linvas.

    Why was that again? I asked.

    My mom sighed, and I could tell that she was getting annoyed.

    Ashton, Brenda, she said to my brother and sister, tell Kevin why we’re moving.

    Linvas is near Vinton, which has a high rates of crime, explained Ashton. Some of the crimes have even come to Linvas.

    Besides, added Brenda, there are gangs in Linvas that Mom doesn’t want us getting involved with. We also can’t afford to live in the nicer parts of Linvas.

    However, even as Ashton and Brenda said these things, I could tell that they were covering up their real feelings. They had wanted to stay in Linvas as badly as I did.

    The thing is that they hid their emotions while I said what’s on my mind (which has gotten me into trouble most of the time). I understand what you guys are saying, I said. But I wish we didn’t always have to hop around from place to place.

    Sometimes life is like that, said Mom.

    And we have indeed been moving around from place to place, just like I said. It all started up in northern Pennsylvania, where Ashton, Brenda, and I were all born. When it was just Ashton and me, Mom had a small place to herself. When she had Brenda, she moved into our godmother’s house in Gelin. Later we moved to Hollistown, where we remained for eight years. Brenda, Ashton, and I thought we were going to be here forever.

    However, there was crime in Hollistown, and when it got worse, we moved again. We moved back to Gelin and stayed with our godmother for two years while attending Gelin Township School. Afterward, we settled down in Linvas, where we stayed for three years. While Ashton, Brenda, and I liked the area, Mom wasn’t too thrilled about it due to the gangs and its closeness to Vinton. She wanted to move away from the area as quickly as possible.

    So during the time we started school again, she found another place up north. Hence, our current move. At this time, Ashton and I were attending Linvas High School, and Brenda was attending Cherokee Middle School. So with all these incidents, you can see why I’m sick of moving.

    However, being sixteen years old, there was nothing much I could really do about it—except to be respectful toward Mom.

    I’m sorry, Mom, I said to her. So what can we expect from this new place?

    Wait and see, she said.

    * * *

    Soon we turned off the highway, went underneath the turnpike, passed a traffic light, and made a right turn. We passed a supermarket and a car wash, and then we passed a sign saying WELCOME TO WONTAR.

    How far are we from the house? asked Brenda.

    Why, do you have to pee? teased Ashton.

    Shut up, said Brenda.

    Enough, said Mom. We’re very close, actually. Not even a minute away.

    We soon pulled into a dead-end road, turned around, and stopped in front of a two-family house. Afterward, we all got out of the car.

    Which one is ours? I asked.

    The one on the right, said Mom.

    Are we going to have separate bedrooms? asked Brenda.

    No, said Ashton, we’re going to build you a doghouse.

    Shut up, said Brenda.

    Knock it off, Ashton, said Mom.

    Listen, the truck will be here soon, but I have to go to the store. Here are the keys; I’ll be right back.

    She handed me the keys and drove off.

    Come on, I said to Ashton and Brenda, let’s see what’s inside.

    But what if the truck comes while we’re inside? protested Brenda.

    We’ll just listen for it, I replied.

    I unlocked the door, and we wound up next to some stairs while standing in the living room. So far so good, I said as we looked around. We then went straight ahead and ended up in

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