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Ebook151 pages2 hours


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About this ebook

Meet Emmie- a charming little girl from the humbling mountains of West Virginia. Share in her experiences as you learn what is was like for a young girl to become a young lady in the 1940s. Follow Emmie as her growth ensues, with focuses on the relationships with her family- especially a model (if unconventional) grandmother.
Release dateMar 10, 2011

Rosemary Heidecker

Rosemary Heidecker, at 71 years young, speaks from her experiences. A tale such as "Emmie" could not be told without the worldy insight that Heidecker gained as that young girl in those mountains of West Virginia.

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    Book preview

    Emmie - Rosemary Heidecker


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 1

    Emmy was deep in thought, as she sat there on a log making little circles in the dirt with her bare toes. She always went barefooted, all summer long, she saw the chickens pecking in the yard, and wondered if the old hen’s chicks had hatched yet! She decided she would go look; she peeked into the little coop, and was surprised to see 3 little balls of fluff nestled around the old hen, there were little peeps coming from under the old mother and she could see that some of the other eggs were hatching. She watched as one broke free of the egg shell, Ma would be happy to know that all 12 eggs were going to hatch.

    Emmie was very happy; she skipped off into the edge of the woods to see what she could see. There was her favorite place, a huge rock in the middle of a clearing, it was covered with moss, with little tiny flowers growing out of it, and the light shining through the trees gave almost a misty light that made the whole clearing seem magical. The birds fluttered in the trees overhead, she knew they were busy with their own young in their nest. As she looked further there were 2 squirrels chasing each other here and there, she loved to watch them, they were so busy. They were so used to her being there that sometimes they would run right up to her. Emmie loved the woods, and the quite peace she found there. The trees, the animals all seemed to talk to her, and some times she would talk to them. She was really deep in thought as she went deeper into the woods exploring. She found a rabbit’s nest, and thought, my cute little family, she found where a deer had laid recently, and wished she could see it! She heard little quite rustling in the brush and knew that there were little tiny quail hiding there. She was so deep in her exploring that she almost forgot that, Ma would be mad if she wasn’t there on time to help fix supper, so she hurried back toward the cabin.

    She could hear Ma calling as she got closer to the cabin, she knew that Pa would be home soon and she wanted to hurry, she quickened her step. She liked to help Ma and Grannie fix supper, she merrily husked corn and cleaned off the silk ready for the cook pot, she left them there to be fed to the pigs later and hurried on into the house. Grannie was peeling potatoes in the old rocker, and Ma was mixing up biscuits, at the old beat up table. They had to get things going, Pa would be coming up the holler any time now.

    Emmie peered into the misty shadows, the trees made as she kept looking down the lane, as she looked there came Pa, a long way off, and she ran to meet him. He was covered in coal dust, but she didn’t care as he swung her up, in his arms and hugged her. She didn’t mind that he got coal dust on her feed sack dress, this was Pa, and he was home. She skipped along beside him swinging his miners pail all the way to the cabin.

    This cabin had been built by Pappy, for Grannie when they were first married many years ago. It is built solid, and has stood a long time, here on this side of the mountain. It has seen a lot of family come and go. It is so proud the way it stands in the big stand of trees, with its rock chimney, and big wide porch.

    The rays of the sun, played lazily across the wide porch of the cabin, old Clem lay there just basking in the midmorning warmth, Clem was a blue tick hound dog, and had seen many hunting days with Pa, over a ways from him were Russell. He was a little beagle; he had followed Clem home from the woods, one day. He was all bloody and tore up. Pa said some animal had really laid into him. Pa patched him up and nursed him back to health, since then he has been Ellie’s closest friend. She decided to lie down beside him on the porch; she rolled over on her back and looked up into the tops of the tall trees overhead. The leaves danced a slow dance in the warm gentle mountain breeze.

    Ma, and Grannie were very busy inside the snug little cabin, they were busy cleaning and washing quilts and bedding, they were going to have company. There was going to be a gathering, all the kin from all over the mountain and beyond would be there, It was going to be Grannie’s 80th birthday and nobody wanted to miss it! She was the head of the family now, and loved by all.

    Ma, really loved Grannie, she had been her mother-in-law for a long time now, her and Pa had moved here a long time ago, right after Pappy had been killed, when the tree he was cutting down fell the wrong way. It was a long time ago, even before Emmie was born, why Buddy was still really young yet! She had better get busy, she was making new dresses for Grannie, and Emmie, it was a grand occasion and she wanted them to look nice. She had taken the time to sort through all of her precious supply of feed sacks looking for the best for her two girls! It was so much fun doing things for your loved ones. She really enjoyed it.

    Emmie, woke up suddenly, she went to check on all the hassle and bustle, going on inside of the cabin. She went into the cabin, Grannie, was sitting in her rocker. She had fallen asleep, with her knitting in her lap again. The old cat Twinkle, was batting her yarn that was hanging down with one paw. Ma, was at the old sewing machine over by the window, she was very busy.

    Emmie, dropped down in the old rocker on the porch, she was looking forward to the gathering, and she could play with all her cousins she hadn’t seen in so long.

    Emmie got up from the rocking chair, she didn’t have anything to do, she wandered down the path toward the creek. It was such a nice day, see didn’t notice that Russell had gotten up and followed her, he stayed back a ways just keeping an eye on her. She continued down the old worn rocky pathway. Way ahead as she moved slowly she caught sight of the mother deer she knew lived in this section of the woods. She stopped and watched quietly for awhile. The deer nibbled on the foliage near by, then very slowly Emmie saw peeking out behind her, a fawn! She was so surprised, she knew that there was one because she had seen where it had lain several times, but could never catch a look at it before. It came up to it’s mother’s hind quarters, so it wasn’t to young. All of a sudden she heard Russell, he was baying at something, as only a beagle can do. Both of the deer bounded off into the brush and disappeared. Emmie ran back to see what Russell was making so much fuss about. He had himself a raccoon up a tree, he was jumping and barking and having a fit trying to get at that coon in that tree. She went to him and got hold of his collar and pulled him to her, No, Russell, not today. Only when you come with Pa, or Buddy, She pulled him away. He followed her obediently. She continued on her way down the path toward the creek with Russell by her side.

    They came to the creek with it’s big rocks and tumbling waters. Emmie, sat on a big rock, and put her dusty feet into the warm tumbling water, it felt good on the bottoms of her tired feet. She sat there a long time, like that, with Russell lying there beside her, looking up at her lovingly. She let herself just drift in thought for awhile. Her thoughts were far away, thinking about Buddy, when would she see him again? Buddy, was her brother, just a little older than her, but they were so close even though he was a little older then her. Buddy was away working for the lumber company, and she hadn’t seen him in ever so long, but she was hoping that maybe, just maybe that he was coming for the gathering. She lay back on the rock, and looked way up into the sky just marveling at the soft swirling soft clouds that just drifted and swirled there, as her mind just stayed on the thoughts of Buddy, oh the marvel of it, Buddy coming home!

    Emmie, was startled back to earth! Russell, was chasing after a rabbit in the brush, he was making an awful racket again. She stood up and brushed herself off, and called to Russell, here boy, here boy, let’s go home now. She slowly climbed the rocky narrow path, and headed home with Russell bounding along behind her. As she came into the clearing, she noticed a horse and wagon she didn’t recognize sitting by the cabin. She rushed on wondering who this could be!

    Emmie, slipped quietly into the cabin, as she heard the man saying to Grannie, your brother wanted you to be taken care of, he has left everything he had to you. He had no children and his wife died many years ago. You will receive his property and all of his holdings. Even though he died some time ago, his will didn’t come to light until just a few months ago. Grannie, wiped at her tears with the edge of her long apron, and replied with a little feeble voice, Levi, had always worried about her so, even when they were young. The man went on to say she would have to go to Chareslston to come to the office and take possession of her holdings. Grannie, was speechless as the man read off all of the items on his paper in his hand.

    The lawyer turned to leave, and Grannie told him, she would be in touch with him by and by. He tipped his hat and slowly went out the door, to his horse and wagon, as he slowly went down the road; they were all inside the cabin speechless.

    Grannie, said, I don’t know what Levi was thinking! What will I do with that big house and all! I don’t want to leave this cabin, ever, not until I go down yonder in the family plot with Pappy!

    Emmie, was looking around the cabin, the only home she had ever known. It was like every little space was cemented into her memory. The snug solid log walls and ceilings, the large main room that served as living room, dining room, and kitchen. The big black iron, cook stove, the sink with its indoor pump, the table where Ma, always made bread and pies. Grannie’s big rocking chair, over by t he big window. She had so many sweet memories in these rooms. There were 2 big bedrooms, one for Grannie, and one for Ma and Pa, her room was in the loft, and When Buddy was home, he had his room in the other end of the loft. This was her home, her little bit of heaven on this mountain side. She went to the doorway and looked out, the big log barn stood majestically in the trees, the pigpen, and chicken coop too! The little pasture with Bessie, the milk cow, and 4 goats slowly grazing hereby. The smoke house down a ways, stood solid in the shadows of the day. It was like Emmie was trying to seal everything about her home into her mind for safe keeping.

    Emmie, shook her head as though to clear her thoughts, she hurried on down the slope to join Ma, and Grannie, that had gone to pick berries, she felt right now like she wanted to stay close to them, and feel them near her. She found them easily, and they spent the rest of the morning picking, wild berries then hurried on home to bake a pie.

    The kitchen was warm and cozy, Emmie sat on the floor, with Twinkle in her lap, the big yellow cat purred, as she kept petting her soft fur. Grannie, was starting to doze off again in her old rocking chair, as Emmie gazed at her lovingly.

    It was Sunday; Emmie was exited as she dressed in her best dress for church. It was a blue dress her favorite color, with little pink flowers, she put on her shoes, she only wore on Sunday, she got out her little straw hat with the pink flowers, and she went on the porch to wait, she was ready to go. Pa, pulled up to the porch with the horses and wagon, and Ma, and Grannie, came bustling out all ready to go. Pa, helped them up into the wagon seat, and Emmie jumped on the back and they were off for church. She loved this bumpy ride to church, over the big rocks and bumps in the little mountain road. She enjoyed the morning sun on her face and listening to the birds sing, as they

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