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Can I Trust You?
Can I Trust You?
Can I Trust You?
Ebook31 pages29 minutes

Can I Trust You?

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It has been said that the richest place on earth is the cemetery. This statement is true because most of us that God has blessed with the gift of life never really reach our true potential in this journey we call life. This book "Can I trust You? Speaks very clearly about how you ought to make the time to study and developed your God-given gifts and talents. Most of our time we spend wondering if we can trust God, but here the author has received a divine mandate from God to ask you "Can I trust YOU?. Yes what really matters is whether or not we can be trusted to complete the work God has begun in us. Can we be trusted to carry out our assignment which God has stamped in our hearts before the foundation of the world. Read this book and begun to discover true life, the God kind of life.
Release dateNov 23, 2011
Can I Trust You?

Bishop Huden S. Roberts

Bishop Huden S. Roberts is one of these last day voices which God has summoned to the kingdom for such a time as this. He has spent many years in the industrial field working in the marine and petroleum environments. He received Christ as Lord and Savior at the age of seventeen years and has continued to minister since that time in music ministry and evangelism for many years. The past sixteen years have been spent raising up church in the Bahamas and travelling the world encouraging the people of God. His ministry has taken him to North America, the Bahamas, Jamaica, Trinidad, Barbados, United Kingdom and Israel. He currently produces and ministers on weekly radio & television broadcast; and is now completing several books which God has placed on his heart for the body of Christ. We believe that in spite of the current challenges which we have to walk through that our God is a faithful God and His will shall prevail in this world.

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    Book preview

    Can I Trust You? - Bishop Huden S. Roberts



    Answering the Call


    Preparation for Service


    Recognizing your Destiny



    Answering the Call

    AT THE BEGINNING OF 1992, God began to reveal to me some of the most astounding and fundamental truths of His Word, in a deep and perpetrating way as I had never before experienced. Though my walk with God had grown throughout the years, now I stood at a place in Christ where I was ready to hear the voice of God in a real way.

    Having accepted Christ at the age of sixteen years and growing up in a dysfunctional home so to speak, I was now in a position to see that all of the events of the past, that is my early educational experiences, my involvement in pop music, which we will explore more fully at another time, was all part of a master plan by the enemy to sabotage my destiny and the destiny of my family in our role as foreordained by God. But, the Holy Spirit reminded me all things do work together for good to them that love the Lord… Phil. 4:13.

    I began preaching this message in the village of West End, Grand Bahama, during January of that year in a series called Equipping the Saints. Answering the call of God is fundamental to the lives of all believers who walk with God.

    If our lives are going to manifest all that God has for us and if we are to be all that God has designed for us to be, we must begin by answering the call of God on our lives.

    The Bible is filled with examples of great men and women of God that He called and used mightily to accomplish His will in the earth realm. Each and every one of them had to answer the call of God. Some had dramatic events in their lives to usher them into service for the King of All Kings, while others were not so eventful. They simply felt that there was a higher calling for their lives. Whichever way, the Spirit of God is speaking to you concerning the call of God on your life; it is my prayer that you would heed the call and move to respond. Souls are dying every day and are going to a Christ-less hell, because those to whom the call has gone out will not respond or

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