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The Church of the Living God: The Pillar and Ground of the Truth
The Church of the Living God: The Pillar and Ground of the Truth
The Church of the Living God: The Pillar and Ground of the Truth
Ebook148 pages2 hours

The Church of the Living God: The Pillar and Ground of the Truth

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This book is special, unusual, but not formidable. You can hardly fully read it without the bible; so it is designed to attract Christian world.

Because of the long-standing Church controversies about being under grace, and not under the law, there are conflicting ideas of what born-again Christians obligations to the Lord are supposed to be if you are under grace. This book attempts to clarify this, in details, and should settle the matter for true truth seekers for good. This is one of the highlights of the book because this matter touches, not only life, but eternal life too.

It points out (not with proud holier- than- thou attitude) areas of life Christians need examine & improve upon, with Gods help- but it is not a book of gloom and doom. With every such area attention is drawn to, there are way outs and exhortation of what can be done. pointing to God, (not the books author) for the Answers.

The author hopes you will not hate the book, but welcome it as Exhortations from a loving sister to her well-beloved fellow Christians, and prays it serves as ladder to Newness of life in the Lord Jesus Christ.

The book enhances the loving kindness of God to us; and gently tries to wake the Church up, so we stop incurring Gods anger, and start seeking His Favour.

Another highlight of this book is the Call for united Fasting-Prayers- crying out to God, humbly and genuinely for the Holy Spirit- anointing and heaven-sent Revival; to help us truly repent, be forgiven and be renewed. Thus seeking for His compassion, it is certain that our Saviour and Lord will in no wise cast us out.

Release dateDec 16, 2010
The Church of the Living God: The Pillar and Ground of the Truth

Grace Otegbade

Why on earth should you listen to this author? Why at all read her book? I will tell you with no exaggeration. It is true; she has found God Himself- the Author of life. At a time of prolonged life struggles, when the sea was raging, and tempest roaring, everything and everyone seemed contrary; these all caused her to call on God for solutions to life problems. “Surely”, she thought to herself, “that was where Light would come from, to replace darkness; and order instead of chaos. Has n’t God said “Call upon Me in the day of trouble. I will deliver you, and you will glorify Me.” Psalms 50:15. The problems did not go away all at once, but this woman did not give God rest until He answered with peace, and the Lord JESUS became the Lord of her life-in control. Or shall we say it was God Himself calling and drawing her to show her His Way that she did not know; only using those adversities of life as cords of love and caring; to draw her. After she had been delivered from the “pit of destruction”, by God’s saving grace, she received cleansing, and was Holy- Spirit fi lled, for His Own glory. She witnessed experiencing the Hand of God and she was encouraged in the Lord, as she prepared the book. . She is an experienced Christian saved many years ago; who has moved among fellow Christians in a number of Churches. Her aim, and prayers, as she has been enabled of the Lord to write this book, is that God may comfort very many others; with the comfort the Lord has been comforting her

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    Book preview

    The Church of the Living God - Grace Otegbade









    The Church of the Living God



    (First Part

    (Second Part)






    Obedience to the Word of God


    (Apostle Paul’ s Teachings (First Section)




    Apostle Paul ‘s Teachings ( Second Section )



    About the Author


    The aim of this Book is to encourage both lay and ordained Christians to know, understand live, teach, preach, and practise the Christian faith wherever they are.

    The majorities of Christians who claim their faith in God today find themselves confused, disillusioned, and are starving for the truth.

    The most commonly asked questions today by both lay and ordained many Christians are:-What is the truth about God? Which is the right Church for me to belong to? How can I understand, know, live, and practise my faith in a secular world today?

    In this book, Miss Grace Otegbade offers clarity, common sense, and challenging answers on these puzzling, but vital questions.

    All Christians should read this book. Grace will try to help you understand why your faith in God is imperative, why you are alive, God’s revealed plans for you, and God’s amazing plan for you—both here and now, and for eternity, as you genuinely seek the Lord Jesus, guided through this book.

    The book will be a most helpful resource and testimony for those who care about God’s mission, the future, and who are willing to share in equipping God’s people for the Second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Reverend Modicum Okello

    (Rev. M. Okello is a Church of England vicar in a Birmingham Church—England.)


    To GOD the Almighty be the Glory. I pray the Almighty ,Loving GOD will help us His children unto clear edification of what His true church ought to be; and to lead us His children to repentance where necessary, and to newness of life in the Lord Jesus, abiding in HIM and we be prepared ,a people for His Holy Kingdom

    I am a plain Christian. By that I mean receiving the LORD JESUS into my life; at first, not knowing what it entails, nor what next steps to take, neither did I bother to find out.

    But some years after, when deep troubles hit an area of my life, I re-dedicated my life afresh to the Lord. This time, I anticipated that there must be some changes to life, probably some rules to keep or some things to avoid now. Then I began to learn, through the preaching of different preachers, through testimonies of other people, the mercies and loving- kindness of GOD. We started bible studies with the church.

    The Lord has already led me to commence personal Bible reading immediately after re- dedication, before joining the church. .In my private bible studies, with the Bible given to me at my re-dedication to the Lord, at a big Dr Billy Graham’s meeting, I would sometimes be on my knees before the Lord, asking for understanding, and HE did not fail me. Also family bible study/prayer meetings once a week began. It was not perfect because I was leading it, in our home, and I was a starter myself. Only the Most Merciful Perfect Lord did bless it, and it lasted a good many years.

    He also used it to plant the seed of His Words into each of us. I continued seeking the Lord, Who, through His Loving-Kindness, and mercies, began to enlighten me, and, praise the Lord, still continuing to teach me His way, by His HOLY SPIRIT.

    The right I have to write this, primarily, is the right given within the Bible teachings that we are to exhort one another daily while it is called today. Take heeds, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living GOD. But exhort one another daily, while it is called Today, lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin: For we are made partakers of Christ, if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast unto the end. While it is said, today, if ye will hear His voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation."

    Today- to exhort today, to listen to the exhortation today, and to begin to make amendments today; to start to seek the Face of our Sovereign God today for His mercies, kindness, saving grace and blessings– To be delivered from any fleshly arguments, and to be delivered and set free from anything and everything that grieves GOD ‘S HOLY SPIRIT in us and/or through us and because of us - while we still have our beings. . Today, whilst we are still in this mortal flesh, while the door of grace of GOD is not yet shut to us, while we can do something about GOD, the FATHER and us ; JESUS and us; the HOLY SPIRIT, and us . To search and examine our own hearts today, to be sure we are not building on the sand of works and services in the flesh, nor trusting in our own goodness or giving,, but recognising ourselves to be imperfect; and that we need to be relying totally on the Lord Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith, so as to begin to make any necessary correction before the Lord today.

    God’s word said:-Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land.

    Secondly, another chief reason to write this book is that the pressure from, within (especially lately) is immense, and is also a hopeful encouragement to me that the LORD will use this book immensely to help us.

    My prayers are that the compassionate Lord will use this book to stir the minds of HIS people, to take another look, until the LORD HIMSELF revives the individual person or church, family or Christian organisation/group, so as to become part of the true Body of Christ- described in the Holy Bible —the CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD, THE PILLAR AND GROUND OF THE TRUTH.



    The Church of the Living God

    (the pillar and ground of the truth)


    We start with the Basic Christian beliefs under the topic of the All- Important Heading of The Gospel of Christ. Please bear with me for having to mention the basic; and do not let anything deter you from reading the entire book.

    Living in the Gospel Light will initially include:-

    Belief in the existence of a true living GOD, as the CREATOR GOD the only true One GOD, WHO created heaven and earth, and all that are in them, and the One Who made men and women- That the Scriptures are the true account of creation.

    Belief in the Lord Jesus as the Holy, True SON of GOD, the Second Person of Godhead, the Saviour of the world.

    That Jesus was not created, but conceived of, and born, by a virgin, through the Holy Spirit Power. The erroneous man’s idea that the blessed Mary, the earthly mother of Jesus could have been the queen of heaven. because she bore the Lord Jesus, is removed from us forever, from our hearts and from our faith, if it ever existed there.

    Our Lord Jesus Himself told us that there are no husbands and wives in heaven.

    The birth of our Saviour was not an ordinary one, like yours or mine:- where our two parents came together as man and woman, and brought a child into the world.

    He was conceived and born of Virgin Mary by the operation of the Holy Ghost, in a supernatural and miraculous Way.

    The blessed Mary was a created being like you and I. Her conception of the Saviour is one of God’s most mysterious Miracles The Lord Jesus is the Blessed Mary’s Saviour too.

    Belief in the Holy Spirit, that He is Co- God with the Father and with the Son , and He is the Third Person of The Godhead. HE was Not created, and Not born, but Proceeding from the Father and the Son.

    That though there are three Persons i. e. FATHER, SON and HOLY GHOST (HOLY TRINITY), there is only One GOD- undivided.

    That GOD sent His only Begotten Son-Jesus Christ to be the world’s Sin- Bearer, Who died on the cross; was buried, and rose triumphantly, from the dead on the third day.

    That the Lord Jesus Christ, after His resurrection, truly showed Himself in real life to His apostles and disciples; and then ascended into heaven and is now at the right Hand of the Father, and He makes intercession for us.

    That the full benefits of the atonement for sin are for anyone, who will truly believe and receive Jesus as his/her Saviour and Lord.

    That Christ has thus come and gone, but will come again, according to the Scriptures, which we call the Second Coming of Christ.

    That every believer who has truly received the Lord Jesus into his life has had his past sins forgiven as if he has never committed those sins ever.

    But the salvation received is just the beginning of faith in the Saviour not the end of further seeking, and growing.

    .As in almost any new thing, there are new things to learn, and some things to give up, but not in our own strength. God will expect our cooperation with Him in some aspects as we are being renewed. For example, if you have been involved in wild parties, or frequent party-night-outs, the Lord will expect you to give these up. Where you find it hard to give up, due to peer- pressure or whatsoever, you need to pray to GOD for deliverance; or ask your church leaders to pray for you.

    Because nobody can live real Christian life without the Holy Spirit, though at salvation, the Spirit of Christ is always involved, .the new believer should now seek the fullness and Lordship of the Holy Spirit, in their lives. Also praying for obedience to Christ’s Commandments

    The believer should also be praying for all the Fruit of the Spirit- to build up healthy character (Galatians 5 v 22-23)

    Because God does not just want part of each of us, (neither half nor three quarters), but the total being, the believer should be praying for total yielded - ness to the Lord Jesus. Only when we are totally yielded to Him are we walking in the Light of Christ’s gospel.

    Let no one throw the book away, at the mention of Obedience to Christ’s Words.

    Studying God’s words: Meditating on the scripture, and learning by heart some of the texts, become part of life.

    Prayerfulness Worshipful prayers –Adoration, Praising; Intercessory prayers, and Supplications are essential parts of our

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