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The Naked Truth 2: The Path to Enlightenment
The Naked Truth 2: The Path to Enlightenment
The Naked Truth 2: The Path to Enlightenment
Ebook145 pages1 hour

The Naked Truth 2: The Path to Enlightenment

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About this ebook

A true New Yorker, Jules Ferguson serves as an active-duty Sailor in the United States Navy, and now calls Virginia home.
After successfully overcoming many of lifes challenges, Jules Ferguson humbly recaps a compilation of successful life lessons that he has learned through trial and error and cohesively pieced them together as a potential guide for self-development.
In his darkest hour Jules Ferguson decided to reach out to Christianity and church for the answers in which he so desperately sought. And after finding some answers in church, but not others, even though he faithfully followed religious text to the letter, he felt seriously short-changed which led to a moment of clarity. Finally, after coming to a realization about whats at stake regarding his salvation, and desperately wanting to get it right this time Jules became determined to find out the truth for himself; which ultimately led him toward the pathway of Enlightenment Oneness with himself and God.
Release dateAug 29, 2012
The Naked Truth 2: The Path to Enlightenment

Jules Ferguson

A true New Yorker, Jules Ferguson serves as an active-duty Sailor in the United States Navy, and now calls Virginia home. After successfully overcoming many of life’s challenges, Jules Ferguson humbly recaps a compilation of successful life lessons that he has learned through trial and error and cohesively pieced them together as a potential guide for self-development. In his darkest hour Jules Ferguson decided to reach out to Christianity and church for the answers in which he so desperately sought. And after finding some answers in church, but not others, even though he faithfully followed religious text to the letter, he felt seriously short-changed which led to a moment of clarity. Finally, after coming to a realization about what’s at stake regarding his salvation, and desperately wanting to get it right this time Jules became determined to find out the truth –for himself; which ultimately led him toward the pathway of Enlightenment –Oneness with himself and God. This path to Enlightenment has stirred up passion and desire to know more about many of life’s reoccurring mysteries such as: pain, suffering, loss, desire, happiness, love, success, contentment, heaven, hell, himself, the soul, God, and the point and meaning of life itself. Jules Ferguson boldly reveals his travels within the deepest parts of the human experience. Please join him in this daring adventure as he reveals the findings of a long-traveled, soul searching, odyssey into the abyss of the unknown; seeking to find timeless answers to infinite truths about life itself along the path of Enlightenment.

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    The Naked Truth 2 - Jules Ferguson

    © 2012 by Jules Ferguson. All rights reserved.

    Photography by

    Edited by Ashley Nuñez

    Find out more about Jules Ferguson at and

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    Published by AuthorHouse 08/14/2012

    ISBN: 978-1-4670-6092-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4670-6094-3 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4670-6093-6 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2011918187

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    Letter To My Ex-Wife

    Promise Letter To Myself

    Part One

    The First Step

    Beginning The Journey

    The Split

    The Union

    A Faithful, Faith-Filled Walk


    The Path



    Recycling Souls

    Where Do We Go From Here?

    Part Two

    Finding A Few Lessons Along Life’s Alphabetic Path

    Grateful Dead

    I’ll Take It

    Tick, Tick, Tick

    She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not—I Love Me, I Love Me Not

    Alone But Not Lonely

    Our Father Who Art In Heaven

    Love, Peace And Hair Grease

    A Ray Of Light

    Happiness Is Spelt With A Y

    Enjoying Things

    Remembering Not To Ask For Too Much

    Turning Over To A New Leaf

    Nothing More, Nothing Less

    Living With Yourself

    I Give Myself Permission To Live And Have Fun!

    Take Time Out To Smell The Roses, But First You Have To Notice Them!

    Wait, Where Am I?

    The True Reflection Of You: The Soul

    I Was Born To Do This! Gifts And Talents

    Sexy Time… . Owwwww!

    Roots Firmly Planted

    Turning Water Into Wine

    How Should I Live My Life?

    The Art Of Letting Go

    Friends, Friends, Friends

    Being As Open As A Book

    Part Three

    Life Through The Eyes Of A Poet

    Psychic Cannibalism

    Breathing Through The Lungs

    Of My Soul

    Reflection In The Mirror

    Time Has Told

    Organic Cinema

    The Current Course Of

    A Drifters Dream

    Kiss Kiss

    When Hindsight Is 20/20

    A Whole Lot Of Nuttin’



    There are several people who have helped me along my journey. Without their kind words, selfless giving, love, time, energy and belief in me, I would not be where I am today. This book is dedicated to everyone who has helped me along my path to Enlightenment.


    This book can be summarized in one word: Happiness. In order to reach Enlightenment, you must first be happy with you. What I mean, is that you must accept you and understand that God made you with a mission; and only you know what that mission is. That mission has been clouded by the lies of this world. You have been blinded by the deceit of others. You have been laughed at, ridiculed, teased, mocked, and chastised because of who you are. I want to tell you something, now is the time to revive yourself, to gain every courage molecule you have inside of your body so together with Jules, you can get your life back. The true YOU! It is time for you to be happy with you once again. It is time to let your sunshine and its wonderful rays impact the world. It is time to let the world know that you are here to stay. Allow your legacy to be told to all those that are here now and for those that come after you.

    Jonathan Baez, June 2012


    Welcome to The Naked Truth 2. Thank you for joining me once again on my path to Enlightenment. Much has happened since my first book. I have learned many lessons since The Naked Truth was published. Many attractive, many moving, and many noteworthy people have come and gone from my life. I have managed to get my hands, mouth, and brain involved in a series of fortunate events that have led to my self-development.

    During this path, life has taken me on quite a few interesting twists and turns. For one, I am officially divorced. This means I’m less confused, more focused, and live a simpler life. This new lease on life can be considered a purification that habitually includes increased doses of: humility, letting go, letting GOD, trusting GOD, appreciating what I have, patience, meditation, long-honest conversations with GOD, time alone, giving without wanting anything in return, a long-term perspective, better decision making, choosing wisely, self-love and a cessation of rushing.

    The words that you are reading are words that come from a place of self-recognition. One day I looked around and simply found myself in a place; this place. I decided to actively participate in the process of accepting where I am at, what I am, and focus all of my time and energy on only taking action on what I personally can change. This may sound simple in theory, but for me to reach this place has been monumental because I was once a control freak. I tried to actively control every single thing in my life, at times knowingly and other times unknowingly. I believed controlling everything was normal. I have recently become aware of many of my weaknesses, flaws and obstacles that are holding me back from reaching my goal of being the best person I can be. I am now actively participating in the life-long process of finding myself.

    Letter to my Ex-wife

    Dear Alma,

    As I write this I want to say thank you. Thank you for giving me a chance to be with you. Thank you for staying with me as long as you did and putting up with me. I truly have learned a lot from you. You are a graceful, elegant woman with a purpose and will do magnificent things in this life. I am glad to have shared my walk with you. I only wish you the best in life and that true happiness grabs a hold of you and never lets go.

    Walking away from you has been the most difficult thing for me and I am sure it wasn’t easy for you either. With time, I’ve realized that you were only doing what was in YOUR best interest and I RESPECT that. I respect you. I do not need to know your reasoning behind what you did and why you did it. I simply need to respect it and I have done so. I hope this letter finds you and your family and anyone special in your life well. May God bless you in your entire career, your ideas, dreams, future children and days here on Earth.

    Love always,

    Julo y Pelon

    Promise Letter to Myself

    I made a few promises to myself. I will honor God. I will never give up on life. I will live everyday like it is my last day here on earth and have fun with this body that He has given me. I promise to God that I will never take life for granted ever again and although I am only human, I will appreciate hearing, seeing, touching, tasting and the sounds that all of humanity has to offer. I promise that I will be a good father, friend, family member and example of myself. I promise not to be anything other than what I am to anybody who comes in contact with me. I promise I will pour my heart and soul into this universe and give, give and give until my soul leaves this body and peace overtakes me in a way I have yet to comprehend. Finally, I promise to you, the reader, that I will reveal my heart, mind and soul to you in a 100% unadulterated way. I love you Jules Ferguson and I thank you for not quitting on life, seeking God, and pursuing the path of the road less traveled.


    The First Step



    Beginning the Journey

    It has been a long road and I realize I have much further to go, but the journey from this point on will be more appealing. I am coming from a place of loneliness, destitute, confusion and self-destructive thoughts. I honestly did not know how I was going to get out of it, however; I now find myself in greener pastures with sunnier skies. I thank God for revealing Himself to me. I thank God for revealing me to myself, for showing me how He sees me, and illuminating who He wants me to be.

    On this path, I found myself alone. I moved away from all that was familiar to me. I moved to a new state and then my three-year marriage fell apart. When it ended, I didn’t know what to do, where to go, or who to talk too, so I joined a church. The first church I found was called Wave church. It’s an awesome church. They play lots of music and give a real, energetic, positive vibe. The church crowd was mainly for people in their twenties. I made a few friends and got to know the new area by finding a few places to go in Hampton Roads, Virginia. However, I soon outgrew the church, the methods of its message, and wanted more depth.

    I found another church after meeting this cute girl in Barnes & Noble. After inviting me to her church, I met Pastor Chad. I remember him preaching his heart out in what felt like a one-on-one conversation about my entire life. Every syllable was designed to change the course of my life, even down to the clearing of his throat. It all seemed to make more sense than all the moments in my life combined together.

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