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Dear Diary: What My Doctor Never Told Me About Dieting
Dear Diary: What My Doctor Never Told Me About Dieting
Dear Diary: What My Doctor Never Told Me About Dieting
Ebook112 pages1 hour

Dear Diary: What My Doctor Never Told Me About Dieting

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This is KATHYNE L. JACKSON's memoir of her personal journey to lose weight - 63 pounds - and the struggles she endured along the way. She was like everyone else, on the yo-yo trail to unhealthiness. She would play at losing 10 pounds and then gain 15 back, complaining all the way. She would get discouraged and eat more ice cream and chocolate and then hate herself for being weak. She would walk for three days and then would give up because on day four it rained. She would purchase a stationary bike and then use it as a clothes rack. And she continued to watch her weight climb to over 200 pounds.

But still she did nothing.

Then one day her doctor told her she had to get healthy, that if she did not start taking care of her weight, if she did not become serious about her cholesterol levels, she could develop diabetes. This knowledge scared her to finally make the conscious decision to get healthy.

She did not make her goal weight, but she came close. She did lose 50 pounds.

It was the longest 13 months of her life.
Release dateMar 31, 2011
Dear Diary: What My Doctor Never Told Me About Dieting

Kathyne L. Jackson

KATHYNE L. JACKSON is the author of several books including, "Dear Diary: What My Doctor Never Told Me About Liposuction," "Ranger and The Gang Series: The Case of the Twelve Hour Deadline," and "My Way To Love." She lives in Maryland with her two cats, owns an internet business, and loves to travel. You may learn more about her and her books, and correspond with her, by visiting her website,

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    Dear Diary - Kathyne L. Jackson

    © 2011 Kathyne L. Jackson. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    First published by AuthorHouse 3/29/2011

    ISBN: 978-1-4567-1945-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4567-2344-6 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2010919302

    Printed in the United States of America

    Certain stock imagery © Thinkstock.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any Web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    This book is a work of non-fiction. Names and places have been changed to protect the privacy of all individuals. The events and situations are true.




    Dear Diary





    This book is dedicated to my Girls

    Jennie and Alexia


    I want to thank Dr. Atkins for his low-carb book. It was invaluable - a blueprint of how to do the low-carb plan.

    I also want to thank the Atkins Community. I spent many hours on my computer reading about what others were going through and realized that I was not alone. At first, I was scared to respond to any of the entries because that’s who I was. A scared, overweight nobody who was too embarrassed to tell anyone my thoughts and fears. But reading about the experiences of other low-carbers on the internet helped me through some very low moments during my journey. It wasn’t until I was close to my goal weight that I felt confident enough to join you, and you all welcomed me with open, loving arms.

    Next, I want to thank the Diet Club members. The weekly meetings and camaraderie enabled me to continue my journey and gave me accountability every Thursday – yes, the weigh ins. I knew that each and every Thursday I would have to step on that scale and announce my progress or lack thereof. The meetings and that dreaded scale kept me on the weight loss path.

    Last but certainly not least, I want to think Jé Studios in Washington, D.C., in particular Photographer Kiona J. Cooper and the Manager, Rodney Brown. The photo shoot was major fun and you did a wonderful job of making me look good.

    You all had a hand in my success.

    Thank you!


    Fifty Pounds Lost

    I’ve lost 50 pounds! It took me 13 months to do it, but I did it! I have lost 50 pounds!

    I have more energy and more stamina. Plus, I’m getting more looks from guys who used to look past me. I am more active and my wardrobe is shrinking, not only in size but in number of items. I have lost enough inches that I have to take in my favorite outfits and give some of the rest away. I’m not ready to purchase a new wardrobe. Not yet. My goal was to lose 63 pounds, so I still have a little ways to go before my shopping spree.

    But kudos to me! I have lost 50 pounds!

    Anyone who has ever tried to lose weight, be it 5, 15, or even 50 pounds, knows how hard and how lonely the journey is. I not only had to fight my urges to eat all the time or to splurge on the wrong foods, but I had to fight those well-meaning family members and friends who saw me shrinking and wanted to help me celebrate by taking me out to eat or surprising me with treats as a way of saying good job. The problem was they were helping me celebrate the only way I have always celebrated – by eating. Whether it was a new job, or a kid’s graduation, or they bought a new car, or a birthday celebration, or she had a new baby, eating has always been the traditional way for me to celebrate.

    When I decided it was time to get healthy and the best way to do that was by losing weight and exercising, how was I going to celebrate now?

    Wake Up Call

    In April, my doctor told me my cholesterol was 240 (HDL was 47, LDL was 174, Triglyceride was 97). With my weight over 200 pounds on my 5’7" frame and the fact that I’m an African American, I was on the path for diabetes. I’ve read about the effects diabetes has on an individual.

    I do not want diabetes.

    I was scared. Many times before, the doctor had warned me about my weight and my cholesterol levels, but what the heck. I’ve lived over 50 years with these problems. Why should I do something about it now? Sure, I had trouble sometimes walking up the six stairs from the living room to the bedroom, but doesn’t everyone? And that last little bit of ice cream in the gallon jug will only go to waste if I don’t eat it before I go to bed. Who knows if it would still be good tomorrow? And those leftovers – potatoes, pastas, BBQ, cookies, cakes, muffins, rice – I can’t afford to waste food like that.

    But the doctor had used the dreaded D word and this time I heard him. I had to make some changes. I had to lose at least 50 pounds and get my cholesterol level down to 200 which, hopefully, would fix my HDL, LDL and Triglyceride levels. That was it. That’s all I needed to do.


    Eight years ago I had liposuction surgery. I went from a size 22 to a size 16 in three months which, I’m happy to report, I still wear – barely. The surgery worked. It was very painful and very expensive for someone on a single-parent budget. But I had gotten a really good Christmas bonus that year and used it to pay for the surgery. You can read all about it in Dear Diary: What My Doctor Never Told Me About Liposuction ( I wish I could have just gone back to that doctor and said, Let’s do it again. But I can’t. I no longer work for that individual so I won’t get another bonus like that. I’ll just have to do this the old fashioned way. I have to go on a diet.

    I need ice cream.

    Getting Started

    It’s Saturday morning and my office is starting a Diet Club this week. Thursday, to be exact and I’m more than ready to get started. The doctor had told me more than a month ago to lose 50 pounds. I’ve been thinking about it since then. Really! I have! But it wasn’t until I saw the Diet Club notice that I decided it was time to get started. This morning, I got up and took a shower, dried off, and then got out my tape measure. I decided if I’m going to do this, I’d better do it right. That means keeping a running tab of the changes in my weight and inches. That way, if the scale does not go down or – gulp – goes up, then I can check my inches. Hopefully, one of them will be going in the right direction. I’ll need all the encouragement I can get.

    So here are my beginning stats on Saturday, May 30:

    Dress Size           16/18 (more 18 than 16)

    Neck                  16 inches

    Bust                   45.5 inches

    Waist                  41 inches

    Hips                   47 inches

    Thighs               left = 27 inches               right = 27.5 inches

    Arms                  left = 14 inches              right = 14 inches

    Now it’s time to get dressed and go shopping.

    I decided to lose weight on the low-carb plan. I’m a true, full-fledged carnivore. I love meats. I can’t see me eating plates and plates of salads, you know, the low-calorie plan. That means I’ll need provisions. Meats. Vegetables. Protein snacks. No ice cream, potatoes, cookies or rice. Just low-carb, high protein foods. Then I need to come home and clean out my kitchen. Out with the bad and in with the good.

    * * *

    8:09 pm

    What did I do? I had it all planned but I veered off. Way off.

    Go to the store for provisions. Check.

    Go through the kitchen

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