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Fulfilling Your Destiny: Finding Life Purpose
Fulfilling Your Destiny: Finding Life Purpose
Fulfilling Your Destiny: Finding Life Purpose
Ebook283 pages3 hours

Fulfilling Your Destiny: Finding Life Purpose

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Fulfilling Your Destiny

Reveals the secret of how to win in the real world against the odds

Finding lifes purpose in the middle of lifes struggles
Solving lifes problems with intuition
Understanding the body, mind and spirit connection
Overcoming impossible outer situations with inner power

Understanding the connection between the body, mind and spirit is the key to solving life problems. A quiet mind and an open heart unlock the inner wisdom of intuition, the language of the spirit.
Only then do dreams come true.
Release dateMar 30, 2012
Fulfilling Your Destiny: Finding Life Purpose

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    Book preview

    Fulfilling Your Destiny - Casandra Matthews















    CHAPTER 10

    CHAPTER 11

    CHAPTER 12



    We all have dreams and hopes, and a longing for them to come true. We even have an inner knowing that we have a destiny to fulfill. Yet, it seems that in reality we struggle. The struggle creates negative energy that leads us to crisis, illness, and failure in our lives. The negative energy is caused by the body and mind being disconnected from the inner knowing.

    The key to having our dreams come true is learning how to connect the body, mind and Spirit to the inner knowing. A connection that takes us into a positive energy that encourages us to believe in our greatness. We find out that getting connected and staying connected to our intuition leads us to our destiny in four stages. Each stage flows into the others by adding a link of the connection to Spirit to help us find our purpose. As we work through the stages we are connected to our inner knowing, making each link of the connection stronger. Every stage brings us closer to our destiny to empower lives.

    The first stage is believing in guidance. We learn to believe by becoming aware. Once we become aware, we seek guidance that changes our vibrations from negative struggle to positive connection.

    Surprisingly, once we learn about believing in guidance, we are led to the next stage, trusting the process. This stage restores our faith and gives us enough confidence to start creating our abundance by finding courage, increasing focus, and mastering intent. Courage, focus and intent are difficult, because it is hard for us to believe in our greatness. But the intuition encourages us to continue until we feel it.

    As we start feeling passionate about our dreams, they start to unfold. The excitement builds momentum and we are led by our intuition. When we follow our intuition, it leads us into inspired action where we start to understand our purpose. These are the keys to fulfilling destiny. It has taken me a lifetime to start fulfilling my destiny. I encourage you to start now. You have the power to change your life. Connect to your inner knowing. Let your dreams come true.

    Fulfill your destiny.


    Believing in Guidance

    Belief consists in accepting the affirmations of the soul.




    Most of us do not connect to our inner knowing until our pain is great,

    and we fear for our physical existence. This is often when we start becoming aware that we need guidance. Bad does not have

    to precede good, but often, tragedy is the catalyst that

    makes us become aware. At that point we go beyond

    the physical to the metaphysical to find spiritual

    answers with meaning to transform our lives.



    Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart.

    Those who look outside, dream. Those who look inside awaken.


    Chapter 1: Becoming Aware

    As I pulled over beside the road, sobbing uncontrollably, I did not know where to turn. My beloved son was in critical condition due to a medical error. Despite the fact that I had spent so many years studying the metaphysical phenomenon, my life was in crisis again. I had prayed, listened to angels and dedicated my life to teaching others spiritual concepts. Yet, on that bleak winter day my life seemed bad. My son was critically ill. I was exhausted and afraid. I was drained mentally, physically, financially, and emotionally, I was at the end of my rope. I wondered why. In a silent prayer I said:

    I have done everything that has been asked of me. I have meditated, prayed, followed angelic guidance, and dedicated my life to teaching others. Yet, I sit here in despair. I have done all I can, I cannot go on. At that moment, I heard the angels say, Good, we will take over from here.

    With a mixture of emotions I agreed. What choice did I have? I was scared and needed help. I was both relieved and confused. Why did the help only come when I was at the end of my rope? What was I supposed to think? My only thought was another wintertime many years before when I was a child. It was Christmas Day. Our family I had spent the day at my grandparents farm. That night my parents, my brother and I were traveling home. Suddenly, our car and another one crashed on a lonely road late at night. Our car was crushed. As an eight year old child I remember waking to a frightening scene where everyone was unconscious and the car was full of blood and broken bones. The experience was terrible, except for one thing. I saw a single flame, and I felt it say, I am with you, and then it went away. I intuitively knew I had received a gift. I felt calm.

    So, with the equanimity that far surpassed my eight years, I had the courage to start removing my family from the car. My younger brother was okay, and I pulled him to safety. I helped my mother walk away despite her broken ankles and head injuries. My father was almost dead and was trapped in the car for hours. Although it seemed bleak, I knew I was not alone and help would come. It did.

    From out of nowhere highway patrolmen arrived. They found ambulances to transport my parents to the hospital, then drove my brother and me there. At the hospital the patrolmen stayed and talked with us awhile, then the emergency room doctors took charge. They paused, and allowed me and my brother to speak with our parents before they took them to surgery. They doctors and patrolmen seemed like earthangels to me, and it all seemed miraculous, but sad. I was confused, and wondered if miracles were tied to tragedies. If so, why?

    As a teen, my questions continued, as did my journey of discovery of my inner wisdom. In 1963, I had a vivid predictive dream of a beautiful young woman in a pink pillbox hat who was crying. Before school that day, I told my friend about the dream, and that I thought the woman was the first lady, Jacquelyn Kennedy, and I was worried. Later that day, when we heard of the assassination of President John Kennedy, I became hysterical and had to go home. The gift of knowing seemed good, but results seemed bad.

    I still believed in the power of the gift, and the next year, a good thing happened when I sang at a friend’s wedding. I felt the inspired presence of the Virgin Mary while singing about her. Everyone who attended the wedding felt something mystical too. Many people were moved to tears by my song. Later, the bride’s uncle, another earthangel, offered to help me professionally, as an agent for a singing career. I was glad for the offer, sad that I declined.

    And so it seemed to continue throughout my life. As a young adult, I quit college to marry an older man and support his graduate work. I was sad to put my life on hold again, but felt glad in when I had my first child, a boy. My son and I were connected in a special way by the gift, but we discovered he was developmentally delayed, I was sad. Eventually the stress of the situation caused a divorce. The price for the gift seemed high, and the mixture of confusion and joy, glad and sad, remained. Although I felt so connected and alive when I received messages of guidance, I also felt very isolated and troubled by the bad events that preceded them. Therefore, like others before me, I decided that my gift was too painful, and to forget it and live my life without it.

    Within a few years I remarried and had a wonderful daughter, so I tried to focus on work and family. But Spirit had other plans for me. My father-in-law was hospitalized for colon cancer with complications. When he spoke with me one night, I had an insight and intuitively knew the cause of his complications. This time the intuitive message was too important to ignore, so I asked the attending doctor to check a specific medical issue. The doctor checked him and ordered immediate surgery.

    That same year, my own father died from injuries from another car wreck, and I intuitively knew how to resolve the business dilemma his death created. I believed that the transformation had begun for me, but I longed for the clarity that had been eluding me about why such a gift was combined with pain. Although knowing about events around me seemed good, the events themselves seemed bad. I did not know how they fit together.

    I did know I could find the key if I would transcend the pain. My own intuition told me that the lesson of love lived on long after the pain was gone. Despite the insight, the personal stress in my life left me with another divorce and now two children.

    To complicate matters further, my handicapped son was terrorized by neighborhood children, and I placed him in a group home, for safety. It was such a rift to my soul when I left him behind. He wanted to come home with me when I visited, and I had to say that he could not. Brokenheartedly, he said, "I know mudda." It was much later that I understood the depth of his words. But at that moment, I could only grasp my own sorrow.

    It seemed the intuitive knowing came with more pain and suffering than love and joy, and I wondered why. Although I did feel grateful and glad that my son had a safe place to live, I was sad and confused to be separated from him. The responsibility of the intuitive gift seemed high, with great emotional cost to all involved.

    Within a few months, in I married again. I was sad and didn’t want to be alone. I had tubal reversal surgery and in less than a year, I miraculously gave birth to another beautiful daughter. Everything was so bittersweet. The new child was so dynamic, yet my whole world exploded again. The marriage was ill fated and after a few years, it ended rather violently. With an additional divorce and child, I approached another difficult crossroad. Then my health failed.

    After ongoing difficulties, I was diagnosed unfavorably and needed immediate surgery. But first, I gave custody of my girls to their respective fathers. I had a powerful inner knowing that something significant was going on in my life, perhaps it was ending, since everything seemed hard, and nothing worked. I thought the gift of intuitive knowing was too hard, and I secretly hoped to die.

    I did not die, but I had the near-death experience during surgery. I was suspended in space and time and I had a choice. It seemed as if I was on a bottomless baseball field at home plate. Heaven was at first base and I wanted to go there where everything was peaceful, but I was drawn to third base back in the lifetime, with the joy and sorrow. I had an intuitive knowing that I would never find the peace I sought until I returned to the lifetime, so I came back. When I came home, I was devastated to realize that my girls were not with me. I sought help everywhere, from professionals to preachers. They had no answers. But I knew I could find answers if I looked deeper within.

    I went deep within and at that point some of the puzzle pieces of my life began to fit. The first message came from my son who was slow in the ways of the world, but strong in the ways of the Spirit. He came to me in a vision and with a glowing voice he said:

    "Mother, I know God. I know why I was born. I love everyone. I came to show everyone about love. Please leave me alone so that I can do it."

    I cried, but I was transformed again. I had a knowing that all of my children had the intuitive gift but their destiny path was different from mine. It was hard, but I became aware that I had to understand my own lifepath before I could help my children or anyone else understand theirs. So, I reconnected to Spirit, accepted my gift, and decided to fulfill my destiny as a metaphysical teacher.

    The next ten years were filled with insights and inspiration, confusion and joy. As I came back to the present, I understood that during these times of tragedy, transformation happens, but how? I had an inner knowing that the lessons of love live on, and that the transformation leaves pain behind. I even knew God worked in mysterious ways, but my question was, did the mystery have to be wrapped in misery? Was this the fabric of miracles? Was it this way for everyone? Seeking answers to these questions gave me the impetus to press on. I had a knowing that the answers were there if I continued to ask the questions and quieted my mind to hear them. I listened until I heard this answer: the CIRCLE OF LIFE.

    I didn’t understand so I was led to ask these questions: Why did the bad had precede the good throughout my life? Was it this way for everyone? Was this pattern was a universal experience instead of just personal? I reflected on my experiences and the experiences of thousands of clients who came to me for intuitive guidance and still I questioned why bad had to precede good. I contemplated on my work with so many people with illnesses, divorces, tragedies, bankruptcies, and I secretly questioned why pain was required. At that point, I got a revelation on how the circle of life process works. This is how:

    We are all connected to the Spirit at the time of birth and maintain our awareness of our inner knowing, our lifepath, and our destiny. The circle of life begins with the connection to Spirit. But as we mature and grow physically and mentally, we start disconnecting from the Spirit and depend solely on our intellect and physicality and ignore our inner knowing. This takes us down a path that creates pain. However we only become aware of the pain when part of our world collapses. At this point we look within, realize we are disconnected from Spirit and start the process of reconnecting. So, the circle of life is a process of connection, disconnection, then reconnection to Spirit.

    Additionally, we come into the lifetime with a perfect plan that we have co-created with the Spirit, our lifepath. It takes us from birth to death and is ideal. This perfect plan contains all the things that we need to heal in the lifetime and everything that we need to accomplish to fulfill our destiny, also. As long as we maintain our connection to the inner knowing, we experience the joy and perfection of the lifepath. This type of joy is easy to see in babies. They are so happy because they are still connected to Spirit. We are all connected to the Spirit at the time of birth and maintain our awareness of our inner knowing, our lifepath and our destiny.

    Again, The circle of life begins with the connection to Spirit. However, as we continue to grow physically and mentally, we start disconnecting from the Spirit and our inner knowing. Usually, we are taught to pay attention only to our physical existence only, and learn through logic, only. This process disconnects us from our intuitive inner wisdom and causes pain. Although we are unaware of it, we are in pain because of our disconnection from Spirit.

    Eventually the pain from the disconnection brings us to crisis. When the crisis comes, we fear for our physical existence, and we become aware that we need help. But, the pain came before the crisis. Pain came when we sensed that we were disconnected from Spirit. Deep inside, we are very afraid when we sense we are disconnected from our intuition, our link to Spirit. At first, pain is the only way we notice the disconnection, and that is okay. We are here to learn life lessons, and we learn in many different ways. Pain is one of them. The main reason the life lessons come so painfully is because we spend too much time disconnected from Spirit.

    The key to wisdom is found by realizing that when pain is great, we become aware that we need more guidance, and seek it. As our inner awareness urges us to go beyond the physical to the metaphysical, and the spiritual reconnection begins. This is when the transformation from pain to joy begins. Through this process we realize that our intuition is the still-small voice that connects us to our soul. The times of transformation, help us hear the spirit through our intuition. It brings us back to innocence. We reconnect to Spirit and ask for guidance. Through reconnection, we receive more guidance and start to learn through joyful experiences. So life lessons are easier. Trusting our intuition gives us the clarity to follow the guidance we receive. The key to more joy and less pain, is staying connected to Spirit.

    With the understanding that we have to get connected and stay connected to Spirit, we come full circle. So the circle of life starts with being connected to Spirit, then disconnected to reconnected again. The circle of life process is repeated during our whole lifetime. It transforms us, brings us clarity and joy and guides us to our lifepath. We continue to learn by connecting, disconnecting, and reconnecting. This is how it works: Before birth, we co-created our destiny lifepath with Spirit to be the perfect plan for our life. When we are connected, it works perfectly like an arrow coming from a bow directly to the center of a target at the bulls eye. When we follow our intuitive, inner knowing, the lifepath arrow is right on the mark at the center of the target. This is how our perfect plan is designed to work. We aim the arrow from the bow directly to the center of the target.

    When we are centered and connected to the inner knowing, we can tell, because we feel the joy of following Spirit to the perfect plan. However, we are inexperienced, do not know how to aim, and often, we miss the mark. The word Sin is a Greek archery term for missing the mark. It is only a word, but we have come to associate the word sin with pain since missing

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