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I Challenge You: Be Ye Transformed
I Challenge You: Be Ye Transformed
I Challenge You: Be Ye Transformed
Ebook168 pages43 minutes

I Challenge You: Be Ye Transformed

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Life is truly a journey, and life waits for no one. Want to start today walking in your new no holds, no burdens, and no invisable chains purposed life? I Challenge You is a step in that direction. All youll need is your favorite writing utensil, honesty, openess, willingness and the desire to be all that you were designed and ordained to be! Ladies, You have 52 weeks to strive for your transormation from that caterpillar to that beautiful butterfly. On your march, get set, go! Ps... This is a life changing challenge, I Challenge You!

Release dateApr 27, 2011
I Challenge You: Be Ye Transformed

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    I Challenge You - Cindy Brown

    Be Ye Transformed

    Cindy Brown

    missing image file


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    © 2011 Cindy Brown. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    First published by AuthorHouse 4/22/2011

    ISBN: 978-1-4389-9459-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4389-9460-4 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4389-9461-1 (e)

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    First and utmost I dedicate this book to the one that inspired me to write it, God, who is the head of my life.

    In loving memory of my mother, Ruthie Lee Thompson Randolph. , my daughter, Salina McNeal, and my son, Branden Edwards. And to those in the Ministry that have imparted the word of God in such a way that it took hold of my spirit and soul; Pastor Earl Bill, Sis. Ollie Bill, Pastor Harold Gulley, Pastor Robert L. Harrison, Sis. MarthaWomack, and many others.

    And least but not last my God-given FEMALE friend Helen T Cloman,

    I ask that God continue to bless you and yours, while on your Christian journey.


    Welcome to "I Challenge You. Women have struggled and carried burdens from the days of Eve. In this book, you will be challenged to step out of your situation, past hurts and pains, the known and unknown so that you can become all that God has Purpose" for you to become.

    So therefore I challenge you to stock up on tissue, a couple of favorite pens, honesty, and the determination to get ready to become the daughter that God has Purposed for you to be and to walk in authority with a lightness so that you can bask in the love of God.

    Remember, God is the only perfect one! We are only striving to become Christ like and not Christ himself.

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    Week 1

    Sanctify: a process that begins when one becomes a Christian and concludes when Jesus returns or when we go to be with Him

    Sanctified: to be set apart from the world and set apart for God’s use.

    Sanctification: God’s cleansing process to make a person whole and like Jesus; it affects both character and conduct, part of God’s will and plan.

    As the old saying goes, progress not perfection! It is definitely a process. Ladies, life does not stop when you have become a Christian. The way you used to think, act, and/or speak, should

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