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Project Delta Book 3: Indefensible Punishment
Project Delta Book 3: Indefensible Punishment
Project Delta Book 3: Indefensible Punishment
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Project Delta Book 3: Indefensible Punishment

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The book talks about how Fleet Admiral Chlebowski continues his voyage in the 3rd book of the Project Delta series. At first he finds himself in trouble for certain trivial things. The book talks about what goes on fictionally from January 2380 to July 2381 in a journal format within the story line. The question is: Will he have to face responsibility for what he did, or will he become innocent onboard his starship and his starbase?

Release dateMar 28, 2008
Project Delta Book 3: Indefensible Punishment

David T. Chlebowski

David Chlebowski graduated from Kansas Wesleyan University in 1996 with a bachelor's degree in computer science.  He spends his time sharing his skills and volunteering at key places.  He lives in Salina, Kansas, with his cat Sunday Night.  He previously has 2 books published in his lifetime.

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    Project Delta Book 3 - David T. Chlebowski


    1663 Liberty Drive, Suite 200

    Bloomington, IN 47403

    Phone: 1-800-839-8640

    This book is a work of fiction. People, places, events, and situations are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or historical events, is purely coincidental.

    © 2008 David T. Chlebowski. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    First published by AuthorHouse 3/25/2008

    ISBN: 978-1-4343-5565-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 9781467834445 (ebk)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Bloomington, Indiana


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Starships in Project Delta 4:

    First Sovereign, Part 2

    Sources Cited in Project Delta 4:

    First Sovereign, Part 2

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    Chapter 28

    Starships in Project Delta 5: Slipstream, Part 1

    Sources Cited in Project Delta 5: Slipstream, Part 1

    Chapter 29

    Chapter 30

    Chapter 31

    Chapter 32

    Chapter 33

    Chapter 34

    Chapter 35

    Starships in Project Delta 6: Slipstream, Part 2

    Sources Cited in Project Delta 6: Slipstream, Part 2

    My Final Notes for Project Delta Trilogy 2: The Punishment

    Chapter 36

    Chapter 37

    Chapter 38

    Chapter 39

    Chapter 40

    Chapter 41

    Chapter 42

    Chapter 43

    Chapter 44

    Chapter 45

    Chapter 46

    Chapter 47

    Chapter 48

    Chapter 49

    Chapter 50

    Chapter 51

    Chapter 52

    Chapter 53

    Chapter 54

    Chapter 55

    Chapter 56

    Chapter 57

    Chapter 58

    Chapter 59

    Chapter 60

    Chapter 61

    Chapter 62

    Chapter 63

    Chapter 64

    Chapter 65

    Chapter 66

    Chapter 67

    Chapter 68

    Chapter 69

    Chapter 70

    Chapter 71

    Chapter 72

    Chapter 73

    Chapter 74

    Chapter 75

    Chapter 76

    Chapter 77

    Chapter 78

    Chapter 79

    Chapter 80

    Chapter 81

    Chapter 82

    Chapter 83

    Chapter 84

    Chapter 85

    Chapter 86

    Chapter 87

    Chapter 88

    Chapter 89

    Chapter 90

    Chapter 91

    Chapter 92

    Chapter 93

    Chapter 94

    Chapter 95

    Chapter 96

    Chapter 97

    Chapter 98

    Chapter 99

    Chapter 100

    Chapter 101

    Chapter 102

    Chapter 103

    Chapter 104

    Chapter 105

    Chapter 106

    Major Havoc Games in Project Delta 8

    Tempest Games in Project Delta 8

    Chapter 107

    Chapter 108

    Chapter 109

    Chapter 110

    Chapter 111

    Chapter 112

    Chapter 113

    Chapter 114

    Chapter 115

    Chapter 116

    USS Fulcrum 6’s Major Havoc Tournaments with Other Starships

    Chapter 117

    Chapter 118

    Chapter 119

    Chapter 120

    Chapter 121

    Chapter 122

    Chapter 123

    Chapter 124

    Chapter 125

    Chapter 126

    Chapter 127

    Starships Cited in Segment 1

    Sources Cited in Segment 1

    Sources Cited in Segment 2

    Starships Cited in Segment 2

    Starships Cited in This Book’s Segment 3

    Sources Cited in Segment 3

    About the Author

    Disclaimer Note for this book:

    Most of the events in this book are fictional and should not be taken seriously. Trademarks, characters, and other trade names are respectively owned by their owners and companies. No infringement is intended.

    Most people used are for entertainment purposes only, so no references to them are inferred. Please do not misinterpret the book as fact.

    Brief author note for this book:

    This book covers from January 2380 to July 2381 as I am getting too stringent on my project like this book and other future projects of the series. It coincides, historically, with Star Trek® Titan Book 1: Taking Wing as part of the historical perspective.

    I briefly say thanks to groups of people who make Star Trek® materials available to everyone who might want to get some ideas.

    Project Delta Book 3:

    Indefensible Punishment

    By David Chlebowski

    Inspired by Star Trek®

    Created by Gene Roddenberry

    Chapter 1

    On January 15, 2380, at Starbase 735, I did see a dark brown pickup; but I pay no attention who owns it.

    I whisper the simple words of wisdom concerning Starbase 735. I have talked to my friends at Starbase 735, but I have known that I am pleased to see Karen Watts, Roberta Braden, Pat Ingram, and Evelyn Burns. I have talked some to Cora, and she has become glad to see me as well.

    I would need a friend from Crossroads if possible, but I have friends from different places like Starbase 735 and Chili’s. I would agree that I need to stop talking to people as much for January 15, 2380; and I am embittered to see things go wrong.

    I love Karen Watts like a mother, and I have known her for one and one-half years. I love Karen so much because she has been helpful in my life. I recall getting accused of harassing young women in March 2378, but since that time I have been less involved with them. Now, I am deeply alone at Starbase 735.

    I have a limited interest in Kelli, who is a 20-year-old woman working at Chili’s. She and I are just friends right now, and she knows that I have been rejected by women. Kelli did tell me that she has empathy for me, and I did tell her that I have empathy for her. She may be young, but I consider her beautiful because she and I share the same feelings. I will not commit myself with Kelli for a relationship for now, and I feel that she has some issues to deal with since her divorce from her ex-husband.

    Kelli is a beautiful woman to me, and I will not date anyone else because she has been the right woman for me although it is yet to happen. I will eventually become willing to be her boyfriend, but I am too agitated to think about it right now. Kelli has noticed that I love her although Toni has a boyfriend.

    I have reached a decision to love Kelli weeks ago, for she knows that I have been rejected by many women especially those my age. Kelli has been the nicest woman I know in my life at Chili’s. She is very beautiful to me, and I would not want to consider anyone more beautiful than she. I do not know whether she will trust me in life, for I have been alone since January 5, 2380, when I did last see her.

    After all, I have a possible girlfriend from Chili’s; but for others, I will keep a safe distance from them. I love Kelli at Chili’s, but I have talked to Karen at Starbase 735. Karen is 45, and Kelli is 20. A 25-year age difference between two women has given me a clue in which I should choose for a love relationship, and I should go for Kelli although she is a young woman.

    People knowingly reject me from friendship offers, and I have to respect their wishes even though the friendship opportunities decrease in my life. I would not want to be a person’s friend if he or she acts pushy toward me. I am 30 years old, and I am getting too old for most young women. I have recently stayed out of people’s affairs when their ages are under 20. I will not force myself into anyone’s affairs now.

    I barely know many alumni anymore, and I feel that Crossroads is my only support system because outsiders tend to reject me in friendship opportunities. Starbase 735 and Chili’s are secondary support systems to me, but I now know that there are fewer friendship opportunities in both locations. I have lost friends since March 2378, and there is no way that I can be with them again. I intend to stick with people from Chili’s, Starbase 735, Central Mall, Crossroads, and McDonalds.

    I tend to live on without many people, and I stick to loneliness as a tool for my life. I know I have been set up two years ago, and a frame-up has happened with help from Section 31 operatives.

    Two of my associates who did investigate the Section 31’s role in destroying my ties with a university did get killed off. When my interrogators tried to get information about the role in destroying ties, three Section 31 operatives did commit suicide to prevent secret information from getting to the Starbase Task Force. Section 31 operatives want to be heard and are usually the far right wing of the Starbase Task Force.

    I will keep trying to find the operatives who engineered severing ties with the university, but Section 31 operatives are hard to find because they may infiltrate any Starbase Task Force starship.

    I am on my own to find Section 31 operatives as Admiral Ross said before. I have been told that the only friends I have are Crossroads clients because they give me better support than others. No phone calls will be made on the night of January 15, 2380, and possibly on January 16, 2380. People will be glad that I have no plans to call them, to visit them, and to e-mail them. I know that I have been wrongly accused of harassment by the therapist and by the Dean of Campus Life since March 2378. I will learn that the young women will not become my friends again because of the incidents in late February 2378 to early March 2378. Section 31 may dissolve soon because its operatives have decided to quit this group and to join forces with the Starbase Task Force. I may be presumed guilty before proven guilty because the Crossroads staff sees no innocence in me concerning harassing young female students.

    On January 16, 2380, I did enter Starbase 735 to eat my lunch and to type my story. I am a straight, 30-year-old man; and Karen Watts knows that I need to remain straight because she sees that I bother people sometimes. Karen is a mother to me.

    Before I did go to Starbase 735, Connie W. did wear a denim mid-calf skirt with slits at the sides. She did thank me for considering her skirt beautiful, and she did give me two hugs because she knows that I love her so much like a mother.

    Although she is married, I love Connie W. like a mother because she has been helpful to me at times. She loves to give me a hug or two, and she knows that the hugs help me feel accepted and cared for. I love her so much, yet I will eventually think she is most beautiful because of the skirt that she did wear today.

    The denim mid-calf skirt with slits at the sides did look most beautiful on Connie W., and I have been in love with her in the past few years as if she were my mother. To me, Connie W. is a beautiful sweetheart although she stays married to her husband. Connie has been my friend for a few years, and she knows that I have loved her. She has loved me like a son, and it makes me feel happy. I cannot help considering Connie W. beautiful; for I always love the way she dresses especially when she wears the denim mid-calf skirt. I love her so dearly, and I want to give her another hug soon because she is the only person who helps me feel accepted and loved inside my heart.

    I notice that Connie W. has been a beautiful woman in the last few years, and I can only hug her two or three times a week. Connie has been a mother figure to me, and she knows that I consider her beautiful although she remains married.

    Connie W. has told me that she loves me like a son after I tell her that I love her like a mother. I will love her like a mother for a long time because she loves bear hugs from me. Connie W. wants me to feel happy, for she knows that I have felt depressed before when my grandmother died and when my former professor died.

    I love Connie W. forever as if she is my mother. She loves to hug me tight because she knows that I love bear hugs. She has been sweet to me because she knows that I am a nice person who needs to feel accepted and loved. She loves bear hugs from me, and she knows they make her feel accepted and cared for in her heart. She treats me as if I am her son, but I am not a replacement son to Connie W. although I love to hug her.

    On January 17, 2380, I did go to Crossroads but did get forced to improve my social interaction within the Crossroads environment only. After I left Crossroads, I headed for McDonalds. I did see two older girls (and one of them is Megan). Megan said that she is on her final year in high school, but she remains a friend to me regardless. Megan is a senior, but I do not know how long she would remain my friend. I would think about other things besides Megan because I have shown some reluctance about friendship opportunities outside Crossroads.

    I then did see an older woman wearing a white blouse and a blue pleated ankle-length skirt. I did not say one word to her, but I tend to my own business because I want no trouble. I barely know many people outside Crossroads, and I feel alone at a safe distance from girls and women.

    I would not approach anyone who is a customer at McDonalds, and I see that the only friends are at Crossroads although I have some friends from the community. In clerical, I did notice that the social interaction is to be improved only within the Crossroads environment; but I have interacted with some people outside Crossroads.

    Well, maybe I will interact more on January 18, 2380, because there is limited social interaction at McDonalds. Betsy, the crew chief at McDonalds, did talk to me and did promise to give my phone number and my address to former McDonald’s employee Jamie. Jamie did wear a black knee-length skirt, and she did look so beautiful. Jamie wishes to be a supermodel if I remember correctly, and she remains beautiful although I will ask her to wear a brown skirt or a brown dress.

    I have not heard much.

    On January 18, 2380, I did see the 23-year-old blonde Rebecca Wilson; and she said to me that I was too nice for her. I would probably not see much of her any longer, for she plans to be a teacher. Then, I did see Brittany and her friend; but I became glad to see Brittany although I had a message for my longtime friend Tia Drumm.

    Brittany did tell me that Tia Drumm accepted my apology, and I relayed a message that I would be willing to be Tia’s friend for a long time. I admit that I have feelings for Tia in the past three years, and I still find her attractive.

    Next, I saw a subspace note at Starbase 1041; but it was an encrypted subspace message meant for my eyes only. I did not know who sent it, but I realize that it is time for a change in my life.

    I know from retrospection that I should wait for an officer or a friend to talk to me. I have thought about Kelli, but now I have chosen to make reconciliatory gestures with Tia Drumm. I would not want to think about a Sovereign-class starship.

    In the nighttime of January 18, 2380, I have wondered about my old friendships. I have known some alumni in a number of years, but I prefer not to say much to them. I would think about Tia Drumm sometime, but I realize that the friends I have are scattered across the nation. However, the therapist does not believe that I have any friends outside Crossroads because of his conservative remarks.

    I would agree to leave young women alone if they want nothing to do with me. Loneliness is one thing that I still have to endure, but I understand most women’s wishes (including Rebecca Wilson’s). I have been kept at a distance lately, and I understand that people reject me because of my intelligence.

    I recall from last week that my intelligence did frighten Colby a little bit, but I do not mean to scare anyone with my intelligence. I would not want to take any consideration on young women much, but I know my starship and its crew. Commander Norton Bridgeport has verified the situation between Colby and me since last week.

    I hope to see Brittany on January 19, 2380, at Chili’s. However, I have wanted to keep myself at a distance from her although I have nothing against her. I remember not to talk to anyone much about it unless requested by a crewmember of the U.S.S. Fulcrum III.

    I have missed out on commanding a Nebula-class starship since four months ago. I will probably stick with the Nova-class Starship Fulcrum III for a long time, and I have faith in my crew regardless of my social intentions.

    My current ship is my fifth starship command, but I see no short-term change in command. Starbase 1041 is my second starbase command, and I feel that it has entered into its seventh year under my command. I have made more progress within the starbase although nobody under 25 has come over.

    I have noticed that I would be alone despite my efforts to make some friends anywhere. I know Joyce A. has not visited me for three months, but I would have no idea on whether Tonya Bailey would visit me to get her pictures taken. Tonya is a beautiful, 36-year-old woman; but in a little while, she will turn 37. She will probably dress up for the pictures because her birthday comes up. I like Tonya as a friend, and she is a nice woman who tries to be a friend to me.

    I understand that Admiral Ross has reservations on my friendships with people who are not crewmembers of my ship, and I would make a stand on such issue. After all, the Borg incursions did happen in 2367, in 2369, and in 2373; and the Dominion War ended in late 2375. In my notes concerning 2373, I did serve as tactical officer of the U.S.S. Thunderchild.

    Then, I did head for Chili’s on January 19, 2380. I did get Emily as my server today, and she did become glad to see me at Chili’s. Emily is a 19-year-old blonde. She has known me for about one year now, and she has been nice to me at Chili’s.

    I have missed Kelli for about two weeks now. I remember Brittany telling me yesterday that Tia Drumm accepts my apology for what I did in March 2378, but I have a long way to go.

    Colby and Emily learn about the 1st annual Admiral’s Banquet at Starbase 1041. It will take place on February 1, 2380; but I have a short time to get prepared.

    Colby has been nice to me, but she knows that I have less than two weeks to get prepared.

    I just think of myself as a person who often gets negative feedback from the family and the Crossroads staff members. I know one or two sisters who think I am actually shameless when they are shameless. I feel that they are attempting to dishearten me because they want me to be disgraced.

    Brittany then arrived at Chili’s while my ship remains docked. She and her friend did sit at a different table. Brittany would still give the message to Tia Drumm. Next, Brittany asked me to invite her friend to the banquet; and I granted that request.

    Five people are on the 1st Annual Admiral’s Banquet list. It will be at Starbase 1041 for the first time, and it will involve dinner, social hour, speech, questions, and closing statements. I will encourage my friends to bring their cameras for the banquet. Although I am 30 years old, I am planning a forum for the first time.

    I have not planned a banquet before; and it has become my idea recently. I remember my longtime friend Tia Drumm, yet eventually I will speak to her again for the first time in two years. I describe her as a nice, sensible woman. She has not heard from me since March 2378, yet I will talk to her for the first time in almost two years. I remember her since 2375 when she was a freshman student, and I have known her for about five years now.

    The banquet will begin on February 1, 2380, at 1800 in Starbase 1041. I will order 20 pieces of chicken for 6 people including myself, and I will be fair to everyone. The U.S.S. Fulcrum III will be the flagship for the banquet. A new manager named Brian concurs that 20 pieces of chicken will be enough for 6 people.

    I will be socially appropriate for the 1st Annual Admiral’s Banquet especially when five people visit Starbase 1041. If it becomes a success, I will plan another banquet in late July 2004. I think Tia Drumm may most likely become invited to Starbase 1041, for she has known me for five years since I did first meet her at college.

    I hope to invite Kelli, but she may be busy with her life. If Kelli were to be invited, I would have a total of seven people in my banquet. I like her as a friend, but she knows that I have received more rejections from women in the last two years.

    However, I decided to exercise restraint on my friendships with women especially when they are from college. I remember from recent experience that I did see my friend Rebecca Wilson on January 18, 2380; but she would move on because she would become a teacher soon. I find Rebecca attractive, but she sees someone else.

    Well, I have lost a relationship opportunity with Rebecca Wilson. She may be nice, but she would want hardly anything to do with me. I know that she would not cross paths with me again, so I would have to choose Kelli or Tia for my seventh official girlfriend. I will not see most of my past friends, for they are scattered across the nation doing different things.

    I consider Rebecca Wilson a beautiful, 23-year-old blonde; but she would not see much of me any longer because she would be a teacher.

    I would not know whether I would get an opportunity with Tia Drumm although she is my friend. I have nothing personal against her, and she has been nice and sensible since I first met her five years ago. About two and one-half years ago, I did see Tia donate her pint of blood; and she did a good experience to save people’s lives. I wish I would tell her that I donated blood four times, but she has not talked to me for two years.

    Now I have to move on and to perform my duties. I have no actual plans to call anyone for the rest of January 19, 2380, and perhaps all of January 20, 2380. Admiral Ross will remain at Starbase 375 for the night of January 19, 2380, and all of January 20, 2380. He has not said one word to me in days, and he plans practice battle maneuvers because the Starbase Task Force has to deal with the Breen and some renegade Cardassians. I have not wondered about many Cardassians because, five years ago, some 800 million Cardassians were massacred by the Jem’Hadar.

    On January 19, 2380, I just remember the situation at hand. My family has gotten nasty with me since January 18, 2380, because they want to dishearten me. I remember how my sisters want to dishearten me because they are afraid that I would prosper in life. I may be the next target for disheartenment. I have the right to make friends and the right to defend myself, but my sisters intend to dishearten me further because they think they are always right while I am always wrong.

    In the early evening of January 19, 2380, at Starbase 1041, I have wondered about my past friendships with crewmembers of different starships in my life. I remember working with members of certain starships in 2375 and in 2376. That was four to five years ago if memory serves me correctly. I do not want to make it an issue for this story, thus limiting myself further to friendships with Crossroads clients and few key outsiders.

    I am alone as of this evening of January 19, 2380. Nobody has phoned me tonight, so I should avoid making phone calls for the night. I would probably not be called because of experience. In the next year or two years, I will learn not to make issues out of certain situations that should be kept secret.

    Phone calls are implausible at best, and I remember from experience that several women hang up on me when I try to talk to them in friendship. I have not been called by young women for months, and it means that they want to be left alone. Could it be that I am encouraged to be isolated from people? My answer is yes.

    I remember from 2363 (when I was 13) that I did approach a cheerleader at the end of class. I did say to her that I loved the way she dressed and her cheerleading dress. She thanked me for the compliment, and she gave me a hug only once.

    Then, I remember another girl’s tan knee-length skirt in 2363. She had sandy blond hair, and she looked beautiful in the skirt so much. In mid-June 2363, I gave her a bear hug before vacation started. I remembered from 2364 to early 2368 that she had a strong urge to eat American cheese because she wanted to be satisfied in control of eating American cheese. She could eat sticks and slices of American cheese from 2364 to 2367. She only wanted to be a friend then, but since 2368 I had not seen her since.

    Now this is 2380. I had graduated from college and headed to Crossroads for a job and for another matter. In 2372, I graduated from college. In mid-2373 during a Dominion incursion, I decided to visit the college although it would have been extended from then until four years later. In 2374, I did see Erin Leigh Steinkamp. She loved the bear hugs and the purple skirt, and she donated blood for the first time in that year. I would not have seen her since late 2375. In March 2377, I did take a limited interest in Tia Drumm until I did see Whitney Thaden who did wear her brown knee-length skirt. I did date Whitney for a while, but things did not work out in late 2377. In October 2378, I did apologize to Whitney; but she wrote only one message to me although it would be a long time before she would talk to me again.

    This is mid-January 2380. I have thought about Tia Drumm because I begin to believe that she has become more beautiful now than three years ago. I remembered her as a cheerleader from 2375 to 2378. Now she has remained more beautiful than three years ago. I will do something right for her, for I want to do something right for a change. After all, she is not only nice but also sensible.

    I remember seeing her donate blood three years ago, but because of it I have decided to donate blood a year later. I have donated blood four times, and I will give my fifth pint in April 2380 because I love the experience.

    In the meantime, I should mind my own matters. Nobody will call me for anything, and it is a sign that I should be isolated from the person indefinitely. I will wait for someone to call me up even if it takes months or even years. I know Emily will not call me although I have known her for about one year. I will keep waiting for someone to call me to see what I am up to. I had six official girlfriends, but I would eventually find someone to be my seventh girlfriend. I would not have any idea who it would be.

    I would remember some of my old friends in life, but I would know new friends in life. I have not wanted to call them or to visit them because usually I am uninvited.

    Then, the U.S.S. Deep Six has arrived at Starbase 1041 for maintenance of its warp nacelles and its computer systems. Its captain has not wanted to talk to me although he has been escorted to a room near Docking Bay 3.

    I have been between Docking Bays 6 and 1 in my quarters. I would not want to see the captain of the U.S.S. Deep Six right away because I want to spend time with myself for the night of January 19, 2380, and all of January 20, 2380.

    I am happy that I am separated from the captain although I have hardly any ill will against him. I will think about certain things on January 20, 2380, at Starbase 735. I will not use transwarp technology much because the quantum slipstream drive installed on the U.S.S. Fulcrum III needs more work. Chief Engineer Fred Goble told me that the quantum slipstream drive needs more work concerning complex calculations.

    In my quarters, I have thought about my friend Brittany, who is also a friend of Tia Drumm’s. I remember from Brittany that Tia did accept my apology for sending bad e-mails in 2378. I would not know whether Tia would be willing to be my friend; however, I look forward to enter a warm friendship with her. I do not want any ill will against her, and I remember her beautiful hair since 2375 although she still wears glasses.

    On January 20, 2380, at Starbase 735, Laura Smith became my server. Tonya Bailey did say something about the pictures for her 37th birthday, and I will hopefully take pictures of her on January 21, 2380. I will ask Tonya on what dress she might wear for the pictures on January 21, 2380, because I like her as a close friend.

    I consider Tonya Bailey beautiful, and I know she has been nice to me at Starbase 735. On January 21, 2380, she will visit me to get her pictures taken for about one hour. When she talked to me, Tonya said she would not wear a dress. She said she would wear a short outfit instead, and I did not mind.

    I talked to Laura Smith, and she said to me that she did not like to pose in front of the camera. Tough call! I tended to like Tonya Bailey so much because she looked so beautiful. She would not wear a dress for the pictures, and I respected her style. I still trust her, and she knows how to be a good friend to me. I would not want to disrespect the woman, and I would learn how to get along with people even more. I like Tonya Bailey even more, but I should be quiet because there are hardly many friendship opportunities at Starbase 735.

    I will hope to hear from Tia Drumm soon, for I consider her beautiful. I remember at times when she disagrees with me, but I have not seen her for a little over two years now. Now I disbelieve that she would call me up although I am willing to be her friend. I have known her for five years now, and she has been a nice, sensible woman. I recall in 2377 that Tia has been fictionally ranked as Vice Admiral, but sometime in 2380 I will hope to make amends with her. I will think about choosing her as my third executive officer of the U.S.S. Fulcrum III although Commander Norton Bridgeport has been my current executive officer.

    If I choose Tia Drumm as my next executive officer, I will transfer Commander Norton Bridgeport to the U.S.S. Omega Clipper as its next captain. I understand that Commander Bridgeport is slated for promotion to captain.

    What really depresses me is losing officers to different assignments. I do not want to lose Tia Drumm as a friend regardless of whether she will be my third executive officer of the U.S.S. Fulcrum III. As far as I know, Tia still remains an elementary school teacher. However, I miss her so much although I have known her for about five years. I know from retrospection that she has been a beautiful, sensible woman; and I will finally expect myself to do what I know is right.

    On September 14, 2380, the U.S.S. Fulcrum III will undergo the first major refit and the first major resupply.

    Chapter 2

    On January 22, 2380, at Starbase 735, I have decided to eat some lunch including chicken, barbecue ribs, corn, carrots, and rolls. I remember Karen Watts telling me, You got to eat your veggies!

    I am not much of a hugger to anyone other than Connie W. Connie W. is a mother figure that I love to hug, and she knows that I love her like a mother although she did lose her son a few years ago. Connie loves to hug me tightly, and I am loved like a son by her.

    I only love to hug Connie W., and she knows I need a hug periodically. Despite two mental health staff members treating me like dirt yesterday, I still love Connie W. like a mother.

    I am sad to hear that I would not have many new friends especially the alumni. I feel that I should literally get one friend to interact with, whether male or female. I do not want to call anyone other than Amy Marie Peterson, and I just feel that I should be more alone than usual for another day or two. After two days, things should go better in my life regardless of my intentions toward the person. Amy has been my friend for nine years, and she knows that I consider her one of my closest friends.

    I have received no messages from women and from men. I know they are busy but want no social contact with me. I barely know many alumni from universities, for they are scattered across the nation with intent to consider me a low priority in life.

    There are not many people to know in my life. They just come and go without any expectations. A few Crossroads clients like me as their friend, but not many persons care one bit about me. I know some people who try to take advantage of me socially and emotionally, and I know one man who has no concept of personal space.

    January 22, 2380, has been my turning point for me. I do not want to make more than one phone call per day, for I feel that making more than one phone call would be inappropriate and unnecessary. I would resist the temptation to call any woman long distance, and I feel that I should wait for her to call me regardless of whether the contact is local or long distance. I remember not to associate with women much, and from now on I will cease initiating contact with new people.

    At approximately 1254 on January 22, 2380, I have decided to mind my own business inside Starbase 735 because there is hardly more than one friendship opportunity. I perceive that I will always be alone; therefore, I will have to get used to it. In the last fifteen years, I have faced near-total loneliness because special education and other arrangements have been made not to help me but to discourage my social interaction at places other than at Crossroads.

    I remember from 2364 that I did ask a certain girl about her clothing list after I did explain to her what I had. She said that she had one blue dress, two denim skirts, one off white corduroy skirt, one gray skirt, and two plaid miniskirts. I thought she was a beautiful girl in 2364, but since mid-2365 I have not heard from her under police orders.

    In 2377-2378, I remember hearing threats from the Dean of Campus Life to call the police. I would not know much about them anymore, for I have decided to move on. There are clients to interact with, and the Crossroads staff members believe that the clients give me better support than outsiders. I will have to date a Crossroads client eventually, but I hold back the option of doing so.

    The therapist and the case managers believe that I should think like the majority. I have friends at Chili’s and at Starbase 735, but the mental health staff members have refused to believe me because of their close-minded views concerning socialization. They despise hearing the truth from me, so they make up lies to wreck my social life.

    I will not make friends with new Crossroads clients effective on January 23, 2380. The case manager and the therapist remain firm that they would not allow me to make friends with outsiders in exchange for my better judgment.

    The therapist remains firm that I would be much safer with men than with women. He did the doubletalk when I mention that a man would make a good companion for me. Evelyn Burns agrees with me that being safer with men is wrong in my life. Evelyn is a staunch conservative concerning any relationship with people.

    Isabelle is a busy woman, and so I choose not to talk to her much because I know that my social life is too pragmatic to break. I believe that my social contacts should be decreased because people are busy with intent to come and go in their lives. I love to interact with people, but I feel that the social contacts should be reduced by 10 to 20 percent for 2380 and then by another 30 to 50 percent for 2381. I would not want my contacts to go too far; for I will start acting as a pragmatic, 30-year-old man on January 23, 2380.

    As leader of the Starbase Task Force, my top priority is to maintain the peace with Crossroads. I will agree not to interact with young women who are college students. I begin to see that women who graduate have not wanted to talk to me because I am 30. I am getting too old to admire most women aged 20 to 25. I would not want to say much to people especially at Chili’s and at Starbase 735. My phone calls will be one of my lowest priorities effective this afternoon; however, I will hug Connie W.

    On January 23, 2380, I have thought about the Starbase Task Force Fleets. Although I have arrived at Starbase 735, I have been greeted by Karen Watts and Isabelle. Isabelle has been glad to see me in person, and she has said that she did send an e-mail message from January 22, 2380.

    I know that the family is highly critical of me, but I realize that its members do not want me to be imperfect in a story. Seeking revenge is one thing that I have no intention on doing to anyone, but the family members remain virtually close-minded regardless of my efforts to explain to them.

    Nobody is perfect especially at Starbases 735 and 1041. I see that the only friends that I have are at Crossroads and sometimes at Starbase 735. Patricia Ingram would not allow me to cuss in her presence because then she would have me kicked out forever.

    Then, I told Patricia Ingram that I loved her like a mother and that I would not mind getting loved like a son. I mentioned a short while later that I loved Karen Watts like a mother and that I would not mind getting loved like a son by her. Karen Watts has been a nice woman to me for one and one-half years, and she has been my friend in that time although she is a plain-spoken, 45-year-old woman. I would not cuss in front of Karen and Patricia because I love them like mothers. I would be glad to avoid any nasty stuff toward people.

    Sometimes I feel that I am in love with Karen Watts as if she were my mother. She is married, but she knows that I treat her like a mother.

    I would interact less often with people at Starbase 735, but I want no hostility from people. I recall getting judged on January 22, 2380; however, I have to face trials and tribulations.

    I know that I will face another trial in life, and I just feel that Starbase 735 is a place for customers to eat and to focus on themselves. I have some friends outside Crossroads, but I would not want to make a phone call to anyone except Amy Marie Peterson because she has been my only friend that I cherish as an alumnus. Amy Marie Peterson has been my friend for about nine years, and she remains beautiful since I did first meet her at Homecoming 2371 when she did wear her white mid-calf dress. I still love her as a friend, and I remember the picture in which she did spread her dress to cover her legs completely. Amy is about my age, but she does not want to see me at her house unless I call her ahead of time. She is a beautiful woman about my age; for I realize that many other persons, especially Rebecca Wilson, are uninterested in me.

    I am probably too smart for many people in different locations.

    I did know one thing: I am not a shameless, 30-year-old man. I avoid efforts to seek revenge because it is wrong, and I try to be the protagonist in this series. The therapist and the case manager do not trust this, however. I would take into consideration of making peace with people especially my longtime friend Tia Drumm. I remember Brittany telling me on January 18, 2380, that Tia did accept my apology. On January 23, 2380, I just have to say one good thing about Tia: She is a beautiful woman who loves to be a Christian.

    I would consider many women nice although they have their own boyfriends, fiancés, and husbands. Indeed, I would have nothing against them. Despite my loneliness affecting my chain of command, I deeply admire several women although I have to maintain a safe distance from them. I have taken into consideration that I want to send a subspace message to Tia Drumm, but she is busy with her life right now.

    Admiral Ross understands that I love Tia Drumm, and he knows that her calm, sensible personality has been an asset for her. He has thought about selecting her to replace my second executive officer Commander Norton Bridgeport because he believes that the officer is ready for a promotion. If that were to happen, Tia will be my third executive officer of the U.S.S. Fulcrum III. She is a good friend of mine for about five years despite a lack of communication in the last two years.

    I will be more appropriate to Admiral Ross because he has been a loyal officer. I try to recall thoughts despite the end of the Dominion War in late 2375. Since early 2376, there has been no war with the Dominion. I have wanted to work for peace in Starbase 1041 for 2380 even though I would be alone with a small crew. Sometimes a few starships would stop by to deliver supplies to Starbase 1041 and to the U.S.S. Fulcrum III. Despite a fleet of starships defending Starbase 1041, I am usually alone with the feeling that I remain far from most of my friends and the reinforcements.

    Stephanie Barnes has been a nice person to me at Crossroads since the start of 2380, and she knows that I have problems in my life. She is a tall, 27-year-old woman working as a psychosocial trainer, but she tries to help people out. She wants clients to interact with each other within the clerical environment only, and she likes to see them improve on their social skills.

    Sometimes I feel forced to interact with Crossroads clients only because the CKMHC staff assumes that I have very poor social skills and remain virtually unchanged in that area. I can get along with the community although the therapist does not believe it with intent to say that I need to interact with Crossroads clients first. I have the right to interact socially in the least restrictive environment.

    In the evening of January 25, 2380, the U.S.S. Omega Clipper with my leadership as acting captain did finish its mission. Admiral Ross understands that I am the Omega Clipper’s acting captain for two days because the U.S.S. Fulcrum III undergoes repairs on its warp nacelles at Starbase 1041.

    I see that the Galaxy-class starship remains in service for some time since the end of the Dominion War four years ago. Although I did see Sadie and Anna earlier in the day, the U.S.S. Omega Clipper remains a fairly conservative starship.

    Admiral Ross has smiled when I did well onboard the U.S.S. Omega Clipper. He did not want to see me get into trouble, and he did oversee the operations of the Galaxy-class starship since 2378 from time to time.

    Admiral Ross gave me one statement via padd; and it said, "I am sorry that your starship has gone under repairs, but I want you to be careful via the Galaxy-class Starship Omega Clipper. Please pay no attention to alumni and students of any college."

    I took it very seriously, but I had decided to make some friends although I seek guidance from Admiral Ross. Admiral Ross is Vice-Chair of the Starbase Task Force, and he has encouraged me to make some friends although the therapist and the case manager want to restrict my friendships to Crossroads clients only.

    I remember that Stephanie Barnes wants to help me improve my social skills because the other Crossroads staff members assume that I have very poor social skills in which they remain unchanged. I had been told by the therapist that I have to make only one friend within the Crossroads group on January 14, 2380. He knows I have some friends, but he makes up lies about them because he considers them a threat to his conservative agenda. I do not like being forced to socialize within the Crossroads environment, but the therapist and a few case managers feel that they have no choice other than to force me to interact with people within the Crossroads environment.

    Well, I miss all of my friends beyond Starbase Task Force space. I try not to make enemies out of different groups in different territories. Two years ago, I did make some enemies; but now some remain hostile to me because of the allegations that I have harassed them.

    Many alumni are out of reach from Starbase Task Force space. Most of the alumni are not in Starbase Task Force space, for they explore new territories for themselves. Some alumni remain in Starbase Task Force space, possibly staying behind to care for me in future relationship opportunities. I will attempt to renew my friendship with Tia Drumm sometime on January 26, 2380, and/or on February 1, 2380.

    Aboard the U.S.S. Omega Clipper, I have to perform my duties. I will remember Commander Bridgeport, who is in charge of repairing the U.S.S. Fulcrum III because of a plasma coolant leak of the starboard warp nacelle.

    In early afternoon of January 26, 2380, I did receive greetings from my friends Colby and Brittany at Chili’s. Colby, Brittany, and I discussed the First Annual Admiral’s Banquet. Brittany told me that she had not seen Tia Drumm although I had stated that she would be welcome to join the party.

    I know my feelings for Tia for about three years. I would love to contact her, but certain circumstances may change my life. I love Tia, and I remember her as a beautiful woman who did perform as a cheerleader beforehand. She has remained beautiful to me because I love her style. I am not upset with her or anything like that. After all, she is a well-respected woman who has been nice to people.

    However, my interests in people are limited. I would enjoy my friends’ company; and I will dress up on February 1, 2380, because I want to look presentable to the friends who will visit me at Starbase 1041. I also asked them to dress up for February 1, 2380. My friends and I will take pictures of each other during the social hour, and I will use my 35 mm camera and my digital camera for the party.

    I like Brittany, but I would keep myself at a safe distance from her because the therapist thinks I have Asperger’s Disorder. He would do anything to damage my reputation severely, and he would make up lies in his doubletalk because he believes that it is part of therapy. The therapist has steadfastly believed that I do not need friends for my better judgment.

    Brittany will turn 18 in over three months from now. After all, I consider her beautiful especially when I remember her black skirt. Today she wears her yellow Chili’s T-shirt and her blue jeans; and I think she looks beautiful to me today.

    I believe Brittany will become more beautiful to me in the coming months. However, she learns that I will become nicer to Tia Drumm than ever before.

    I personally will accept Tia Drumm as my seventh girlfriend because she has been a sensible woman who teaches in elementary education. I have no intention to harm anyone, and I just feel that she proves herself to be a better friend to me in my friendships. If I talk to her, I would become willing to be Tia Drumm’s boyfriend (when she does not have one). I bet she remembers the U.S.S. Fulcrum from 2375 to 2377; but she has not seen me for two years. Tia is an extremely beautiful woman to me, and she has been a good friend to me spanning five years off and on.

    Brittany knows that I am 30 years old, and she is only 17. She and I are 12 ½ years apart, but she is a senior in high school. I am getting older in my life, and I have been the fictitious Fleet Admiral for eight years now. I have remained virtually unopposed most of my life although two persons did run for my position in 2376 but lost. Since I have left campus on November 4, 2377, I have decided to search for new locations for ideas. The therapist and the case manager virtually believe that there is better leadership at Crossroads than anywhere else.

    New friendships are to be made at Crossroads as believed by the Program Director, the therapist, the case manager, and the work supervisor. They have ordered me to keep things confidential, but I intentionally break my own confidentiality.

    I will record what goes on during 2380, whether on the U.S.S. Omega Clipper or on the U.S.S. Fulcrum III. I will reveal myself against all forms of secrecy.

    I tell Brittany and Colby on what goes on with me despite orders from the CKMHC staff to keep it secret. I will extend my right to divulge information although the CKMHC staff will want it kept secret.

    Then, I believe that Brittany is beautiful although she is young. I remember her black skirt, and she still remains beautiful whether or not she wears it. I think she should eat some eggs and some American cheese to become more beautiful for her boyfriend if she has one. I know that I should eggs also, and someday I will do it for Brittany.

    Brittany has been my friend for some time; however, she still remains a beautiful, 17-year-old girl. She will turn 18 in about a little over three months from now. Ironically, Brittany knows that I love Tia Drumm for about three years off and on although I remember from Admiral Ross to exercise caution.

    Then, I said to Brittany that eating more eggs and more American cheese would make her more beautiful. She asked me, Why would they make me more beautiful?

    I do not know, I answered.

    I hope Brittany keeps her current boyfriend, for I want to be virtually isolated from women for the rest of January 26, 2380, and all of January 27, 2380, at Starbase 1041. I want to think over about my First Annual Admiral’s Banquet at Starbase 1041.

    Brittany knows that Tia Drumm has been my friend and has accepted my apology. Brittany said to me that, if I lie to a woman, I would get beaten up badly.

    Several people will visit Starbase 1041 on February 1, 2380. We will just be friends, for I lack interest in young women now. I should go for someone about closer to my age, but nobody would want a relationship with me despite my age of 30 years. I know that Colby said this to dishearten me and to thwart me from having a girlfriend in my life.

    Well, I decided not to have any relationships with people beyond friendship. I am satisfied with virtual social isolation more deepened by people’s friends who encourage me to do such a thing.

    I will probably not have a seventh love relationship for the rest of my life. Well, many women tell me that I am too old for them. Personally, I should give up the opportunity to have a love relationship if circumstances get too much for me.

    I hardly have a romantic interest right now, and I remember the terrible battle at Wolf 359 thirteen years ago. I remember the U.S.S. Firebrand as a civilian there when it did get sent to Wolf 359 to intercept a Borg cube.

    Wolf 359 is a site of a terrible battle, and I feel that I should move on with my life and think more positively. I remember living through incursions from the Borg and the Dominion in 2369, in 2373, in 2374, and in 2375.

    All I remember is that people may not want me beyond friendship. They may admire me about certain things but not about my intelligence. I am even disallowed to make friendships with associates that go corrupt in Starbase Task Force space.

    I hope to see Brittany on February 1, 2380. She will become beautiful to me on that day, and the big party will start!

    Brittany knows that she will have a good time on February 1, 2380, especially when she takes some of her friends with her. She looks so beautiful to me especially when she did wear her yellow T-shirt and her blue jeans. Sometimes I will imagine her wearing the black skirt because it looks so beautiful on her. Brittany and Colby are the most beautiful girls, and they look presentable to me. I remember them as my good friends at Chili’s, and they have helped me present a positive outlook in my life outside Crossroads.

    However, the Program Director, the therapist, the case manager, and the work supervisor do not believe that I have presented a positive outlook in my life anywhere including Crossroads. The Program Director has made up one possible lie about it; for he believes that I still have poor social skills in which they remain unchanged. Stephanie Barnes will go unfazed by my interaction with people outside Crossroads, for she will believe that I will have to interact with the clients inside Crossroads first before I can expand my friendships.

    As I make a closing temporary remark, I approached Colby to state to her friends to bring 35 mm cameras and digital cameras. My friends will bring their cameras for memories of the First Annual Admiral’s Banquet at Starbase 1041.

    In the early afternoon of January 27, 2380, I would wonder about something after I arrived at Starbase 735. I see that some friends exist, but there are hardly more than a few friendship opportunities because prospective friends exist fewer in number for the coming years.

    I remember one thing: I am too old to be with younger people because of age differences of several years. I am 30, and most people are either gone or ignored by me. I have remained virtually disallowed from having people under 26 as friends outside CKMHC space, but the staff tries to protect (or to overprotect) my confidentiality. I know that my book says it all despite CKMHC conservative elements’ efforts to suppress information from going to other persons outside CKMHC space.

    Suppression of information will not deter me from writing openly as the Fleet Admiral of the Starbase Task Force, the starship captain, and the starbase commander. I know from experience since November 4, 2377; but I realize that CKMHC staff tries to help me despite their doubletalk and half-truths. A typical therapist hears the information and distorts the truth on a client, but he/she wants to shield the client from the truth in the name of confidentiality.

    I feel that the therapist tries to help me but makes up lies in person. He and a case manager try to stop me from having many friends outside Crossroads for my better judgment. They have no real intention to allow me to have friends anywhere outside Crossroads, and they have their own agenda considering my friendships with outsiders.

    I will see my therapist on January 28, 2380, to determine what goes on. The therapist can make up a lie all he wants, but I will expose the truth although he tries to protect my confidentiality by all means. He does not want me to make friends with people from outside Crossroads until he learns that I am successful with the one client in an out-of-Crossroads friendship. The therapist can possibly make up a lie to stifle my right to make friends with people because he thinks that I did get into trouble with some persons two years ago. However, he remains firm that I am disallowed from making apologies to former students; and he keeps on thinking of me as a shameless, 30-year-old man.

    I hope the therapist does not send goons to monitor my friendships because I have the right to be in the least restrictive environment. The therapist blindly assumes that I have to be in a more restrictive environment because of trouble with students two years ago.

    The Program Director and the therapist continually assume that my social skills remain poor and unchanged. I know how to socialize with people in the community, but the therapist and the Program Director have denied it because they feel I have to interact with clients within the Crossroads environment first. I can see the evil within their eyes, and they must be stopped!

    Two women arrived. One did wear her jean ankle-length pleated skirt, and the other did wear the light green ankle-length pleated skirt. The two women looked so beautiful to me, but I should mind my own business and go on.

    The U.S.S. Omega Clipper did analyze the two women’s skirts, but

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