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A Lesson Well-Learned
A Lesson Well-Learned
A Lesson Well-Learned
Ebook34 pages32 minutes

A Lesson Well-Learned

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18-year-old Riley has had a huge crush on his tough, ex-military teacher Miss Rivers since he could remember. Everyone may be afraid of her, but he can't stop thinking about her, and finally decides to come up with a plan to make her his woman.

Release dateJul 20, 2018
A Lesson Well-Learned


A young person who secretly likes to write taboo erotica! And where my stories differ from a lot of erotica writers is that I tell an actual story with real characters that make all the dirty, hot and raunchy scenes even sexier! Feel free to message me for any feedback at And checkout my website for all the good, naughty stories I have coming! And please consider becoming one of my patrons at Even $1 helps, seriously. And subscribing to me there gives you FREE eBooks every month.

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    A Lesson Well-Learned - SuperWriter

    A Lesson Well-Learned

    By SuperWriter

    Copyright 2018 by SuperWriter

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Riley scribbled on the test laid out before him, answering the million math questions that filled his vision. The last half of the paper started to resemble Egyptian hieroglyphics after a while, but he was somehow able to finish anyway. Setting down his pencil and looking around the silent classroom, his eyes zipped to each of his classmates as they focused on their own exams. Movement from his peripheral made him turn that way to see his friend, Ryan waving at him and pointing down at his paper. When will he ever learn? A quiet sigh escaped Riley's mouth.

    Ryan! The teacher yelled, rising from her desk at the head of the class. You dare cheat in my classroom?!

    I-I’m sorry! He yelped, bouncing in his chair.

    Ten laps outside, now! She pointed to the door.

    Everyone barely reacted to the disturbance, continuing to focus on their tests. Riley understood their nonchalance. Miss Rivers was the toughest person in his school and didn’t tolerate any foolishness, being a former officer in the military. After class, he headed to the student council room and had the scheduled meeting for the week before returning to her classroom.

    Hey, Miss Rivers. He greeted her, carrying a sheet in his hand as he moved in front of her desk.

    Hello, Riley. You’re finished with council work already? Her head popped up from a stack of tests she'd been grading. Sorry I couldn't supervise today.

    It’s no problem. I know you like to grade our tests as quickly as possible. He smiled. She’s as beautiful today as ever. It was true that Violet Rivers put other strict teachers to shame, but her attractiveness was what Riley focused on when she was around.

    Pale, smooth skin covered the voluptuous shape of her body. Despite being in her late thirties, the two mounds on her chest were perky and full. Riley guessed they had to be double D's. And when she would face the whiteboard to write down a problem, her

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