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RIPPED-APART Understanding, Coping and Living with Gender Dysphoria
RIPPED-APART Understanding, Coping and Living with Gender Dysphoria
RIPPED-APART Understanding, Coping and Living with Gender Dysphoria
Ebook36 pages30 minutes

RIPPED-APART Understanding, Coping and Living with Gender Dysphoria

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About this ebook

Gender Dysphoria is a term that strikes fear, confusion, angst, and anger into the hearts of millions of people and families world-wide. It’s not a new phenomenon, but with the opening up of the internet and knowledge becoming more wide-spread, it is drawing a lot more awareness as more and more people present themselves for treatment for a condition many people lived with for years, not understanding why they felt different, why they were suffering.
This book isn’t about understanding the causes of Gender Dysphoria (henceforth called GD), because the Medical, Psychiatric and Psychological communities have no definitive understanding of the cause(s), although a multitude of theories abound, from in utero hormonal imbalances or timing, differences in brain structure, sexual addiction, incomplete or improper bonding with a parental figure; some theories seemingly plausible, and some pure crap. What is REAL is often times the anxiety, depression, stress, headaches, pain, guilt, shame, and in some most serious cases, death by their own hand, along with various other manifestations of the dis-associative feelings trans-men and trans-women have about their perceived gender identity and their natal gender assignment via their organs and hormonal development. To those dealing with this dichotomy, these dis-associative feeling can cause one to literally feel RIPPED APART. Others have learned to manage or blend these different aspects of their being in various ways while some seek relief in presenting themselves for the only treatment currently available, pharmacological and surgical realignment of their body with their mind.
This book, written by a trans-women who has now started transitioning and is for those who also are coping with Gender Dysphoria. It is intended to give another perspective of understanding and living with this condition.

Release dateJul 21, 2018
RIPPED-APART Understanding, Coping and Living with Gender Dysphoria

Traci M Knight

Traci M Knight is the name of a pre-transition trans-woman with a vivid, naughty, imagination. I think of myself in many of these situations and relish the eroticism of the moment.I hope you get as much enjoyment reading as I had writing.Hugs,Traciemail

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    Book preview

    RIPPED-APART Understanding, Coping and Living with Gender Dysphoria - Traci M Knight


    Understanding, Coping and Living with Gender Dysphoria

    By Traci M. Knight

    Copyright 2018 – All Rights Reserved by Traci M Knight and Team Freedom Publishing

    Smashwords Edition July 2018 Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1-The Myth of the Gender Binary

    Chapter 2 - What Causes Gender Dysphoria

    Chapter 3 - Coping With Gender Dysphoria

    Resources/Reference Reading


    From Wikipedia

    Gender identity disorder (GID) or gender dysphoria is the formal diagnosis used by psychologists and physicians to describe people who experience significant dysphoria (discontent) with the sex they were assigned at birth and/or the gender roles associated with that sex. Evidence suggests that people who identify with a gender different than the one they were assigned at birth may do so not just due to psychological or behavioral causes, but also biological ones related to their genetics, the makeup of their brains, or prenatal exposure to hormones.

    Estimates of the prevalence of gender identity disorder range from a lower bound of 1:2000 (or about 0.05%) in the Netherlands and Belgium to 0.5% in Massachusetts to 1.2% in New Zealand. Research indicates people who transition in adulthood are up to three times more likely to be male assigned at birth, but that among people transitioning in childhood the sex ratio is close to 1:1.

    Gender identity disorder is classified as a medical disorder by the ICD-10 CM and DSM-5 (called gender dysphoria). Many transgender people and researchers support declassification of GID because they say the diagnosis pathologizes gender variance, reinforces the binary model of gender, and can also result in stigmatization of transgender individuals. The official classification of gender dysphoria as a disorder in the DSM-5 may help resolve some of these issues because gender dysphoria only pathologizes the discontent experienced as a result of gender identity issues.

    The current medical approach to treatment for people diagnosed with gender identity disorder is to support them in physically modifying their bodies so that they better match their gender

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