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Nebulon: Heroes of the League, #1
Nebulon: Heroes of the League, #1
Nebulon: Heroes of the League, #1
Ebook186 pages2 hours

Nebulon: Heroes of the League, #1

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A grudge match 1500-centuries in the making and the League is about to get right smack dab in the middle of it. Nebulon, a renowned xenoarchaeologist from the planet Tralaska, is tasked to find the source of alien artifacts appearing on the black market. What she finds spells danger for both the League and its citizens.

If you like tech-heavy sci-fi, relatable characters, and stories of interesting species caught up in unbelievable circumstances, you’ll enjoy this first book in Frank Carey’s Heroes of the League series. 169 pages.

PublisherFrank Carey
Release dateApr 20, 2018
Nebulon: Heroes of the League, #1

Frank Carey

Frank Carey has been formally writing and publishing works of science fiction since late 2013. Over the years prior, he had dabbled in various forms of writing including haiku poetry, but that all changed when he and his wife, Jo, decided to try their hand at writing and self-publishing. Since then, he has written and published a collection of flash fiction and short stories, two anthologies, a pentalogy, and a trilogy. All his work, to date, has been in the science fiction genre. Most of his stories take place about two centuries in the future when Earth joins the League of Planetary Systems. Many of his protagonists are strong females. He is an inveterate pantser who believes the story will go where the story wants to go. Frank’s background includes degrees in physics and extensive work as a scientific programmer and technologist.

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    Nebulon - Frank Carey


    Dr. Nebulon Blyst perched on a chair back, her toes curled around the top rail as if they were prehensile. Her assistants were used to seeing her like this whenever she was deep in thought, so they took no notice. She sat there like a gargoyle of Earth legend, staring down at the ancient text as she deciphered it. In her hand was a datapad dutifully recording her every word as she dictated her findings.

    At forty standard years of age, Nebulon was of normal build, which belied her daily workout routines and strict adherence to a healthy diet. Like all Tralaskan women, she was taller and stronger than the average Tralaskan male. As she read, several strands of red hair fell into her face, which she brushed away in annoyance.

    She reached down and picked up her cup, but found it empty, so she stepped down off her perch, slipped on her sandals, and walked over to the bench to get a fresh cup of coffee. Nebulon was one of the millions of Tralaskans seemingly addicted to the dark, aromatic liquid from Earth.

    As she walked past one of the workbenches, she saw a box festooned with OffSec labels. Underneath it was a large stuffed envelope with her name on it.

    Jen, what's this? she asked as she opened the envelope and read its contents. She grabbed a cutter from a tool-filled coffee cup and carefully opened the box with a single length-wise cut. Inside, she found a wrapped, metal-glass-ceramic sculpture about thirty centimeters in diameter. It was completely unfamiliar.

    That came over from the Ministry of Science. They got it from the Office of Security who needed it identified, but they don't have a clue what it could be, so they sent it here.

    Nebulon was befuddled by what she saw. It resembled nothing in the museum's collection or any other collection she could recall. Did they say why OffSec is involved?

    The Ministry exec said something about it being a stolen antiquity.

    They think this is an antiquity? This looks like a prop from a science fiction vid. It looks much too modern. I would guess it's something from one of those modern art museums, Nebulon said as she ran a scanner over it. Odd...

    What is it, Doctor?

    This can't be right. The computer thinks the metal casing is adamantine steel, a modern material, yet the glass and ceramics seem to have come from at least a thousand centuries ago, if we can believe the isotopic analysis. The kicker is the glass is fused to the metal, a feat we can't perform using even our most advanced techniques. This artifact, or device, or whatever it is, seems to be an impossibility. Jen, prepare the deep scanner. Let's give it a closer look.

    After several hours and several trips through the analyzers, Nebulon came to the conclusion that the device could not exist, so she called over to the Physics Department at the nearby university and asked if they could run it through their multi-spectral analyzer.

    While she waited for the results from the MSA, she walked over to the department library and consulted references on civilizations that flourished a thousand centuries ago. None had artifacts that in any way resembled hers nor did any work with such advanced materials as adamantine steel. She had exhausted her reference material when her contact at the university walked up with a case and a report. Nebs, where the hell did this come from? Do you know what this is? Dr. Charles Danzer, Head of the Materials Science Division asked.

    That's the problem, Charlie, I have no idea what it is or what it does, she said before telling him the object's background.

    What you have here is some type of power source that we can't even begin to explain. I've talked to my colleagues both here and elsewhere, and we're stumped. This device is beyond our current level of technology. How old did you say it is?

    Around a hundred thousand years, give or take a few centuries.

    That's amazing. All I can say is to be careful with it. Even though it isn't putting out enough microwave energy to hurt anyone, its potential output is unknown. I suggest you don't drop it, Charlie said as he handed it back to her in a protective case.

    Nebulon took the case and its contents back to the lab and told Jen to call the Ministry and have them arrange a pick-up while she prepared a report.


    Several hours later, Nebulon was interrupted by a knock at the lab door.

    Yes? she said as she opened it a crack and peered out.

    Hello, are you Dr. Nebulon Blyst? a rather handsome young man asked. He was about her height and age with a solid build and light hair cut spacer-style. She found it interesting that she couldn't tell if he was Earth-human or Tralaskan. She couldn't help but notice he had a very disarming smile.

    Yes, I'm Dr. Blyst, and you are?

    My name is Jason Thurgood, he said, flashing his badge. I'm attached to OffSec. I'm your chauffeur for tonight.

    Chauffeur for tonight? Why do I need a chauffeur? I'm not going anywhere.

    You've been invited to give a briefing on your findings to the Director of Operations of the Office of Security’s Center for Advanced Research.

    You mean the Cube?

    Yes, Dr. Devlin, the Director, would like to talk to you about the report you just submitted, he said. We know this is extremely short notice, so we took the liberty of bringing you some clothes. You can change while we're in transit. This way, please, he said indicating the door.

    How did you know my size? she asked, confused. I need to inform Jen...

    My First Officer has an excellent eye for fit, and the rest is taken care of. This way please.

    Nebulon grabbed her purse and followed him to the elevators. Once inside, he hit the button for roof access."

    Why are we going to the roof? Are we taking a helicopter to the space port? she asked, knowing that getting to the Cube required a trip through space.

    "No. We’re bypassing the spaceport.

    Mr. Thurgood, I'm curious. What do you do for OffSec?

    I’m a senior pilot. I mainly fly very important people around, which means you're a very important person.

    Her reply was cutoff as the elevator doors opened to reveal her ride. What is that? she asked as she stood and stared at a spaceship sitting on the roof of the building. It was perhaps thirty-five-meters long, twelve-meters wide, and four-meters-high. At the rear were four engine pods. The ship sat on four stout landing legs that ended on what looked like talons from some impossible raptor.

    That's the League Transport Vessel Ascendant. It is a Rambler-Nash Model one-one-eight Space Transport with full FTL capability and advanced survey systems. It seats eight normally, but we can accommodate up to fourteen if we double-up in the cabins. Please, this way, he said as he took her arm and walked her to the port-side hatch.

    Wow. I’ve heard of the Cube, but I’m unfamiliar with the details.

    The Cube is in orbit around a dead star about a light-year from here. Please, come aboard and strap-in. We'll be lifting off as soon as you're ready, he said as he walked her to a seat. Behind them, the hatch closed and locked by itself.

    I'm the only passenger? Who the hell is flying this bus? she asked as he handed her a drink. It was her favorite, a vodka martini.

    Why that would be me and Natalie. Press the button above your head if you need anything. I'll let you know when we break orbit. Sit back, relax, and leave the driving to us, he said as he ducked through a doorway.

    Who the hell did I piss off this time? she asked out loud remembering the last time she dealt with OffSec. Private space ship, good looking pilot, and a damn fantastic vodka martini. I'm doomed...


    In moments, the ship rumbled before leaping into the sky. Surprisingly, it was the smoothest take-off Nebulon had ever experienced. She watched her home world turn beneath her as the ship reached orbit.

    This is the captain. Welcome aboard the Ascendant. We will be breaking orbit in a few moments. Please stay seated with your seatbelt fastened until the seatbelt light is extinguished, which should be shortly after we enter FTL space. Now sit back and enjoy the ride.

    Are you kidding me? All this just for little old Dr. Blyst? A girl could get used to this, She said as she sat back and sipped her damn fine martini. She couldn't believe that just an hour ago she was cataloging ancient statues. Now, she was heading for a meeting with an OffSec Director at a secret installation.

    FTL in three...Two...One...Mark! Nebulon felt the strange sensation of falling for a moment as the ship transitioned from real space to FTL space. Then it was gone and everything was normal. Moments later, the seatbelt sign went out, and Jason entered the cabin with a young lady. Blond, tall, lanky, and about Jason's age. She looked like a normal human woman except for her yellow eyes which seemed to glow.

    Dr. Nebulon Blyst, this is my First Officer, Natalie Markle. Nat, this is Dr. Blyst.

    Nice to meet you, Doctor, Nat said. We will be in transit for about eight hours, so can we get you anything?

    I'm starved. I haven't had dinner, she said.

    Dinner it is. What would you like?

    Would it sound bad if I said a hamburger? Rare?

    Hamburger, rare, coming right up, he said as he went into the galley."

    He cooks? Really? she asked Natalie as Jason set to work in the galley.

    Yes, he cooks. His cats love it when he cooks for them.

    He has cats?

    He has a residence on earth. Lovely house on thirty acres in northern North America he shares with a number of them. Nat said as she waited for the inevitable question.

    So, no Mrs. Thurgood?

    No, no Mrs. Thurgood. He tried once, but it didn't work out.

    Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. What about you? Are you married?

    Not in the sense your species defines marriage. I do have a mate, and he works from home.

    You're not human?

    Not even close, though I hear the resemblance is remarkable.

    Jason walked over with two plates of food and placed one in front of Nebulon. Dinner is served. What would you like to drink?

    I'm still working on the martini, thanks. Nat, aren't you going to join us?

    I don't eat...much, she said. I'll sit this one out.

    So, Dr. Blyst, what did you think about the object we sent you? Any ideas about where it came from?

    None, I've never seen anything like it. I showed it to some physicist friends of mine, and they think it's some type of power supply. The kicker is it couldn't be manufactured using today's technology even though it's over a thousand centuries old. Where did you find it?

    It was confiscated during a drug raid in Capital City. The head dealer had a thing for alien antiquities. He bought that one at a recent black-market auction in town.

    Damn, this is a really good burger. Sorry, but I've been getting real hungry lately. It's probably just the job and life getting to me. This trip, though, is fantastic. What's Director Devlin like?

    She is unique, beautiful, tough as nails, and caring. She loves bourbon and cigars, and my cats adore her.

    Natalie told me you had cats. Are they big? Little?

    Smallest is Leroy. He weighs in at twenty kilos. The biggest is Angus who tips the scales at two hundred kilos.

    You have a cat that weighs two hundred kilos? Really?

    Yep. And they all love to snuggle, he said as he finished his meal. Doc, you did justice to that burger. Can I get you anything else?

    No, that was perfect. Would it be alright if I took a nap? I'm exhausted.

    Not a problem, he said as he reached overhead and pulled out a blanket and pillow. He showed her how to lower the seat, gave her the pillow and covered her. We'll wake you right before arrival. Sleep well, he said as he dimmed the lights and returned to the cockpit. She quickly fell asleep and dreamt of giant cats purring at the moon.


    Jason gently woke Nebulon an hour out from their destination. She grabbed

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