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Hunting His Omega: MM Alpha Omega Fated Mates Mpreg Shifter
Hunting His Omega: MM Alpha Omega Fated Mates Mpreg Shifter
Hunting His Omega: MM Alpha Omega Fated Mates Mpreg Shifter
Ebook26 pages19 minutes

Hunting His Omega: MM Alpha Omega Fated Mates Mpreg Shifter

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I’m a werewolf. An expert tracker with a photographic memory and a nose to match. I make my living tracking townsfolk and their wayward animals. It pays the bills.

Arthur was just another local who’d gone missing. Happens all the time.

But something was different. Something I couldn’t quite put my nose on…


I love picking herbs! Omega Father was sick and needed some healing herbs. I knew exactly where the best ones were, too. I’d get him back to health in no time. It gave me a chance to get out and smell the roses.

But a terrible thunderstorm forced me into a dark, dank cave. With no food, water or heat, I quickly descended into madness.

If it wasn’t for Jordan literally going into the depths of Hades itself to rescue me, I wouldn’t be here. I owe him my life. And my babies.

Release dateJul 25, 2018
Hunting His Omega: MM Alpha Omega Fated Mates Mpreg Shifter

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    Hunting His Omega - Jade DragonSong


    Hunting His Omega

    Copyright © 2018 by Jade DragonSong

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. Everyone in this story is 18 or older.

    If you would like to be the first to know when a new story becomes available, please sign up for my newsletter: Jade DragonSong’s Newsletter

    The rain poured down around Arthur. The terrible, driving, pouring rain. He'd just gone on a little jaunt for his Alpha Father to get some herbs. He was only supposed to be gone a little while.

    Not three whole days!

    For three days straight the rains came down. At first, he was ecstatic! He loved the rain. Flowers smelled better, the scent of the pine and conifer grew more fragrant and the earth. Oh boy, the smell of freshly-wet earth filled his nostrils, taking him back to a time where he was as carefree as a butterfly.

    But after a couple hours, he knew he was going to have to take shelter. He looked; he searched. But nothing. After six hours, he was completely drenched and he knew he had to find something or he was going to catch his death.

    Bedraggled, chilled to the bone and more tired than he'd ever been, he stumbled upon what promised to be his life-line.

    A cave!

    He'd wiped the sweat from his brow and surged ahead, unmindful of the stinging slaps of driving water pelting his skin. His muscles ached, near to the point of cramping and when he felt his forehead, it felt a bit hot.

    Maybe, just maybe, if he could make it to the cave before nightfall, he'd have a

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