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The Practical Caregiver's Workbook: Strengthening the Patient-Caregiver Bond: The Practical Caregiver's Workbook, #1
The Practical Caregiver's Workbook: Strengthening the Patient-Caregiver Bond: The Practical Caregiver's Workbook, #1
The Practical Caregiver's Workbook: Strengthening the Patient-Caregiver Bond: The Practical Caregiver's Workbook, #1
Ebook48 pages29 minutes

The Practical Caregiver's Workbook: Strengthening the Patient-Caregiver Bond: The Practical Caregiver's Workbook, #1

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About this ebook

The bond between patient and caregiver is an important one. If your loved one is struggling with a serious illness, there are ways that you can work together as a team to make sure that each of you is able to be as active and engaged as possible. This helps to reduce the stress and frustrations in your relationship, improve your ability to communicate effectively with each other, and avoid unnecessary complications that could knock you both off-track.

PublisherSara Barton
Release dateAug 1, 2018
The Practical Caregiver's Workbook: Strengthening the Patient-Caregiver Bond: The Practical Caregiver's Workbook, #1

Sara M. Barton

Sara M. Barton is the author of several popular cozy mystery series that often feature humor, romance, and pets, but no ghosts, witches, or psychics (It’s not that she thinks these are bad books; it’s that she’s more of a traditionalist when it comes to cozies.) She’s the author of a new historical mystery called The Pantomime Double-Cross, with a heroine who has lived a secret life for forty-five years, unbeknownst to family and friends. Under the pen name of S. M. Barton, she’s written several espionage thrillers, including The Mirrors: A Moscow Joe Cyberspy Thriller. Once she wraps up the final chapter of her old life, Sara’s slated to begin her new life and tackle her overdue bucket list. When she’s not writing, she loves to get outside and enjoy nature, especially after hip replacement: “If my new hip were a man, I would marry him in a heartbeat for all the right reasons. He’s good to me, takes me wherever I want to go, and he’s fun to be around. Perfect qualities in a mate.” Happy Reading! The Practical Caregiver Guides website: Facebook page: Twitter: Cozy Mystery Series: The Scarlet Wilson Mysteries revolve around innkeeper Scarlet Wilson and her knack for stumbling into murder most foul. The eight-book series is laced with humor and romance. The Cornwall & Company Mysteries chronicle “Marigold Flowers” and her life on the run as she escapes from ruthless contract killers with the help of Jefferson Cornwall.

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    Book preview

    The Practical Caregiver's Workbook - Sara M. Barton

    The Practical Caregiver’s Workbook:

    Strengthening the Patient-Caregiver Bond

    By Sara M. Barton

    Book Information

    Draft2Digital Edition

    Copyright 2018 Sara M. Barton

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever, without the express written permission of the authorized publisher, Sara M. Barton, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


    Are you a family caregiver struggling to take care of a loved one? Do you feel like you are part of an invisible workforce that toils in the darkness, unseen by other human beings? Take heart. According to researchers, more than forty million family caregivers in the United States contribute more than thirty seven billion hours of time and energy each year to provide care for their loved ones. That’s right. There are more than forty million other folks doing what you do. And many of us are finding the work as hard as you are. We are out there in the caregiver trenches every day and night, trying to do right by the people we love. It’s not always easy, but we do the best that we can. If we’re smart, we ask ourselves one thing: Can I do this better, for me and my loved one?

    Any good relationship takes work. We constantly renegotiate the balance between the two of us. When one person is down, the common expectation is that the other person will offer support. It generally goes back and forth, to and from, so that no one is ever totally depleted. We give and expect to get our fair share in return. It’s a cooperative relationship that nurtures both parties. There is a flow that goes back and forth in a complementary way; it’s the duality of yin and yang. It is necessary to continually readjust the weight, the focus, the productivity, and shared power of the relationship. Normally, both parties usually are satisfied in the good times and able to manage frustrations during those times when things are not quite in sync.

    But when someone is seriously ill or coping with a debilitating illness, that personal dynamic between the two of you changes. How do you navigate your way to the new normal and recover the equilibrium between you when one of you cannot function as before?

    This workbook aims to assist you in troubleshooting some of the major issues you face as a caregiver, so

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