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Growing Greener Children: Eco Parenting
Growing Greener Children: Eco Parenting
Growing Greener Children: Eco Parenting
Ebook120 pages1 hour

Growing Greener Children: Eco Parenting

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A comprehensive guide for parents who care about their children’s health and the environment. Growing Greener Children provides easy access to information about common toxins in our environment and food with practical suggestions of how to protect their children from potentially damaging side effects. From environmental triggers in our society to common childhood concerns - ADHD, asthma, obesity and precocious puberty - the book provides positive steps that every parent can take to make sure that their child’s risk of exposure is kept to a minimum.
‘The future of the human species is dependent on how we take care of our young. If we are to survive eco parenting is not an option it is a necessity. Eco parenting practices as outlined in this book can help save the environment and curtail the current epidemic of lifestyle related chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, ADHD, asthma etc. while also ensuring that children and their parents live long, joyous and fulfilling lives.’ Professor Marc Cohen, RMIT University
‘A valuable guide for parents and other adults who want to nourish children’s knowledge of nature, and, even more important, their love of it.’ Richard Louv, author, ‘The Nature Principle’ and ‘Last Child in the Woods’
‘Eco Parenting - Growing Greener Children is beyond doubt amongst the most important and informative books ever written on nurturing healthy, happy and sustainable families. This easy to read book contains such valuable, interesting and well researched knowledge that I find it hard to imagine why every family isn’t given a copy when they have their first child.’ Ryan Hamilton, Manager , Wholelife Santos, Byron Bay
‘Eco Parenting –Growing greener children, should be in every kitchen and every shoppers handbag or pocket as an indispensible reference. To quote a comment I once read “a nations health is a nations wealth” In todays world every effort needs to be made to preserve, nurture and maintain health.’
Bruce Purkiss D.0.,D.C., Dip.Ac. , Founder. Functional Restoratiion.
‘Jane Hanckel’s new book, Eco Parenting Growing Greener Children, is a welcome and well researched work bringing to parents the awareness and understanding that their choices of diet,
lifestyle and environment can deliver significant benefits to the health and wellbeing and future of their children. Health and happiness in society can be better addressed by adopting healthy living practices than costly medical alternatives and Jane’s book a timely reminder of this.’
Jan Barham, Mayor, Bryon Shire Council

PublisherJane Hanckel
Release dateJul 30, 2017
Growing Greener Children: Eco Parenting

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