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A Plantation, A Tour Guide, and A Poltergeist
A Plantation, A Tour Guide, and A Poltergeist
A Plantation, A Tour Guide, and A Poltergeist
Ebook173 pages2 hours

A Plantation, A Tour Guide, and A Poltergeist

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Deanna Oscar Paranormal Mysteries Book 8

Ghosts never forget, rarely forgive, and frequently refuse to move on.

While Deanna is helping her brother settle in, her friends' relationships give her reasons to worry and celebrate—depending on the couple.

Work, however, never stops.

The case that falls in her lap at the Hundred Willows Plantation is truly disturbing. The ghosts have become restless—attacking tourists and tour guides. While the family denies there is anything haunting the antebellum mansion, they can't hide the truth from Deanna.

The plantation's dark history repeats itself in specific scenes playing out over and over. That isn't the worst of it.

It's when the supernatural residents try to interact with humans that injury and death become a recurring theme for the living.

The only way to change the pattern is for Deanna to put herself in the path of anger, attack, and Death itself.

PublisherCheryl Dragon
Release dateAug 10, 2018
A Plantation, A Tour Guide, and A Poltergeist

CC Dragon

Author of Cozy Mysteries and Romantic Suspense. Loyal Chicago girl who loves deep dish pizza, the Cubs, and The Lake! Addicted to amateur sleuths :)

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    A Plantation, A Tour Guide, and A Poltergeist - CC Dragon

    Chapter One

    As I walked out of the bathroom attached to my bedroom, the only one like that in the mansion, there was a knock on the door.

    Hang on, I said as I tugged jeans and a T-shirt over my underwear.

    I knew it was my brother. He was adjusting to New Orleans well enough, but there were six people and only three bathrooms on the second floor, one of which that was only accessible through my bedroom. Ivy and Brody had a tendency to overtake one of the others with makeup and other things leaving Matt, Gunner, and Frankie to share the other.

    And with Greg staying here because of the charity house Mary Lou was running, that was an additional person in our ongoing game of restroom roulette.

    Everyone else was sort of used to the weird setup. There was plenty of room; you just had to go with the flow. I’d missed my home and my adopted city when I’d gone to visit my brother.

    Opening the door, I smiled. Morning.

    Frankie had on boxers and an undershirt. He carried his clothes in one hand. I should get my own apartment, De. It’s like a frat house.

    I rolled my eyes. You can always use the downstairs bath.

    It only had a small shower but Frankie was a simple guy. No fuss. No uniform to press or anything special.

    Sorry, I’m used to more privacy. Frankie headed into my bathroom.

    He was met with a hiss.

    Tish. I went in and picked up the eight-pound furball. Play nice.

    The cat purred for me but had yet to warm up to my brother.

    Frankie was still finding his place in my weird world. I finished up my makeup and hair at the small vanity in my bedroom.

    Ivy knocked and burst in with her little dog Pearl hot on her high heels.

    Your brother in there? she asked.

    Yeah, why? I watched her in the mirror.

    His car is blocking Brody’s. We need more parking. She sighed.

    More bathrooms. It wasn’t a problem before. None of this was. I don’t get it. It was weird to have my brother living with me but it was my family. Everyone else who landed here just sort of fit in.

    His energy is odd. Like he creates a tension by being here, Ivy said.

    He’s trying to sort out his powers and if he even wants to use them. Deal with them. Remember me when I first came here? I smiled.

    Ivy laughed. You were in over your head but you adapted.

    He will too, but he has a lot more people around him with less powers and more knowledge. It’s intimidating and maybe I’m not helping. I shrugged.

    Ivy hugged me from behind. You’re fine. Maybe it’s the big sister thing. Having your sibling teach or coach you would be weird. But who else is there?

    Gran, but she’s wanting me to fly solo more, I replied.

    And if Frankie can only see her in dreams or whatever, his powers aren’t yours. Ivy grabbed an eyeliner and touched up her makeup.

    I laughed. Right, and they take time to develop. I’m where I am and things come easier. Maybe I need to talk to his angel?

    You have a bedroom full of angels. Talk to whomever you want. But Frankie can only handle what he’s ready for. You’re not going to have a partner in this wacky little family business for a while. Ivy fussed with her wig.

    The door behind us opened.

    You think I’m in this for your business? I thought I was here for marketing, Frankie said.

    I scolded myself for talking too freely. You’re here for whatever you want. Ivy and Greg were wonderful to me when I was figuring out my powers and how to handle them. If I wanted to do what Gran did. No pressure. No rush. You can do marketing or not.

    I have to do something, he said.

    Marketing is great, Ivy encouraged.

    Just don’t stress yourself. Dealing with this stuff isn’t easy. Facing your powers and all of that, I’ve had migraines and nights where I got no sleep. It’s okay to take a day off. You have to be strong to face evil. That was the one rule I probably needed to follow more myself.

    I’ve been here a few weeks. You can stop letting me play tourist. I want to tour the clubs today. Look at the marketing plans, he said.

    I nodded. Sure.

    Gunner has a list of cases to go over, Ivy reminded me.

    I know, but we just finished that private home Greg had on his critical list. One day off won’t hurt and I can rest my brain. I should set a good example.

    Okay. I’ll go start breakfast, Frankie said.

    Brody already is. He has to cover at the rehab today so you’ll have to move your car, please, Ivy said.

    Sure, I’ll do that first. Frankie ran his fingers through his still damp hair.

    Thanks, Ivy called.

    I hung up my wet towel and straightened the bathroom the way I liked it. Tish had calmed down and was now sleeping between the pillows on my bed.

    Maybe New Orleans isn’t for him? Ivy asked.

    He’ll adjust. The demons won’t stop going after him just because he doesn’t want them around. He needs someone to look out for him. Eddie’s gone. I have to make sure Frankie is safe. He might get his own place and work a normal job but he can’t escape whatever gifts he has. I tried my whole childhood. I clipped back my long black hair.

    Okay. See you downstairs. Greg already left for Mary Lou’s. I don’t know why he sleeps here since he’s always over there helping her. Ivy huffed.

    There are also young women over there, I reminded her.

    Please, because he’s an ex-priest people think he must have been a pedophile or something awful. Ivy stood in the doorway.

    No one thinks that. But I don’t blame him for being careful. One girl forgets to close a door and things get awkward and he’s the adult. If he and Mary Lou were married, it’d be different. There is enough room here. I think you’re right. Frankie’s energy is new. He’s got a lot of it, too. I rubbed Tish’s belly and she just yawned.

    Meet you down there. Maybe Brody and I should get our own place? Ivy asked.

    No, absolutely not. I felt guilty when I inherited this place. A freaking mansion with gardens and all that for one person? It’s nuts. At least now we’re using the space.

    Ivy chuckled.

    What? I asked.

    Too bad there aren’t servants’ quarters in the basement like on ‘Downton Abby’.

    Please, the ghosts would inhabit them first, I teased.

    There were no basements around here. Not at this sea level.

    A few minutes later I headed down the grand staircase that felt like it belonged in Gone With the Wind.

    The kitchen was bustling. Gunner and Matt were flirting. Brody was focused on food and getting out the door. Ivy fussed over coffee while Frankie took up a corner of the table trying to be out of the way.

    Frankie and I are going to hit the clubs today so he can dig into the marketing plans. I tossed a bagel in the toaster. My brother had left his job at a casino to come work for me after dealing with that fact that several people at the resort, including his girlfriend, were possessed.

    We have a few cases that need to be reviewed, Gunner said.

    I pulled the cream cheese out of the fridge. We can do that tomorrow. One day off between cases won’t kill us. Refresh the brain.

    Gunner shrugged. I’ll go through them all and prioritize. Double-check some facts first.

    Thanks. I could tell just by reading them which were the fake cases and who really needed attention. But I also needed a clear head.

    Maybe I should try to get the day off? Matt teased.

    I scoffed. You two just went on vacation and missed all the casino crazy.

    Sounds like it was a good trip to miss, Gunner said.

    I need to get to work. Bye, Brody said as he dashed out the door.

    The drag queen duo that was Brody and Ivy felt strained. Ivy ran the Long and Big Easy, a club I ended up owning after Katrina blew through. Brody worked there part-time and also worked for Paul and I at the rehab center we’d opened.

    When the door closed, I looked to Ivy. Everything okay?

    De, it’s not our business, Frankie said.

    I pointed the knife at him. My friends, I can ask.

    Not a lot of secrets around here. Matt patted Frankie on the shoulder.


    You got any secrets I need to know about little, brother? I propped a hand on my hip. Eddie made a deal with a demon. I can’t handle that here.

    No, no secrets. I’m boring. I’m not sure Eddie really knew what his powers were. How do I know the difference between a dream and a vision? he asked.

    The room got quiet.

    At first, you don’t. Then you start to recognize the reality. When dreams come true, it was a vision. You’ll feel the difference. It takes time. I was frustrated too, at the beginning, I admitted.

    We thought she’d up and run back to Chicago many times, Matt chuckled.

    Culture shock and this. It’s a lot. Don’t stress about any of it. But you’re safer here. I sat at the table and started to eat.

    Brody made bacon and eggs. Ivy held the pan. I don’t know why he’s so stressed.

    Missing work? Does he have a lot of debt or bills? I asked.

    Frankie smirked.

    What? Ivy dished out food.

    She’s supposed to be a psychic and she’s asking you, Frankie said.

    I can’t read people’s minds. I can try but that’s not a guarantee. People lie to themselves anyway. I dug into eggs, bacon, and a bagel.

    Isn’t that the truth? Besides, he lives here free. Free food. I guess people get into that sort of debt but he had a job when I met him. He’s got people skills. Ivy sat and ate her breakfast.

    I’m off. See everyone later. Matt kissed Gunner and headed out the door.

    We all waved.

    I never would’ve guessed. Frankie refilled his coffee.

    Guessed what? My tone said he better be careful what came out of his mouth.

    He’s so straight-laced. It’s New Orleans. Frankie shrugged.

    Ivy smiled. Just because you can be flamboyant doesn’t mean everyone who is gay is that way.

    I know, but De said she didn’t know about Matt right away. Why hide it? Like in Chicago, why hide it there? Frankie asked.

    People aren’t always okay with themselves. Takes time, Gunner said.

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