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Isis is Islam, Islam is Isis
Isis is Islam, Islam is Isis
Isis is Islam, Islam is Isis
Ebook25 pages23 minutes

Isis is Islam, Islam is Isis

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Selection of the essays of the ex-Muslim Turkish author Serkan Engin on Islam in English.

PublisherSerkan Engin
Release dateJul 29, 2018
Isis is Islam, Islam is Isis

Serkan Engin

Socialist Laz-Turk poet and author Serkan Engin was born in 1975 in Izmit, Turkey. His poems and articles on poetry theory have appeared in more than fifty literary journals in Turkey. In 2004, he published a poem manifesto, entitled Imagist Socialist Poetry. He has been trying to launch a new movement in Turkish poetry and to this end has published numerous articles about literary theory. His poems and articles on poetry theory have been published in English in many international literary journals all over the world like The Tower Journal, Poetry'z Own, Belleville Park Pages, Far Enough East, Split Infinitive Lit Magazine, Empty Mirror Literary Magazine, Songsoptok, Poetry Super Highway, Miracle E-zine, Industry Night Lit Magazine, Open Road Review, Shot Glass Journal, The Criterion,, The Wagon Magazine, The Last Bench and international literary/art sites like Mediterranean Poetry, The Writer’s Drawer, Margutte, Shabda Shikha. Some of his poems appeared in Japanese in the leading Japanese philosophy and poetry journal Shi to Shisou. His poems and articles on poetry theory also have been translated into Italian, Spanish, Swedish, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Romanian, Persian, Bengali, Kurdish, Romaic and Lazish. Some of his poems in English have been accepted to the international thematic poetry anthologies. He is the first Turkish poet in history who has written a poem on Armenian Genocide. His poem named "Barbarian and Ms Daisy" which has been dedicated to the victims of the Armenian, Assyrian and Greek genocides has been accepted to the Armenian Poetry Project in 2015. His political articles on Islam and also Armenian, Assyrian, Greek genocides have been published in many countries in many languages including Sweden, USA, Greece, India, France, Argentina, Netherlands, Armenia, Indonesia and Finland. He hasn’t published any printed poetry book in Turkey because of his ethical attitude.

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    This book is an example of how hatred can make people blind. The author is shamelessly dishonest and ignorant.

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Isis is Islam, Islam is Isis - Serkan Engin



Ex-Muslim Turkish Author


Why Islam is Worse Than Nazism

I am an atheist author and poet, who had lived as a Sunni Muslim for 23 years from birth, and I am still living in a Muslim country, Turkey. Also, my parents and all of my relatives are still Muslim. So, my critics about Islam can be easily consider this an inside view.

I know that the title of this essay seems assertive, but I will explain the rightness of this title step-by-step in this essay.

First of all, you have to learn about Islam that if you are an outsider, a non-Muslim, for example, a Christian, an atheist, a Buddhist, a Jew or whatever else, all Muslims have the right of killing and raping you, grabbing all your properties, your country, land, money and anything else. They take this right from the book of their belief, the Quran. In other words, they take this right from their belief’s core, the theology of Islam.

Here are some examples of this in verses from Quran.

This verse of Quran is about all non-Muslims, all heretics! — Christians, Buddhists, atheists, Jews, etc. — describing them "who wage war against Allah and His Messenger (Muhammad)"

Surat Al-Ma’idah (5.33)

"Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment."

And this verse of the Quran is about the order to kill the humans who left Islam, the apostates:

Surat An-Nisa’ (4.89)

"They wish

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