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Be Happy in Life: Stop Worrying, Build Good Habits, Stay Motivated & Change Your Life
Be Happy in Life: Stop Worrying, Build Good Habits, Stay Motivated & Change Your Life
Be Happy in Life: Stop Worrying, Build Good Habits, Stay Motivated & Change Your Life
Ebook142 pages1 hour

Be Happy in Life: Stop Worrying, Build Good Habits, Stay Motivated & Change Your Life

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Be Happy in Life: Stop Worrying, Build Good Habits, Stay Motivated & Change Your Life

If you want to Increase Self-Confidence, Beat Fear & Negative Thoughts, Develop Good Habits & Get More Friends, then this is your book!

This book consists of great steps and strategies on how to be happy and on how you can harness inner peace.

What are you waiting for? Kick off your bad habits now and start learning how to control and change yourself—for the better.

What You'll Learn in Be Happy in Life: Stop Worrying, Build Good Habits, Stay Motivated & Change Your Life...

How to Declutter, De-Stress and Simplify Your Life With Minimalism
How to Improve Your Communication Skills
How to Defeat Procrastination Forever
How to Create a Life-Changing Morning Routine
How to Accomplish Your Goals
How to Get Rid of Anxiety
hrough Mindfulness
How to Relief Stress, Stay Calm and Achieve Happiness
How to Be More Productive
How to Skyrocket Your Charisma
How to Become a True and Assertive Leader
How to Overcome Shyness 
How to Meditate and Have a Greater Life
And Much More...

This book will help you learn where to start in trying to pursue your passion.  

Improving yourself takes time and effort. You have to be willing to make the changes and be committed to taking action rather than just reading about them.   

The next step is to put to work the steps written in this book and see your life change for the better. Remember, you can do this. Your life is in your hands—so make it great.

Release dateAug 15, 2018
Be Happy in Life: Stop Worrying, Build Good Habits, Stay Motivated & Change Your Life

Read more from Dr. Michael Ericsson

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    Book preview

    Be Happy in Life - Dr. Michael Ericsson

    Chapter 1 –  How to Bring Positivity in Your Life

    NOWADAYS STRESS IS everywhere. Stress is a big catalyst that can trigger a rise in cholesterol levels. It can also lead to hypertension, damage some arteries and can cause heart disease. Stress can also cause abnormal bowel activity and make your immune system weaker, which might then allow viruses and infections to take over the body. Also, stress can prolong recovery from already existing disorders in the body.

    Harmony in life is very important to relieve yourself from stress. Your routine should contain proper exercise, enough sleep, and good diet. These are just the basic needs of a human body. Stress can be a part of your everyday life, so you should always practice general relaxation methods especially when faced with strenuous activities. If you have enough free time, then use it for relaxation purposes.

    Staying happy is a little complicated but not difficult. It’s all about being positive. The following are easy steps on how to be happy and how to stay happy for the rest of your life:

    Optimism. The way you see things are reflected on how you view them. If you are a positive thinker, then you will see things in a positive way. Be thankful for many things that are given to you. If you are given good things, it means you deserve them. If you are given negative things, it means you can handle them. Always look on the good side of things. Remember to always find the good in each person and look on the bright side of any situation.

    Decide based on what you feel is right. Whatever results are given, you won’t have regrets in the end because you had your best pick. You improve as a person based on your decisions. Results may vary, but will definitely change your life in one way or another.

    Be yourself and own yourself. Embrace what you are and don’t change just because you want to be someone else. Change yourself to improve you and make you a better person. You don’t need to change the way you talk or the way you walk. You just need to be more comfortable on your own grounds and not intimidated by other people’s personality. Mistakes are just part of being human, don’t be afraid to commit them, and just don’t keep on doing them.

    Everybody deserves to be happy. Whatever you do in life, you deserve to be happy. Life is a constant search for happiness. If you want to eat, then eat and be happy about it; if you want to play basketball, then do it and be happy. Don't forget also to keep your body healthy. Practice exercises, eat healthy and get enough sleep to make your body energized for the days ahead. Just do whatever it is that can make you happy.

    Stay close to your loved ones. If you cannot, communicate with them using your phone or through the internet. Nothing makes a person happier than his loved ones.

    Forgive. Learn to forgive yourself for things you are not proud of. You cannot change what has happened in the past but you can forgive yourself and go on. You should also forgive other people who may have wronged you. Do not hold any anger because they madden your mood.

    Have meaningful conversations with other people. Small talk is cheap. If you have nothing to do, find your office janitor and talk to him while he cleans the corridor or security personnel while he guards the front door. Sometimes the best advice in life can be acquired from people who have less or just enough in life.

    Smile. Smile often, and hang around people that exude positive energy. Usually, if you spend too much time around people who are always negative, they drain your energy and leave you feeling hopeless, avoid such people.

    Believe in yourself. If you have no self-confidence it becomes much harder to develop self-discipline and stick to anything you set out to do. Believe that you can do it and you will have the willpower to act productively.

    Just do it. Apply these steps and free yourself from anxiety through meditation and positive attitude. Cultivating a positive attitude will help you relieve stress and remove negativity from your life, thus making yourself truly happy while also helping other people, especially the ones dear to you, to live their life the best way they can.

    Chapter 2 – How to Discover Your Passion

    If you have already discovered your talent, then it is time to discover your passion in this world. Passion is a strong feeling of excitement for something or about doing something. Unlike talent, passion can be shared. Thus, people who have different talents can have the same passion. While those people who share the same interests, do not automatically have the same skills. A person can be interested in his talent but also with other activities in his life. However, someone's talent can't be automatically his passion. If your passion is your talent, you will have more potential for achieving your goals. There would be less stress and inconvenience. Doing something that is already second nature to you and loving every minute of it would likely motivate you to achieve success than accomplishing something difficult and uninspiring.

    So what are the ways to finding your passion in life?

    Meditate. Passion is a big force. It is unseen when it's not propelling something forward, such as talent. Hence, passion can be more difficult to ascertain than talent. You may have several inner skills such as drawing, dancing and running. One of these talents could be your passion in life.  It is not easy to decipher our large number of desires and pursuits into passion or just short-term obsession. You have to think from your inner core. To be able to access your inner core, you need to meditate. Find a place where you can be still and be at calmness with your environment. Dive down to your inner core to draw on your deepest and truest dreams in life. Consider these questions:

    a. What is my objective in life?

    b. What takes up the majority of my time?

    c. What do I love doing?

    d. If I will get the chance to do one thing for the rest of my life, what would it be?

    e. What would I do even if I do not get any compensation or received anything for it in return?

    f. What is it that I do that animates me?

    g. What makes me forget everything else except for what I am doing?

    When you can answer these questions in all honesty then you would discover important hints that will help you define your passion in life. You will need to really focus on your inner self, before you try to answer these questions. If you're in touch with this self, you'd be able to understand the situation more clearly and answer these questions without bias.

    Make a list of what you want to experience. Before you start your list, you should consider things which you have dreamed of doing but never got around to. You might not have done such things because of some factors such as - you didn't have courage to do it; you lack the money for it; your loved ones were against it; you were too afraid to fail hence you never even tried it or it was way beyond your comfort zone. In making this particular list though, you need to include all those things you have dreamed of doing without thought of the factors which have hampered you from doing it before. Look over your list in case you might have missed out on something that had interests you before. Include everything you have dreamed of doing even though you think it's highly impractical, risky or bold. Maybe it isn't really your passion but who knows? While doing it, you might suddenly discover your true passion in life, that something which ignites a raging fire in you.

    Make an effort to experience at least five of those included in your list. At the soonest possible time, you should try to do at least ten of those that you've included in your list. Personally experiencing it will give you an inkling of what really interests you, what lights you up above all else. Passion is what makes a usually silent person talk animatedly about a particular subject; about his passion in life. You can never know what drives or excites you most if you have not done a whole lot of interesting things in your life. Have a firsthand experience of the possible things that would get your adrenalin going. Take a shot and who knows? You might realize just what it is that you would want to do for the rest of your life.

    Experiment with a new sport or take up a new hobby. You might not realize it yet because you haven’t tried doing it or taking it up, but your passion could be skiing or scuba diving. There are several sports which you can put on your own such as mountain biking, dancing, archery or jogging. You can even try team activities such as soccer, hockey or softball if you like to work it out with a group. You might also consider taking a new hobby such as crocheting, collecting old coins, cross stitching or car collection, if you would like going for bigger goals. The secret here is you got to try a lot of things to know whether it's your passion or not.

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