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An Archangel's Ache
An Archangel's Ache
An Archangel's Ache
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An Archangel's Ache

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"Provide a puppet with enough purpose and it prides itself on being a principality with unlimited power." - The Scribe

Many cycles after the Great Rebellion, Michael, the archangel supreme of the Realm of Celestia, is estranged, Luceefa is still incarcerated in Hadesina, a realm that was nicknamed The Abyss, and Kazuk, a fallen archangel, is the new king of Hell Realm. The animosity between these neighboring realms, Celestia and Hell, is close to boiling point. And, with The Scribe as his ally, Kazuk will stop at nothing to have what, he believes, is rightfully his: the Realm of Celestia.

But when it is revealed that Eliel, a lowly angel youngling, fulfills a transcription from The Logos that prophesies the advent of The One, who will rise above Michael, Celestia and Hell can only hope to have Eliel on their side, after Eliel returns from his fall to Earth Realm. And while the balance of power in the Dimension of Lemuria rests in Eliel's hands, The Scribe sees a perfect opportunity to turn an entire dimension into a catalyst for his ultimate plan to undo Creation as Eliel, the fallen angel, goes through... An Archangel's Ache.

PublisherLeo Ndelle
Release dateAug 10, 2018
An Archangel's Ache

Leo Ndelle

Hello everyone,I am a Cameroonian-American author of fiction novels. I currently reside in the State of Maryland and work as an auditor with the state.

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    An Archangel's Ache - Leo Ndelle



    VALLA IS THE first realm-dimension in Creation. It is the first spawn of the Core. Valla’s vibrational frequency is, therefore, second only to that of the Core of Creation. And, like every realm-dimension in Creation, Valla has neither a guardian nor a Zarark. It is home to a single crystal-looking entity called The Logos. A Cosmic Countdown spans the duration of a perfect cycle and a phenomenon called a Cosmic Spark marks the end of a perfect cycle. During a Cosmic Spark, all of Creation, space, time, energy and the ethers, comes to a standstill. A Great Reset follows a Cosmic Spark. During a Great Reset, a new aspect of The Logos is birthed, and new consciousness is released into Creation.

    The Logos consists of a number of aspects, which equal the age or number of perfect cycles of Creation. Though The Logos has many aspects, it is, in essence, a single entity. During the last Cosmic Spark, The Logos split into seven aspects. Each aspect took on the semblance of one of the seven colors of light. Rach was red; Och was orange, Yach was yellow, Gach, green; Bach, blue; Ich, indigo, and Vach, was violet. After the last Cosmic Spark, light now consisted of seven colors, instead of six, and Vach was the newest aspect of The Logos. They sat in a circle, in near-infinite potential, and admired Creation. Their centers glowed and released into Creation the vibration that creatures in lower realms call ‘love’. The Logos then began its session.

    Bach: Another cycle is complete.

    Ich: The moment for something new is nigh.

    Vach: What do we propose?

    Ich: A new vibration for our works to make decisions on their own.

    Och: We are not sure that may be a perfect idea. Not from our standpoint though. They may not be mature enough to handle this vibration yet.

    Gach: And how will they know, if we do not give them the option?

    Yach: We knew this moment would come! We say we give them a chance.

    Och: They are not ready.

    Rach: Even though we agree with Och, we cannot continue to shelter them from themselves. How can they appreciate the light if they do not taste the dark? How can they learn to rise if they do not fall?

    Vach: We are pure and perfect. But we know what this new vibration brings.

    Bach: That we know, but we say we let them have it… starting now.

    Gach: And all that we have spawned may be reduced to naught…

    There was a moment of silent contemplation until Vach spoke.

    Vach: They are a part of us and we are a part of them. We are one. In them resides the seeds of perfection and purity. I believe this seed will sprout and blossom, given proper nurturing. So, I say, we let them have it now. All in favor indicate!

    The Logos beamed in their respective colors in unison and the decision was final. And so, it came to pass during the last Great Reset a perfect cycle ago, that the vibration called ‘free will’ was introduced into Creation. And this introduction of free will resulted in the polarization of consciousness.

    The Logos: It is done!

    With this affirmation, The Logos beamed in their respective colors of light, which converged at a center. Then, The Logos beamed as one towards that center and re-merged as a singular form, marking the end of a perfect cycle and the start of a new one. The Cosmic Spark ended and all of Creation, time, space, energy and the ethers, came out of its state of standstill.

    Akasha is a realm-dimension, just like Valla; although, Akasha is of a lower vibrational frequency than Valla is. Being the keeper of the records, Akasha is the relay between The Logos and the rest of Creation. Akasha is, therefore, the first to receive all new bursts of consciousness from The Logos, which it transduces to the rest of Creation. Prior to the Great Reset, Akasha was accustomed to order, because Akasha is Order. But the vibration of free will was new, even to Akasha. As such, when this new vibration of free will was imparted unto Akasha, Akasha’s essence experienced an esoteric shock. This esoteric shock resulted in the polarization of Akasha’s essence and as such, Akasha’s essence underwent an esoteric split.

    This esoteric split gave rise to the first vibrations of what became known as ignorance and confusion. These new vibrations of ignorance and confusion caused Akasha to create another identity within its essence. This was the birth of Akasha’s ego and this ego raged within Akasha, feeding on these new vibrations of ignorance and confusion. Ignorance and confusion were alien vibrations to Akasha and Akasha did not know how to handle these vibrations. And thus, Akasha became afraid and panicked for the very first moment in its existence. Out of fear and panic, Akasha rid itself of these feelings by projecting its ego out of itself.

    Akasha gave its ego a form and imbued this form with the vibrations it did not want; the vibrations of ignorance and confusion. Thus, this form became an entity and Akasha gave this entity a purpose that was opposite to its own. Akasha’s ego identified with the masculine and Akasha identified with the feminine, which was also new to her because Akasha had never been identified with either the masculine or feminine. After this projection of its ego, and creating this entity, Akasha returned to her normal state of order. But Akasha’s relief was only for a split moment when she realized what she had done. Akasha had just released the entity known as Chaos into Creation!

    But Chaos was just a youngling, and Akasha took Chaos under her wing, hoping to mentor him as her apprentice. She called him The Scribe, believing that Chaos would work with her and eventually become reborn into a new purpose of order. But Chaos was like a baby, albeit a multidimensional being, broken from birth. He sought to understand himself in his ignorance and, in his quest for self-awareness, he embraced his nature in its entirety: chaos. He held nothing back and decided he would epitomize his true nature. As such, Chaos declared himself a purveyor of purpose. And because Order and Chaos had opposite purposes, while Order would strive to maintain Creation, Chaos would strive to undo Creation!



    IT WAS PAST midnight and the baby would not sleep. Her tired parents were still happy to play with her regardless. After seven years of trying, the Mukongs had finally succeeded in adding a new member to their family. So, if this blessing came with many nights of little or no sleep, then so be it. They named her Jenna Ebude Mukong, but Eliel preferred to refer to her as Baby JEM. Eliel shared in the parents’ joy. Baby JEM was his newest assignment after his last assignment died from a meth overdose. His previous assignment had his whole life ahead of him; but the thirty-one-year old had chosen the life of a druggie. It was unfortunate that the rules warranted Eliel to not interfere with the life choices his assignments made.

    Eliel was on the other side of Baby JEM’s crib, directly opposite her parents. He spread his wings, flapped them once and retracted them. Baby JEM shrieked with joy and reached out towards him, beckoning Eliel to take her in his arms. Eliel grinned, while her parents wondered why their daughter was stretching out her arms away from them instead. Eliel brought his face close to hers and made funny faces. Baby JEM reached for his nose, but her hand swept right through his face. She tried a few more times while Eliel stroked her thin, baby-soft hair. She half-closed her eyes as Eliel’s touch sent soothing sensations through her body. It literally was an angel’s touch! She felt his lips press on her forehead and grinned, exposing toothless gums.

    "You should go to sleep now, my little friend," Eliel said telepathically. Your parents also require sleep.

    Baby JEM’s big, black eyes just stared at her guardian angel, but her smile never left her face. Eliel reached out and stroke her head again.

    "Sleep now, my little friend… Sleep…" Eliel spoke softly, lulling her to sleep.

    Baby JEM thrust her left thumb into her mouth. Her little red lips wrapped around her thumb, with toothless gums clamped around it. Her tongue and cheeks went to work as she started sucking on her left thumb. Her beautiful, black eyes closed halfway and then opened again, before closing completely as she lost the fight and drifted off to sleep.

    "Good night, Angel Eliel," Baby JEM said telepathically. You’re still watching over me, right?

    "Always," Eliel replied telepathically. Good night, my little angel.

    And Baby Jem plunged into a peaceful, dreamless sleep.

    She’s gonna be a handful, Mom said.

    I wonder who she gets it from, Dad responded jokingly.

    Mom punched Dad playfully in the arm before Dad scooped her up on his shoulder and smacked her butt. She gave a little playful scream and then covered her mouth with her hands, realizing that she may wake up the baby. Husband and wife froze for a few seconds and waited. One could hear a dust particle hit the floor in that deathly silence. When the happy couple was satisfied that their offspring was still sound asleep, they continued to their bedroom, giggling all the way at the notion of a grand finale that would mark the end of an exhausting day.

    "Shouldn’t you two be watching over your assignments?" Eliel asked telepathically.

    "Very funny, El," Farel said telepathically.

    "Would you like to swap for tonight, El?" Gahel asked rhetorically.

    "They are great people, though, aren’t they?" Eliel asked, finally peeling his eyes from Baby JEM and facing his colleagues. It’s sad that soon she may forget I exist.

    Don’t they all, Farel said, switching to angelic frequency. Her father forgot about me when he was barely six months old, I think. It takes practice to understand their notion of ‘time’!

    And her mother forgot at age five, Gahel added.

    Yeah, sad indeed, Eliel said. So, I will enjoy my moment with her before I become a mythical creature to her.

    The three angels burst into laughter.

    In other news, Eliel said, I heard Mazel might be getting a promotion?

    Oh yes! Farel confirmed, rolling her eyes. She was one of those selected for archangel training. Claimed she heard The Voice too.

    Farel could barely contain her jealousy.

    Just like countless others, unfortunately, Gahel replied. Well, Uriel will determine if she speaks the truth or not. Do any of you know for how long she has been an angel?

    Two celestial cycles, I hear, Farel replied with envy.

    I say, you ARE on Mazel’s case! Gahel said to Farel. What the flap did she do to you?

    Nothing! Farel lied.

    Then Farel saw the way her colleagues raised their eyebrows at her. She shook her head and heaved her shoulders.

    Alright, fine! Farel conceded. I was supposed to be under Uriel’s stewardship during the special units training, but she was chosen over me.

    "I think you mean to say you applied to be considered for Uriel’s stewardship," Eliel corrected her.

    Yes, El! I did apply, and I was considered! Farel spat.

    Wow! Gahel exclaimed in surprise. You were considered for Uriel’s stewardship?! By Celestia, you’re a celebrity for that alone, Farel! Look at El and I! We’ve never been considered for anything; and here you are, being considered for stewardship by Uriel herself. Oh, I’d give my wings just to get close to her bracelet! I think she’s the coolest, senior archangel! She’s wise, compassionate, strong and fierce. I can only imagine how hot she is when she summons her archangelic battle flame.

    Pun intended, I presume? Farel asked rhetorically and rolled her eyes.

    There isn’t an archangel who compares to Michael, Gahel, Eliel said calmly, noticing that both Farel and Gahel were unconsciously rubbing the wrists of their respective dominant hands.

    To become an archangel was the biggest dream of most angels. Keyword: most. Eliel was not a part of that group and never intended to be. All he cared about was upholding his angelic vows and focusing on his assignments. He never cared about wearing a gold bracelet of an archangel. Michael wore a gold bracelet on each wrist because he was Archangel Supreme. He was truly a leader and the Realm of Celestia idolized him. But only a few had ever laid eyes on him, ever since the Great Rebellion many celestial cycles ago.

    None but one, Farel countered and remembered that it was preferable not to speak her name.

    But her colleagues knew of whom Farel spoke.

    Anyway, have any of you even seen Michael, or Raphael? Eliel and Gahel shook their heads.

    Michael had indeed become estranged to the point that he was slowly becoming a myth to younglings, like Eliel, Farel and Gahel. Yet, his presence and authority resonated through his inner council of senior archangels, who governed the Realm of Celestia. Every new angel was taught about the history of the realm, with emphasis on the Great Rebellion. Michael’s greatest adversary was in incarceration. But so long as Hell Realm existed, there was always the possibility of another rebellion. And from what the younglings had heard about the first one, it is something no creature should ever have to go through. But while Celestia prayed for peace, Celestia also prepared for war!

    Do any of you know anything about The Voice? Eliel asked, changing the topic to something he considered more important.

    His colleagues shook their heads and they resumed watching over their assignments, obviously not enjoying the fact that Eliel was such a buzzkill. But they knew Eliel was right to kill the mood. They had assignments to take care of and that was what they were supposed to be doing, anyway. Gahel and Farel did admire Eliel’s unrivaled dedication and focus, though. They never voiced it out, but they always wondered why Eliel was never recommended, or why he never applied, for archangel training. The one dream of every angel was completely lost in Eliel’s focus and dedication to his job! True, he was a real buzzkill. However, they enjoyed working with Eliel, even though he acted like his wings were glued a little too tightly to his scapulae, sometimes.

    Eliel underwent the same basic grooming as every angel. From the moment he emerged from the Spawn Sanctuary, he was asked to select his preferred weapon. He had picked the sword. From there, he was educated on the history of his home, the Realm of Celestia, the history of angels and celestial governance. Michael was their supreme leader and his inner council members oversaw specific divisions within Celestia. When the history lessons were over, he understood why the very first thing he had been asked to do after being spawned was to select a weapon. He had then undergone rigorous training and had made significant progress that had stunned even his archangel trainer.

    Have you ever witnessed an angel falling? Gahel asked.

    No, have you? Farel replied, grateful for Gahel breaking the awkward moment of silence.

    Only once, Gahel continued. It happened about half a cycle ago. His name was Darel and I used to work with him. I remember he kept telling me that he wanted to be human. And I kept wondering who in the right mind would want humanity’s insanity. I later learned it was all about the experience, regardless of the possibility of never returning to Celestia. He was my good friend and sometimes, I miss him very much. And so, he went ahead and submitted his petition to our supervisor. He stated that he was of sound mind, he was aware of the possibility of permanent amnesia and that he was not under any influence from our fallen brethren on the other side. His petition was granted, and he fell!

    How was the fall? Eliel was quite intrigued now.

    It was sad, but very beautiful at the same time, Gahel replied as he relived the moment from his memory. They took him to The Edge and Nubiel, our supervisor, was present, as protocol dictates. He bade us farewell turned around, and free fell… He accelerated downwards towards the lower realms until finally, he was gone.

    That’s it? Farel asked with a hint of disappointment.

    She was expecting more details and excitement.

    Well, that was all I witnessed, Gahel replied apologetically and heaved his shoulders. But from what I learned from another source, the first thing you lose during a fall is your garments, followed by your wings. They actually get burned away as you descend further into the realms of lower vibrational frequencies. Next, you start losing your memory. The further your fall, the more your memory gets erased until you experience full amnesia.

    I wonder the reason for the amnesia, though, Farel interjected.

    Maybe because in order to rise, one must fall, Eliel replied quietly. In order to see the light, one must go through the dark. In order to remember, one must first of all forget…

    By Celestia, El! Gahel exclaimed. Where did that come from?

    I have no idea, brother! Eliel replied.

    It makes you sound like one of those sages, you know, Gahel said. Not that there’s anything wrong with sounding like a sage of old!

    Gahel and Farel rolled their eyes and chuckled.

    I’ll take the compliment! Eliel replied and chuckled as well.

    Back to what I was saying, Gahel said, rubbing his hands together. After amnesia comes the final stages of the fall. Sometimes, the fallen comrade would infuse a fertilized egg and become reborn as a baby. Other times they take over the body of a dying creature. But on very rare occasions does the fallen comrade maintain his or her original physical form, without the wings of course. There is no predetermined process regarding the fallen comrade’s outcome at the end of the fall. I’m guessing the outcome is a random act of Creation.

    Baby JEM’s face contorted in a prelude to a scream and Eliel rushed to her side. She was restless as if she was having a nightmare. Eliel stroke her head with his left hand and rubbed her tummy gently with his right hand, singing a melody to her. She whipped her head to the left and to the right before a calm spread over her face. Her right thumb instinctively found its way again to her mouth as she sucked away and returned to sleep. Eliel continued singing a melody for a few more seconds before he stepped away from her crib.

    Do you think many of our brothers and sisters are still swinging over to the other side? Eliel asked his friends.

    Yes, Farel replied. But a lot fewer than before, thanks to Raphael being in charge of counter-intelligence and security. His squad has exceptional training and you certainly don’t want to mess with them. To qualify, you must pass his sniff test and, believe me, this is unthinkably harder than the training program that follows his sniff test. Besides, you don’t apply to join Raphael’s team; you’re called! Less than three percent make it through successfully.

    I wouldn’t expect anything less from a superior archangel like Raphael, based on what I have heard about him, Eliel said.

    They don’t call him Raphael, The Ruthless, for nothing! Gahel said.

    Again, there was silence for a few hours.

    "Eliel!" someone called.

    I’m right here folks, Eliel replied.

    His comrades looked at him with surprise.

    We didn’t call your name, brother, Farel said.

    Oh, thought I heard my name, Eliel replied. Sorry! Ignore me please.

    "Eliel!" the sexless voice called again a short while later

    But this time, Eliel did not reply. He could feel the difference in the voice. He was certain he heard his name and also that he was the only one who heard it. He looked at his friends, who were having a heated debate about who would win in a fight between Raphael and Samael. Eliel tried to remain calm in his brewing panic. He neither knew what to say or do.

    "Eliel!" he heard again for the third time.

    Suddenly, as if the floodgates of the deepest recesses of his subconscious had just been opened, Eliel realized he had a choice. He knew innately what he had to say or not say. He knew that, whatever his answer, there would be no turning back. It was a one-way ticket; where to, he did not know. He wrestled with his options as his friends continued with their debate. This could not be happening! Eliel thought. He never wanted any part of this, whatever ‘this’ was! Why me! His answer should, therefore, be simple, but every iota of his angelic constituency rebelled against what he was about to do. He walked over to Baby JEM and watched as her tiny chest heaved up and down with every calm breath of air she inhaled and exhaled. He leaned forward and kissed her forehead. He could also feel his friends’ eyes dig into his back. He could also sense their concern, as they too could sense something was seriously amiss.

    What’s going on, El? Gahel asked.

    "I’m very sorry, my little friend," Eliel said to Baby JEM and she smiled weakly in her sleep, as if saying she understood and wished him the best of luck.

    Eliel then peeled his gaze from her face, looked upwards and calmly said, I hear you!

    "Come!" said The Voice.

    Eliel turned around and faced his friends. As he did, a ball of light began forming in the center of his chest. As the light grew brighter, he opened his arms and spread his wings. The light engulfed him in a brightness that dulled the brightness of a thousand supernovas. Farel and Gahel shielded their eyes and missed the part where Eliel was beamed upwards in nothing but pure brightness. When the brightness dissipated, Farel and Gahel brought down their hands from their eyes but their mouths remained open from shock. It was Gahel who broke the silence.

    Good wings! he exclaimed.

    What just happened? Farel was in panic. Where is El?

    What the flap! I cannot believe this! Gahel exclaimed again, feeling too immersed in awe to provide Farel with an answer.

    Farel grabbed him by his collar and brought her snarling face dangerously close to his.

    You tell me what just happened to El or I will do something really stupid!

    You wouldn’t even believe me.

    Try me!

    Eliel just heard The Voice… he replied and Farel’s buckled in shock.

    Eliel found himself in a chamber that was empty except for what looked like a throne and someone sitting on it. He was still a little dazed from the teleportation but managed to rise to his feet. He spread and flapped his wings repeatedly and stretched his arms and legs. If the angel on the throne-like seat had noticed him, then the angel gave no sign. His left arm rested freely on the arm-rest, while his right index finger rested lightly on his lips as he stared directly into the floor. He appeared to be in deep thought. Eliel scanned the chamber. It looked like every other domain in Celestia, except it was larger. Flap! Eliel exclaimed to himself after noticing the golden bracelets on the angel’s wrists. This was not the domain of any ordinary angel or archangel. He was in the domain of Archangel Supreme Michael.

    Huh- Huh-, he stammered and cleared his throat. Hello Michael, sir…

    Michael did not reply. Eliel cleared his throat again and stepped forward. He never imagined he would meet the highest-ranking archangel and supreme leader of all the angels and archangels in person. Yet, here he was, face-to-face with the legend himself. He was no myth. This was the one, and only, Michael!

    It’s truly an honor to meet you, sir! Eliel said timidly, not knowing what else to say.

    How many times? Michael asked in a deep, reverberating voice that seemed to make the very floor on which Eliel stood vibrate.

    I’m sorry, sir- Eliel said and swallowed.

    How many times did you hear The Voice? Michael asked.

    Eliel swallowed again.

    Uh, it called my name three times, sir, Eliel replied timidly.

    And how did you reply? Michael asked, with his gazed glued to the floor.

    I said ‘I hear you,’ Eliel replied. The next thing I knew, I was here. I don’t even know how that answer came to mind, but it just felt… right…

    Michael nodded almost imperceptibly and then rose from his throne-seat; his eyes were still staring at the floor. He was considerably taller than Eliel was and even looked immensely stronger beneath his plain, white robe that settled around his ankles. He was barefoot. Eliel took an involuntary step backward. If he could flee, he would have. But where would he flee to? By Celestia! He was in the presence of Archangel Michael himself. Even if he did flee, he would be tracked down and brought back here faster than he could imagine. So why bother! Eliel braced himself for whatever was to come.

    Only two have ever heard The Voice, Michael said. And these two were the highest-ranking archangels ever.

    Michael stepped forward and his wristbands started glowing. Eliel’s eyes bulged in fear when he saw Michael’s wristbands glow. Eliel had only read about it in school. But if he was seeing, not one but, two now….

    After the other archangel heard The Voice, I lost countless brothers and sisters to her savagery.

    Michael took another step towards Eliel and raised his eyes towards Eliel.

    And you, Eliel, a youngling, not even an archangel, have heard The Voice. You don’t know what awaits you and you’re certainly not ready for it!

    Michael took another step towards Eliel. Eliel had a strong feeling that something really, really bad was about to happen. Archangel Michael raised his eyes and Eliel saw that golden flames spewed forth from them. Eliel was completely awe-struck and paralyzed with fear. Michael was about to summon the archangelic battle flame. This could only mean one thing.

    You must understand, Michael continued, taking more slow steps towards Eliel. I cannot risk you falling over to the dark.

    A long, golden, flaming sword formed in Michael’s right hand. He raised his sword so that Eliel was staring directly at its flaming tip. His wristbands glowed even brighter and golden flames spewed from his eyes and mouth as he spoke. Eliel wanted to flee but he could not. He had read in school that the archangel battle flame was only summoned as an archangel’s prelude to battle. Eliel never imagined he would ever face an archangel in battle, talk less of a battle with the best fighter in the history of Celestia.

    History will not repeat itself! Michael snarled, and golden flames spewed from his mouth. Not again! Not under my watch!

    Eliel stumbled backward as Michael approached him.

    Nothing personal, youngling! This is just me taking affirmative action! Michael spoke with vehement assurance, more to himself than to Eliel. I must, therefore, end your existence!

    And then, Archangel Supreme Michael summoned his flaming, battle garments and charged at the lowly Angel Eliel.



    KAZUK SAT ON his throne. Yes, it was HIS throne. It had been a few cycles since he had assumed the role as the King of the Realm of Hell, and The Scribe better not keep the King of Hell waiting. Kazuk was growing more and more impatient with every passing moment. But his impatience was a mere substitute for his feeling of inadequacy vis-à-vis The Scribe. Yes, there was absolutely nothing he could do to this being. Kazuk clenched his jaws in frustration. He decided to focus more on the things he could control, like his realm. Yes! Hell was his realm and under the mantle of his leadership, there had been many changes.

    Kazuk was not the original leader of this cesspool of a realm. The Realm of Hell was an uninhabited realm in Celestia’s vicinity. But after the Great Rebellion in Celestia, those who had risen against Michael and his host had been defeated, and the defeated had been banished to Hell. Their banishment had left them without their leader and her next-in-command, Zukael, who now went by Beelzebub. Thus, there was a vacancy for the role of leader among the fallen from Celestia. But even Malichiel, now Metatron, the master strategist of the rebellion, did not care to assume that role. Kazuk had decided to seize the opportunity, and he was not the only one who coveted the role.

    And so, the battle had raged on. Being an underdog and master strategist, Kazuk had blended sharp wit and supreme skills with the sword in a game of smarts and brute strength. Twenty sought the throne and thirteen fell within a snap of the finger. It was down to seven, and while Kazuk had entertained his six opponents in a dance of more death and damnation, he chose to exhibit a public display of his strength and skill for all in Hell Realm to see. When he was tired of toying with his prey, the predator that was, and is, Kazuk beheaded his opponents with swiftness and savvy.

    He let the angel light streaming from the severed heads of his adversaries bathe his feet as he picked up the heads one-by-one. Hell Realm watched in fear as he walked in slow, calculated steps towards the empty throne, with three severed heads in each hand. The unspoken message was loud and clear. It was one of total dominion and zero tolerance for any form of opposition. It was a promise of strength and leadership like Hell Realm had never seen before. It was an affirmation of the hope of returning to Celestia, with or without their former leader, Luciel. It was a wordless speech heralding the dawn of a new cycle for Hell Realm and its inhabitants.

    Kazuk turned around and faced his new kingdom. His eyes slowly swept across the realm as a deathly silence washed over Hell Realm. Satisfied, he raised the heads of his slain victims in the air and let them fall on the stairs. The heads rolled down the stairs and ended at the feet of some terrified creatures. Kazuk rested both his hands on the smooth, marble-like armrests of the throne and lowered his body, mired in the angel light of his slain opponents, into the throne. His bride manifested by his side from thin air, walked down a few steps in front of Kazuk and faced the Realm of Hell.

    Creatures of Hell Realm! she spoke out loud in the sonic frequency of Hell Realm so that every creature from every corner of the realm could hear her. Behold Kazuk, your new leader! Your new King!

    Fire and heat blazed. Ice and cold froze. Hounds of Hell howled, dropped on all fours and buried their snouts in their paws. Pain, suffering, pestilence, and all things aligned with the dark echoed.

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