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Become a Better You: Overcome Depression, Build Self-Confidence, Find Your Life Purpose & Enjoy Every Moment
Become a Better You: Overcome Depression, Build Self-Confidence, Find Your Life Purpose & Enjoy Every Moment
Become a Better You: Overcome Depression, Build Self-Confidence, Find Your Life Purpose & Enjoy Every Moment
Ebook134 pages2 hours

Become a Better You: Overcome Depression, Build Self-Confidence, Find Your Life Purpose & Enjoy Every Moment

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Become a Better You: Overcome Depression, Build Self-Confidence, Find Your Life Purpose & Enjoy Every Moment

If you want to Master Self-Esteem, Ged Rid Of Social Anxiety & Stress, Find Your Passion & Feel Good In Your Own Skin Again, then this is your book!

This book contains great steps and techniques on how to develop your communication skills and use them to make more friends and persuade people.

Many people barely develop self-discipline because of various reasons. It could be stress, lack of motivation, and exhaustion. However, despite these varied causes, there are ways on how you can become a successful person. Self-esteem is not just about controlling oneself, but is about living a healthy, quality and successful life. Learn how to improve self-confidence and enjoy life with the strategies provided in this book. Read on and find out!

What You'll Learn in Become a Better You: Overcome Depression, Build Self-Confidence, Find Your Life Purpose & Enjoy Every Moment...

How to Declutter and Organize Your Life With Minimalism
How to Master Your Communication Skills
How to Create Great Habits
How to Increase Your Self-Confidence
How to Discover The Willpower In You
How to Boost Your Self-Esteem
How to Boost Your Self-Control
How to Inspire Positivity in Life
How to Become More Productive
How to Win Friends Through the Power of Charisma
How to Become a Leader That Others Will Follow
And Much More...

This book will help you to build your self esteem.  

I would like to encourage you to begin the journey by looking at yourself and accepting what you see. There can never be another you so be all you can be for the time being.   

The next step is to put the things you have learned in action and begin to change your life.

Release dateAug 16, 2018
Become a Better You: Overcome Depression, Build Self-Confidence, Find Your Life Purpose & Enjoy Every Moment

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    Become a Better You - Dr. Michael Ericsson

    Chapter 1 –  How to Stop Anxiety and Depression

    Everyone faces anxiety at one point or another, and that is normal. What is not normal is when you always feel anxiety even in situations where other people don’t usually feel it. Some cases of anxiety become too severe that it may stop you from having a good life.

    The following are techniques on how to deal with the uncomfortable feeling that is anxiety:

    Fight or flight. If you give in to your negative thoughts, note that it is not only you who will suffer, but your loved ones as well. Most of the time your loved ones are the ones who carry the burden of your stress. To save them from carrying such burden, defeat it by fighting it off. You should take responsibility for every action and though you have. Always realize that you have a choice, and anxiety is an option you shouldn’t choose.

    Keep yourself busy. Yes, being busy is stressful, but if you can control yourself, you can reduce the stress especially if you love what you are doing. If you focus your attention on doing things, you will think less of your worries and hence will be less anxious. Keeping still and doing nothing are two different things. Meditation is being busy at something. You can relax and relieve stress by doing so while you also relieve yourself from anxiety. Remember that even if you think of your worries all day, they won’t go away unless you do something. Worrying will just increase your tension.

    Concentrate on where the anxiousness in your body is. Tension might be on your hands, abdomen, or feet. Just focus on that specific body part and get back to it whenever your attention is captured by something else. If you do this for a few minutes, it can reduce or make anxiety go away.

    Keep track of positive acts. There is someone out there who needs someone like you, find him. Doing positive things for other people takes you off from problems and worries. Helping others in one way or another also heals you from negativity.

    If you can’t find someone to lend a hand, find someone to talk to instead. This is one of the best ways to free you from anxiety. Invite friends or relatives, or family members. Go to the best place to hang out. You can talk about a lot of things or you can talk about your problems. If you cannot find someone to talk to, open your computer and enter a chat room.

    Exercise is a good way to forget your problems. You can do light exercises such as mild yoga or walking. Do an activity that works best for you and do not worry about messing up your schedule. Physical activities can also beat anxiety and depression.

    Create a diary of good things that happen to you every day. This allows you to become aware of the positive things around you. You can also make a diary of your worries which lead anxiety and the possible actions you can do to defeat them.

    Many people are faithful to a supreme being or an outcome. A great way to get out of anxiety and fear is to embrace your faith. If you truly believe that everything will get better, then it will. Sometimes this is just what you need to get rid of anxiety. This also helps you understand that prayer and firm belief are powerful enough to change an outcome.

    Television has thousands of programs that can generate anxiety. If you cannot find a program that can make you feel positive, then turn the TV off. Not only will it conserve electricity, it will also protect you from being anxious.

    Courage is not about having no fear; it’s about facing your fear. Fear is universal, it is present in everyone. The only difference is that, other people give in to fear while others face it and use it to become stronger. When you feel afraid, choose whether you’ll face it or give in to it. If you face your fear and become successful against it, your anxiety will dwindle and you will be more confident to face the same challenge in the future.

    Chapter 2 – How to Increase Your Body Language

    What makes charismatic people seem more fascinating and smart isn't just the way they talk, but also how they move. Charisma as a behavioral trait is something that runs beyond words; it also extends to non-verbal forms of communication. You need to develop an eye and an ear for these types of things in order that you can remain on top of each situation.

    Essentially, everything boils down to reciprocity: treat other people how you want to be treated. If you want to be treated with respect, for example, you must treat others with value, too. You do so, however, with a conscious regard to keep carefully the dynamics of your charismatic self. So while it is true that respect should be mutually afforded, you want to keep the upper hand of things by ensuring that you still project a subtext of power and retain a solid presence.

    Following are a couple of things that you can do to improve your body language:

    Smile. Nothing eases tension and awkwardness between two strangers more than the sight of a smiling face. You instantly look more accommodating and dependable when you present a smiling countenance instead of if you are visibly annoyed.

    Give a solid handshake. This is indicative of independence, strong-mindedness, and seriousness.

    Learn to focus. When talking to someone else, refrain from pulling out your phone if not settling your gaze on a far-away object. Keep the attention to the person you are talking to as a kind of courtesy and basic decency.

    Do not be fidgety. Remain dependable. Otherwise, you end up looking more tense and stressed than you really are.

    Maintain eye contact. This is an indication that you are listening and that you are focused on what the other individual is saying. Be cautious, however, from overdoing it. Some people aren't comfortable participating in a staring contest of sorts, very much in order that they would voluntarily look somewhere else if they can't bear the awkwardness any longer.

    Show that you are listening by nodding once in a while. Nothing says that you are actually listening and absorbing what is being said more than those little nods you make every so often.

    Present a friendly demeanor. Avoid raising your eyebrows, pouting your lips, wrinkling your nose, or shaking your head vigorously when you absolutely do not need to. You intend to run into as charismatic, not combative or hostile.

    Do not cross your legs or arms. These are signs that you are embarrassing with the situation and that you are refusing to open yourself up to anyone present.

    All of the things mentioned above require constant practice. Your mastery of these things relies in large part to the frequency with which you try them out and the width of your experience. Clearly, the greater used you get to these exact things, the better you feel at displaying your charisma.

    To develop your skills further, consider practicing in the mirror. Stand in front of your mirror and pretend to be talking to yourself. While doing so, monitor your own gestures, your own facial expressions, and your own words. If you were to rate yourself based on your ability to project confidence and positivity, then what score will you give yourself? What regions of opportunity need to be addressed?  Apart from looking at yourself in the mirror, you can also take acting classes.

    While initially you may want to fake some gestures or control your mannerisms, know that these things should acquire flair of regularity. Quite simply, they need to eventually turn into a norm so you won't have to pretend and instead be real with yourself.

    While it is true that unleashing your inner charismatic self can be done - which is not an inborn characteristic as others could have us believe - doing this nonetheless does take time, discipline, and commitment. Charisma is a learned art, one that can't be acquired over the course of a day or even a week. As a result, it is necessary that you muster enough discipline to keep going. Indeed, with the right attitude and the right know-how to back it up, everyone can be charismatic.

    Chapter 3 – How to Fascinate People Through the Power of Charisma


    It's hard to define charisma in tangible terms. It's one of those things that are immediately obvious to those who can sense it, but is otherwise difficult to place within a set of quantifiable parameters. You realize it when you suddenly get captivated by the powerful presence of someone who just suddenly walks into a room. You realize it's there when you get hooked talking to someone whose wit and easy charm disarm you. You know it exists when you come across someone whose demeanor immediately casts a spell over you.

    In broad terms, charisma refers to a behavioral quality that allows other individuals to be drawn towards you. It is without a doubt a powerful trait that yields a sort of attraction, even affection, from other folks. Some say it's a rare gift that only a few people are born with, while some contend that it is a powerful sort of magnetism that enables you to use it as an effective leverage to achieve both your personal and professional goals. Either way, charisma is definitely something that many people would want to have and be known for - and for good reasons.

    Charisma is nonetheless something that is usually associated with

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