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Dragon Clans: Dragon World, #2
Dragon Clans: Dragon World, #2
Dragon Clans: Dragon World, #2
Ebook211 pages3 hours

Dragon Clans: Dragon World, #2

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Sie is rescued from the raging seas by a red dragon and her life changes forever. The red dragons are at odds with the other dragon clans. Is it all. misunderstanding? Can Sie and Byron, Talei's brother, find a peaceful solution to bring the clans together?

PublisherCaishel Books
Release dateAug 17, 2018
Dragon Clans: Dragon World, #2

Sue Perkins

Sue Perkins grew up in Devon, England and emigrated to New Zealand with her family. Sue and her husband live at the top of New Zealand’s South Island. Her interests include writing, reading, genealogy and aqua jogging. Sue’s first romance novel was released in May 2007, quickly followed by a fantasy trilogy, more romance books, young adult and middle grade novels. Visit Sue Perkins webpage to discover more of Sue’s books, including her fantasy romance novels and middle grade level fantasy books. Her aim is to write a full length epic fantasy novel. The outline is complete, and Sue hopes to finish it by the end of 2018.

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    Book preview

    Dragon Clans - Sue Perkins


    Cellophane Queen

    Wonderful Sequel to Dragon Flames

    In this second book in the Dragon series, Sue Perkins deftly continues the story of the partnership of dragon and human on a colonized world. Dragon Flame, book 1, tells how the isolated, agrarian humans discover that a race of sentient beings already occupy the planet. It was not a nice meeting.

    Dragon Clans takes place five years after the dragons and humans have made peace. However, one of the dragon clans, the Valdra, were not included in the treaty......

    Sue Perkins has created a wonderful world, using the tactic of isolated terran colonists who are pioneers on a rough, new planet. She makes the years passing before the meeting of dragons and humans plausible due to circumstances beyond the control of either group. To say much more would introduce spoilers.

    Other books by Sue Perkins


    Three Hearts

    Broken Heart – Three Hearts novelette

    Recipe for Romance


    Fantasy Romance

    Dragon World Series

    Dragon Flames – Book One

    Dragon Clans – Book Two

    Dragon Ice – Book Three

    Adri's Journey

    Middle Grade Books

    Spirit Stealer

    Reva's Quest (Free book)

    Lost on Disc

    Disc Chase

    Ghost Bus


    To my husband, Colin , who supports my writing in every way. To all young adults, everywhere

    I hope you enjoy Dragon Clans.

    Chapter One

    The waves washed over the boat, swamping the small vessel. Sie huddled in the stern, her knuckles white with cold, hands clamped to the wooden sides. The hood of her cloak had blown back some time ago, allowing the rain to plaster her red hair across her face. She didn't dare raise her hand to clear her eyes, this would mean letting go of the boat. Clothes soaked with rain clung to her body, and the chill went through to her bones.

    What am I doing here?

    At the front of the boat her two older brothers struggled to keep them afloat. The crashing waves filled the vessel with water and with food bowls in hand they tried to bail the water back into the sea. Gorva, the eldest, yelled at her to come and help, but Sie couldn't move for fear. She knew this would mean a beating later, but surviving the present held more importance.

    Ever since her parents' death her life had been miserable. The older brothers had grudgingly provided a home for appearance sake, but they didn't want her with them. A fifteen-year-old cramped their style. She hated her life in their house as a drudge. If anything went wrong they blamed her, and the rebuke often ended with a smack across the face or worse.

    They'd come up with this stupid idea and dragged her along. Dragons lived on the other continent, and they were convinced there would be dragon treasure to steal.

    The two idiots hadn't planned anything, the normal way for their escapades. They'd set off in a boat too small for the journey across the ocean. The food had run out after a few days, and she'd borne the brunt of their anger, catching the blame for everything. Now the storm had descended on them with the sea and rain crashing and pounding their frail craft.

    Someone help us, please! We're in the middle of an ocean in a terrible storm. The boat will sink soon. Please, if you can hear me, I need your help!

    Sie knew no one would hear her mental scream. If they did, who would care enough to rescue them? A clap of thunder shook the sky, followed by a lightning flash into the sea. Huge waves crashed across the boat. Her younger brother lost his grip, and Sie heard him cry out as he disappeared overboard.

    No! Gorva lunged to the side, but his movement made the boat lurch and dip lower, curtseying to the waves. Sie grabbed the sides as the vessel overturned and threw her into the water.

    Her cloak tried to keep her beneath the surface, but Sie fought against the drag and rose up for air. Nearby, the upside down boat tossed in the waves, and she swam toward it, grabbing hold of the ridge along the upturned bottom. Once secure, Sie looked round for her brothers, but could see no sign of them. The tumultuous sea and the dark clouds scudding across the sky filled her view.

    I'm going to die. A sob caught in her throat as an icy cold wave blinded her. No one knows where I am, and no one will know I'm dead. I might as well let go and drown quickly. I don't want a slow, horrible death.

    A small part of her refused to give up, but time passed and her strength ebbed away. Her fingers began to slip and her cold fingers tightened their grip. How much longer could she hold on?

    A shadow darkened the sky.

    More storm clouds. How much more are you going to throw at me Mother Nature?

    A wind beat down on her, and Sie looked up. Huge red talons reached for her and plucked her from the water. The scream died in her throat as the owner of the claws curled the talons around her. The loss of her brothers, death stalking her, and now this. Darkness crowded in and unable to take anymore, Sie fainted.

    A BUMP AS THEY LANDED brought Sie to her senses. A gust of wind pushed her deeper into the rocks beneath her. Convinced a dragon owned the claws that had lifted her from the sea, she kept her eyes closed, reluctant to see the beast drooling over her. A nudge to her side rolled her over. Temptation got the better of her, and Sie opened her eyes.

    A huge orange dragon head blotted out the sky. Frantically Sie struggled to sit up and shuffle backwards on her bottom, but she stopped as her back came up against a rocky wall. Her eyes opened wide with fright as the dragon leaned slightly toward her.

    Can you hear me?

    Sie looked around to see who had spoken, then realized the words had not been said out loud, but had echoed in her mind.

    Did you speak? Her voice shook with fear.

    I asked if you could hear me. It is obvious you can. My name is Benare, and I am the healer of the Valdra Clan. Are you hurt?

    No, thank you. I don't think so. I'm cold, hungry, and tired, but I don't think I'm hurt. Can you tell me what happened?

    Your mind voice is very strong and when you called for help, one of our young dragons heard you. Essi begged our leader, Toldar, to send someone to save you, and he agreed to go himself.

    My brothers. Did they save my brothers, too?

    The dragon stood in silence for a moment then shook her head. I'm sorry. You were the only one in the water when Toldar arrived. It would seem your brothers perished.

    Sie had known what the answer would be. Sadness flooded through her, but the emotion was more for herself than the men who had tormented her. They hadn't been close, but with her brothers gone she had no one in the world.

    Come, we will get you some food and warmer clothing.

    Sie staggered to her feet, holding onto the rock when her dizziness threatened to make her fall down again. Her limbs were stiff and sore from her ordeal, and it took a few moments to regain her balance and look around. The dragons' home lay in a large bowl between high cliffs which surrounded the sandy floor on three sides. A rocky, uneven road led to a mountain some distance away. Sie frowned. The mountain looked strange, it had little puffs of smoke popping up from the top.

    Benare had stopped to wait for her and feeling steadier on her feet, Sie followed the healer to an area where several dragons were working on food preparation. They passed many dragons some deep red, others an orange color. Tales of the Mondra dragons who had befriended the humans in Maass flicked through her mind. People in this settlement told of a lifestyle similar to humans, but on a bigger scale and they insisted these huge beasts were not to be feared.

    Her orange and female companion indicated the difference in colors to be between male and female. The majority of dragons doing food preparation were smaller than the one beside her so she guessed they were young, but they were a mixture of genders.

    Essi. A  orange dragon came forward when Benare called. This is the human you heard call for help. I am making you responsible for her. Find some warm clothing for her and feed her.

    With a nod to Sie, the healer turned and moved away.

    My name's Essi. The dragon sounded a bit shy. What should I call you?

    I'm Sie. Do you mind if I sit down? I'm feeling a bit dizzy.

    Sit over here. Essi indicated a flat rock a short distance away. I'll bring you something to eat.

    Visions of raw meat flicked through Sie's mind. What did dragons eat? Essi returned holding a flat rock. Several different fruits and an unusual cake sat on top of the rock, and the young dragon placed it beside Sie, then scrunched down on her back legs.

    Eat. We can talk after you have food inside you.

    Sie picked up some fruit and bit into it. The juices ran down her throat soothing a path through the soreness caused by swallowing sea water. She took a tentative bite of the cake. It tasted delicious. Made of fruit, it had been compressed and blended to make a cake texture. In moments it vanished.

    You have finished? Come, we will find you something warm to wear. Essi led the way to some caves in the rocky walls of the valley. The large opening allowed light into the cave, and Essi began to rummage through piles of hides and skins.

    Ah, here we are. The dragon held up a rectangle of thick fur against Sie's body then folded it in half down the narrow edge. With one of her sharp talons she slit the center at the top, leaving a small piece of fur at either end. When Essi offered her the skin, Sie looked at her in bewilderment. What did the dragon want her to do?

    Pull it over your head.

    Oh. Sie pushed her head through the slit and found the fur hung from her shoulders to her knees. The flight to the dragon settlement had dried her clothes, and with this extra cover her body warmed up. Essi picked up a bigger fur skin and led the way to a small cave. Near the back Sie could see a heaped pile of animal furs and dried vegetation.

    These are my sleeping quarters, Essi explained. You can sleep here for now. I'll be busy outside for a while. Use this as a cover.

    The dragon handed Sie the larger fur. Clambering up on the bedding Sie pulled the covering over her and snuggled down.

    Thank you, Essi. A yawn stopped her saying anything further. Her eyelids drooped, and she fell asleep.

    THE SUNLIGHT SHINING through the cave entrance woke Sie the next morning. Cozy and warm, she stretched and yawned. Her hands touched something soft and firm. Essi had joined her in the bed and coiled herself around her visitor. The dragon still slept so Sie took the opportunity to have a good look at this unusual beast.

    Her orange scales shone in the sunlight, each one neatly overlapping the next. The huge triangular head rested on the short forelegs, and the tips of large claws peeped out from under the nose. The back legs curling round the other side of Sie were strong, muscular limbs with huge feet on each end. The wings were tucked at Essi's sides hiding them from view.

    Sie rose, trying not to disturb her new friend. The thought surprised her. When had Essi become a friend? The dragon had taken care of her, made her welcome, fed her, and provided garments to keep her warm. These were things a friend would do, and a warm glow of gratitude filled Sie. The Maass people insisted the beasts were friendly, but she found it comforting to experience it first-hand.

    At the cave entrance she stood leaning against the wall, looking out on the sandy floored bowl below. The dragon settlement stirred with big red dragons moving into the sunlight, stretching their limbs and huge wings. Big sails of thin membrane stretched between lightweight bones, each of which was longer than the dragon's body.

    Good morning. Sie turned to see Essi looking at her, the dragon's huge cat like eyes blinking in the morning light. Did you sleep well?

    Yes, I did. Thank you for looking after me last night.

    You are welcome. Benare would like you to attend a clan meeting this morning. We must eat before this.

    Essi shooed Sie out of cave and took her to the food enclave. This morning, Sie took more notice of the food preparation. Several large, flat rocks lay in a curve around a sandy corner under an overhanging rock. Each surface held different types of food. One for fruit, one for vegetables, and two for meat.

    I hope to goodness they don't eat it raw. Sie blushed in case any of the dragons had heard her.

    A small cave to one side held several big baskets of grain. Behind the rocky work surfaces, small fires flickered in canny little fireplaces with holes in the rock above to let the smoke out.

    Would it be all right if I made myself some nuweet?

    I don't understand. What is this nuweet?

    Sie tried to explain without success. They decided it would be best to make some nuweet to show Essi. One of the grain bins held seed which looked like oats. After mixing a small amount in a bowl with water, Sie took one of the long handled spoons to the fire. Essi followed. Sie smiled at the curiosity her friend showed.

    A few minutes later the nuweet had finished cooking, and Sie moved away to sit on a small rock and eat her breakfast. Essi found a small spoon for her, although in Sie's hand it looked huge. The dragon sniffed the bowl and shook her head.

    I've never seen grain prepared this way. We use it in recipes with fruit or with meat, but never on its own.

    Sie had her mouth full of nuweet, so she tried to answer with just her mind.

    I have this every morning. It starts my day in just the right way.

    Well please help yourself each day, although I don't think it will catch on with the clan.

    Hey, you understood me even though I didn't speak out loud. It

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