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Acts of Deception
Acts of Deception
Acts of Deception
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Acts of Deception

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Human traffickinggun runningwomen using men for money and revenge.

Realizing her philandering husband, Martin Gregory, wants a divorce to marry someone else, Jennifer Gregory seduces Mark Masters, her husbands look alike. while on business in the Blue Ridge Mountains. With Martins political connections, she is certain he could negate their prenuptial agreement, leaving her penniless. However a proviso states that if a child is born during their marriage, it would be impossible to negate the agreement.. Much to her delight, Alex was born nine months later, paternity unknown.
The woman Martin subsequently weds, Amelia Palmer, a glamorous Hong Kong beauty, marries him planning to take over his international import-export business to enrich herself using illicit activities and eventually leave him to marry her Hong Kong Corsican lover, a major partner in her scheme.
Jennifer and Alex, threatened by Martins adversaries, retreat to her Ohio home town for several years. Eventually she returns to her Virginia home, hoping all threats are past. However, she cannot forget her one night of passion, nor can her lover, although neither knows the others name.
Martin discovers Amelias plan and tries to disentangle her from his company and his life. He also realizes he still loves Jennifer and hopes to win her back and become a father to Alex. However, Amelia has different plans and connives to counter his plans.
Also, by accident Jennifer encounters her Blue Ridge lover who wants to marry her and lay claim to Alex. Although she realizes she loves him, Jennifer is conflicted: should she follow her heart or not involve him in her current situation?
Attempts on Alexs life, coupled with the realization of Martins company involvement in importing young Asian women for prostitution and gun running to Mexico brings chaos and death.
Release dateOct 27, 2011
Acts of Deception

Rose Ameser Bannigan

ABOUT THE AUTHOR An avid reader, writing fiction has always been one of Rose Bannigan’s goals. This is her fourth novel. Her three previous novels, The Snowstorm Murders, Riddle of the Five Buddhas and The Purloined Encryption Caper, were also published by AuthorHouse. Rose Bannigan worked for the Central Intelligence Agency in Washington, DC and Germany. Because of an evolving interest in Asia and international economic and social development, she joined The Asia Foundation and served in their San Francisco, New York and Afghanistan offices. Her assignment in the Foundation’s office in Kabul led to travel in India, Pakistan and other parts of Asia as well as the Middle East. After leaving that Foundation, she joined the staff of the National Academy of Sciences which was becoming more involved in scientific collaborations with developing countries. Assigned to their international office, she concentrated on staffing and managing collaborative scientific programs whose activities involved travel to the Middle East, Africa and Asia as well as extensive report writing and editing of scientific studies and reports on many aspects of development. She was mainly responsible for developing and administering scientific and technical programs in Indonesia and Thailand for over ten years. A native of Ohio, she currently lives in Arlington, Virginia with her husband, John, a lecturer and writer on Asian affairs. They still travel abroad and spend time at their vacation homes in Southern Shores, North Carolina and in Hampshire County, West Virginia.

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    Acts of Deception - Rose Ameser Bannigan


    The phone connection between Washington and Beijing was not as clear as usual. Don’t worry. I’ll be able to control him, Amelia said arrogantly as she paced the floor of her posh Washington apartment. I know he’s in love with me or thinks he is. It’s the same thing for American men. He’s even asked me to marry him as soon as he manages to dump his stupid wife.

    Amelia paused and lit a cigarette as she listened to instructions being given her. Just a moment. Let me get a pencil. She put her cell phone down, pretending to search for one. Although she already held one in her hand, she didn’t want to give the impression that she was awaiting instructions. Although true, it was not her style. Okay, she said and began jotting down orders her friend was issuing.

    She soon hung up, amused at her Chinese friends. Did they think she was a fool? She shook her head thinking how arrogant men were, whether they were Westerners or Orientals. She had plotted her next few years’ activities as if they were chess moves and had even identified individuals as the game pieces, especially Martin.

    She now held all the aces. Martin would do anything she wanted. She had tested him several times, threatening to break off their relationship, even though his violent temper frightened her. Keeping him at arms’ length and then succumbing was how she had and would continue to control him. It was like revving up a sports car and then keeping it in first gear. Martin was an obsessive type and Amelia soon realized he was obsessed with her, although she had little feeling for him. Her interest was to amass money through his business and, for that, she could pretend to be an ardent lover now and later act as a devoted wife. Once married, she would manipulate him with sex and, if necessary, drugs or blackmail so she could make the business decisions while keeping him in the dark about her actions and then seize control. She smiled as she fantasized the future.

    And, unlike his current wife, she would never agree to a prenuptial contract. When they divorced or she was free of him, which to her was inevitable, she wanted more than the few million he would now agree to. By then, his business would be worth a fortune and she wanted all of it. Her Oriental upbringing had shaped her way of thinking. There, women were wise and handled the money. Love was not paramount. Then if the man strayed, the woman still had financial control.

    Eventually to return to Hong Kong as a wealthy woman and play a key role in that city’s political scene, especially now that it was part of mainland China was her goal, or else to settle in Macao. She knew both well. It depended on which one offered her the most prestige, power and protection. But there was one major difference: Marcel lived in Macao.

    Amelia frowned. It was dangerous what her Chinese partners were now asking her to do. It required a great deal of cunning to prevent Martin from finding out any details and yet protect herself. She would have to use her wiles and sex to the fullest.

    This was the advice her father and mother had given her, separately. Her father, a British officer in Her Majesty’s service, had spent most of his career in Hong Kong, overseeing one of the Crown’s jewels. Learn to be a woman, but be a wise one, he had told her. Never let a man you want to influence know how wise you are. And remember the old adage: Knowledge is power, if you know it about the right people.

    Her mother’s advice was different. Never confuse sex with love, my dear. The former is power you can hold over a man. Love only weakens you. Their advice would ensure her a future of unknown luxury, something both of her parents yearned for but had never fully realized.

    Her parents were now dead. In addition to her breathtaking beauty, glamour and advice, they had endowed her wisely. The contacts they provided Amelia in Hong Kong and Macao, as well as on the China mainland, would serve her well. Fortunately, the son of one of her mother’s lovers was now in a senior position in China’s shipping and trading business and the men her father had paid off during the lean times on the Mainland when even senior party officials had very little money were now part of the senior government hierarchy in Beijing.

    We can’t leave you much money, her father said as he and her mother executed their wills, but we can leave you with these. He handed her documents which, if exposed, would incriminate a number of PRC officials as well as others in Hong Kong and Macao, in a variety of anti-State and criminal activities and cause them ruin, if not death. But be cautious and wise, he admonished. Do not use these foolishly. They can bring you fortune but can also bring you death.

    Amelia had begun to develop her own ‘supporters’ in the United States, her newly adopted country. Again, she was glad her father had guided her future, insisting she go to an Ivy League American university, one that would produce future leaders. While there, Amelia had cultivated several sons and daughters of politicians and the wealthy as well as their families and had managed to maintain these friendships. They had already proved very useful.

    She picked up the phone and dialed a familiar number. Is the Congressman there? she murmured.

    A few minutes later, she continued smiling as she said, . . . of course, I’m free tonight.


    Berkeley Springs is a quaint small town at the foot of the Blue Ridge Mountains in West Virginia filled with sidewalk antique kiosks and stores, folksy restaurants and sidewalk cafes. It is just across the border from Virginia and hence a weekend vacation spot for the Washington denizens. The Country Inn serves as the center of this lovely town. The Inn was also a favorite place for Jennifer Gregory to conduct business when she met clients who lived in this area. Its serene setting usually brought her contentment by just being there and made all her problems seemed remote. The town’s boutiques and cozy eateries were always interesting to visit as were the local mineral baths to enjoy when she had extra time or was spending the evening at the Inn. She never regretted this overnight stay and it was indeed relaxing, especially after a long day with a client. She never relished the two-hour drive back to her Alexandria home.

    But today her visit here was different. She was extremely despondent. After a successful meeting with a client, she remained in the Inn’s tastefully appointed lobby wondering why she wasn’t able to manage her personal life, currently in shambles, as well as she did her professional one. Martin didn’t love her anymore and wanted to end their marriage. He hadn’t yet asked for a divorce, but his actions were so heinous she knew he was waiting for her to raise the issue since it would be to his advantage financially. For her own sanity, she realized she had to make a decision soon, but didn’t want to face the inevitable until she could be assured that he would have to honor their prenuptial financial arrangement. Then, she could keep the house as well as receive a handsome settlement to compensate for five years of marital hell.

    Martin had ruined her emotionally. You know, Julia, she recently told her sister, I’ll never marry again. I don’t seem to be a good judge of men. But my one regret is that I never had a child.

    As she rose and stuffed papers in her briefcase, she was stunned at the appearance of a man she spied leaving the Inn’s Morgan Bar and entering the lobby. He could double as her husband. At first she thought it was Martin, following her to see if she was truly on business or having an affair and hoping he could obtain divorce evidence to preclude alimony. But on closer observation, the man she now saw had a much kinder looking face and was even more handsome. She was instantly attracted to him and for some unknown reason decided to follow him.

    Shortly after exiting the Country Inn, he turned into a driveway which led to a mountain resort area. He parked his Cavalier in front of a small log cabin within walking distance of the resort’s restaurant.

    Jennifer drove into the parking lot adjacent to the restaurant, entered and ordered a drink. She felt a thrill, one that she had not had for many years. He soon arrived at the restaurant, nodded to the waitress and sat at a table that seemed to be reserved for him. Jennifer surreptitiously watched him through half-closed eyes wondering who he was. She didn’t think her husband had any male relatives living in this area, or at least he had never mentioned any.

    Not bad, is he? the waitress quipped, aware that Jennifer had not taken her eyes away from the man. Jennifer raised her eyebrows trying to ignore the waitress’s comments. He’s rented a cabin at this resort for the last six weeks and eats here every night, about this time. And always alone, the waitress whispered.

    Jennifer finished her drink, laid a ten-dollar bill on the table and quietly left by a side door, careful not to draw his attention. As she drove back toward Washington, she smiled. This quiet man had intrigued her and she had been extremely taken by him. Something about him stirred her heart and she couldn’t get him out of her mind on her drive home.

    It was after nine that evening when Jennifer reached her home in Alexandria, Virginia. There was a note from Mary, her housekeeper, that there was food in the refrigerator she could nuke for dinner if she was hungry and another note from Martin. I’ve gone to New York on business and won’t be back for several days. Not one word of apology for how he had behaved several nights before.

    Jennifer was now above caring whether he was there. He was rarely home for dinner or many times for breakfast either, even if he was in town. She wasn’t hungry and decided another scotch would help her think about her life. She loved this house but knew she wouldn’t be able to maintain it if she divorced Martin, even if it remained hers.

    Suddenly, she looked at the calendar and laughed out loud. Could it really work? she asked herself. And if it did, it would be true justice to Martin for the way he has treated me.

    The next afternoon she donned a pair of tight jeans and tee shirt and headed back toward the resort near Berkeley Springs, wondering whether the attractive stranger would be at the restaurant. Jennifer looked longingly at her house as she backed out of her driveway. It was five long years since she had first stepped into its living room and knew immediately that this was the house she had always dreamed of having. And she had spent many happy days shopping with Martin to decorate it to make it a home, a place she and Martin could spend the rest of their lives and raise a family. They were happy here, at least until the past year and a half. Then he had changed and became distant and uncaring. It was obvious to Jennifer that he was involved with another woman or other women, even though he had not mentioned it.

    As Jennifer headed along Route 7 toward Winchester, she also realized how much she loved Virginia, her adopted state, even if it had changed drastically since she arrived. A large number of hi-tech companies had made this route their home with accompanying hotels and malls for the number of new housing developments that had arisen almost overnight. Disappearing were the rolling hills and farms that had dotted the highway for so many years. A toll road offering speedy transit to Leesburg had been added for the increased number of commuters. But even that highway was becoming overcrowded since the small cities not far from the nation’s capitol were now considered Washington city bedrooms.

    As she turned on to Route 522 on her final leg to Berkeley Springs, she realized that her life had to change. It was becoming apparent that Martin wanted a divorce and was waiting for Jennifer to act. It was to his advantage financially for Jennifer to make the first move but she was hesitant to do this, not yet.

    She reached the resort eatery slightly before six thirty and sat at a table not far from the one the waitress said he always occupied. Soon, his lanky figure came through the door and assumed his reserved spot.

    Jennifer stared at him, hoping he would eventually acknowledge her gaze but his mind seemed a million miles away, just as the night before, as if he were deep in thought, totally unaware of people around him. Tonight, Jennifer was determined to change that. After dinner, she purposely dropped her knife, causing him to look over at her. When she coyly looked away, he continued to watch her.

    Shortly thereafter, she slowly sauntered past his table, casting a warm smile, her lips framing a whispered hello, and continued to the deck behind the restaurant where the restrooms were located. On her way back to the dining room, she saw him standing on the deck, leaning against a wall as if waiting for her. She walked over and stood in front of him, close enough so she could feel the warmth of his body. He slowly cupped her face in his hands, raised her head and gently placed his lips against hers. Feeling her response, he drew her closer, kissing her passionately until their tongues played tag and finally locked in an embrace. She slid her hand down over his firm body and felt his throbbing manhood. He silently moaned. Quickly she escaped his embrace and returned to her table.

    Breathless and overwhelmed by her sexual arousal, she was not certain she wanted to go through with her plan, afraid of the consequences, and decided to leave quickly, scrap her former plan and return to Alexandria. She hurriedly asked for her check, left money on the table and quickly left the restaurant. But it was too late. Waiting outside, he possessively took her hand and, without a word being spoken, led her up a path to his cabin. She wanted to rebel but her body wouldn’t let her. After entering his cabin, he locked the door behind him, took her in his arms and kissed her again, a long passionate kiss. She started to draw away but didn’t have the desire to do so or even to speak. She looked longingly at him and seeing the dark desire in his eyes, outlined his lips with her tongue. Jennifer couldn’t believe she was acting this way. It was so unlike her.

    He closed his eyes as he gently removed her T-shirt. She nervously unzipped her jeans, dropped them to the floor and removed her pants and bra. He quickly undressed. Now, both standing naked, he led her to his bed where they eventually brought their bodies together in total passion. Their lovemaking was unlike any Jennifer had every experienced and his loving left Jennifer totally shaken and aware of what passion could really be. She was breathless

    No words had yet been spoken. He held her close as he brushed his lips against her hair and cheek. What do I call you?

    She hesitated, suddenly aware of her strange situation. What would you like to call me? she asked quietly.

    Mine. But after a kiss on her cheek, he added, . . . but that’s hardly a name.

    Sandra, she finally replied.

    Just Sandra? No other name?

    Names are unimportant. She reached over and began kissing his neck and ear and caressing his body until he again covered her mouth with his. With passions rising, it wasn’t long before their bodies again came together. To her, it was bliss. She had never felt such strong emotions for a man and wondered if he felt the same. How different it had been with Martin, her first and only lover.

    Soon, Mark fell into a sound sleep. The words goodnight love were barely audible from his lips Jennifer had to get away before it was too late. She could not afford to get involved so she carefully extricated herself from his arms. She started to leave a note explaining the reason for her action without giving any indication of her identity but instead crumpled the note and threw it in the wastebasket.

    On her drive home, she felt embarrassed about her bizarre actions. She had never been so forward with a man, so demanding for his passion, but nevertheless was glad it had happened. She wondered if this was the reason Martin was dissatisfied with her and their lovemaking. Never had she felt these emotions with Martin. But this evening reassured her that she was very emotionally alive and could experience strong sexual emotions. Martin hadn’t been able to kill her completely. But had she accomplished her mission? The question whirled in her dreams.

    Early the next morning, Mark awakened and realized the strange woman was gone. She had simply vanished in the dark of the night. He jumped out of bed, hoping to catch her, but it was too late. She had left no evidence of who she was, only words on a crumpled note that said I wish I could explain… He wondered what she was going to say and why she had left so suddenly. He knew her feelings had been as strong as his and their lovemaking was almost magical. Perhaps she would return to the restaurant that evening or maybe the waitress could identify her. He knew he had to find her since she had spoiled him for any future involvement. He would have to find out if it was truly the woman or whether it was only the mysterious loving that had thrilled him so much.

    Both times she’s been here, she paid cash, the waitress said that evening.

    She was here before last night? Mark asked.

    Yes. I think she was stalking you. The waitress smiled and promised to phone him if the woman ever returned.

    The mystery woman had captivated him. During their one night of love, she had aroused passion he never thought he was capable of experiencing. He had come to this resort to contemplate and bring depth to his novel. It needs more passion and sex, his editor advised. And Sandra, if that was her name, finally had him experience intense feelings that he could now inject into his writing. His fingers flew over the keyboard that day and during subsequent weeks as he relived his night of loving. He even renamed the heroine of his novel Sandra. It seemed appropriate and right for his novel.

    As he walked the woodland path on his last evening, he was overwhelmed with emotion. Why had she openly seduced him and then disappeared like a shadow in the night? Why hadn’t she approached him on her earlier visit and—who was she? He didn’t believe her name was Sandra. She didn’t look like a Sandra. Never before had he enjoyed the flesh of a woman so much. It was a totally new sensation for him.

    Likewise, Jennifer had not counted on having such strong feelings for her one night lover. She knew nothing about him except he had the same features as her husband: dark almost black hair, deep brown eyes, slim and about six feet tall. These features had been important. She prayed that she would succeed with her plan even though it did not include becoming so emotionally involved.

    On the counter as she left his cabin, she noticed an envelope with a name and address on it. She was tempted to take out a flashlight and read it, but she didn’t want to chance awakening him or knowing too much, afraid she herself would weaken and try to find him.


    Amelia, you’re driving me crazy not letting me come over. I’ve got to see you. You’re driving me crazy. Martin was pacing his office.

    No, was her cool response as it often had been the past few months. Not until we’re married.

    Martin slammed down the receiver. He didn’t like to be denied by anyone, especially a woman. He was particularly angry since she had previously been so willing to pursue their affair and had actually been the aggressor.

    Why hasn’t Jennifer asked for a divorce? he asked himself. I’ve given her every reason to hate me. He now was talking aloud, wondering at times if he was losing his mind. But Amelia had this effect on him. He would insist this evening that Jennifer set him free.

    I’m leaving for Hong Kong tomorrow, Amelia informed him later that day. Maybe by the time I return she chided, you’ll be free to marry me.

    When will you return? he demanded, not quite believing that she could actually stand to be separated from him for such a long time.

    When I know we can be married and I won’t have to sneak around like a backstreet whore. Although Amelia sounded severely wounded by the status of their current relationship, she was playing her part well and was actually glad for the extra time she would have before their marriage to put her plans in order. She still had much to arrange, both in Washington and in Asia.

    Amelia laughed as she hung up the phone and thought, how weak American men are, especially concerning sex. They are like string. A clever woman can wrap them around her little finger and pull them around like a hooked fish. She leaned back on the divan and smiled.

    The circular driveway in front of Hong Kong’s Peninsula Hotel, with several Rolls Royce lined up waiting for the clientele to be taken to their engagements or whisked to the airport, always thrilled Amelia. She felt important, alighting from the dark gray Rolls while her luggage was automatically taken to the desk.

    Good evening, Miss Palmer, the doorman said. It’s nice to have you back. Amelia smiled at him as she entered the cathedral-like lobby and casually looked around to see if there was anyone she recognized sitting at the numerous tables scattered about. Her father used to say that if you sat in the Peninsula lobby long enough, someone you knew was bound to pass by.

    She loved this old hotel. It was part of her life as far back as she could remember. When she was old enough, she had her first grownup meal at Gaddi’s, its famous restaurant that served some of the best continental food in Hong Kong. It was also here her father introduced her to cocktails, a rum daiquiri, on her sixteenth birthday. The Americans are stuffy, he said, as he watched her taste her first cocktail, making their children wait until they’re twenty-one to enjoy one of life’s great pleasures. She missed her father, Amelia admitted, as well as her mother.

    She riffed through the phone messages sitting on the desk in her spacious room. Tomorrow would be a busy day. But the one call she especially wanted wasn’t there. If he didn’t call, she would phone him the next day. But she didn’t want to appear too anxious.

    She ran a hot bath and was soaking in the perfumed waters when the phone rang.

    Marcel, darling, she exclaimed. You remembered when I was going to arrive.

    But of course, cherie, he responded. Did you think I could forget? Amelia slowly climbed out of the tub as she talked.

    Shall we meet tomorrow evening? he asked. Unless you are busy the whole day, you could catch a plane or the hydrofoil in the afternoon and come to my place. He was seductive even in his conversation. And of course, spend the night. It will give us a lot of time to talk about our future business relationship. It wasn’t exactly what Amelia wanted to discuss first but she would wait until later for that.

    My last meeting is at three. I’ll see what I can manage. Amelia hung up, smiling to herself. Tomorrow evening she would be together with the one man who meant something to her, someone whom she truly loved. If he ever had asked her to marry him, she would have given up her business dealings and spent the rest of her life trying to make him happy.

    As she lay in bed, she thought about her first meeting with Marcel. Her mother was having an affair with Marcel’s father and since her mother needed cover for her absences, she took Amelia with her to Macao. Most times, her mother left Amelia with a female friend during her amorous pleasures. However, shortly after Amelia turned sixteen, she accompanied her mother to Marcel’s father’s residence and was introduced to Marcel.

    Why don’t you and Marcel get to know each other, her mother suggested.

    This they did. Amelia was instantly drawn to Marcel with his dark masculine looks and after several strong drinks and some very heavy petting, permitted him to introduce her to the art of love. From then on, Amelia was as anxious as her mother to visit Macao and she fell deeply in love with him. When Amelia turned eighteen and was slated to go abroad to attend college, she confessed to her mother her lovemaking with Marcel.

    I know, her mother said, smiling. I arranged it.

    Amelia was shocked. You mean you wanted him to make love to me?

    Of course, darling, she replied. I could tell that your hormones were raging and I felt it better to have an experienced and attractive man like Marcel introduce you to sex and not some pimply-faced youngster who might make a botch of it.

    Mother, I want to stay and marry Marcel, Amelia had cried, never considering the fact that Marcel might not want the same.

    A life with Marcel is out of the question, my dear. One never marries a commoner, especially a Corsican. It just isn’t done by someone of your station. We have raised you for someone better. And you must finish your education first and then you can decide what you want out of life. Perhaps after a few years abroad after you’ve had several American lovers, Marcel will no longer appeal to you. Her mother’s casual cynicism amazed her.

    When Amelia started to object, her mother raised her hand. Girls always fall madly in love with their first lover, almost certainly if they are young. When you get older, you think twice before getting tied down to someone like Marcel, a Corsican. After all, his reputation is not as good as you may wish.

    Is that what you did, mother? Find someone more reputable and marry him, even though you may not have been in love with him? After all, you’ve been sleeping with a Corsican.

    Did I love your father when we married? Yes, in my own way. But did we have rapturous sex together? No. Otherwise, why would I spend time with Marcel’s father and have taken other lovers. Your father is quite content with his job and having a comfortable place to come home to. Of course, he does love you and me in his way. But passion? That has never been part of your father’s makeup. Amelia’s mother paused. Besides, I’ve been able to provide very valuable information to your father through my affairs. A lot of information is learned when one is in an amorous situation. In America they refer to it as pillow talk.

    Amelia had thought a lot about her mother’s words after that and finally saw her mother’s point of view. Of course, it was easier once she learned that she was only one of Marcel’s bed partners and his feelings for her were not quite as deep as her feelings for him.

    So Amelia took her mother’s advice. But she never forgot Marcel and whenever she was in Macao or Hong Kong, they resumed their lovemaking, if only for a night. In spite of everything, she felt that in his own way, Marcel loved her. One thing she could never figure out, however, was why he was encouraging her to marry Martin. She had told Marcel about Martin, thinking it would make him jealous. She was very wrong.

    Amelia took the first flight to Macao after her meetings the next day. She was excited thinking of what the evening would bring and wondered how long she could stay. Surely, Marcel would want her to stay as long as she could be away from Washington. And she had skillfully arranged to be free of Martin until his divorce was settled.

    Marcel. How about dinner this evening? his father asked that afternoon.

    "I’m sorry, papa. I’m seeing Amelia this evening. She’s visiting from America."

    His father took a deep breath. I was hoping you were no longer romantically involved with her. What does she want? His displeasure was clear.

    You know what she wants. The same thing her mother wanted, Marcel jibed. "What you should ask is what I want. He paused. Remember, papa, the activity we discussed several weeks ago? I think Amelia will soon be in a position to be of great use to us. She’s going to marry a man who owns a very prosperous international trading company that has dealings with Chinese and other Asian companies as well as European ones. She plans to play a major role in running his company and to eventually take control. And, knowing her greed, she’ll manage to succeed. High moral scruples have never been important to her. Remember, they never were very important to her mother, not to mention her father." Marcel smiled as he spoke.

    Marcel and his father settled on having dinner together after Amelia left. Neither considered the possibility that Amelia planned to spend months in Macao and Hong Kong. But both would soon be surprised.


    I want a divorce, Martin said as he stormed into the library and approached Jennifer, seated in her favorite high-back chair reading. Maybe you could even fly to the Dominican Republic and get it immediately, Martin blustered as he stared at her in the arrogant manner he had adopted against Jennifer during the past year. She had always been so timid with him he was sure she would comply with

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