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Lightning Bolt and Blazer
Lightning Bolt and Blazer
Lightning Bolt and Blazer
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Lightning Bolt and Blazer

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The future of Landerton, a town on the verge of chaos, lies in the hands of two brothers. Fortunately, these arent just average, everyday men. These brothers are heroes.

And not just average, everyday heroesthey are superheroes named Lightning Bolt and Blazer, although they have no memories of their origins. But even with super powers, they may not learn the truth about the violence threatening their town until it is too late.

Theyre going to need help, and these young superheroes will soon come to see that anyone can be a hero when the situation calls for it. When it really matters, the people you grew up with can be heroic too, and the whole town will need a substantial amount of courage and help to save themselves.

Now, the brothers will have to dig deep to stay a step ahead of a psychotic, ill-tempered assassin who is honor-bound on a dark mission; a crazed man obsessed with vengeance; a bank robber who can teleport; a female mastermindand whatever else lurks in the shadows of their past.

As the brothers go through their first epic adventure, they find great friendsfriends they will need for the biggest battle of their young lives.

The world and its future are at stake, and only Lightning Bolt and Blazer can save it.

Release dateFeb 25, 2012
Lightning Bolt and Blazer

Matt Zanders

Matt Zanders, a high school senior, won third place in a local poetry contest. He lives with his grandparents in Hoyt, Kansas. Jon Lundin is a high school senior who lives with his mother, father, and sister. Jon and Matt have been best friends since fourth grade.

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    Lightning Bolt and Blazer - Matt Zanders

    Copyright © 2012 by Matt Zanders and Jon Lundin

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    Chapter One    Getting to Know Your Inner Hero

    Chapter Two    The Meeting

    Chapter Three    Shifty Shifting Shape-Shifter

    Chapter Four    The Tale on File

    Chapter Five    Sucker Punched by Clouds

    Chapter Six    Escaping Quick Sand

    Chapter Seven    Unwanted and Disrespected

    Chapter Eight    Bring in the Tech

    Chapter Nine    There is No Use Fighting Desire World

    Chapter Ten    The Story of the Scar

    Chapter Eleven    Cliffside Seats to Insanity

    Chapter Twelve    A Little Rayne for a Parade

    Chapter Thirteen    Convert the Dreams to Nightmares

    Chapter Fourteen    Dusk to Dawn

    Chapter Fifteen    Giving Chase

    Chapter Sixteen    The After Effect

    Chapter Seventeen    The Origin of Dark Star

    Chapter Eighteen    The Escape

    Chapter Nineteen    Terra in Trouble

    Chapter Twenty    Land of the Lost Heroes

    Chapter Twenty One    Death is Only a Snap Away

    Chapter Twenty Two    When The Stars Go Out

    Chapter Twenty Four    The Truth Always Prevails

    Chapter Twenty Five    The Other Side Stories

    Chapter Twenty Six    The Assassin’s Last Tale

    Chapter Twenty Seven    Death’s Knocking, But I’m Not Answering

    Chapter Twenty Eight    The Return

    Chapter Twenty Nine    The Other Future

    Chapter Thirty    The Last Battle

    Chapter Thirty One    The End

    The Epilogue

    Chapter One

    Getting to Know Your Inner Hero

    A 42-inch television in Apartment #932 of complex Rx flicked to Channel 29 as a news lady reported. Her name as the bottom of the screen indicated was Carmen Light. Her wavy blonde hair bounced like an unwound ball of golden wire, but even her beauty was outmatched by the fear in her eyes. Just over her shoulder was a bank. There were maybe twenty unarmed cops standing outside the shiny glass. They knew that they were going to be bailed out rather soon.

    Calling all vehicles, a woman who calls herself the Anti-Hero is in the process of robbing the First National Bank of Landerton. It is believed that she is armed, and extremely dangerous. We advise caution to all citizens within this area. She paused for emphasis as though she knew exactly who was watching. It would be nice if so called ‘heroes’ would get here soon. And Lightning Bolt we’d rather your brother come rescue everyone. The day had just begun, and already there was a disaster. This wasn’t the first time the Anti-Hero had pulled a stunt like this and it probably wouldn’t be the last.

    Sitting in front of his TV was a man listened attentively to gain details of crimes. Only moments before he had been watching a game show that had been rudely interrupted by this latest news. Was there such a thing as relaxing in Landerton? Couldn’t he just watch some happy family win money by rhyming random words for six minutes? Was it really too much to ask for?

    The man had amber eyes that seemed to pulse like embers in a fire. They concentrated hard on the TV taking in every little detail. He wasn’t one to pass up information, especially the kind that could save his life. His name was Blazer. He and his brother Lightning Bolt lived on the ninth level of the apartment complex by themselves. Everyone else in the building lived below them, and they either didn’t care or didn’t recognize the heroes. They were special, because they were not only heroes. They were superheroes

    As he walked to the bathroom, he looked around in case there was something around that could help him. There was a meteorite that could control minds on the dining room table. He opened the drawer in the hall and found a blue diamond that could turn him invisible. That was useless, because it also made him blind. He laughed a little that was sort of ironic.

    Reaching to the back of the drawer he found a vial. He pulled it out, and he found that it contained liquid that Jacob Hurtzen had conjured. The scientist had been a close friend of Blazer’s. He recalled that drinking the liquid along with making him invincible, it also made him insane. Before Jacob went missing he insisted that Blazer take the last bit of the concoction and hide it for a rainy day. If Blazer remembered correctly those had been his exact words, and Jacob had said them in such a way that Blazer could not refuse. He pocketed the vial, and continued to the bathroom.

    He could hear water running in the shower. He proceeded to knock. Blazer heard his brother jolt out of his subconscious. Then he heard a sound similar to a scar skidding on ice. Bang!

    Leave me alone! Lightning Bolt moaned.

    Can’t, bro. The world needs us.

    Fine, I’ll be out in like 39.56 seconds. He grumbled.

    Blazer understood why is brother was acting so reluctant. The Black Raptor affair was enough to drain him for the week, not to mention all the other crap that they’d gone through: Self-destructing computers at city hall on Tuesday, naval missiles gone awry on Wednesday, and not to mention the kidnapping on the mayor’s daughter on Thursday. Superheroing had become a 24/7 business, and Blazer wasn’t sure he’d signed up for that.

    Blazer heard his brother slip out the back exit of the bathroom with a whoosh. Like his namesake he was fast, but Blazer wasn’t sure why everything had to be a competition. Lightning Bolt opened the door and jumped out like the bathroom was on fire.

    About time you showed up, his brother said.

    Lightning Bolt shouldered his way past. That was a record and you know it.

    Blazer tapped his watch. It looks like it took you 41.29 seconds. That’s no record, and you know it.

    Lightning Bolt let it go. Sitrep.

    Sitrep? Seriously? Lightning Bolt was getting so lazy that he couldn’t even say complete sentences. What had the public done to him? Blazer wondered. They were at their limits. One more giant space monster, and they were going to explode from exhaustion.

    Lightning Bolt just nodded. His facial expression told Blazer that he was in no mood to deal with any of that constant things they always dealt with.

    Blazer shrugged. "Okay, Mr. Call of Duty. First National, Anti-Hero, cameras, cops, and a good two dozen hostages."

    Sounds simple enough, Lightning Bolt replied. What are we waiting for?

    His brother motioned to the window. After you. I’ll have to follow just in case you mess up. There’s no doubt that you will. He thought.

    Lightning Bolt pushed the button, causing the window to slide up. Before jumping out the window he turned to his brother. Is it just me or are villains really good at timing their attacks right when I get in the shower? Blazer laughed and pushed him out the window, and he launched himself into the sky.

    Lightning Bolt did three front flips, two 360 counter clockwise twists, topped it off with a back flip, and then he flew in the direction of the bank. He did all this without losing the sunglasses on his head. Blazer shook his head, muttering the words show off to nobody in particular.

    Blazer did a simply dive through the window and flew to the bank. He flew a straight line avoiding obstacles, where as his brother was doing fancy tricks and narrowly avoiding buildings. Even with the less-than-expert flying abilities, he was still flying at an incredible speed that Blazer couldn’t match. In seconds he was only a speck on the horizon.

    The flight ended after about a minute when Blazer landed on the third floor balcony of the bank. Lightning Bolt was talking to a law enforcement agent, but he didn’t look like one of the normal law enforcement agents they usually encountered. This man looked far more official than the standard Landerton patrol. Blazer made a quick mental list of the man’s features. It was possible that they would be seeing more of him or that he would be tagging along for a while.

    His whole head was covered with a black mask except for his left eye and his snow-white hair. He was wearing a dark army vest over black and gray camouflage. He was tall, but not as tall as either Lightning Bolt or Blazer. He looked like someone who had just materialized out of a video game.

    There were many weapons strapped to the agent’s body, including a pistol on each hip. There were knives in sheaths on his ankles and his shoulders. He even had an automatic weapon on his back. It was like he was going into a war that he was sure he wasn’t going to win, or possibly a war that he could barely win. The hero didn’t like the looks of it either way. There was definitely a storm brewing somewhere.

    I am Special Agent Dark Star. I have been assigned on a classified mission that involves the two of you.

    Well, Dark Star we have urgent business to attend to. The Anti-Hero is unpredictable, and it would be nice for the public if we saved everyone in this bank. Or at least most of them, Blazer said with a glare at his brother.

    Lightning Bolt and Blazer slipped by Dark Star and entered the bank. The agent followed the heroes inside while withdrawing a notepad, and pen from a pocket in his vest. The paper was covered in dates, most of which were scribbled out. The only one that remained was today’s. It was a little odd to Blazer, almost like the moment happening to the three of them was the exact moment Dark Star needed to appear. It was alien like he needed Dark Star, and the agent needed them.

    I have questions to ask both of you, and I would like you to answer honestly, Dark Star said. Both of the heroes rolled their eyes.

    Does this really seem like the time to be playing twenty questions, Lightning Bolt said with a mixture of sarcasm and seriousness.

    How about a single question? Dark Star asked even though he recognized them immediately, it was still necessary to be absolutely sure regardless of how appropriate it was. He had dealt with doppelgangers before, certain clones of the famous heroes. The kind of crazed doppelgangers that had nothing better to do than dress up and act like maniacs, who thought they could save the world from invisible goat octopus hybrids from the center of the Earth.

    I guess that would be fine, Lightning Bolt said. Dark Star directed his question straight at the blonde hero.

    Last month did you put dry ice in Blazer’s toilet? Lightning Bolt stopped in his tracks for a second, and then continued on. Blazer shook his head disapprovingly. People had already found out. That was great.

    I do believe that might have happened, Lightning Bolt mumbled.

    Classic prank, Dark Star whispered under his breath.

    The heroes stopped at the railing overlooking the first floor. They turned their heads back and said in unison, Excuse us we have a bank to save. The two jumped over the railing, and when they landed on the floor below they sprinted away without stopping. At the moment there was no sign of the Anti-Hero. This was the perfect time to untie hostages.

    They both made their way to the teller’s booth. Behind it were the hostages that were bound and gagged. Untying them was easy for Blazer and once they were untied the hero ordered them to exit the building through the front entrance.

    Lightning Bolt was having a little more difficulties than his brother. He couldn’t seem to get his first hostage untied. She was a pedestrian with sweet chocolate strands of hair, and it was obvious that he was distracted by her ‘curves’. He was busy admiring her rather than untying her. However, after fumbling around for quite some time, he finally got her untied.

    Hey, can I get your name and number? It’s for important hero to hostage relations. Blazer punched Lightning Bolt in the arm with such a force that it went totally numb. Though even through the pain, the hero still got the message that now was not the time to be flirting with a girl.

    Just go. The girl ran off and was almost to the door, but fate never was one to play fair. The Anti-Hero walked out of the vault; in one hand she held deposit box goodies plus about two hundred thousand dollars in a duffel bag. In the other hand she held a rocket launcher. She brought it to her shoulder and with a maniacal, she shot the rocket at the woman. There was no chance for her to get away from her fate alone.

    Lightning Bolt jumped into action. He used his lightning speed, pushed the girl behind a concrete pillar and took her place in the line fire. When he turned to run out of the missiles range, he was shocked to see that he didn’t have time to run. He didn’t have enough time to even stop it with his magnetism, and he barely had enough time to brace himself for impact.

    The missile missed its mark by about four feet, and it exploded in front of him. It sent him flying through the air and into the concrete pillar headfirst, knocking him out. Luckily he was able to shield his face, though his jacket seemed to be melting from the heat. The fire was minimal and what little was around was killed by the lack of fuel to consume.

    The Anti-Hero ran over to Lightning Bolt and injected a milky liquid into his arm. She held his chin up and kissed him passionately. She had always had a crush on the hero. One of the reasons she became a villain was so that she could meet him several times in person. She pulled back and looked deep into his eyes. Then she slammed his head into the pillar. The only evidence that Lightning Bolt was alive was the groan that escaped his lips. This is the least of your worries, she said nicely. If I have my way, I’ll be a goddess by tonight.

    Blazer jumped into the air, and floated just high enough that the Anti-Hero wouldn’t think to look up. Sweat gathered on her brow when she noticed that Blazer was no longer in the booth. They both knew that he was the actual challenge to fight. He wasn’t as gullible, and he always had a strategy. Like a ninja’s shadow he landed behind the Anti-Hero. He put his arms around his brother, and then he lifted into the air like a feather.

    She pulled a custom made gun from the bag, turned around, and loaded an icy dart into it. The letters on the gun were still readable, ‘nitrogen shooter’. She watched the booth for a moment. Then she went to turn around and as she did so a bullet zipped inches by her head and buried itself in the pillar. Above her in a stairwell was a man holding a pistol.

    The next one won’t miss. She ignored his comment as she searched for Blazer.

    Who would you be? The Anti-Hero said with a raised voice.

    I am Special Task Force Agent Dark Star, and I am willing to let you leave this place, if you give me Lightning Bolt. There was a smile on his face underneath his mask He was a grade ‘A’ distraction as long as he could hold her attention.

    How do I know that there aren’t cops out there waiting for me to step out of this bank so they can open fire on me? Blazer almost burst out laughing, but quieted himself. As if. The cops out there probably have no idea what a gun is. Depending on superheroes has made them lazy. Blazer thought.

    Dark Star pulled a military radio from one of his vest’s pockets, and he pressed a button while saying into it, There is a code Alpha-Delta-Blue 168. All cops are to evacuate an eleven block radius of the First National Bank of Landerton under orders of Dark Star. He put the radio back into his vest. The three listened carefully heard several sighs of relief from outside. Then about six cars raced from the scene. This time Blazer did burst into laughter.

    Give me a second and I’ll consider your offer. The Anti-Hero twisted around and shot Blazer in the chest point blank. They both fell from about thirteen feet and became equally as useless. In moments Blazer was shaking from the liquid nitrogen coursing through his veins. His powers were diminished due to his core temperature being so low.

    The Anti-Hero smiled, Now you can have them both and I can still leave as a free woman. She ran through the door and in no time was driving away in a silver Dodge Charger. Dark Star jumped over the banister, and when he landed on the floor below he ran just like the two heroes.

    He hurried over to them. Blazer touched Lightning Bolt with his ice-cold fingers and Lightning Bolt was jolted back to consciousness. Dark Star helped them to their feet. Blazer noticed that his freezing hand and Lightning Bolt’s electrified hand didn’t seem to bother Dark Star like he was used to it.

    I have a Humvee parked out front. If we hurry, I think we can catch her, Dark Star said.

    Dark Star sprinted and the heroes hobbled after him to the Humvee. Lightning Bolt and Blazer jumped in and Dark Star started the vehicle. He followed the distant object that had to have been the Anti-Hero driving hazardously through all lanes of traffic.

    What did she do to you guys? Dark Star said. Better yet, why did she do it?

    She used our natural weaknesses against us. The reason is simply because she wanted to get away without any trouble and it’s working, Blazer said.

    Your weaknesses are salt water and freezing temperatures. Lightning Bolt’s electricity would be unstable and much harder to control. And your heat would be diluted and not very helpful, the Agent noted.

    She won’t get away so easily! Blazer said. His face became red. He concentrated hard on the Anti-Hero’s car like he could make it burst into flames, but he only fogged up the windows.

    Traffic became denser and harder for the Anti-Hero to dodge, and she was forced to slow down and delay her escape. Now the heroes were just one car away, all that was blocking them was a small station wagon containing a family of five.

    Blazer stuck his hand out the window, thought about producing a ball of fire, and instead he produced a blue-flaming ice ball. He snickered, as he had always wondered what it would be like to have a flaming snowball fight, but never had been given a chance to try. He calculated the exact angle and threw his ‘snowball’.

    Instead of hitting the Charger and stopping the Anti-Hero, it landed between the station wagon and the Charger and iced the road. The station wagon drove over the ice, spun out of control, ramped over the sidewalk and hit a mailbox, sending mail flying into the air.

    Remind me next time when this happens that throwing ice balls isn’t such a good idea, Blazer said innocently. At least one good thing came out of the accident, they were that much closer to getting to the Anti-Hero, and fewer people’s lives were in danger in case she opened fire on them. Lightning Bolt rubbed his hands together. He was turning blue and shaking like a scared rabbit. It was the liquid nitrogen leaking through Blazer’s pores, and into the interior of the vehicle. Lightning Bolt sneezed sending a mega electrical surge through the Humvee effectively crippling it. It also locked the steering wheel and disengaged the breaks. Like Lightning Bolt, electricity was unpredictable. As the Humvee slowed to a halt the Charger pulled away. With every foot of road she gained, the chances of catching her dropped.

    Dark Star twisted the radio tuner to a station consisting mostly of static with a hint of distinct rock music playing in the background, and pushed it in. The grill unlatched and fell to a horizontal position. Get ready, because we’re moving forward, Dark Star said.

    A grappling ball with curved spikes launched at the Anti-Hero’s Charger, and it went through the trunk and into the back seat. Evil laughter penetrated through the Anti-Hero’s car, because she wasn’t about to let the good guys catch her, especially Lightning Dolt and Lamzer. She took a detour underneath a semi-trailer hoping that they would be crushed. The three of them were dumbfounded for a couple of moments, because it looked like the truck’s shadow stuck to it like tar.

    The Humvee moved forward towards the crushing metal death trap. There were seconds to act. Dark Star commanded them to jump. The Humvee was crushed by the speeding semi, but it left the heroes on the street behind it. They had safely escaped, but so had the Anti-Hero. And if they had chased her down, they would have been endangering more lives, and more than likely she would show up again soon anyway. After noting that they weren’t going to catch her, Dark Star decided it was time to use his final trick.

    Lightning Bolt lurched into the air. His brother grabbed him by his collar, and pulled him back to the ground. We’re not really the best fliers. We might want to think about waiting until she reappears again. Lightning Bolt agreed silently.

    I have a friend that I think can help us, Dark Star said as he drew off the current conversation.

    What about the Humvee? Dark Star pressed a button on his radio, and the Humvee vanished as if there had been no accident and no Humvee to begin with.

    What Humvee? Dark Star asked sarcastically.

    What about the trucker with the ruined truck? Blazer said. He flicked his head like it was a whip, and Dark Star’s face turned red with embarrassment. Lightning Bolt clapped his hands and the truck morphed back into its original body.

    There I saved the guy’s career. He looked at Blazer and added, Is that my high score señor Blazer? His brother pretended to write on a chalkboard in front of him.

    Sadly yes. It beat out your previous high score of zero. Dark Star laughed.

    Then the trio ventured along the sidewalk, talking about past adventures until they came across a store named, ‘Swifties Thrifties.’ They entered, and inside there was a precious jewels and metals mine, or at least the jewels and metal that belonged to a mine. A shady man wearing a trench coat with the collar turned up entered from a poorly lit backroom. He looked like an arms dealer in a grainy movie, somebody that you shouldn’t trust, but you do anyway.

    My name is Marv. May I interest you in some valuable gems?

    No Marv. Were here for the special stock, Dark Star said. Marv held up a diamond-coated Rolex.

    I just got this shipment of watches from Chile, there’s only a few in stock.

    The word ‘spores’ was Dark Star’s only response, and as soon as it left his mouth, Marv’s face lit up. He changed from shady mystery man to the happiest man in the world. He had been waiting for this day for a very long time. Marv walked to the entrance, flipped his open sign around, and locked the door. Then he pulled the blinds and made his way back behind the counter.

    Are your friends ‘the people’? Marv asked. Dark Star nodded.

    Good, we wouldn’t want my brilliant ideas to go to waste, would we? Marv reached under the display case and hit a red button. The shelves in the display case flipped and strapped to the other side where inventions of a unique kind.

    Marv, these are the superheroes, Lightning Bolt and Blazer that I was talking about. Marv shook both their hands and scanned them. He had heard of them, he had just never seen either of them in person.

    Boy, do I have some surprises for you. The two heroes exchanged worried glances, they were unsure of what would happen next.

    Marv tossed a jumpsuit to Lightning Bolt. The hero looked at the clothing in his hand and back at Marv with a puzzled expression. Marv sent back a look that could have melted steel. Lightning Bolt stripped out of his clothes and slipped the jumpsuit on. It was all black except for two bolts of lightning streaking from each shoulder to the opposite hip. Marv handed over a pair of white ski gloves with white fur trim along with a matching pair of boots to Lightning Bolt, who reluctantly took them.

    Marv, why do I look like a circus freak? Lightning Bolt asked.

    The suit serves a purpose, and happens to be way more fashionable then that of most superheroes these days. At least I didn’t give you tights.

    What’s its purpose? Is it to make me look like a sixteen year-old boy skiing down a mountain dressed in a Halloween costume that happens to make me look like a superhero? Lightning Bolt asked.

    Blazer smirked. That’s exactly what it makes you look like.

    Marv frowned slightly, because he didn’t see the irony in the suit. He had designed the suit for function rather than fashion. The rest of the things were just accessories which included the gloves.

    The suit is flameproof, it has its own electromagnetic field which allows you to hack electronics, but we both know that you don’t need help with that. It has its own built-in communicator with video features. It even comes with tracking devices and a GPS.

    Lightning Bolt was looking at his back in the mirror behind him. There were bolts of electricity starting at both shoulder blades going all the way down to the opposite leg. Where they crossed in the center of his back was a large black cloud with the letters LB sewn inside.

    Remember ‘X’ marks the spot. Dig there and you might find treasure or Lightning Bolt’s heart, Blazer commented. With all of his strength Lightning Bolt punched his brother in the shoulder. There was a slight pause, and then Blazer responded with, That tickled. Lightning Bolt was shocked for a moment, and then shook it off.

    At least I know your suit can’t possibly be better than mine. Lightning Bolt said with a sneer. Oh I can only hope that it’ll be an explosive red blazer. Oh the symbolism. Blazer looked around, Dark Star was nowhere in sight. He had slipped away without them noticing. The hero wasn’t going to worry too much about that right now, he was about to receive a superhero costume, and he was as psyched as a little kid at an ice cream parlor. He just chose not to show it.

    Marv handed Blazer his suit and accessories. The suit itself was black with varying red and blue flames along Blazer’s torso. It almost seemed like a realistic fire in the emptiness of space. The gloves were orange and the boots were yellow with no fur trim at all. On the other hand the belt was white with a medium sized container attached.

    Your suit also has a communicator, GPS, and tracking devices, but it does not have its own electromagnetic field. I substituted that feature in your suit for something more natural to you. The container on your side contains two-dozen small spheres. All of the spheres have different functions, some burn through metal, some become fireballs, some explode on impact, some are napalm, but each one is marked with an abbreviation. So the explosive spheres would be marked as ‘expo’ and so on and so forth. Each one is activated with a small flame. Whatever you do, please do not light the whole container on fire. Lightning Bolt peeked at the back of Blazer’s suit, his name was clearly written in big, bold, red flame engulfed letters on the back.

    What’s your problem Marv? Blazer’s suit has his whole name on it. Mine only has an abbreviation of my name.

    Marv sighed, I was hoping that you wouldn’t figure that out until you left my shop. I just didn’t have enough thread, enough time, or enough patience to stitch out your name. I did something to make up for it, check your communicator. Do you see the big red button?

    Lightning Bolt went to press the button, but Marv grabbed his hand and twisted it. "I asked if you saw it, I didn’t ask you to press it, learn to listen more attentively. Anyway, when you press this button, a small secret compartment will open in your communicator and something helpful will be inside.

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