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World War 3 Coming Soon!
World War 3 Coming Soon!
World War 3 Coming Soon!
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World War 3 Coming Soon!

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Why is the book of Revelation so difficult to understand? It is full of symbolism, ferocious animals and horses of varying colors, humanity being destroyed, and a woman riding a beast. It's supposed to be a book of revealing. The author spent forty-three years studying the Bible and found "keys of understanding. The keys are found throughout the Bible. They unlock the book of Revelation for us today. Most prophecies are for the end time we are now approaching. We need to understand them. No one wants to read a book concerning all bad news about World War III and the great tribulation. But there is good news following the bad. Can you imagine a world at peace? All armies are disbanded, all weapons melted down into farm implements. You will read the good news about the return of the Prince Of Peace, Jesus Christ's coming as King of Kings.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateOct 29, 2013
World War 3 Coming Soon!

Meyer Stahl

The author has spent over forty-three years studying the Bible. He is presently the pastor of the Southern New Mexico Church of God in Las Cruces, New Mexico. He broadcasts on radio KOBE and also on Comcast local TV each Sunday. Both programs are entitled What Is Truth?

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    World War 3 Coming Soon! - Meyer Stahl

    Copyright © 2013 Meyer Stahl.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4908-0680-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4908-0681-5 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2013915818

    WestBow Press rev. date: 10/28/2013

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1   Apocalypse World War III First Phase

    Chapter 2   The Antichrist and 666

    Chapter 3   World War III Second Phase: Peace in the World?

    Chapter 4   World War III Third Phase: The Battle of Gog and Magog

    Chapter 5   The Millennium

    Chapter 6   The Rest of the Dead

    Chapter 7   Mansions in Heaven

    Chapter 8   The Secret Rapture

    Chapter 9   What Is a Christian?





    World War III First Phase

    At first glance the book of Revelation seems to be mysterious, full of symbolisms, and difficult to understand. Yet it is a book of revealing that needs to be read along with other books of the Bible. Comparing it to a diamond mine, we could dig and fill a bucket with dirt and rocks or find some gems along with the rocks. As you read this book, you will come away with a better understanding for the accuracy of the prophecies found in it. Although we know the last book of the Bible as Revelation, in the Greek, it is "Apocalypse Strong’s Concordance number 602 defines apocalypse as "appearing, coming, lighten, manifestation, be revealed, revelation¹

    Webster’s Universal Unabridged Dictionary defines apocalypse as "an uncovering, revelation, uncover, reveal, discovery, disclosure²

    This chapter covers the first phase of World War III. It identifies the nations involved. But in order to understand the future, we need to revisit the past, so we look at the prophecies of Jesus Christ, the prophets, and the book of Revelation to understand the future events. Secular history deals with the past and present. The Bible deals with the history, present situations, and future fulfillments. This chapter compares secular history with the Bible; they are not contradictory. In our study, we find keys to understanding the book of Revelation. And we show that some fulfillments are dual, and some have been fulfilled in the past and will be fulfilled again in the future. We live in very exciting times, when prophecy is being fulfilled. Yet we may not be aware of it.

    We also study the four great world-ruling kingdoms, which will give us a background for the greatest war ever, World War III.

    The Doomsday Clock Overview

    The symbolic Doomsday Clock, maintained since 1947 by the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists at the University of Chicago,

    conveys how close humanity is to catastrophic destruction—the figurative midnight—and monitors the means humankind could use to obliterate itself. First and foremost, these include nuclear weapons, but they also encompass climate-changing technologies and new developments in the life sciences that could inflict irrevocable harm. We are now 5 min. to midnight. (Wikipedia, Doomsday Clock 5 min. to midnight. January 10, 2012.)

    On September 23, 2012, Iran says, World War Three may erupt if attacked by Israel (English News CN). Press TV reported, If The Islamic Republic is attacked by Israel, Brig. Gen.Amir-Ali Haj Izadeh commander of the aerospace division of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guard (IRGC) warned on Sunday, ‘An Israeli strike on Iran could trigger the World War Three’ He added, ‘The Islamic Republic of Iran considers the US bases in the region as part of American soil and will definitely target them if the war breaks out" (Press TV)

    My assessment of the world situation is compared to the Gathering Storm.

    How do we know a storm is coming? We look outside and see dark clouds and the wind picks up. We listen to the weather report and are warned a storm is coming. Events are happening, paving the way for World War III. All we need to do is just look at the world situation today.

    Let’s begin with Muslim nations. The Muslim Brotherhood and its affiliates are replacing dictators and other leaders. Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya were liberated. Some predict the next to fall include Syria, Kuwait, Iraq, Yemen, Bahrain, Jordan, Algeria, Afghanistan, Sudan, Ethiopia. Ultimately, Saudi Arabia and even more Arab nations will fall. There will be a consolidation with Iran to form a group known in the Bible as the King or the Kingdom of the South (Daniel 11:40-45).

    The Muslim Brotherhood’s credo was and is, Allah is our objective, the Quran is our law. The prophet is our leader, jihad is our way, and death for the sake of Allah is the highest of our aspirations.³

    We also see much unrest in Europe. Common market countries—especially Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, and Spain, known as the PIIGS countries—are in great turmoil. Their problems are many. They all have enclaves of Muslims living in them, fomenting trouble. These countries have spent more than their income, causing them to borrow increasing amounts of cash. Joblessness is very high; their economies are crashing. There are now twenty-seven countries in the common market, which will be consolidated to ten, forming a confederacy called the King or the Kingdom of the North in the Bible (Daniel 11:40-45).

    Between these two powers is the nation of Israel, with its capital Jerusalem. Jerusalem means the city of peace. One of the longest periods of peace in what is current-day Israel was forty years, during the reign of King Solomon. It rarely had peace for very long, as it has been the center of Islamic and Christian controversy for centuries. In the short time Israel has become a nation, it fought and won three wars against Arab nations: in 1948; in 1967, known as the Six-Day War; and in 1973, the Yom Kippur War. Since the Arabs have tried and failed to conquer Israel, why not let or force Europe to do their dirty work?

    Now we see a great controversy over Iran. It has called for the destruction of Israel and is allegedly building nuclear weapons to accomplish it. The next move might appear to be Israel striking first and igniting World War III. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has drawn a red line on Iran, declaring Israel will not permit Iran to possess nuclear weapons. So if and when Israel tries to attack Iran, it could be the fuse that ignites World War III.

    The Crusades were expeditions undertaken in fulfillment of the solemn vow to deliver the holy Places from Mohammedan tyranny.

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