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Knees Bent
Knees Bent
Knees Bent
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Knees Bent

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From ghosts to spirits, from spirits to living humans - all of them part of the Universe in which they move and experience life in all its intricacies. To me it's obvious that we are here to harvest wisdom, but some are better students than others ...

Release dateAug 12, 2011
Knees Bent

Else Cederborg

I'm a former scholar who all of a sudden has started to write fiction.

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    Knees Bent - Else Cederborg

    © 2011 Else Cederborg. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    First published by AuthorHouse 07/20/2011

    ISBN: 978-1-4567-8515-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4567-8516-1 (ebk)

    Printed in the United States of America

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    Playing Ball

    Another Planet

    Bravery Supreme

    A Screamer



    Bull’s Eye

    Butcher’s Knife


    Caught by Surprise

    The keyless door


    A Child’s Fantasy

    Armani-Croc for Dinner


    Lives like marzipan

    Dream Tortures

    Springtime of the heart

    The Tightrope Dancer

    The Scam

    New Wings

    The Parcel

    Twilight World

    Leaves for Sacrifice


    Chinese Feet

    Draped in Grey

    World War Debris


    The World Changed





    Burlesquing Love

    Fugitive Words

    Futile Hopes

    Human Buildings


    Light/Shadow Individuality

    Lakes in Space

    The Lack of Orderliness

    Like a fly

    Suspended in Midair

    Like A Star

    Lay Bare Your Bones


    A Fugitive Ín Time


    Powerful People

    Lava Blood

    Boa Proof



    Lady Godiva-like

    Did you try to cup my breast?

    Brushing past you, electricity in the air

    Gay Lover-boy

    King Cobra

    Demon Love

    Human Snake



    The Wise Hand

    Heart on A Kite

    Snakes in Love


    Snow White Forever

    Jaws, Dogs and Humans

    The Equalizer


    A Tale of Violence:


    The Hag

    The Magic Painting

    The Letters and the Photos

    The Babysitter

    Demon Helper

    The Manger and the Eatings

    "Knees bent, like in a prayor

    a human body folded like a razor

    all set to act, but doing what?

    A Saint praying—

    or is this a murder weapon?

    The same person, two kinds of actions

    both of them human

    none of them not seen before"

    A. General


    Many-coloured dreams this night

    all soared high

    only I staid behind

    Playing Ball

    The innocent one is playing ball

    he is so young and cute, doesn’t know much

    he is having fun, but stars are not for bouncing

    up there, fixated on the firmament

    seemingly held in position by human maps and instruments

    However, even stars may tumble down

    rolled like balls by an angel in child-disguise

    Another Planet

    She feels her way, eyes closed, ears alert

    no sounds, lots of colours for her closed eyes

    Never mind, the feet trail the track forward

    seeking, seeking, seeking

    stumbling she opens her eyes

    quite bewildered she finds herself on another planet

    Bravery Supreme

    Doing as much as one can

    hoping against hope

    that’s bravery supreme

    A Screamer

    This one was a screamer

    all his spiritual power came out in screams

    Everybody listened, but no one could make out his words

    What was it he said? Help or Hello?

    Hell or maybe Heart?

    No, more like Hey and Hide, Hit or High

    Everyone discussed the screamer and his screams

    Everyone had their own opinion

    but when the screams grew weaker and then stopped

    everyone agreed that what he screamt was

    Hello, my dear Heart

    as he died from neglect Everyone felt loved


    What is this torrent from my lips

    words and sentiments, lies and truths

    tumbling down like avalanches

    alarming everybody as they appear?

    Don’t get alarmed, I yell

    they are strong as diamonds

    even when bouncing, up and down

    back and forth, into Eternity

    Word by word the world turns new

    can’t be stopped or postponed


    The agony goes deeper than deep

    the shallow surface doesn’t hold it back

    no strings, no locks can keep it in

    this agony holds backbone wisdom

    a knowledge for those brave at heart

    Disguised we visit it, pay attention

    feign compassion with its sufferings

    Don’t live, we chant in our black hearts

    go away, disappear, and stay away

    you hurt too much, die for all we care

    Die? it says, how could I, when I’m life itself

    Bull’s Eye

    Leave me at Peace in Fields of silent Growth

    enfolding roots, secretive, penetrating the base of my Soul

    Here, to grow means

    trailing those moments that line my life

    and turn them into Knowledge

    an insight like an arrow in blinded areas

    in wars, in fogs, in storms, in earth quakes

    In love

    And always the Bull’s Eye

    Butcher’s Knife

    Woolly feelings take me by surprise

    I sense sharpness, but smell earthy softness

    however, I press my body up against this wool

    very pleasant indeed, all covered in wool

    still it’s pierced by sharpness

    Feelings of sharpness make me wince

    I seek the wool, bask in the smell

    Nonetheless, every atom cry out: Beware, beware

    somewhere in the softness is the butcher’s knife


    Sadness builds no kingdoms

    no, it lives within borders

    a tightly harnessed beast of burden

    striving to move the heavy cargo

    skidding feet, aiching back

    sadness dreams of raiding distant realms

    in a thunder of hooves

    Caught by Surprise

    The greedy hand went out to catch

    to grab and steal, to prison another hand

    but it was grabbed, stolen and held tight

    skin to skin, mellowing the hand succumbed

    The keyless door

    Found myself a door

    locked and solid oak wood

    I knock on it, I even kicked

    no one answers

    Then I push up against it

    my shoulder to the wood

    It doesn’t budge

    I always find lost keys

    still carry them in my pocket

    now they burn like cinders from Hell

    whipping them out I try them in the lock

    None of them the right one

    or maybe the door is the wrong one?

    Wrong key, right

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