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It’S a Long Journey: A Book of Memories
It’S a Long Journey: A Book of Memories
It’S a Long Journey: A Book of Memories
Ebook41 pages38 minutes

It’S a Long Journey: A Book of Memories

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Its a Long Journey presents the intimate memoir of Mary Frances Berkihiser. From her memories of her father going off to World War I to her struggles as a young mother to a memorable trip to the Middle East, Berkihiser shares her memories of her life.

She recalls the details of a life lived in the service of God, from an Indian Reservation to Enid, Oklahoma, to an exciting visit to the Holy Land. She remembers the bad days along with the good days, because even a life well lived has many ups and downs.

She was a runaway who was married at sixteen and became a mother to two daughters within two years. When a major obstacle arose in the marriage, back to her mothers ranch she went, where she was given the opportunity to go to school to build a future for her family. Ultimately, she became a minister, serving many different people in many different places. Along the way she was able to travel to many faraway places like the Holy Land, a trip to the River Jordan, Hong Kong, and China among other places.

Its a Long Journey is an uplifting tale of sheer will, determination, and Gods loving support, all of which enabled Berkihiser to live a spiritual life to the fullest.

Release dateSep 11, 2012
It’S a Long Journey: A Book of Memories

Mary Frances Berkihiser

MARY FRANCES BERKIHISER earned a BS, BSE, and MALS in education and writing. She was listed in Who’s Who in American Women in the Midwest and in religion. She has served over sixty years in the ministry and currently lives in Nashville, Tennessee, with her daughters.

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    It’S a Long Journey - Mary Frances Berkihiser

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    It’s a Long Journey

    Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.

    —Psalm 119:105


    A Book of Memories

    Memories help us measure the greatness of the past and provide many challenges for the future. I trust a journey into the past will light your way in your journey to the future.

    People have preserved and passed history from generation to generation by telling stories.

    I have a story that should be told. These are my memories from the past to the future.

    I have retired from two universities, and after a time, I worked in my church’s office. Then I retired for the third time. When I received a plaque for serving fifty years in the ministry, I was excited and delighted and felt I had arrived. But there was still work to be done. Ten years later, I got another recognition plaque for sixty years in the ministry. Thank You, Lord! After sixty years, I have a story that should be told.

    It’s a Long Journey

    It started June 8, 1912, in Osage County, Oklahoma. It was on a ranch-type farm in Indian Territory. This journey was a rough, rocky, narrow road before it got to the bend. A few days later my Grandma Friend spoke to my mom and dad. This is what she said: The Lord showed me a vision. He said, ‘This child will grow up with a call to tell the world about the love of Jesus Christ.’ She walked right out into the sea, and many people followed her.

    Grandma then spoke to Mom and Dad again and said, Now don’t you ever try to stop her. Instead, encourage her. In about four and one-half years, I had a little sister. That was great; I would have someone to play with me. At first she couldn’t do anything except sleep or cry. This baby really needed a name, so we called her Virginia Dare.

    Since my sister couldn’t play yet, I turned more attention to my dog and my horse. I learned to ride better and did a little riding with my

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