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Ingredients for a Successful Marriage
Ingredients for a Successful Marriage
Ingredients for a Successful Marriage
Ebook60 pages40 minutes

Ingredients for a Successful Marriage

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About this ebook

This author intends to let you know that "Ingredients For A Successful Marriage" will show you how to overcome obstacles in your marriage relationship and bloom together where you are as husband and wife. Her original poems and readings included in this book, will enlighthen your heart!


I chose you and you chose me!
Think of this with a great big smile
When you're in the midst of the test and the trials...
Release dateJan 4, 2012
Ingredients for a Successful Marriage

Rosabelle Pierce

Rosabelle Pierce is a wife and mother of five adult children. One of her greatest joys in life has been to do a multiplicity of work with Children's Ministries over these many years. Rosabelle cherishes the opportunities she's had to motivate and encourage young children to learn God's Word by reading it, memorization, and sing-a- longs. Rosabelle's love for her family has connected this love of children and marriage as a symbol ordained by God to remain steadfast and unmovable in all things. This family and marriage connection has caused her to recognize and identify the importance of a strong family bond by the peace, love,and authority of almighty God. Rosabelle is now continuing her hobby of writing poems and readings, as well as publishing "INGREDIENTS FOR A SUCCUESSFUL MARRIAGE". Through this book, Rosabelle intends to let people know that the covenant of marriage is a lifelong commitment of loving and caring for another person; no matter what obtacles they're faced with in life. "Two are better than one... (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12)

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    Book preview

    Ingredients for a Successful Marriage - Rosabelle Pierce






    The First Ingredient


    That Secret Place


    The Second Ingredient


    You Can Stick Together


    The Third Ingredient





    The Fourth Ingredient




    The Fifth Ingredient


    50 Years

    Following The Master Plan

    Selective Poems

    And Readings

    Evaluation Questions

    Scripture References


    To the love of my life Carroll L. Pierce Sr., my best friend, husband, and encourager. He is God’s special gift to me.


    My gratefulness to God for my five children, Carl Jr., Gerald Sr., Antoinette, Janine, and Tanya, a heritage from Him. Thanks for continually showing your love and support.

    My appreciation goes to Esther Murray-Purnell and Ernestine Evans-Colder for their prayers and encouragement through the birthing of this book. Also, my sincere thanks go to my husband, Carroll, for his timeless efforts in editing and critiquing this project.


    My inspiration for writing this book is to let people know, as well as to remind them, that marriage is a lifelong commitment in loving and caring for another person. I also want to encourage those whose marriages are struggling, to stick with it no matter what obstacles they have experienced or may be presently coming up against. Marriage is a God-ordained entity and this book intends to provide the ingredients towards that lifelong and thriving marriage. You will also note an inclusion of personally-penned poems that have been motivated as a result of this lifelong commitment. Enjoy!

    Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 (NIV) states:

    Two are better than one, because they have a good reward from their labor, for if they fall, one will lift up his companion; but, woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up. Again, if two lie down together, they will keep warm; but how can one be warm alone? Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.


    The First Ingredient


    Love for God is the most important ingredient because it provides the foundation for a lifelong commitment.

    The Bible says that we are to love God with all our heart, soul, and strength (Deuteronomy 6:5). When we do this, then we can say that we have an intimate relationship with the Father which results in an ever growing desire to love, and please Him.

    We must be devoted to loving Him. It must be a sincere love, not in word only. This devoted love must be an attitude of the heart that makes God so valued and esteemed, that we, with all sincerity will long for His fellowship.

    Our love must be a wholehearted and dominating love because of His love for us, whereby He gave His only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ (John 3:16), for our sake. Our love to God must be a personal attachment of loyalty to Him, a desire for His presence, fellowship, and unwavering faith. Being intimately acquainted and having a relationship with God on a daily basis is the lifestyle we must have.

    As we respond in love, loyalty, and gratitude to Him, because of His love for us, then we will come to know Him and enjoy Him in a covenant relationship. We must pray, read His Word, and pursue His holiness

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