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Seawater Vampires
Seawater Vampires
Seawater Vampires
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Seawater Vampires

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""A seawater army of vampire is developed into an uncontrollable force against mankind! Excavation site diggings in 16 Tenth Century Paris France. Unearthed by accident a mystical box unfolding the deadly fate of many... Drake becomes the victim of circumstances.
Mystically placed inside an ancient Egyptian Coptic, inscribed box, The entity waits its release upon mankind.
The inscription upon the box is extinct afro-Asiatic language that writings around 200 A.D. This inscribed mystical box holds the damnation of the world.
"Saltwater covering almost all the planet earth, "especially the earths five main seawater areas, the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Ocean Arctic and Mediterranean Oceans of the world."
Evolving from the entity viral bite which is delivered by its host named Ladrakeula.
"A seawater army of vampire is developed!!!" Once metamorphosed they begin coming from the deep only when necessary cravings of human blood, feeding comes upon them, becoming overpowering. Nagging at their subconscious resembling an addiction. Ladrakeula... "The master vampire" commands them to feed...each with an inner hunch too powerful to shake off they infect many!!!" Inspector Padgett chases after answers for the community of victims looking for the missing individuals.
"Opening the ether... being the blue surrounding the world God comes beginning the rapture. Thousands of angels appear from heaven none male none female. Bringing the evil before God to be judged according to their deeds."
Golden laced chariots carrying many warriors of the Lord, all albino angels draw near to the throne around it are angel of the seventh of the nine orders of angels in the traditional Christian hierarchy of God!!
Waiting and watch the work of the heavenly father... striking down the unjust while others gather the lost foe. Blown from the mouth of God a howling spinning high wind.. develops.
Release dateOct 26, 2011
Seawater Vampires

Wilma Sheltman

Wilma loves writing for the Savior. Wilma has published three other works before this one. Being retired, she remembers being a worker in America all her life. Therefore, spending her life in the workforce of America, she feels she has earned her retirement. Wilma shares the fact that she has always been a taxpaying American. Wilma has two beautiful daughters and five loving grandchildren. Being a Christian and serving the Lord diligently, Wilma cherishes her daily walk with Jesus. Living in a small community called Athens, Texas, Wilma loves the seclusion offered by living in the country setting of her home nestled behind eighty large oak and some hickory trees. Wilma is living a quiet comfortable life, finding inspiration while swinging in her old wooden yard swing. Living in this beautifully secluded area, a country-type place, Wilma writes at her home in East Texas. Wilma delves deep inside herself, pulling from life experiences. Writing this book while separating the mystical from reality, Wilma lays out her unusually personal experience.

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    Book preview

    Seawater Vampires - Wilma Sheltman

    Seawater Vampires

    Wilma Sheltman


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    © 2011 by Wilma Sheltman. All rights reserved.

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    First published by AuthorHouse 10/14/2011

    ISBN: 978-1-4670-3643-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4670-3644-3 (ebk)

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    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Eighteen

    Chapter Ninteen

    Chapter Twenty

    Chapter Twenty-One

    Chapter Twenty-Two

    Chapter Twenty-Three

    Vampire Slaying Kit

    During the late 1600s, Europe was gripped by SEAWATER VAMPIRE hysteria. This led to the production and sale of vampire slaying kits. The kit are originally created by Inspector Padgett A Constable in Paris France and distributed in and around Europe See the example below.


    Contents Include;

    The deluxe kit comes in various shapes and sizes. Usually made of wood the case has a handle of strapped leather. Sections for the contents of the kit are lined with red velvet to prevent spilling and to secure the product in place snuggly. Oils and liquid contents would be contained in a chest-like box with various compartments. Each kit consists of the typical anti-vampire tools. Vintage vampire slaying kits are being sold for pennies on the dollar, many given away to needy families in hopes of depleting the seawater vampires.


    The syringe used to inject the vampires with liquid garlic or one of the many potions and serums included in the kit. Some used the syringe to spray the freshwater across their faces, therefore never injecting anything inside the body but blinding them for escaping death.


    The wooden ball peen hammer included in the seawater vampire killing kits is used to drive the stakes into the vampires. Some hammers have a crucifix- depictive of the death of the son of God upon the cross at Calvary. Embedded into the hammerhead this was so the two crucifixes the one in the hammerhead of the hammer and the one in the wooden stake handle could ark with a blue fire from heaven to release a soul trapped by the vampire virus, when struck together. Then releasing the vampire through the power sent by God The Master of the Universe out of the body of the victim. Roughly six to seven inches long (depending on the kit), the hammer is a vital tool for slaying.


    The garlic comes in a variety of different consistencies and is often referred to as Usedturoil.

    Either whole Cloved garlic, coming in clusters woven together with a string type roping and hanged upon or over the doorway of homes to ward away the advisories.

    Powdered Garlic, used in close contact and sprayed from a plastic bottle with long slender, tubing at the top, therefore to produce a splatter effect into the face or upon the body of the seawater vampires, done so they can be seen since they are translucent besides warding them away.

    Liquid garlic is placed into small saucers to be placed around the room of the supposed victim’s home depending on the kit this comes in different colors and can be slung onto a seawater vampire and burn the outside covering letting the seawater force with in dribble onto the floor, leaving the tube lifeless.

    The cloves were most likely worn by the slayer for protection. The powder was used as a mace-like substance, intended for blinding or disorienting the vampire. The liquid could be put into a syringe and injected into the vampire’s blood stream.


    The stakes are driven into the hearts of the vampires. Often vampire slaying does consist of digging up the grave of the alleged vampire and driving a wooden stake through the corpse, pinning it to the ground.

    Some stakes are shaped as crosses, having a crucifix attached to the top and a point at the bottom. Others are cylindrical shaped with a point at one end and the symbol of the cross etched into the top, carved into the wooden handle top.

    Prayer Book and Bible

    Mostly used for protecting the slayer, by reading the word of God inside the book they are able to perform miracles and ward away the seawater ones who come for them as there prey by night. Bibles and Prayer books are also used for strength in combating evil and for performing exorcisms on seawater vampires.


    The symbols of, God the Master of the Universe!!! Have become the seawater Vampire slayer’s most useful tool. Often attached to a chain around the neck or dangling from a hip chain, for ease of access, the crucifix is used mostly during prayer and exorcisms besides the vampire is unable to place their eyes upon it in fear of blindness and death. The crucifix is usually made out of silver, but many families have carved them from wood or anything to ward seawater vampires away therefore saving their lives. This material is believed to be extremely potent but later findings states that any crucifix is unfavorable for the seawater vampire’s existence.

    Weapons and Ammunition

    Each kit contains a 32 pistol a small short-barreled gun designed for holding in one hand, used hand-to-hand, weapons designed to battle the seawater beasts.

    Knives and Daggers

    Various long slender knives of several distinct designs are included in different vampire warrior kits. Some used for throwing while others for specifically used for close combat while many are made of hardened wood.

    Revolvers and Bullets

    Revolvers in the kits come with gunpowder and silver bullets plus loaded shell casings containing fresh water until Inspector Padgett replaces the silver with fresh water, there have been less killed. The silver in the bullets was believed to be what actually harmed the land-roving vampire the best defense is the freshwater bullets on the seawater vampires, those developed by Inspector Padgett..

    Crossbow and Bow

    Stringed Crossbows were another useful ranged tool. The wooden bolt’s tip was also made of silver and laced with garlic juices used by farmers who could see the shaped seawater vampires coming across their fields in the distance glistening in the moonlight.

    Bottled seawater Vampire Repellents

    The kits also included a variety of different kinds of oils, many called, chalachild ointments, included in these categories are many other Holy substances that have been prayed over.

    Phanter-Also known as Holy soil,

    Phanter is used for ceremonial purposes. Like holy water, it has become the Blessing- defined- means prayed over by a group of believers in God the father of the universe as stated in the Holy Bible. Biblical scripture says; where two or more come together in my name so God be there too. Blessing of the soil which gave it the Holy title.

    Phanter is either placed on the grave or body of the accused seawater vampire, sprinkled from the fingertips of anyone who killed one of them there sending their soul to rest.


    Agathma, better known as Holy Water, is also used in prayer filled ceremonies.

    Either sprinkled on the slayer of the vampires for protective purposes or used to harm the alleged vampire by melting or burning them when upon the outside.

    Swathing Cream

    Used upon the skin of underdeveloped vampires to keep the soothing effect of supplant and moist skin and for massaging each other, but sometimes used to blind them otherwise as a soothant.


    Mir being well known for its reputation of being one of the three gifts given to the son of God. It was the anointing oil which would be placed on either the slayer or vampire.

    Placed upon the slayer for protection and upon the vampire to rest the soul once killed or dissipated.


    Tamale is Holy. The distinct smell given off by the object was used in ceremony, whether it is used for protection or to ward off the evil within the seawater vampire structure.


    Used for ceremonies like exorcisms, prayers, and seeing in the dark. Also used to summon the angels this causes the vampires to slither away in fear of God the master.

    Metal Teeth Pliers known as crushers

    The metal teeth pliers were used to remove the fangs of vampires. Also known as the Dentalia, this tool is between 6-9 inches long, with pinchers upon the end to wedge inside the fanged teeth there grinding them down to a dulling to prevent biting. Used also for forcing the protruding teeth into a snakebite position preventing the tubes from infecting others.

    Notes; The deluxe kit contains a bag of deep seawater sponges and lime to remove the liquids or dampness.


    Definition of a seawater vampire—salt—water vampire;

    Seawater vampires are developed by human being’s bitten and infected with another individual vampire virus. Leaving all with a heritage of vampire viral infected humans. All develop a hungering for blood. Once infected seawater vampires roam feeding from every living thing with warm-blood running through its veins.

    Starting with Ladrake being infected from the entity virus when cutting his hand upon the dagger he unearthed at the excavation site.

    In describing these individual entities they’re a breed of their own.

    Denied by society they find they’re acceptance only among themselves.

    Feeding by night upon worthy warm-blooded human beings and dwelling beneath the seawaters of the oceans of the world.

    Controlled by the entity, awaiting the return of their master Ladrake following his commands, all knowing should they develop a need to feed, Ladrake will make sure the supply of fresh human blood is there for them, never to compromise their survival, yet Ladrakeula knows their fate.

    The human bodies of seawater vampires dissipate then turn into a human structured water tube once bitten. Facial features outlined by an unclothed water structure, recognizable as the same gendered humans they once were many invisible in certain areas of seawater.

    Each seawater vampire have coming from the mouth slender almost invisible protruding fangs, coming from the upper mouth looking like tubular glass. A slithering tongue with a glass clear protrusion is imbedded through the center end this visible used to pull their prey tightly to the bite. An infected vampire seawater tube will slide the pierced tongue around the neck of the victim clasping to them like an octopus tentacles sticking the protrusion that is imbedded in the tongue into the back of the neck, resembling a choke chain," restraining their victim then holding them tightly, while delivering the bite. Their tongue becomes long and slender to pass through the opened mouth of the vampire passing through the front side of their mouth never to prevent the bite delivery.

    Seawater vampires make their way speedily through the seawater. Developed into a slender, tubular structure capable of bending water to every form each encompassed with an astronomical type of maneuverability.

    Seawater vampires are capable of moving themselves with agility, intelligent and quickly through the seawater and onto land to cunningly overtake the life force from any warm blooded human beings.

    Seawater vampires disguised as a result of magic or pseudoscientific process, Governed solely as a theory, of mythology and practices that are considered to be without scientific foundation. Hidden only by the invisibility of clear seawater, seawater vampires wonder by night and surprise the fittest only to feed upon what makes them survivors of the deep, human blood.

    Kept from sunlight and several other things they must be aware of what can kill and taken to ruin their existence. Seawater vampires venture from the confines of the underwater seawater modules, known as their underwater world, leaving only to feed, or carry out orders of their underwater superior—helper to Ladrakeula, Missure’ Ordwong the supreme attendant.


    Coming from the deep only when necessary cravings of human blood, feeding comes upon them, become overpowering nagging at their subconscious Ladrakeula commands them to feed an inner hunch too powerful to shake off!!! Awakened nightly with a grinding urge filling their insides a craving pestering their minds to get up and hunt. Most will venture outside their world farthest beneath the deepest sea.

    Coming to a place unnoticed, awaiting dawns light seeping over the horizon, when their fangs drip the excessive human blood onto the coral beneath the sea surface the coral takes on a different structure and starts growing like an ice formation a different shape or structure that developed… at the north pole, many times encompassing the seawater vampires who fail to travel back to the domes as commanded. Others where human inhabit the earth… . to satisfy their feedings, they begin surfacing from the seafloor. Silently creeping into existence before their prey they are constantly feeding nightly.

    Being fluid and incapable of withstanding sunlight or daylight when transformed into a water tube they travel to the surface at nightfall. Coming into existence with the setting of sunlight they thirst and hunger. All knowing their prey is out there whether in their beds, asleep in an alley or in a penthouse. Found anyplace warm-blooded individuals flourish, they travel anyplace they want getting the hungering satisfied. Underneath it all they know the night will pass and the sunlight can kill. This alone sends them back undersea increasing the chances of survival.

    Drake—Young working man in his mid-twenties, handsome, courageous, family orientated, living at home with his parents, never leaving home but somewhat knowledgeable of the world. Born a Frenchman; Drake Rachelle Castleberry Bettencourt, raised from childhood living on the outskirts of a small boulevard a wide street, especially one precisely lined by green trees near Nantes Paris France. Educated through the University of France, with a major in biology and a minor in art, yet understandably so, Drake prefers digging ditches as opposed to holding onto a vile, an object or shape with straight sides and circular ends of equal size, in a lab throughout the day.

    Main character;

    LADRAKEULAHost to the entity inside him as a dominating force, Drake becomes Ladrakeula from the commands of the entity—something that exists as or is perceived as a separate object-table force—philosophy the state of having existence, through psycho-kinosis as a newly created evil vampire, loosed upon mankind.

    A vampire in European culture, a dead person believed to rise by night from the grave and suck blood from the living for sustenance.

    Encompassed inside a human being but coming into a grave they prey upon human blood.

    While being placed mystically inside ancient Egypt that developed into Coptic, inscribed into the box, the inscription upon the box is extinct afro-Asiatic language that developed into Coptic writings around 200 A.D. This inscribed mystical box was buried by Monks one who withdraws entirely or in part from society and goes to live in a religious community to devote himself to prayer, solitude, and contemplation to prevent loosing damnation upon mankind. With the box coming from Egypt in earlier times and being placed aboard a ship then discovered by Monks who could read the hieroglyphic warnings outside the Pandora’s mystical box. Dropped overboard a ship into a watery grave there hiding the evil entity within the stone in the dagger until now into the 1600’s…

    Felipe—Father to Drake, Loving father, provider for his family Missure Felipe is steadfast. Felipe finds handing out morals knowing right from wrong and how individuals should behave comes easy for him. Learning early on since his father enforced this while Felipe was growing up. Material support he finds family first and others second. Family orientated man with a love for his job and home and family. Being a boisterous French man tall and muscular he fills the lives of his loved ones.

    Helga—Mother to Drake and the most loving friend anyone could have. Aged yet beautifully preserved. Pleasing and impressive to look at, listen to, touch, and smell, standing five feet seven inches tall, slender stature, shining dark hair and beautiful dark green eyes. Simply stated she is the caregiver for Drake and Felipe, being a magnificent cook developing the best French cuisine in France, always looking for another recipe or a new wine for sampling. A loving mother and confidant her family always knowing her expertise in certain fields is beneficial to everyone. Helga always prepared to help with charities and the like across the community. Coming from a benevolent background, with shared interests in society, Helga stands out among her peers as one of the finest around.

    Precious—Clairvoyant, Young and beautiful, being somebody capable of perceiving things mentally as an optical illusion that are usually beyond the range of human senses. Friend to the family but best friend to Helga an old classmate from college! Living in a homeless shelter in Paris, France noted as a street person, but friends with several families! A loving, caring person, secretive of her God given gift of knowing belonging to a profession that involves taking care of the needs of others. One who finds herself down on her lucks at times, living unnoticed by others as a happy person.

    Underneath the caring dexterity of Precious loving demeanor she is constantly reminded of a dramatic time in her life. When during her high school years she was brutally raped while upon a date. Being mentally taunted daily by what took place on that dreadful night. Precious finds herself at times thinking daily why me?" Reminiscing daily covering every dreadful aspect of an individual crawling upon her like an animal taking her mind and body. Traumatized by being held at bay

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