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The Messianic View of the Kingdom of God: Jesus Christ, the Divine Shepherd, Has Written Everyone’S Names on the Palms of His Hands.  All Nations Will Be Secured with Enduring Love, Peace, and Unity in the Kingdom of God.
The Messianic View of the Kingdom of God: Jesus Christ, the Divine Shepherd, Has Written Everyone’S Names on the Palms of His Hands.  All Nations Will Be Secured with Enduring Love, Peace, and Unity in the Kingdom of God.
The Messianic View of the Kingdom of God: Jesus Christ, the Divine Shepherd, Has Written Everyone’S Names on the Palms of His Hands.  All Nations Will Be Secured with Enduring Love, Peace, and Unity in the Kingdom of God.
Ebook90 pages1 hour

The Messianic View of the Kingdom of God: Jesus Christ, the Divine Shepherd, Has Written Everyone’S Names on the Palms of His Hands. All Nations Will Be Secured with Enduring Love, Peace, and Unity in the Kingdom of God.

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The Messianic View of the Kingdom of God offers persevering readers an assurance of secured miraculous healing, forgiveness, rewarding prayers, repentance, peace, and unity in the kingdom of God under the Leadership of Jesus Christ, our divine shepherd. It also presents an organized and systematic paradigm of the analysis of St. Lukes theology and all the New and Old Testament biblical prophesies about the restoration of the promised covenant. The book belongs in the libraries of clergies and seminarians; in departments of theology, philosophy, and moral studies; and in the hands of individuals seeking in-depth knowledge of Gods promise to all nations.

The book also affirms that the mission of Jesus Christ as the heavenly leader is to restore an unwavering benchmark for peace and unity to those who invest their trust in God. The restored covenant will put an end to all intentional and inadvertent disobedience to the teachings of Jesus Christ. The goal of The Messianic View of the Kingdom of God is to enhance an enduring end to defiant human conduct and allow an opportunity to receive the glory that is guaranteed to everyone by the Almighty God through His son Jesus Christthe fountain of a secured irreversible healing, peace, and unity for everyone, all nations and the world communities. The majority of setbacks and temptations should be viewed as a consecrated revelation from God to redirect our paths in life, purify our bodies and souls, and reinforce our trust, and faith in Him, and to serve as a divine corridor to bring everyone closer to the promised kingdom of God under the leadership of Jesus Christ.
Release dateOct 17, 2011
The Messianic View of the Kingdom of God: Jesus Christ, the Divine Shepherd, Has Written Everyone’S Names on the Palms of His Hands.  All Nations Will Be Secured with Enduring Love, Peace, and Unity in the Kingdom of God.

Joseph O. Esin

Joseph O. Esin is a professor of computer information systems/cybersecurity, a fellow at the Washington Center for Cybersecurity Research and Development, and a fellow at the Botanical Research Institute of Texas. He earned a Bachelor of Science in biology from Saint Louis University, Saint Louis, Missouri; a Master of Arts in theology from the Society of Jesus College of Divinity, Saint Louis, Missouri; and a doctorate in computer education and information systems from the United States International University, San Diego, California. He is also the author of seven books including System Overview of a Cyber-Technology in a Digitally Connected Global Society, and Landscape of Cybersecurity Threats and Forensic Inquiry.

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    The Messianic View of the Kingdom of God - Joseph O. Esin












    The Messianic View of the Kingdom of God


    The Messianic View of the Kingdom of God presents the foundation for continued human exertion and a guaranteed fulfillment of God’s divine promise to His kingdoms of peace and unity for all nations. The book offers persevering readers an assurance of secured miraculous enduring healing and prayers, long-lasting repentance and forgiveness, and eternal peace and unity in the kingdom of God under the Lordship of Jesus Christ, our promised Messiah. It presents an organized and systematic paradigm of the analysis of Saint Luke’s theology and all New and Old Testament biblical prophesies about the coming of the Messiah. The book belongs in the libraries of clergies and seminarians; in departments of theology, philosophy, and moral studies; and in the hands of individuals seeking in-depth knowledge of God’s promise to all nations. The book supports the assertion that the mission of Jesus Christ as the divine leader is to restore an unwavering and sturdy benchmark for repentance, peace, and unity to those who invest their trust in God. The promise of long-lasting peace and unity will put an end to intentional and inadvertent disobedience to the teachings of Jesus Christ. The book aspires to allow an opportunity to receive the glory that is guaranteed to everyone by God the Father through His son Jesus Christ—the fountain of a secured divine healing, peace, and unity for the world communities.

    The book strongly encourages readers to view this Messianic Kingdom as a spiritual security turret that is not under the control of the world’s queens, kings, presidents, or prime ministers. Peter began his address in Solomon’s porch by pointing to the rejection of a predestined redeemer, saying, Fellow Israelites, he was holy and good, but you rejected him, and instead you asked Pilate to do you the favor of turning loose a murderer. You killed the one who leads to life, but God raised him from death (Acts 3:11–15; cf. Luke 23:13–25).

    The kingdom of God is already in existence, and the only imminent predicament is the scheduled time and date. The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God has been given to you, but to the rest will it come by means of parables, so that they may look but not see, and listen but not understand (Luke 8:9–10; cf. Mark 4:10–12; Matt. 13:11–15). The book is written to a universal audience with expression that reflects prophecy of Saint Luke and other biblical prophets. The kingdom of God has historic continuity, with emphasis on advancement and reinforcement of Jesus Christ’s teachings. An employee who was assigned a corporate mission-driven project but then failed to complete the assignment on the scheduled time and date could face a possibility of losing his or her job. The assignment under the Lordship of Jesus Christ is different from the financially motivated corporate project. The divine related duty does not have the scheduled due date, time, or financial benefit. Do not be afraid any longer, little flock, for your Father is pleased to give you the kingdom (Luke 12:32). Spiritual security is impossible without determined effort and active participation in the process. The verse above represents lack of confidence and trust in the author of life and unwillingness to register as an active member of the new kingdom under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Our Lord Jesus Christ has added new dimension to the kingdom of God.

    Tobit said to Tobias, his son, It is better to pray sincerely and to please God by helping the poor than to be rich and dishonest; it is better to give to the poor than to store up gold. Such generosity will save you from death and will wash away all your sins. Those who give to the poor will live full lives (Tobit 12:8–9). We have the freedom to choose between the Messianic Kingdom and the human empire with immediate financial benefit. Jesus Christ’s kingdom and associated physical, emotional, and financial benefits have been freely given to all nations from the creation. God said to Moses, I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their kinsmen and will put my words into his mouth; he shall tell them all that I command him. If anyone will not listen to my words which he speaks in my name, I myself will make him answer for it (Deut. 18:18–19; cf. Acts 3:22–23). Thieves can easily break through and destroy all belongings in the world monarchy, but the promised kingdom under the Lordship of Jesus Christ is beyond human obliteration. God and Tobit’s pronouncements are strongly recommended for the universal audience, with emphasis on giving alms to the destitute and disadvantaged populations, and acceptance of Jesus Christ as God’s chosen redeemer. Accept the fact that there is no difference between the self-absorbed and egotistical world leaders. The Messianic Kingdom of God is a vehicle for you to submit your request to God, with the expectation of a secured spiritual outcome.

    The intent of this book is to reassure the world community that the role of the destined divine liberator is to defeat the devil and all his activities, liberate people from sins, heal their physical illnesses, and reconcile everyone with the kingdom of God. The acceptance of the Messianic Kingdom is a secured pathway to eliminate enmity and regain an inexhaustible treasure that can be accessible through The Messianic Kingdom of God. I will put enmity between your offspring and hers. He will strike at your head while you strike at his heel (Gen. 3:16; cf. Num. 24:17). The attempt to transform highly maliciously tainted human communities into communities of peace, love, and unity can only be accomplished through surprising divine intervention. In accordance with the Messianic tenet, the conditions of eligibility must include peace, unconditional love, and forgiveness, living in peace and unity with members of the world communities. Jesus Christ said to the host who invited him to a dinner, When you hold a lunch or a dinner, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or your neighbors, in case they may invite you back and you have repayment. Rather, when you hold a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind; blessed indeed will you be because of their inability to repay you, for you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous (Luke 14:12–14).

    Jesus Christ wants everyone to spend the available energy toward the attainment of peace and unity, sharing obtainable provisions with one another and recognizing the fact that he is the supreme donor and a lasting source of human sustenance. Whoever has two cloaks should share with the person who has none, and whoever has food should do likewise (Luke 3:10–11). Our moral responsibilities, as members of the eternal kingdom, must go beyond completing the loop of peace and unity, focusing also on total submission, and compliance with the teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ

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