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Heart Failed in the Back of a Taxi: Poems
Heart Failed in the Back of a Taxi: Poems
Heart Failed in the Back of a Taxi: Poems
Ebook69 pages15 minutes

Heart Failed in the Back of a Taxi: Poems

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About this ebook

Pedram Navabs Heart Failed in the Back of a Taxi explores the modern notion of loneliness and mourning through the lens of people and objects that have been cast aside as waste and forgotten. Whether the subject is a telephonic landline to the graves of two philosophers, a steam room in a fitness club that recalls the Holocaust, or trash in a Tokyo landfill that takes on a disfigured human form, the idea of abjectness begins to signify a new horror. Although, on the surface, this sense of forlornness signifies hopelessness, what emerges instead is a radical realization that this desolation can bear an uncanny strength. The detritus documented in these poems reveals a glimpse of a heartbreaking potentiality that is ultimately transforming.
Release dateOct 26, 2011
Heart Failed in the Back of a Taxi: Poems

Pedram Navab

Pedram Navab, MD, FAASM, is a neurologist and sleep-medicine specialist of fifteen years. He received a fellowship from the Stanford Sleep Disorders Center and developed his own sleep lab, the Los Angeles Sleep Institute. He lives in Los Angeles.

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    Heart Failed in the Back of a Taxi - Pedram Navab





    Pedram Navab

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