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How to Truly Enjoy Your Life: Stop Negative Thoughts, Be Present, Find Life Purpose & Live Your Dreams
How to Truly Enjoy Your Life: Stop Negative Thoughts, Be Present, Find Life Purpose & Live Your Dreams
How to Truly Enjoy Your Life: Stop Negative Thoughts, Be Present, Find Life Purpose & Live Your Dreams
Ebook145 pages1 hour

How to Truly Enjoy Your Life: Stop Negative Thoughts, Be Present, Find Life Purpose & Live Your Dreams

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How to Truly Enjoy Your Life: Stop Negative Thoughts, Be Present, Find Life Purpose & Live Your Dreams

If you want to Develop Self-Confidence, Beat Worrying & Negative Thoughts, Stay Motivated & Live Your Dreams, then this is your book!

This book consists of awesome steps and techniques on how to be happy and on how you can harness inner peace.

When you have control over your thoughts and actions, then your self-esteem would go higher, and you will also learn how to develop yourself in such a way that you would become a better and stronger person. Learn how to develop self-confidence and enjoy life with the tips provided in this book. Read on and find out!

What You'll Learn in How to Truly Enjoy Your Life: Stop Negative Thoughts, Be Present, Find Life Purpose & Live Your Dreams...

How to Increase Your Communication Skills
How to Overcome Procrastination
How to Improve Your Body Language
How to Create Perfect Habits
How to Live in The Moment Through Mindfulness
How to Boost Your Self-Esteem
How to Become a Superior and Effective Leader
How to Explore Yourself

What You'll Also Discover Inside...

Set smaller goals. I don't mean that you should not reach for the stars, however, I do know that to get to the stars you have to first get into the atmosphere. Feeling good about yourself is a constant process. Confidence does not just happen overnight. When you look at your life goals consider breaking them up into smaller, stepping stones to the end result. This way you can have a constant flow of positive reinforcement as you achieve the steps along the journey of life.

Communicate with positive and confident people more. Positive people are not trying to pressure you. Choose or rearrange your social circle, as it directly affects your self-confidence. There is an excellent - "Lives with the cripple, learns how to limp".

Exercise. Once you exercise, even just simple running, you'll notice that you get this surge of adrenaline. This is because happy hormones are released and thus, you feel more confident about yourself, and more confident that you are actually capable of doing great things. Plus, once you exercise, you'll get to be happy and very beautiful, too.

This book will help you improve emotional intelligence and self-confidence in both your work and personal life.  

Improving yourself takes time and effort. You have to be willing to make the changes and be committed to taking action rather than just reading about them.   

The next step is to apply the necessary information from this book in your daily living. You can also share it to your friends or work colleagues who are in need of help on how to raise emotional intelligence and improve self-confidence.

Release dateAug 21, 2018
How to Truly Enjoy Your Life: Stop Negative Thoughts, Be Present, Find Life Purpose & Live Your Dreams

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    Book preview

    How to Truly Enjoy Your Life - Dr. Michael Ericsson

    Chapter 1 –  How to Skyrocket Your Self-Esteem

    Psychologists describe self-esteem as the overall perspective of a person on his or her value. It is one’s view of the self and one’s attitude towards it. Do you feel worthy? Do you feel capable? Are you proud of yourself? Are you encouraged? Do you know yourself, and are you proud of that? Only you can decide.

    If you constantly doubt your self-worth and abilities, if you have no trust in your capacities and potentials and ultimately no pride in yourself, and if you find yourself feeling worthless, then you have issues with self-esteem, and you need to address that before it goes out of hand.

    What does a low self-esteem do?

    1. Poor health as a result of eating disorders, and low energy levels because you are so busy pleasing everyone but yourself.

    2. Missed career opportunities as a result of the echo in your head that says you cannot do it. Low self-esteem makes you feel inappropriate and unworthy hence hinders you from taking risks and creating something.

    3. Sexual problems are closely related to self-esteem issues because it is all about an individual’s problem with his or her image. Low self-esteem leads to low sex drive and addictions. Individuals seek help for these only to discover that there existed deeper rooted issues that manifested themselves as sexual addiction or sexual problems.

    4. Low self-esteem affects your emotions because you find yourself unable to put your feelings to the fore. It hinders you from accepting your weaknesses and sharing intimacy on many levels with a partner. You find yourself being either too shy and come across as aloof or too aggressive when all you needed was a shoulder to lean on.

    The first step to increasing your self-esteem is by challenging his messages of criticism to you. Replace them with opposite and positive messages. An example of a negative inner voice is when you are ‘told’ These people will never like me, I am too short and inappropriate, or They think I am spoilt and stuck up. Acknowledge your strengths and say I am the best there can ever be, I am beautiful, or I have a kind heart for helping people.

    Live Consciously

    Do not betray your mind as it is man’s basic survival kit; it tells you what to do. Live in a way that you do not lie to yourself. Clear that mental fog in your mind and understand that you are human.

    Accept yourself

    This is something you have to decide on. Self-acceptance is a conscious decision. It is something that helps you accept without denial that we are how we are – short, tall, black or white. It is agreeing that you like what you like, done what you have done and have what we have, and ultimately, we are what we are. What’s next? Declare to yourself that you choose to value yourself, to treat yourself with respect and dignity. This is the basic act of agreeing to yourself and self-esteem grows and feeds out of this.

    Be responsible for you

    Begin to realize that no one will come to make you feel better. To each one, life is given, and we have our own lives to live. You are hence responsible for your own happiness. You can sit around and be gloomy about it all day, all year, and watch your life waste way, or you can take a stand and own your life and happiness.

    Do not listen to negativity from people

    You alone can make your life heaven or hell. Isn’t it great that the power to do all these lies in your hands? Wake up and smell the coffee because your time for living for other people is over.

    Seek for a mentor

    If the source of your self-esteem comes from school, seek the help of your teachers. There are also other professionals in school that should help you with school issues. If you are being bullied or teased, for example, a teacher is a person trained to be an all-rounded instructor so he can help you.

    Practice personal integrity

    Developing and maturing requires you to develop your own standards or get them from other people. Integrity means integrating our beliefs and values in how we behave and in everything that we do. It is a matter of matching our standards and convictions to our actions and behavior. When you more often refuse to strike this balance, your self-esteem falls into uncertainty. Acting against what you hold to be morally upright is betraying your mind and creating an imbalance in your thoughts. Betraying your integrity means betraying yourself. Practice what you believe to be on the right track and redeem your self-esteem.

    Chapter 2 - How to Reward Yourself

    The most profitable investment you can ever make is one that you make in yourself. Self-investment can yield instant pay-off and bigger future returns. If you want to become more productive, then you need to prioritize your growth both personally and professionally. It is the key to a more successful and satisfying life.

    Read to feed your mind

    One of the things all successful people have in common is the passion for reading books. Read not just for entertainment. Take up reading as a habit. Charles William Eliot once said, Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors and the most patient of teachers.

    Read materials that increase your knowledge of the world and of yourself. Read materials that can teach you a new set of skills and help you to become a better version of yourself. Read books that challenge you and motivate you to step it up.

    Invest in personal growth courses

    The brain works like a muscle. It gets much stronger when you use and exercise it. On the other hand, it becomes weaker if you do nothing with it. Engage in activities that challenge you. Try out something new. These things allow you to stretch your skillset to ways you have never reached before.

    Learn a new language. Attend workshops and conferences. Improve your education in every possible way you can. New activities challenge you to discover new things that will otherwise remain hidden and untapped.

    Explore your creativity

    Every individual has a gift of creativity. For some people, it is quite obvious but for others, it has to be unearthed. Tap into your creative side. It could hold the key to unlocking your highest potential.

    Creativity is not just about creating beautiful ideas. Creativity can help you approach problems in different ways and find solutions outside the box. Creativity forces us to use other parts of our brain that may be untapped but are equally crucial for our individual growth.

    In truth, creativity comes in many forms. It is not just exclusive for musicians, writers or painters. In essence, creativity is about exploring new things.

    Write something. Draw or paint anything. Take pictures of a beautiful landscape. Pick something you have never dared try before. Explore it fully and you may be surprised at the things it can help you discover.

    Find a mentor

    Is there a specific set of skills you want to develop? In addition to attending extra courses, you can also find a mentor. Consider anyone who succeeded in that area. Reach out to him. A mentor can teach you the tricks of the trade. More importantly, a mentor can serve as an inspiration and a source of great connections.

    Successful people do not stop being students. Rather, they continue to push themselves outside their comfort zone.

    These people are life-long learners. They make it a point to experience and learn new things. In the words of Albert Einstein, Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death.

    Have a balanced life

    Leading a successful career does not require you to spend all your time on the job. Plenty of people think they have to sacrifice everything else to create their careers. The truth is a balanced life is crucial in productivity. You do not necessarily need to choose between your personal and professional life. The key to happiness is to find a balance.

    Switch off

    Learn to disconnect from the rest of the world so that wherever you are, you are completely present. Put your phone away. Turn off your computer. Take a real break and not think about work. Allow your mind to take a rest from all that. Interact with your family and friends. Be there with them completely. It is going to be a real challenge to disconnect from the rest of the world, but it is totally worth it.


    You have to understand that you do not need a lot. Having more than you can handle will only cause you a great deal of stress. Avoid saying yes to everything or getting your hands on every little thing you can take. Learn to simplify and take only the essentials.

    Stick to what is valuable and focus your time and energy taking care of them. That is how you can manage a better quality life, one that is not ruled by quantity.

    Take care of your health

    Health is a treasure so treat it like one. Nothing is worth sacrificing your health and well-being for. Make it one of your top priorities in life.

    If you are healthy, you have more energy. That has a direct impact on your productivity. Make sure you get enough sleep, eat a healthy diet and make time for exercise.

    Allot some time for yourself

    Spend some time alone. Dwell in quietness so you can achieve clarity. Spend time in uninterrupted silence to gain a fresh perspective of things. You can use the time to meditate or work on

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